Where to get vaccinated?
Last reviewed: 16.05.2024

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Vaccination is the artificial creation of immune defense against certain diseases. This is one of the best methods to protect yourself, your children and your family members from various infections. However, often we become confronted with the question: where to get vaccinated?
Where and to whom to address in occasion of a vaccination from this or that disease? After all, the need for vaccination is not always planned: often we turn to vaccination before traveling to other countries, during epidemics and mass diseases. Let's talk about what vaccines are, and where they can be done, in this article.
Where can I get vaccinated?
The vaccine can be done both in a medical institution and at home. To do this, you should contact the state polyclinic or private clinic where you will be provided with more complete and detailed information about the vaccination that interests you, as well as its cost.
Children's planned vaccinations are performed first in the maternity hospital (from 4 to 7 days of the child's life), and in the future - in a children's polyclinic or in a private children's clinic. And in the first and second cases, parents have every right to call a nurse to vaccinate at home.
Often before the vaccination, a doctor can prescribe a blood test to a patient, consult other medical specialists (for example, a neurologist), in some cases even a complex examination may be required. All this is done in order to avoid possible negative consequences after vaccination, as well as to know the level of the body's readiness to resist infection.
A preventive vaccination plan for children can be obtained from a health visitor, as well as from any pediatrician working in a public or private medical facility.
Where to get the vaccine from chickenpox?
Vaccination from chickenpox can be done already with a year-old age, including adults (no age limit). Where can I get a chickenpox vaccine? In the clinic at the place of residence or work, if in this institution there is a vaccine for chickenpox. You can also contact special vaccination centers or private clinics.
You can choose from two types of vaccines: Okavax or Varilrix, which are produced, respectively, in Japan (also in France) and in Belgium. Both sera are equally effective. The difference is only in the dosage and in the vaccination technique.
Vaccinations against chickenpox should be avoided:
- during pregnancy;
- during acute infectious or inflammatory diseases (or exacerbation of chronic);
- with leukocytopenia;
- when the organism is hypersensitive to vaccination.
The vaccination is carried out only a month after recovery from infections and inflammations in the body.
Children under 13 years of age have only one dose of whey from chickenpox. Adults and children after 13 years, as a rule, are administered two doses of the drug. Only in this case will sufficient and strong immunity, which, according to statistics, can last about 30 years.
After vaccination, the following can be observed:
- heat;
- rashes on the skin (as chickenpox);
- itching of the skin;
- feeling of weakness and weakness;
- enlargement of lymph nodes.
All these signs pass independently, however it is better to show the children at this time to the doctor, in order to avoid negative consequences.
Where is Okavax vaccinated?
Vaccination Okavax is very popular in many countries, as it is the first official vaccine for chickenpox. This vaccine is safe and relatively well tolerated by children.
Serum Okavaks used for the prevention of varicella from a year of age. You can also vaccinate patients who have not had chickenpox and who have not been vaccinated before but who have been in close contact with the affected chicken pox.
As a rule, one dose of the drug is administered once, in the form of a subcutaneous injection.
In urgent cases, it is possible to urgently introduce serum during the first three days after contact with the patient.
In pregnancy, vaccination Okavaks can not be done.
The vaccine is used with extreme caution:
- - with chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver;
- - with blood diseases;
- - with a tendency to allergies;
- - with a tendency to convulsions;
- - with immunodeficiency.
The Okavax vaccine should be available in the centers of immunology and vaccination, as well as in children's polyclinics and private children's centers.
Where is hepatitis vaccinated?
At present, vaccinations against hepatitis A and B are being used. There is no serum for the prevention of hepatitis C, since it is sufficient to simply avoid contact with a sick person.
Vaccination against hepatitis consists of the main immunogenic viral protein HBs Ag. The shelf life of the full course of vaccination is usually from 10 years to life-long immunity.
In most cases, modern hepatitis vaccines do not differ in side effects and negative complications. Occasionally, you can observe high fever, allergic manifestations, pain at the injection site.
Vaccination against hepatitis is included in the list of mandatory vaccinations for children:
- the first inoculation is done in the initial 12 hours of the baby's life;
- the second inoculation - when the baby turns a month;
- the third - in six months.
