Treatment of upper extremity neuropathy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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To stop pain and inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Indomethacin, Meloxicam, Nimesulide are usually prescribed.
Indomethacin is a non-selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenases, it has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, it successfully cures pain syndrome, but it also has very pronounced side effects typical for this group of drugs (ulcerogenic, hepato- and nephrotoxic, causing allergic reactions). Take the drug inside after eating. A single dose is from 25 to 50 mg, twice or thrice a day. Therefore, more modern means are often used.
For example, Meloxicam, which is also quite effective, but acts selectively for cyclooxygenase-2, that is, directly on the inflammation site, and, therefore, is much better tolerated and less likely to cause side effects from the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Initially, usually intramuscularly administered 2 ml once a day, after reaching a therapeutic effect, go to the tablet form. Tablets are taken once or twice a day at a dose of 7.5 mg, regardless of food intake.
If a patient with a tunnel syndrome (carpal, cubital canal) does not stop severe pain, the treatment is administered in the tunnels of Diprospan (Hydrocortisone) (50 or 100ED) with Novocain (Lidocaine). Usually even a single procedure results in a noticeable improvement in the patient's condition, sometimes the pain intensifies within the first two days, however, later their intensity decreases and then the pain ceases to disturb at all. In cases of pain syndrome return, the procedure is repeated two weeks apart at an interval of two more times. In the absence of effect, surgical treatment is indicated.
In inflammatory processes in the joints that caused nerve infringement, oral administration of corticosteroids, for example, Methylprednisolone, may be prescribed . It has high anti-inflammatory activity and, compared with prednisolone, is less conducive to delay in the body of sodium. However, it can still cause swelling, loss of calcium and potassium, suppresses immunity and leads to the development of mental disorders. The dose is prescribed by the doctor, and the drug should be withdrawn gradually with a periodic dose reduction.
Appointments are made depending on the condition of the patient. Pain syndrome with neuropathies can be quite strong. To eliminate the pain, different drugs are used from anesthetics to antidepressants.
Daily compresses can be prescribed to relieve swelling, pain and other symptoms of inflammation. The solution for compresses usually includes: the main anti-inflammatory component Hydrocortisone, anesthetic Novocaine (Lidocaine), a conductor that also has a moderate ability to stop inflammation - Dimexide. The compress is done on a water basis, hold it on the arm for about an hour.
In addition, diuretics Furosemide, Lasix, L-lysine escinate, anticonvulsant drugs (Gabapentin), agents, relaxing muscles and dilating vessels are used.
The use of a stimulator for conducting a nerve impulse along the peripheral nerve fibers of Neurromidine allows the restoration of nerve conduction. It is used for various genesis of its violations - as a result of injuries, intoxications, diseases. Stimulation of the central nervous system - moderate with manifestations of soothing action, and also - anesthesia and recovery of the heart rhythm. The drug is hypoallergenic, which does not have an immunotoxic effect and does not affect the endocrine system. Contraindicated in patients with peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma, severe heart disease, hyperkinetic disorders and epileptics.
Take one tablet two to three times a day. Duration of admission is determined by the doctor.
Be sure to include in the treatment scheme B vitamins, in any form - multivitamin complexes, injections (at the doctor's discretion). In cases where neuropathy is caused precisely by their insufficiency, they eliminate this deficiency, and in this case, such treatment can be limited. In other cases, their action also has a positive effect, helping to eliminate degenerative changes and restore the peripheral nerve. Their neurotropic action is also accompanied by moderate anesthesia, trophic effect and normalization of the process of hematopoiesis.
Physiotherapeutic treatment in some easy cases can replace the medicinal: ozocerite and mud applications, magnetotherapy, diadynamics, electromyostimulation, acupuncture, and in addition to it - accelerate the process of recovery. Medicinal electrophoresis with corticosteroids, NVS, analgesics will help to remove swelling and reduce nerve compression, improve its nutrition.
Mandatory massage is prescribed and exercise therapy for neuropathy of the upper limbs. The complex of therapeutic exercises is selected depending on the type of neuropathy, the load is determined by the instructor and increases with recovery. When performing therapeutic gymnastics, various adaptations are used, which make it possible to better develop the affected joint, and also - a good effect gives exercise in the water.
Alternative treatment of upper extremity neuropathy
Only by alternative means it is unlikely to get rid of neuropathy, except that it was caused by physical overstrain, this factor is eliminated and the rest of the affected part of the hand is provided. If, however, any pathological process is at the basis of limb dysfunction, then it should be treated, and alternative methods can be used as additional measures if the attending physician allows them to be used.
Reduce the swelling and increase the flow of blood to the sore spot, and - to restore the working capacity of the hand can help massage with mustard oil. It is applied to the affected limb and rubbed with light circular movements until completely absorbed into the skin. This procedure warms up the surface of the skin, stimulates nerve endings and helps reduce paresthesia, and at the same time heals the surface of the skin, deprived of innervation. Massage is recommended to be done daily for 15-20 minutes.
As a massage oil, you can also use castor or lavender, or you can alternate all three.
It is also recommended to make turpentine baths for hands. Necessary ingredients:
- Grated baby soap - 30 g;
- distilled water (can be filtered) - 600 ml;
- gum turpentine of industrial production - 500 ml;
- camphor alcohol -20ml;
- salicylic acid - 3g.
