Ambroxol for inhalations
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Inhalation is an effective method of combating diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Only together with the steam or as an aerosol, the remedy falls directly on the mucosa, facilitating a quick recovery, and does not go a long way through the stomach. Various medicinal herbs, soda, mineral water, as well as pharmaceutical preparations are used as a material. These include ambroxol, manufactured in the form of an inhalation solution and possessing a mucolytic property that accelerates the process of secretion and spitting of phlegm.
Indications for the procedure
Inhalation with ambroxol is carried out in case of acute respiratory disease involving the upper and lower respiratory tract, an unproductive cough, in the inflammatory process, when stimulation of secretion production is necessary to dilute the thick consistency of sputum, enhance the motor activity of the villi of the epithelium lining the respiratory mucosa. This leads to easier transport and removal of mucus out. Other indications for the procedure with ambroxol are:
- different types of bronchitis;
- an allergic reaction, manifested in asthmatic attacks;
- one-sided and two-sided inflammation of the lungs;
- irreversible deformation and other pathological changes of the bronchi.
The inhalation is preceded by the preparation, consisting in the acquisition of ambroxol and nebulizer, through which the procedure will be carried out. The most primitive device for inhalation is a pot with hot water, through which the therapeutic agent enters the bronchi, alveoli, and lungs, but for steam ambulation, steam inhalations are not suitable, but this special device will be needed. Hands before assembling it should be thoroughly washed, collected according to instructions and pour in the contents. Take food, smoke and resort to heavy physical exercises can not be later than an hour before the start of treatment. Do not recommend also gargle, drink antitussive drugs immediately before inhalation.
Technique of the ambroxol for inhalations
Inhalations are carried out in any position. After refueling the nebulizer, they plug him into the net, put on a mask. Breathing during the procedure should be calm and even, relaxed. Its duration is 7-10 minutes, until the liquid is consumed, the maximum number of sessions per day is two, preferably in the morning and in the evening. If the breaths cause dizziness, you need to stop, recover, then continue. After inhalation, the device is disassembled into components and thoroughly washed each part under hot water without the use of brushes and other similar devices. Periodically, at least once a week it needs to be sterilized.
Syrup and ambroxol solution for inhalation, dosage
For the procedure, a solution of ambroxol for inhalations is suitable, in no case can a syrup be poured into a nebulizer. Under pressure, the apparatus converts the liquid fraction into minute aerosol particles. Single dosage for children over 5 years and adults is 3-5ml, in drops it is 40-60, before this age - 2ml. Initially, the saline is infused with saline in the same ratio as the medicine heated to room temperature. After inhalation ambroksola maximum concentration in the body is observed after half an hour, at the same time a person begins to feel its effect. The duration of such therapy on average can be 4-5 days, depending on the clinical picture and the test parameters.
Ambroxol for inhalation during pregnancy
During pregnancy, women are not allowed to resort to inhalation with ambroxol, especially in the first trimester, its active substance ambroksola hydrochloride can provoke various disorders in the formation of organs such as kidneys, liver in a future child. In the second and third trimester is not so dangerous, but still undesirable, except that the risk to the life of the mother and baby will force to ignore the lesser threats. During the feeding of the newborn, inhalations are also not used for the same reason.
Ambroxol for inhalation for children
The use of any medications for children causes particular anxiety and alertness. Inhalations with ambroxol are most often prescribed with abstinence bronchitis after reaching 5 years. From parents, the procedure requires caution, compliance with all the rules of carrying out, dosage, monitoring the reaction of the baby: start only 1.5 hours after eating and then do not feed half an hour. The duration should be 2-3 minutes, and the first two - no more than 1 minute.
Contraindications to the procedure
The procedures are contraindicated for carrying out with increased sensitivity to compound preparations, as well as for a number of concomitant diseases:
- renal failure, because after disintegration, it is excreted by the urinary system;
- functional liver failures (the metabolism occurs here);
- peptic ulcer disease.
Care after the procedure
Unlike steam inhalations, after which in the cold season you can not immediately go out, the use of a nebulizer eliminates these inconveniences. To get the most benefit from the procedure, you should refrain for some period from talking, gargling, eating, to relax as much as possible.
In the arsenal of many people, according to reviews, in the treatment of acute respiratory disease, cough, there is ambroxol in tablets, syrups, including solutions for inhalation. Its effectiveness is verified by the time: there comes a quick relief, sputum is easier to go away, gradually releases the pain in the chest, ceases to torment the night coughing attacks. Especially emphasizes the convenience in treating cough in children, because they are difficult to force to take something by oral means.
Drugs of the same therapeutic effect, with different active substances are called analogues, and with the same - synonyms. Inhalations with ambroxol can be replaced by others. Synonyms for ambroxol include:
- inhalation with ambrohexal - a preparation of mucolytic and expectorant action, dilutes viscous sputum by breaking intermolecular bonds. Inhalations with it are prescribed for various pathologies and conditions, with the exception of coughing of allergic nature, whooping cough, measles, with angina;
- with ambriene - promotes expectoration and promotion of mucus upwards due to improvement of motility of the ciliated epithelium. The therapeutic effect begins in half an hour after inhalation and lasts from 6 to 12 hours;
- with lazolvanom - dilutes the exudate, stimulating the function of the secretory glands of the bronchi and the tips of the bronchial tree. Even with a dry paroxysmal cough, the drug accelerates its transformation into a moist one.
Berodual has other active ingredients: fenoterol, relaxing the muscles of the bronchi, blocking the mediators of inflammation, and ipratropium bromide, which normalizes the activity of bronchial glands. This analogue of ambroben in solution, used for inhalations with nebulizer, significantly improves the patient's condition, reduces the intensity of cough, promotes sputum discharge, eliminates rales. The drug can be used for cough infectious and non-infectious nature.