If for some reason the baby has not been vaccinated, then it has been carried out since the age of 13.
In adults, vaccinations are made to people at risk for hepatitis. It:
- health workers;
- future health workers (students);
- employees of medical laboratories;
- relatives of a hepatitis patient;
- patients who undergo hemodialysis;
- drug addicts;
- patients with other viral infections that affect the liver.
Vaccination from hepatitis is carried out in outpatient and hospital establishments of private or state subordination.
Where is the vaccination against rabies?
Vaccination against rabies is carried out by persons who have been bitten by suspicious animals, as well as those who due to professional or other activities often contact different representatives of wild and domestic animals.
Where is the vaccination against rabies? You can apply to special vaccination centers at paid medical institutions, or to the nearest polyclinic at your place of residence. By the way, vaccination against rabies does not include the notorious "40 jabs in the stomach." Vaccination is carried out with a concentrate of purified serum COCAV. Such a vaccine is administered in the form of five injections (in some cases, three).
The vaccine can be administered practically without restrictions, that is, during pregnancy, with infectious diseases and oncology.
Of the side effects can be distinguished except that the allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes and redness, which is usually eliminated by the use of antihistamines.
Where to get the vaccine from encephalitis?
For grafting from encephalitis, these serums can be used:
- vaccine encephalitic culture purified, dry concentrate inactivated (Russia);
- serum EnceVir (Russia);
- serum FSME Immun Inject / Junior (Austria);
- serum Encepur (for adults or for children, Germany).
A vaccine from encephalitis can be carried out from 12 months and throughout life, if necessary. As a rule, vaccination is mandatory for those who live in the area, which is considered a risk zone for the incidence of tick-borne encephalitis.
The vaccine is administered only to a clinically healthy person, without signs of inflammatory or infectious diseases.
Where to get the vaccine from encephalitis? Such vaccination is done only in medical institutions that have a license to carry out anti-encephalitic vaccination. Therefore, when applying to a medical institution, it is necessary to clarify the availability of such a license. Unlicensed improper storage of an antiancephalitic vaccine can lead to uselessness or even the risk of vaccination.
If you are going to leave for an unfavorable encephalitis territory, then the vaccine should be done approximately 1-2 months before the trip, since the vaccine is introduced in 2-3 stages. After a standard three-stage vaccination, the immunity is formed approximately for 3 years. Further, if necessary, it is necessary to re-inoculate.
Among the side effects of vaccination against encephalitis can be identified:
- local reaction (compaction, flushing, pain at the injection site);
- allergic reaction;
- elevated temperature;
- sleep and appetite disorder;
- enlargement of lymph nodes.
Where to get the vaccine against rubella?
The rubella vaccine can be administered by five types of vaccines:
- Indian whey;
- production of Croatia;
- production of France "Rudivax";
- complex preparations (measles, rubella and parotitis) Priority and MMRII.
Vaccination is carried out in children twice: at one-year-old age and at 7 years.
Typically, these vaccines do not cause adverse reactions. In rare cases, there is an increase in temperature indicators, an increase in lymph nodes, rashes (1-2 weeks after vaccination).
Girls are recommended to be vaccinated again at 12-13 years of age, since for them the immunity against rubella is especially important. Illness of rubella in the period of bearing a child can result in spontaneous interruption of pregnancy.
Vaccination from rubella is not carried out:
- with immunodeficiency syndrome, in the presence of malignant diseases;
- at hypersensitivity of an organism to aminoglycosides (such as kanamycin or monomycin).
In cases when the child was treated with immunoglobulins or blood plasma, the vaccination should be carried out not earlier than 2-3 months later.
A vaccine for rubella can be done in almost any out-patient institution, in a private or public clinic.
Where to get the Prioryx vaccine?
The Belgian Prioryx vaccine protects in the future against mumps, rubella and measles at the same time. The drug can be used from one-year-old age as a routine vaccination, or emergency - for three days after communicating with a sick person.
Inoculation Prioriks should not be used with allergies to neomycin and egg white, with immune deficiency, pregnancy and high body temperature.
