

Cinnamon in diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Cinnamon is known to us as a spice. Its specific pleasant aroma complements the taste of confectionery, desserts, liqueurs, and coffee. She is "friends" with apples, which is why she is especially in demand by housewives for making charlottes, strudel, pies, and sometimes even canning. Get it from the bark of a tree and it has been used since ancient times. The taste and smell of the spice is due to the presence of an essential oil that has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Extracts and oil of the plant bark is used in medicine as part of cold remedies, in warming and irritating ointments, aromatherapy, as well as in perfume in perfumes. There is information that it helps in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. True, researchers of the pharmacological effect of cinnamon clarify that they used the Indonesian, its other name is Cassia, which is a plant related cinnamon Ceylon - a real spice.

Is it possible to cinnamon in diabetes?

Experts say cinnamon in diabetes is not only possible but necessary to eat. Its biologically active substances: proanthocyanidin, cinnammaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate reduce the body's sensitivity to insulin, and hence the level of sugar in the blood. Disruption of carbohydrate metabolism leads to the fact that undigested glucose provokes the formation of toxic substances that are dangerous due to their destructive effect on the walls of blood vessels. The use of natural drugs to reduce it is very important for a diabetic, because they are safer than chemical ones. In 2003, two American nutrition experts in the journal, his name translated from English as “Diabetes Treatment”, published the results of their experiments with cinnamon, in which 60 patients with type 2 diabetes participated for 40 days. People were divided into 3 groups, each of them was given a different amount of spices daily: 1, 3 and 6 grams. The results were pleasantly surprised: for all participants, the glucose index decreased by 18-30%. Another useful property of cinnamon is to reduce cholesterol in the blood, which reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis, the stimulation of the brain, dilation of blood vessels and improved blood circulation.


The above curative properties of cinnamon convince that it should be used, but not to replace the hypoglycemic agents prescribed by the doctor. How to do it and in what quantity? There are no clear recommendations on this score, but you can rely on well-known studies and take 1-6g (we’ll specify that 1g is equal to one sixth of a teaspoon, 3g is half, 6g is full). It is best to add cinnamon in diabetes to dishes, but you can brew as tea by placing the powder in a cup or teapot and pouring boiling water on it. After infusion for 10-15 minutes, you can drink, the taste of adding lemon slices will improve.

Cinnamon Recipes for Diabetes

Each housewife has their own recipes for cinnamon, but the most affordable, in which flour products harmful to diabetics are not involved, are as follows:

  • cinnamon with kefir for diabetes - a good end of the day is a glass of kefir for the night. Sprinkle it with half a small spoonful of spice, stir, leave for half an hour, then drink;
  • honey with cinnamon - the spice is poured with warm water infused, a tablespoon of honey is added in an hour, the drink is cooled in the refrigerator. Half of it is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, the second - in the evening;
  • turmeric with cinnamon - turmeric is obtained from the rhizomes of the plant of the same name, it is widely used in cooking, and is also known for its healing properties. It is believed that it cleanses the body, is a natural antibiotic, strengthens the immune system, prevents Alzheimer's disease. Use it for the treatment of diabetes. One of the recipes looks like this: brew strong black tea, pour turmeric in there (one and a half spoons per 0.5 l), a pinch of cinnamon, cool. Strain and mix with 500ml kefir. Drink twice a day;
  • Ginger and cinnamon - for ginger, the glory of an alternative healer has long been established in strengthening immunity, healing wounds, reducing cholesterol, normalizing metabolism, and controlling sugar. Together with cinnamon, they have a positive effect on the dynamics of diabetes. Regular use of them will give tangible results in glycemic control, weight loss, because obesity often accompanies disease. More effective fresh roots of the plant. They are cleaned, cut into thin slices, placed in dishes and poured with boiling water. After an hour of infusion add cinnamon, stir. It is good to take such a drink in the morning and in the evening;
  • ground cinnamon for diabetes - both cinnamon sticks and ground cinnamon are available. In recipes, you can use one and the other, because the latter is obtained by grinding the dried, rolled up into the tubes of the plant bark. With the weight is easier to determine using ground. Regular apples, sliced, sprinkled with powdered spices and baked in the oven or microwave, will bring double benefit and a lot of gastronomic pleasure.



Although cinnamon is a relatively safe product, it can still cause an allergic reaction in some people. Cinnamon can harm the liver with a significant excess of the recommended doses, provoke the appearance of ulcers in the oral cavity. At the slightest manifestations of side effects should stop taking spices.



Many people with diabetes are trying to find a way to combat diabetes by trying various alternative medicine prescriptions. Especially patients with 2nd insulin-independent type do not lose hope. According to reviews, regular use of brown powder actually gives a decrease in glucose level. Endocrinologists agree with this. They have repeatedly encountered in their practice with such a positive effect of cinnamon, along with proper nutrition.

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