Pharyngitis inhalation: nebulizer, oil, steam
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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With the onset of cold weather, many people activate diseases of the respiratory system - there is a surge in acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, and chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis worsen. Often develops and pharyngeal inflammation, which is called the medical term "pharyngitis." Such a disease should be treated as early as possible, since it is quickly and easily complicated and spreads to the nasal cavity, sinuses, etc. In order for the treatment to be complete and quickly lead to relief, you need to connect additional therapeutic effects - for example, inhalation during pharyngitis.
The expediency of inhalation with pharyngitis, many question, and it is in vain. Despite the lack of scientifically proven efficacy, in practice such procedures have a beneficial effect on the respiratory organs, quickly improve the well-being of the patient and speed up recovery. And there is plenty of evidence. Inhalation is recommended for use in adult and in pediatric practice. For pharyngitis - including. The main thing is the correct execution of the procedure.
Pharyngitis treatment
Standardly, pharyngitis requires conventional outpatient treatment, but the effect on the disease should be as complete as possible. The main rules of this therapy include the following:
- The exclusion from the menu of products that can irritate the pharyngeal mucosa (too hot dishes, sour, salty, spicy, coarse foods);
- refusal to drink, from smoking;
- daily use of a sufficient amount of warm liquid (water, herbal infusions, decoction of the berries of wild rose);
- regular gargling with warm antiseptic liquids (soda solution, furatsilin, etc.);
- injection of medical solutions into the region of the pharynx (Ingalipt, Chlorophyllipt, Tantum Verde, etc.);
- inhalation soda, oil solutions;
- symptomatic therapy (preparations for normalization of temperature, antihistamines, multivitamins, medications based on interferons and lysozyme);
- if the bacterial nature of pharyngitis is proven, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics (for example, in case of streptococcal lesion, it is appropriate to prescribe penicillin preparations, or representatives of a number of cephalosporins or macrolides).
Is it possible to make inhalation with pharyngitis?
Inhalation is considered to be the most affordable and safe method that allows a medicinal solution to get directly into the inflammatory area. At home, the patient is fully capable of self-inhalation with steam — for example, inhaling evaporation from a hot herbal infusion or from warmed up essential oils. You can carry out the procedure somewhat more difficult, using a special modern device, which is called a “nebulizer”. This device works on the principle of spraying liquids to the aerosol state necessary for inhalation.
Inhalation during pharyngitis is not done if the patient has elevated temperature parameters (more than 38 ° C).
Indications for the procedure
Pharyngitis inhalations are prescribed as a supplement to a generalized therapeutic course to alleviate the symptoms of the disease: to get rid of tickling, pain, to eliminate irritation in the throat, to normalize voice function.
Inhalation is believed to have a particularly pronounced effect in the treatment of viral pharyngitis. Also, the procedures are indicated if the pharynx is damaged by physical or chemical irritants, an allergic process. Inhalations will be less effective, or completely unsuccessful, if they are affected by specific microorganisms and a fungal infection.
- In chronic pharyngitis inhalation can be used in the catarrhal form of the disease, which occurs with severe dryness of the mucous tissues of the mouth and throat. The patient voiced complaints of tickling and burning in the throat, the sensation of a foreign object inside the throat. In this situation, inhalation will help soften and moisturize the mucous membrane, making the patient feel better.
- With chronic atrophic pharyngitis - the most difficult form of the disease - inhalations help improve coughing, moisten the throat. Atrophic pharyngitis is characterized by the formation of dense crusts of dried mucus, which traumatize the tissue and cause a constant cough. Thanks to inhalations, it is possible to soften them and remove them from the respiratory tract during coughing.
- In case of acute pharyngitis, inhalation may be used if the disease is provoked by viruses (parainfluenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, enterovirus, influenza virus, herpevirus, coronavirus, cytomegalovirus, etc.), or bacteria (staphylococcus, pneumococcus). When the fungal nature of the disease inhalation is not prescribed.
Inhalation is especially prevalent when coughing and pharyngitis - especially if the cough is dry, painful, increases pain in the throat. Such a cough "scratches", "tickles", exhausts the patient. However, the nature of the procedure, the medicine used and its dosage should be clarified directly with the attending physician. Self-medication will not lead to recovery, but can only worsen the condition.