Priority is effective in 98% of cases of disease probability. In this case, the degree of development of adverse events is not so great: occasionally there is redness in the injection zone, as well as soreness and puffiness. Significantly less can be detected swelling of the salivary glands, as well as the symptoms of infectious diseases: runny nose, cough, sputum, etc.
You can make a Prioryx vaccine at the nearest medical center, at an immunologist in a polyclinic, or you can invite a specialist from a private clinic to your home.
Where is BCG vaccinated?
BCG vaccination is the prevention of tuberculosis in children, including tuberculous meningitis, tuberculosis of bones and pulmonary tuberculosis.
The first inoculation is done in the hospital, on the 4th day of the baby's life. The second vaccination is carried out at the age of 7 or 14 years.
After the injection of serum, a slight compaction is formed, prone to suppuration. The healing process can last several months. After healing, a small scar remains.
In subsequent years, to test the immune defenses of the child, tuberculin tests (Mantoux) are performed, which indicate the degree of protection of the child from tuberculosis.
The BCG vaccine can be made in a children's polyclinic or in a private children's vaccination center. Vaccination is not recommended:
- at an acute form of infections, at a hemolytic illness, etc .;
- preterm weakened babies;
- with immunodeficiency states, oncology;
- when treated with corticosteroids and immunosuppressants;
- with tuberculosis;
- with a severe reaction to the first injection of BCG.
Where to get the DTP vaccine?
The DTP vaccine is a combined prophylaxis of diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Abroad, a similar vaccine is called Infanriks.
The vaccination is carried out according to the established schedule and includes 4 injections:
- I - 2-3 months of age;
- II and III with an interval of 30-50 days;
- IV - 1 year after the third injection.
Vaccination of DTP is most often difficult to take by a child's body. As a rule, side effects occur within three days after the introduction and represent the following symptoms:
- heat;
- pain, swelling and hyperemia in the injection zone;
- loss of appetite, apathy, dyspeptic phenomena;
- pathological crying of the baby (a kind of squealing, which can last 3 hours and longer);
- convulsions;
- allergy.
The DTP vaccine can be made in a pediatric clinic or in a private pediatric clinic with this vaccine. Vaccination is not recommended for children with diseases of the nervous system, with inflammatory and infectious diseases in the acute period, with convulsive syndrome and immunodeficiency states.
Where to get vaccinated with Pentaxim?
Vaccination Pentaxim is the administration of a combination drug that creates a complex immune defense against pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis and hemophilic infections of type B (meningitis, pneumonia, septicemia, etc.). Pentaxime is more easily tolerated by the human body than, for example, DTP, and has significantly fewer side effects.
Among the side effects on the drug, local reactions predominate mainly in the form of puffiness, redness, and pain in the injection zone.
Pentaxim is not vaccinated:
- with the likelihood of an allergic reaction;
- at elevated temperature, acute stage of inflammatory and infectious diseases.
The vaccine is given only to healthy children, which must be confirmed by blood and urine tests immediately before the date of administration of the vaccine. There must also be a positive evaluation of the state of the child's nervous system obtained from a neurologist.
It is possible to vaccinate Pentaxim in any immunological center, or in a polyclinic in the immunization room, in the presence of this vaccine (this point should be clarified in advance).
Where to get Infanrix vaccine?
Inoculation Infanriks is an imported analogue of the known DTP. That is, it is an inoculation to prevent the development of whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria.
Infanrix is usually used in primary childhood immunization: the vaccination schedule includes 4 injections of the drug (at 3 months, at 4.5 months, at half a year and at 1.5 years).
Infanrix is carried by children much easier than DTP, but some side effects may still appear:
- a condition of a fever;
- prolonged crying of the child;
- sleep disorders;
- changes in blood pressure;
- susceptibility to viral infection.
To avoid complications, it is not recommended to vaccinate at high body temperature, with coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia.
You can get vaccinated in private children's centers and clinics, in immunology departments of children's hospitals, or in a children's polyclinic (subject to the availability of a vaccine).
Where to get the diphtheria vaccine?
Vaccination from diphtheria can be carried out by several types of vaccines:
- combined DTP;
- Pentaxim;
- Infanriks.
Preventative vaccination in childhood provides for the introduction of DTP serum, of which we spoke above.
