Lemon type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Many people know that diabetes is caused by a deficiency (second type) or absence (first) of the pancreas producing the hormone insulin necessary for the absorption of glucose in organs and tissues. At the same time, water and carbohydrate metabolism are disrupted, and blood sugar levels increase. This disease is considered incurable, but adhering to certain rules, a person can live with him. One of them is proper nutrition. The patient has to study the effect of each product on glycemia, count the so-called bread units (XE). Is lemon possible for type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
Citrus fruits contain various types of flavonoids such as flavanonglycoside, flavone glycoside and polymethoxyflavone. It has been reported that flavonoids in lemon fruits (Citrus limon BURM. F) are flavanone glycosides such as eriocitrin (eryodiktil-7-O-β-rutinoside) and hesperidin (hesperetin-7-O-β-rutinoside), naringin (naringenin -7-rhamnosidoglucoside) and flannel glycosides such as diosmin (7-O-β-rutinoside diosmetin) and 6.8 C-diglucosyl diosmetin, [1] all of them have a number of positive health effects in the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, and they also have anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antiviral effects based on their antioxidant nt activity. [2], [3] In addition, previous studies have demonstrated the effect of flavonoids on metabolism of glucose and lipids in animals and humans. [4]
Hesperidin and naringin, as well as their aglycones, hesperetin and naringenin, reduce plasma and liver cholesterol and triacylglycerol by inhibiting hepatic enzymes involved in the synthesis of cholesterol and triacylglycerol, such as 3-hydroxy-3-methylgilutaryl-coenzyme A and A (GM) acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase (ASAT) in experimental animals. [5], [6] A recent study also demonstrated that hesperidin and naringin useful for improving hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia in animals with type 2 diabetes, partially regulating fatty acid metabolism and cholesterol and affecting the expression of genes regulating glucose enzymes and they significantly enhance the expression of hepatic and adipotsitarnogo PPARγ protein. In addition, naringenin enhanced the oxidation of fatty acids in the liver by enhancing the expression of enzyme genes involved in peroxisomal β-oxidation in mice. [7]
Several studies have identified lemon as an important health-promoting fruit rich in phenolic compounds, as well as vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, essential oils and carotenoids. [8]
With it, they increase immunity, are treated for colds, flu, and viral infections. In winter, in order to prevent diseases, it is added to tea and various drugs are prepared to help overcome vitamin deficiency, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and increase acidity. The fetus also helps with edema, urolithiasis, gout, and liver diseases. Recent studies have examined the effect of daily lemon intake on parameters associated with metabolic syndrome in healthy women, and have shown that lemon consumption had a significant negative correlation with systolic blood pressure. [9]
Such widespread use of lemon is due to its chemical composition. Lemon fruits are a good source of nutrition with a sufficient amount of vitamin C. In addition, fruits are rich in other macronutrients, including sugars, dietary fiber, potassium, folate, calcium, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, riboflavin and pantothenic acid. [10]
In relation to diabetics, you can use lemon, because its glycemic index is only 20, when those whose GI exceeds 55 are considered dangerous for diabetics. There are even special recipes with lemon for treating diabetes.
Along with the mass of positive properties of citrus, he also has contraindications. Lemon is able to harm with pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity. With inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat, it is able to worsen the condition, causing additional irritation. Sour lemon can destroy tooth enamel, and, like all citrus fruits, cause allergies.
Using other ingredients in the recipes, it is necessary to check their contraindications with their diagnoses in order to avoid possible complications.
Diabetes Lemon Recipes
There are many options for diabetes medications that use lemon in their recipes. Here is some of them.
- Frozen lemons from diabetes - the fruit is cut into circles and frozen. This is done for the zest, because a lot of useful substances are concentrated in it, and so it becomes softer, not dangerous for the pancreas.
You can also make lemon ice. For this, the washed fruits are wiped dry and placed for 12 hours in the freezer, and then rubbed on a grater. The resulting mass is laid out in molds and returned to the cold. Add to teas, salads, smoothies.