Before you begin inhalation with pharyngitis, you must first prepare everything you need, so as not to look at the last moment. If inhalation will be carried out using an inhaler, it is important to carefully read the instructions in advance.
- Nebulizer must be assembled as indicated in the annotation. Depending on the model, it is included in the network of electrical power, or inserted batteries. It is imperative to make sure that the capacity for the medicinal liquid is tight, and the tank is clean and dry.
- You also need to prepare the medicinal solution: check the shelf life, if necessary, heat or cool, add saline.
- Before inhalation, the patient should measure body temperature indicators, because one of the contraindications to therapy is that these indicators exceed 38 ° C. Inhalation is performed not on an empty, and not on a full stomach - that is, approximately 1-1.5 hours after eating a meal. Clothes in which the patient will take the procedure should be loose, not tight and not squeezing. Smoking during the treatment period is also not welcome. If you tolerate completely unbearable, then you need to give up the cigarette at least an hour before the session, and also not to smoke for 1-1.5 hours after inhalation.
- If you are preparing for a steam home procedure, then you need to prepare a container with hot water, medicine for inhalation (infusion, essential oil), thick cloth (blanket, towel, rug, etc.), as well as a napkin or towel for later wiping your face.
Technique of the pharyngitis inhalation
The simplest and most accessible way to "send" the drug solution to the mucous tissues of the irritated pharynx is to conduct inhalation. In domestic conditions, you can perform a steam procedure, which consists in inhalation of steam generated from hot herbal infusion, from solution with the addition of essential oil, etc. If there is a special device - a nebulizer - then it is much more convenient to use it. The device is capable of spraying liquid, breaking it into the smallest particles.
Nebulizers in today's time can be purchased at any pharmacy. They are relatively inexpensive, and in return you will receive an effective, convenient and durable device that will be useful for any ENT disease.
The main drugs that are poured into the device should be diluted with saline beforehand.
Inhalation of pharyngitis, it is desirable to begin to carry out already at the first suspicions of the disease. In this case, there is always a greater chance that the medicine will act more efficiently and speed up recovery.
To make the procedure as useful as possible and not to cause deterioration, it should be planned between meals (not on a full stomach). During the session, the respiratory movements should be non-intensive and shallow: during pharyngitis, the therapeutic substance should be inhaled through the mouth.
If the patient performs the treatment at home, then most often this is a steam procedure: it is performed by inhaling steam above a saucepan or kettle, covered with a thick cloth on top. In hot water, which is poured into a saucepan, pre-add the necessary medicinal substance or infusion.
If a nebulizer is used, the patient should follow these rules:
- before inhalation should not take medication with expectorant effect;
- during the session, the camera device must be brought to the vertical position;
- inhalation of pharyngitis is performed while sitting;
- if the patient has a tendency to dizziness, then you can take short breaks during the procedure (for example, for 30 seconds);
- the average duration of the session is usually 8-10 minutes, but should not exceed fifteen minutes;
- if a mask is used for inhalation administration of a drug, then it must be ensured that it fits well on the skin of the face (there should be no gaps);
- Do not allow steam to enter the organs of vision;
- the nebulizer chamber is filled immediately before the treatment session, up to about 2-5 ml; be sure to check the expiration date of the used drug;
- only a physiological solution is used to dilute the drug (neither melted, nor purified, nor distilled water is suitable);
- after each breath, if possible, it is desirable to hold your breath for a couple of seconds.
What pharyngitis inhalations are recommended?
- Inhalation treatment using table alkaline water without gas, or with saline - such procedures are especially relevant for dry irritated pharynx, soreness and pain, as well as the first signs of dry cough. In addition, this treatment is recommended to alleviate the patient's condition with allergic or traumatic pharyngitis.
- Inhalations with furatsilinom solution differ quite strong antimicrobial and antifungal capabilities. The finished liquid with furatsilinom, which is sold in pharmacies in the form of ampoules, is poured into a nebulizer, previously diluted with saline in the ratio of 50:50.