And where to get the vaccine from diphtheria to adults? Such vaccination can be done in the state polyclinic for adults, in the immunization room, as well as in many paid clinics that provide services for vaccinating the population.
A vaccine from diphtheria to an adult patient is done once with the use of ADS-M serum every 10 years.
In adulthood, the response to serum injection may be as follows:
- malaise, fever;
- Rash, swelling and pain in the injection zone.
As a rule, these side effects disappear on their own for several days.
If the vaccinated patient has chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, respiratory system, etc., vaccination is done under the supervision of a doctor.
Where to get a tetanus vaccination?
Vaccination against tetanus is included in the complex DTP vaccine, which is carried out in childhood and protects immediately from three diseases: pertussis, tetanus and diphtheria.
Adult patients, if they are vaccinated against tetanus, in most cases these are emergency vaccinations associated with any suspicious trauma that could lead to the disease. Tetanus vaccination in adulthood is the administration of tetanus toxoid or ADS-M vaccine, which consists of a combination of anatoxin against tetanus and diphtheria.
Where to get a tetanus vaccination? Most often, emergency vaccinations are sent to the emergency room or to the trauma department of clinics and hospitals. Scheduled childhood vaccinations can be done at a polyclinic or vaccination and immunization centers.
It should be noted that vaccination should not be carried out:
- during pregnancy;
- in the acute period of inflammatory and infectious diseases;
- with a tendency to allergy to the drug being administered.
Immediately after vaccination, in order to avoid complications, it is recommended to eat easily assimilated food without an abundance of fat and spices, and also to refrain from drinking alcohol.
Where to get a flu shot?
It is recommended to make a flu vaccine absolutely healthy people (not suffering from colds, infectious and inflammatory diseases) at the age of six months to 60 years. The best time for such vaccination is the autumn period between October and November, as the peak of the epidemics of influenza falls during winter-spring time.
Who is most important to get vaccinated against the flu?
- Women planning to become pregnant in the winter-spring period.
- Children aged from six months to 2 years.
- Adults with a weak immune system, with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, diabetes mellitus.
- To medical workers.
Vaccination against influenza is not recommended:
- during pregnancy;
- if there is an allergy to protein products;
- if there is an allergy to vaccination.
Where to get a flu shot? The vaccine can be done in a district or city clinic or in a paid clinic. Moreover, often during the season of flu epidemics vaccination centers are opened in schools and kindergartens, where you can take your child.
Vaccination against influenza is not specific and it is desirable to conduct it annually.
Where to get a vaccine against poliomyelitis?
Vaccination against poliomyelitis is considered mandatory when taking a baby to kindergarten. The vaccine is administered according to the following scheme: at 3 months, at 4, at 5, at 18 months, then at 2 years and at 6 years. It is possible to introduce two variants of vaccines:
- serum Salk (injectable);
- serum Sabin (oral).
If necessary, adults can also inoculate. This is done in cases where patients have not been vaccinated in childhood and have visited areas in which there is a risk of becoming infected with poliomyelitis.
A vaccine against poliomyelitis can be done in the children's polyclinic, in the immunization room at a polyclinic at the place of residence, in a paid immunological clinic.
Vaccination is not advised to do to people with immune disorders, with a tendency to allergies to neomycin and streptomycin.
Side effects from vaccination are minor or absent altogether.
Where to get a vaccination against typhus?
There are two variants of vaccines for typhoid fever:
- inactivated injection serum;
- attenuated oral serum.
The first type of vaccine is administered from 2 years of age, no later than 2 weeks before traveling to the risk zone for typhoid incidence. If such trips are of a permanent nature, or a person lives in a hazardous area, then such vaccinations should be carried out once every 2 years.
The second type of vaccine (oral) can be used from the age of six. The course of vaccination includes four injections with an interval of two days. Repeated vaccination is carried out every 5 years, if necessary.
The introduction of the vaccine may be accompanied by:
- fever;
- dyspeptic disorders;
- skin rashes;
- an allergic reaction.
The vaccination should not be carried out:
- children up to 2 years;
- persons with immunodeficiency states;
- persons with oncological pathologies;
- Persons who undergo treatment with chemotherapy, steroid hormones or are exposed to X-rays.
