
Clinic News

Where to get vaccinated?

Vaccination is the artificial creation of immune defense against certain diseases. This is one of the best methods to protect yourself, your children and your family members from various infections. However, often we become confronted with the question: where to get vaccinated?

18 May 2015, 12:00

Where to make ultrasound in pregnancy?

Ultrasound is performed according to the doctor's prescription, usually at 12-14 weeks, as well as in the second and third trimesters.

31 May 2015, 18:00

Where to make ultrasound to a child?

Ultrasound is also prescribed for older children, as a method of monitoring the state of the body or controlling the treatment of diseases.
26 May 2015, 12:00

Where to make ultrasound?

Consider the features of ultrasound, the main indications and contraindications to its conduct, as well as the addresses of medical centers and clinics.
21 May 2015, 18:00

Myths and Facts about Cataracts

A few years ago, for many people over 60 years old, the diagnosis of cataract sounded like a sentence. Cataracts - an insidious disease and usually it develops slowly, so people do not immediately notice that he has formed such a nasty disease and does not hurry to consult a doctor.
01 April 2011, 14:47
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