- Inhalations with herbal preparations can be carried out if your nebulizer is provided for the use of alcohol solutions. The optimal dilution of tinctures (eucalyptus, propolis, etc.) for use in a nebulizer is 1: 4. The possibility of performing procedures with alcoholic tinctures for the treatment of pharyngitis in children is discussed individually with the attending physician.
- Inhalations with antibacterial agents - for example, with Fluimucil-antibiotic IT, or with Gentamicin - are indicated mainly for patients with exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis, in the presence of a sluggish microbial infection. Dilution of antibiotics is performed in accordance with the instructions for the selected drug.
- Inhalations with antitussive and bronchodilating agents are appropriate only when joining complications to pharyngitis. For example, such powerful drugs as Berodual or Atrovent are prescribed for the development of tracheitis, bronchospasms. If necessary, moisturizing the mucous membranes and accelerating the transformation of dry cough into a productive one, often administering medication with expectorant action. You can use medicines based on the active component of ambroxol.
- Inhalations with antiallergic substances are carried out with the allergic nature of pharyngitis. Medications such as Cromohexal diluted with saline speed up the healing process.
- Inhalations with drugs that increase local immune defenses are designed to speed recovery. Most often used drugs such as Tonsilgon, Rotokan, Derinat, diluted with saline 50:50.
Nebulizer inhalation with pharyngitis
Nebulizer inhalation with pharyngitis is indicated in such cases:
- in the acute course of the disease, which is accompanied by sore throat, dryness, sore throat, lymph node enlargement;
- with chronic course, which is characterized by a feeling of "lump in the throat", dry and persistent cough, a constant desire to "cough up".
If you plan to do the procedure for pharyngitis using a nebulizer, you can use such compositions for inhalation in a nebulizer:
- an isotonic solution of sodium chloride (he is also a well-known saline solution), non-carbonated table and medicinal waters with an alkaline composition (at the initial stage of the disease);
- antiseptic fluids (based on Dioxidine, Miramistin, Furacilin, Fluimucil);
- herbal tinctures based on eucalyptus leaves, calendula flowers, as well as herbal pharmaceuticals (tincture of propolis, Malavit, Tonsilgon, Rotokan, etc.).
Often practiced by inhalation administration with Fluimucil injectable solution: it is prescribed in the amount of 300 mg up to twice a day, in a course of 5-10 days. The indicated dosage can be adjusted by a doctor if necessary.
When conducting procedures with steam, you can pay attention to such means:
- decoctions of herbs (for example, with sage, chamomile color, hunter, eucalyptus leaves);
- essential oils (oils of juniper, cedar, pine, tea tree are excellent).
These funds confidently complement the traditional treatment of pharyngitis, and their use is allowed without fear. Naturally, at the very beginning, the patient should be allergic to any of the components of the inhalation solution.
Fluimucil-antibiotic IT for inhalation
Fluimucil-antibiotic IT is a unique drug of its kind, which contains both the mucolytic substance N-acetylcysteine and the antibacterial component thiamphenicol. Thus, treatment with medication will allow to solve two problems at once: to block the development and vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as to accelerate the removal of mucus from the pharynx and nasal sinuses.
Rhinosinusitis is considered the main indication for inhalation with Fluimucil-antibiotic IT: inhalation administration of the drug reduces the need for taking systemic antibacterial agents. The antibiotic goes directly into the inflammatory focus.
The use of this drug is also appropriate for chronic pharyngitis. However, the procedure will work only with the help of a compressor nebulizer. Ultrasound-based devices are not used for the inhalation administration of Fluimucil-antibiotic IT. Such devices destroy the active ingredients of the drug, so the treatment will be ineffective and in vain.
The standard dosages of inhalation use of the drug for pharyngitis are:
- 250 ml in the morning and evening;
- either 500 mg once daily.
At a dose of 125 mg in a nebulizer, 1 ml of saline should be added.
The standard duration of therapy is up to 10 days.
The duration of one inhalation session is from five to seven minutes.
Solutions for inhalation
Pharyngitis inhalation may include the use of ready-made drugs from pharmacies. For example, among patients with diseases of the throat and pharynx, procedures using furacilin solution are common. In the pharmacy network, you can purchase tablets for the preparation of therapeutic fluids, and already prepared sterile solution. To get the solution from the tablets, you need to dissolve 12 pieces in 00 ml of hot water (furatsilin is practically insoluble in cold water).