Where to get a vaccination against typhus? Such vaccination can be done in the immunization room at polyclinics, at private clinics, as well as in vaccination and immunology centers.
Where to get the vaccine for herpes?
Vaccination from herpes is carried out with the help of the Vitagerpawak vaccine - a herpetic culture inactivated dry vaccine. This vaccine allows you to prevent exacerbations of herpes of types 1 and 2.
To vaccinate against herpes is recommended:
- patients with chronic form of herpetic infection with exacerbations of the disease more than three times a year;
- elderly people with weakened immunity;
- patients with immunodeficiency I and II stages.
There are a number of contraindications to the vaccination:
- herpes in the active phase;
- acute period of infections and inflammatory diseases;
- oncology;
- pregnancy;
- tendency to allergy to gentamicin and other aminoglycosides;
- active phase of HIV infection.
A vaccination against herpes can be done in medical institutions (in a hospital, dispensary, polyclinic) exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. The standard vaccination schedule includes 5 administrations with an interval of 1 week between each.
In some cases, after the introduction of the vaccine, there may be weakness, an increase in temperature. Such symptoms pass without any special treatment.
Where is the vaccine from the papilloma?
The vaccine against papilloma is recommended in many cases to girls from 11-12 years of age. Vaccination is carried out in three stages: between the first and second vaccination should be 2 months, and between the second and third - 6 months. It is essential that the first vaccine be performed before the girl begins to live sexually.
If a woman has not been vaccinated, but already had sexual contacts, then before the introduction of the vaccine, she must undergo a test for the presence of the papilloma virus. If the virus is not found, then the vaccine can be done. The vaccine Gardasil can also be used if the virus has already settled in the body.
Two variants of vaccines against papilloma are known:
- serum Gardasil;
- serum Cervarix.
Vaccinations do not do with a tendency to allergies and in the period of acute infections and inflammations, as well as during pregnancy.
What side effects can cause a vaccine against the papilloma:
- feverish condition;
- complications from the CNS;
- infertility.
As a rule, you can get an inoculation against the papilloma in the polyclinic at the place of residence (if the vaccine is available) or in a special vaccination center, which are available in almost any major city.
Where to vaccinate an adult?
Adults are susceptible to various diseases no less than children. Therefore, adult patients are often asked about certain vaccinations. What vaccines are most often used to vaccinate adults:
- vaccination against influenza - before the season of influenza epidemics;
- Inoculation against hepatitis B - is carried out in three stages;
- Inoculation from hepatitis A - 2 injections are administered at intervals of six months;
- Inoculation against tetanus and diphtheria - usually done after trauma or other tissue damage;
- Inoculation against rubella - is performed before the planned pregnancy;
- vaccination against poliomyelitis - is done before travel to the regions that are dangerous for the incidence of poliomyelitis;
- Inoculation from meningococcus - is carried out before the trip to the countries of Central Africa and South America;
- inoculation from pneumococcus - with the immune weakness of the body.
Of course, many understand that it is much safer to get vaccinated against the disease than to have it. That is why the centers of immunology, stationary immunological units and immunization rooms in polyclinics in most cases have the most popular vaccines and serums from various diseases. Before registering for an appointment, specify the availability of the necessary vaccine, as well as the conditions for the vaccination, in the chosen medical institution. In some cases, before the vaccination is required, the delivery of laboratory tests and the consultation of specialized specialists.
Where to vaccinate children?
The first vaccinations for children are made in the maternity hospital - a vaccination against hepatitis B and against tuberculosis (BCG).
Further to receive vaccinations, you can contact the children's polyclinic, or agree with a nurse who will come to your house, and conduct a routine vaccination.
When the baby is older, vaccinations can be given in the kindergarten and at the school, in the office of the health worker.
If, for some reason, parents do not want to go to a public medical institution, then it is possible to conduct any vaccination (either planned or emergency) in private paid clinics: children's immunological centers, immunization clinics, children's health centers, etc.
Before you go with the baby for another vaccine, measure his temperature (the norm is 36.6, and for children up to a year - up to 37.2), and also visit a pediatrician who will finally give "good" for vaccination.
Some experts recommend giving the baby before the vaccination antiallergic drugs. However, it's up to you to decide whether to do this or not.