- Lemon, garlic and diabetes - garlic is rightly called a natural antibiotic, it has many useful minerals (especially phosphorus, selenium) and vitamins A, C, E, K, group B. It treats diseases of the cardiovascular system, viral and bacterial infections, increases the body's resistance to pathologies, reduces the resistance of blood vessels, slows down the breakdown of insulin in the blood, has a positive effect on metabolism.
All these qualities make it possible for diabetics to live with their diagnosis, in addition, garlic has a low glycemic index. By combining two powerful tools, they get an effective medicine. You can scroll through a meat grinder citrus, cloves of garlic, add a little honey, mix well, place in a glass dish, cover with a tight lid and send to the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon before meals.
- Lemon and honey for diabetes - honey - carbohydrate, it should also be limited, but the numerous useful properties of the apiproduct, and even in partnership with another "healer" lemon in certain portions, will bring a healing effect to the patient. In honey, there are enzymes that accelerate the body's metabolic reactions, a large number of organic acids, minerals (salts of calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, etc.), vitamins B2, B6, C, PP, H, E, K, folic acid. It strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on digestion, has a therapeutic effect on inflammatory processes.
You can prepare such a composition: squeeze the juice of 1 one lemon, chop the rose hips (30 g), add 2 tablespoons of honey. Take no more than 2 teaspoons per day, it is better after the main meal, it is not recommended at night.
- Tea with lemon, its juice in diabetes - a slice of lemon in tea without sugar will bring both pleasure and benefit. Pure lemon juice is too aggressive for the pancreas, it is also unacceptable with hyperacid gastritis. But it can be diluted with water, bringing the concentration to your taste. A glass in the morning on an empty stomach wakes up and invigorates the body.
- Eggs with lemon in diabetes - nutritionists say that eggs should be present on the diabetes menu. The daily norm consists of 1-1.5 chicken eggs or 5-7 quail eggs, the latter are more preferable, because they have 5 times more potassium, 4.5 times more iron, as well as protein, amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, A.
In combination with lemon, they are a medicine for lowering blood sugar and an obstacle to the development of diabetes-related diseases. For a single dose, you need 50 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 chicken or 5 quail eggs. After mixing the components, drink once a day in the morning 30-40 minutes before breakfast. The reception schedule is this: they drink 3 days, the same break, and so on for a month.
- Lemon and celery from diabetes - this plant contains a unique set of the most valuable substances for the body: vitamins, minerals, acids, proteins. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing properties. Slows down the aging process, activates mental and physical abilities, removes uric acid crystals, which alleviates the condition with gout, rheumatism, arthritis.
Celery is recommended for patients with diabetes, because, among other advantages, it normalizes water-salt metabolism. Both the root of the plant and its terrestrial part are useful. You can get a therapeutic substance in this way: a medium-sized root and 6 lemons are grated and cooked over low heat for 1.5 hours. Every morning, a tablespoon of this remedy is drunk before meals.
- Parsley, lemon, garlic for diabetes - parsley is famous for its rich content of vitamin C - a natural antioxidant, it has a lot of keratin, vitamins B1, B2, folic acid, various minerals. But the most valuable thing for a diabetic is the presence of inulin, which regulates blood glucose metabolism.
Strengthening the plant with such useful components as garlic and lemon, you can get a reliable assistant in the fight against sugar. And you can cook it like this: 300g of parsley, 5 lemons, twist the head of garlic in a meat grinder, put in a glass dish, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take 10 g daily in the morning half an hour before breakfast.
- Onion peel with lemon juice against diabetes - the benefits of onion are not in dispute, its disappearance from our diet (in the absence of other products containing vitamin C) would lead to mass scurvy, but it turns out to be no less healing and its husk.
It contains substances that can increase immunity, have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer effects. Decoctions of it are an effective bile and diuretic, laxative, antispasmodic.
One of the most important components for diabetics for health is biflavonoid - quercetin. It protects cell membranes, inhibits their aging process, reduces the permeability of blood vessel walls, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, improves blood circulation.
Get a healing broth by pouring a pinch of husk with a glass of boiling water. After insisting 10-15 minutes and adding a small amount of squeezed lemon juice, you can drink it. This is best done at bedtime.
According to many diabetics, following the prescriptions of doctors, they also support themselves with alternative methods, including lemon treatment. The control of glycemic indicators convinces them of the effectiveness of recipes with this fruit.