Well removes the inflammatory response means Rotocan. It is made on the basis of extracts from the nails, chamomile, yarrow. In addition to pharyngitis, Rotokan is actively used for the treatment of bronchi, or other acute inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. For treatment, the drug is diluted in a ratio of 1:40. The procedures are repeated in the morning, in the afternoon and at night, and for each session up to 4 ml of solution is used.
With pharyngitis, inhalation administration is indicated with Tonsilgon-H. Do not be afraid that this medication is for oral administration: many people use it for refilling nebulizer. The optimal dilution ratio is 1:40.
If complications such as tracheitis and / or laryngitis are associated with pharyngitis, inhalation with Berodual is recommended. Such a drug contributes to the expansion of the respiratory tract and facilitates breathing.
Hormonal agents - for example, those that contain Dexamethasone, are used by inhalation only in extreme cases, with a severe swelling of the respiratory tract, and only under the supervision of a physician.
Karmolis for inhalation
Karmolis drops is a herbal remedy that is recommended for use in many diseases - and not only of the respiratory system, but also of the digestive tract, nervous system, joints, etc.
For pharyngitis for inhalation injections, about 30 drops of the substance are used, adding them to one liter of the cooled boiling water: the solution is poured into a container, covered with a thick cloth and inhale the resulting vapor.
Before the first use, it is recommended to carefully study the composition of the drops, since in some patients they may cause an allergic reaction.
Immediately after the procedure with Karmolis, it is advisable to lie down for a while and relax. The drug contains a small proportion of alcohol, as well as ingredients that affect the ability to concentrate, as well as the speed of psychomotor reactions: this must be taken into account during the entire period of therapy.
Oil inhalation
Essential oils are best used when performing steam inhalation. In the treatment of pharyngitis there is no need to penetrate the smallest oil particles deep into the pulmonary system. In addition, oil inhalation with the use of a nebulizer pose a great danger in terms of the development of an allergic process.
Experts allow oil inhalation only using a steam inhaler (for example, WN-118), or devices capable of changing the diameter of microparticles (for example, Microlife Neb-10).
The duration of oil inhalation with pharyngitis should not exceed a quarter of an hour. Breathing during the procedure should not be deep.
Inhalation itself is performed as follows:
- boiling water is cooled to a temperature of 55-60 ° C, add the selected essential oil;
- the patient leans over a bowl of water, covers the top with a thick cloth and breathes steam.
For inhalation of pharyngitis, doctors advise the use of such oils:
- fir oil;
- olive oil;
- tea tree oil.
Standard dosage is three drops per liter of water.
Steam inhalation for pharyngitis
The heated therapeutic solution (for example, an infusion of a medicinal plant) is poured into a metal container or a kettle. The patient is covered from above with a blanket or towel and breathes over the steam for 10 minutes.
Most often, 4–6 sessions are sufficient to alleviate the symptoms of pharyngitis.
If you intend to perform inhalation with herbal infusions, they are usually prepared as follows:
- the selected vegetable raw materials in the amount of one tablespoon pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist under the lid for a quarter of an hour;
- To improve the effect in the infusion add 1 tsp. Baking soda.
This procedure will quickly help soften and soothe the irritated and inflamed throat tissues, restore the voice and relieve the unpleasant sensations. But, in order not to worsen the situation, inhalation should not be done if the person has a high temperature (exceeds 38 ° C) or there are neoplasms in the nasal cavity (including polyps).
Saline inhalation with pharyngitis
Saline known to many is nothing but an isotonic solution of sodium chloride with a concentration of 0.9%. It is just such a simple remedy that can moisten the pharyngeal mucous membrane, eliminate discomfort and soreness better than many expensive preparations. Inhalation with saline is performed using special devices with ultrasonic or compression action. For one session, it is enough to apply only three milliliters of saline, and inhalation should be repeated in the morning and evening (you can add a third procedure - the day).
An isotonic solution of sodium chloride is easily perceived by a diseased organism and is indicated to practically everyone, both children and the elderly.