Where to vaccinate a dog?
Vaccination can be done by the dog independently, by purchasing a vaccine from a veterinary pharmacy or from dog breeders. However, if you need documentation confirming the vaccination of the dog, then in this case the vaccination should be carried out in veterinary clinics or in veterinary stations that have the necessary licenses for vaccination. Documents about vaccinations in the future can be useful for you when you visit exhibitions, or when traveling with a dog.
Before vaccination, remember the following rules:
- Do not vaccinate a dog that has worms (first you need to get rid of them);
- Bitch is grafted until knitting;
- most vaccinations for dogs should be repeated annually;
- Inoculations are carried out only by healthy animals. An exception is a plague disease: in this case an emergency vaccination is administered intravenously.
But it is prudent to vaccinate under the supervision of a veterinarian. In addition, many clinics do not rule out the possibility of sending their specialist to the house. The doctor will examine the animal, give the necessary recommendations, vaccinate and observe the dog after the injection.
Where to get vaccinated for a fee?
As a rule, free vaccinations can be done only in public medical institutions, and then only with the use of planned (mandatory) vaccines of domestic production. Paid vaccination with imported vaccine is carried out in the usual vaccination rooms of children's polyclinics, and in private children's polyclinics, where you will be offered a choice of several options for drugs.
Where to get vaccinated, for free or for free, it's up to you. Most often, the choice is due to circumstances. For example, a free vaccine in the state polyclinic should be waited, and the child must be registered in a kindergarten, so parents are forced to pay a paid vaccination.
Some moms and dads choose a paid vaccination purposefully. Indeed, in most cases, imported paid sera are transported by children more easily, have a minimum of adverse events and less often cause complications.
By the way, sometimes paid vaccines can be given free of charge: this applies to children who already have health problems in their infancy. In clinics there are special social assistance programs for such children, including free provision of imported vaccines.
As for emergency or unscheduled vaccinations for adults, they are usually paid, regardless of the place of their implementation.
Where to get vaccinated in Kiev?
In Kiev, as in any other city of Ukraine, vaccinations can be done in public medical institutions or in paid clinics and medical centers. Routine vaccinations are usually carried out at the nearest children's polyclinics at the place of residence. As for other clinics, you can refer, for example, to the following:
- clinic Medikom - st. Henri Barbusse 37/1 or the Heroes of Stalingrad 6D;
- clinic Hippocrates - boulevard I. Lepse 4;
- clinic Oberig - st. Zoological 3, Building B;
- clinic Healthy family - st. Round-the-Column 3/5;
- medical and diagnostic center of Ditin - Alisher Navoi Avenue 3.
In private clinics, routine or emergency vaccinations can be made. It is advisable to have a vaccination card and an outpatient card of the child.
Where to get vaccinated in Moscow?
In private clinics, you can vaccinate both directly at the Center and at home. The addresses of the most popular vaccination clinics in Moscow:
- children's medical center Mobile medicine - Michurinsky Avenue 25, building 2;
- Medical Center Prima Medica - SWAD, ul. Academician Chelomey, 10 B;
- Center for Vaccination Inpromed - Molodezhnaya, ul. Elninskaya 20, building 2;
- Center for Vaccine Prevention Diavaks - ul. Solzhenitsyn 27 and st. Khovanskaya 6;
- Institute of. Gabrichevskogo - st. Admiral Makarov 10.
Where to get vaccinated in St. Petersburg?
Vaccination prophylaxis for children and adults is carried out in the following medical centers in St. Petersburg:
- Center for Health Protection Blagoed - ave. Bogatyrsky 59, building 3, lit. A;
- European Center for Vaccine Prophylaxis - nab. Fontanka 132, lit. 3;
- inoculation room of the Institute of Influenza - Professor Popov 15;
- International Center for Medical Prevention - Parkhomenko Ave. 29;
- Center for Vaccine Prevention Almed - Kolomyazhsky Ave. 15/1.
It should be noted that the field of disease prevention in our country is developing rapidly. Therefore, the question: "Where to get vaccinated?" From this or that disease is not a problem now. There are many clinics and centers where vaccinations are given to both adults and children. The main thing is to do it in a timely manner.