Berodual for pharyngitis inhalation
Berodual is an active bronchodilator, which is often prescribed by doctors for obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis, bronchospasm and emphysema. Not for any problem with the respiratory tract is allowed to use this medication, as it has a number of negative side effects. You should never be treated with Berodual alone: the risk of harming your own health is too great.
The composition of the medication include:
- β2-adrenomimetic phenoterol;
- m-holinoblokator bromide ipratropium.
Inhalations of pharyngitis with the use of Berodual are indicated only in cases when it is necessary to quickly remove bronchial spasm, to stop hypersecretion in the bronchi - that is, it is used only in emergency cases with difficulty breathing and severe coughing. The usual course of pharyngitis does not require the use of the drug.
Soda inhalations for pharyngitis
Soda inhalations are more in demand in the treatment of bronchitis, since soda quickly contributes to the dilution of sputum and accelerates its elimination from the respiratory tract. However, practice shows that inhalation of vapors of soda solution has a softening effect in pharyngitis. After such inhalations, the sensation of tickling in the throat disappears, the pain is alleviated, the voice function is restored.
To prepare the inhalation solution, dilute 1 teaspoonful of baking soda in one liter of hot water. Next, the patient leans over the container with a solution, from above is covered with a thick cloth and inhales steam for ten minutes. Inhalation with soda is appropriate when dry or wet cough. Experts say that you can repeat this procedure up to four times during the day.
Pharyngitis inhalation in children
Inhalation procedures in pediatric patients are allowed to be carried out practically from infancy, but for this it is necessary to use a nebulizer, since it is safer for the child. Steam home inhalation should not be performed for the treatment of pharyngitis in children under 3 years of age.
In addition, you can not independently choose solutions and medicines for the treatment of children. This should be done by the doctor: pick up the medication, determine the dosage and frequency of procedures.
As a rule, pediatricians often prescribe such means for inhalation during pharyngitis:
- bronchodilators (for example, Berodual);
- mucolytic drugs (Lasolvan, ambroxol-based drugs, ACC);
- moisturizers (saline, alkaline mineral water);
- antiseptic solutions.
It is very important when carrying out inhalations for pharyngitis to adhere to the sequence of administration of medicines:
- at the initial stage, the disease is inhaled by bronchodilators, and after a quarter of an hour - mucolytic agents;
- after improving the discharge of sputum inhalation with antiseptics;
- moisturizing treatments are appropriate at any stage of the course of pharyngitis.
Contraindications to the procedure
Pharyngitis inhalations are contraindicated if the patient has a fever above 38 ° C.
But this is not all contraindications, there are others:
- sputum with pus;
- tendency to nasal bleeding;
- episodes of hemoptysis;
- hypersensitivity to the active substance to be used for inhalation;
- heart rhythm disorders;
- decompensated conditions of the heart and circulatory system, hypertension, recently suffered a heart attack, stroke;
- atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels, circulatory disorders in the brain;
- severe complications of the respiratory system (third degree of respiratory failure, cavernous damage to the lungs, emphysema, pneumothorax).
In any of these states, inhalation should not be carried out, even if there are all indications for the procedure.
Consequences after the procedure
Today, in any pharmacy, you can buy an inhaler of any type - including a portable and stationary device. However, the availability of such devices does not mean that they can be used for any reason or even without it. Inhalations are useful and shown not to all and not always, and not at any course of pharyngitis or laryngitis.
For example, if a person has a fungal infection, then inhalations are contraindicated for him, as they can have unpleasant consequences: the fungal pathogen under the influence of the fine components of the drug will spread from the mucous membranes of the pharyngeal tissues to the larynx and bronchi. To avoid this, should not perform inhalation of pharyngitis without the appointment of a doctor.
Complications after the procedure
Complications after inhalation with pharyngitis can appear in such cases:
- if there were contraindications to the procedures, and they were ignored;
- if inhalations were carried out without the consent of the doctor, without clear indications;
- if the dosage of the drug, or the drug itself was chosen incorrectly;
- if the patient ignored the rules of preparation and post-procedure care.
If there is a possibility of using other types of local treatment - for example, irrigation of the pharynx, lubrication with solutions, rinsing, resorption of medicines in the oral cavity, then with mild pharyngitis there is no need for inhalation. In other cases, the procedure is carried out without allowing deep inhalation of the inhaled medication: it is enough that the agent gets into the upper respiratory tract. That is why with pharyngitis more recommended steam inhalation.
Care after the procedure
After each inhalation, you must follow certain rules, which we will tell you.
- If pharyngitis inhalation was performed using antibacterial or corticosteroid agents, then after the session it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity with clean water.
- Nebulizer after each session should be washed, cleaned and dried. A special approach to the care of a nebulizer is required when the device is used by several people at once.
- We should not forget about cleaning the instrument pneumofilter. Different nebulizers have different requirements for their operation, cleaning and storage. All this needs to be clarified and taken into account in advance.
- The device should be protected from moisture inside the compressor, to avoid overheating of the device.
Immediately after the inhalation, as well as for 1-1.5 hours after it you can not eat, talk loudly and shout, run, smoke, go out. Optimally lie down in a calm atmosphere and warm for about 30-60 minutes.
Reviews of inhalation with pharyngitis
For pharyngitis, in most cases, there are two types of inhalation. These are steam rooms, which are held at home with the use of a container with hot liquid and a thick cloth for covering, or specific with the use of a nebulizer or inhaler. Inhalers are used primarily in the initial stages of cough, but many doctors advise to resort to their help only with the defeat of the lower respiratory tract: in general, we are talking about quite serious diseases, in which it is very important to deliver the drug directly to the pathological focus.
In acute respiratory diseases, when the upper respiratory tract is affected, the use of steam inhalations is more appropriate: the same can be said about pharyngitis. Why steam inhalation for pharyngitis is considered preferable?
The nebulizer promotes penetration of the drug deep into the respiratory system - into the bronchi and lungs. For pharyngitis, there is no need for this: rather, on the contrary, such penetration is undesirable in order not to carry the infection from the pharynx even deeper. Therefore, in most cases, if there are no complications, doctors advise using steam home inhalations for the treatment of pharyngitis.
Analogs: how to replace inhalation with pharyngitis
If inhalation is not possible, then often with uncomplicated pharyngitis, you can do without such procedures. The following tools can be used as analogues:
- essential oils (they are used in aroma lamps, or they simply inhale the aroma);
- lollipops, sublingual tablets, lozenges for sucking;
- sprays and sprays for the throat;
- rinsing.
These drugs are used topically, therefore, as well as during inhalation, the active components of the drugs are not absorbed into the circulatory system and do not cause serious side effects.
What do doctors say about the use of analogues inhalation:
- Before proceeding to the treatment of pharyngitis with lozenges and sprays, an assessment should be made of the severity of the disease. If pharyngitis is accompanied by severe pain in the throat and fever, these drugs are prescribed only as a supplement to systemic therapy, which includes oral medication.
- Most absorbable pills or lozenges contain in their composition coloring, flavoring components that can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, patients who are prone to allergies should be attentive to this kind of treatment.
What similar means for pharyngitis is used most often?
- Rotokan is a dental remedy that is often prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and gums. Few know, but you can use Rotokan for pharyngitis: the drug is great for gargling. The rinse solution is prepared as follows: dilute 1 tsp. Concentrated rotokan in 200 ml of warm water. Rinse the throat carefully, trying to keep the solution in the throat longer. You can repeat the rinse up to 4 times a day, for two or three days in a row.
- Fluimucil for inhalation in some cases can be replaced by the same effervescent tablets: they are taken by dissolving one tablet in a third cup of warm water. Reception is carried out once a day, for 5-10 days.
- Kameton in the form of an aerosol for pharyngitis has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and small analgesic effect. It is applied topically, 2-3 injection into the throat, up to 4 times a day. The duration of therapy is usually 3-10 days.
- Faringosept in the form of lozenges helps to eliminate tingling and discomfort during swallowing. Standardly, the drug is absorbed in the mouth, one tablet up to five times a day, not earlier than 15-20 minutes after a meal. After eating the pill can not eat and drink for two hours. Treatment may last 4-7 days.
As you can see, inhalation of pharyngitis can be successfully replaced by other drugs. But, if the doctor insists on carrying out inhalation procedures, it is not recommended to look for analogues: it is important to follow all the instructions of the attending doctor.