To prepare the mixture, water is poured into an enameled container and allowed to boil, pour rubbed soap and salicylic acid there and, stirring with a glass rod, continue to cook for another quarter of an hour. Then the container is removed from the fire and gradually, while stirring the contents, pour in turpentine, then camphor alcohol.
On a small basin is enough 10 ml of the mixture, which is dissolved in warm water (≈36-37 ℃). It is necessary to lower the diseased limb in the basin and gradually add hot water to it so that the temperature rises at a rate of one degree per minute. The procedure time is ten minutes. After that you need to rest for two hours, it's better to lie down, keeping the sick limb warm and at rest. You can make baths before going to bed. Contraindication to such procedures is the intolerance of ingredients, with care make people with a sick heart and respiratory organs.
The mixture for the baths is stored in a cool dark place in a container with a lid, preferably not transparent. Mix before use.
Trays with neuropathy can be done with pine needles and red bitter pepper. First, a coniferous broth is prepared, for which 600 g of needles are measured, then ground and filled with three liters of water. Bring to a boil and boil for half an hour. Turn off the fire and allow to stand for about forty minutes. Then add to the dishes with broth two teaspoons of red ground pepper. The limb is kept in the bath for 20-30 minutes. Dry with a towel, and massage the problem area with a nutritious hand cream.
It is recommended to take such a vitamin mix every day on an empty stomach: 300ml kefir or curdled milk with two tablespoons grinded in a coffee grinder sunflower seeds and ½ cup finely chopped parsley, mix. You can so eat breakfast - it's easy and useful.
The basis of alternative medicine is herbal medicine. Neuropathy can also be treated with medicinal plants.
Massage and compress oil from the herb St. John's wort with ginger. Fill a 0.5l jar with ground parts of freshly cut St. John's wort. Do not trample down. Pour the sun-warmed oil heated to 50-60 ℃. Cover the saucer and insist in the dark place for 20 days. Strain, add a tablespoon of ground ginger powder. Mix before use.
Restore the sensitivity of the limb will help such a tool: take the powder from the leaves of gingko biloba in the volume of four tablespoons and brew for three hours in a liter thermos boiling water. Then strain and drink during the day in arbitrary portions. Treated before the condition improves.
Demyelinating neuropathy, alternative medicine offers healing decoction from the roots of a dandelion: pour a full tablespoon of powdered roots with boiling water in a volume of 300 ml and boil for a quarter of an hour and insist the remaining ¾. Then strain and drink every day before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
With neuropathy of any genesis, it is recommended to prepare the following collection of dried plants:
- 10g leaves of peppermint leaves and chamomile flowers;
- on 20g of a herb of a thousand-thousandths and birch leaves;
- on 30 g of blueberry leaves and flowers of the immortelle;
- for 40 g of St. John's wort and sporassa.
Make a mixture and take it in the volume of four tablespoons. Pour in enameled dishes with a liter of water and filtered water and insist for eight hours (you can overnight). In the morning put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for five minutes. Turn off the heat and leave for a third of an hour. Strain and drink during the day in arbitrary portions.
Beneficial effect on the peripheral nervous system and helps in its recovery such a mixture: mix in equal amounts of crushed dried herbal components - grass of the turn, bedstraw of the tenacious, verbena, morbid goiter and deaf nettle, burdock and licorice roots, elderberry flowers, hop cones and birch leaves . Fill two tablespoons of phyto-mixture in a thermos and pour boiling water in a volume of 800ml for three hours. Strain and drink until evening with arbitrary servings instead of tea.
It should be treated with herbal infusions and decoctions for at least two decades, then take a break.
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In the treatment of paresthesias of the hands and loss of their sensitivity, substances of different origin are used: magnesia phosphorica, Baryta and Calcarea carbonica, Causticum, Graphites, Zincum, : Ambra grisea (substance from the sperm whale), Apis (honey bee), Aranea diadema (spider cross), Crotalus (rattlesnake); plant: Aconitum (Wrestler of the repose), Lycopodium (Plune clavate), Pulsatilla (Thorn meadow) and many others.
To treat the neuropathy of the upper extremities with homeopathic remedies, it is necessary to consult a homeopathic doctor. The arsenal of drugs used to eliminate such pathology is very large, therefore, an expert in this field can only choose an effective drug.
Official medicine uses homeopathic medicines manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry.
One of the complex homeopathic remedies that can be prescribed for neuropathies, complications in the form of intense pain (causalgia), for the regeneration of nerve fibers and restoration of their nutrition is Galium-Heel. The effect of its use is determined by the combined effect of the components contained in the formulation. The drug is indicated for the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic changes in peripheral nerves and causalgia, as well as many pathologies that cause such damage. He has a pronounced analgesic effect and is able to activate the immune defense of the body. It mainly consists of substances of plant origin:
Galium Aparine (Scrotal) is a diuretic and anesthetic;
Galium Album (Sparrow-white) - antispasmodic and sedative effect;
Sempervivum Tectorium (burning roofing) - burning pains;
Sedum Acre (cleansing agent) - muscle relaxant and diuretic;
Thuja (Thuja) - hypothyroidism, metabolic disorders, loss of sensitivity, osteochondrosis, neuralgia, paresthesia;
Clematis (Clematis) - Neuralgia;
Caltha Palustris (Kaluga marsh) - cures convulsions, inflammation, pain; all of the above drugs are also used for oncological diseases;
Echinacea angustifolia (Echinacea) - immunostimulant, intoxications, lymphadenitis, trauma with tissue damage and the threat of sepsis;
Hedera Helix (Ivy ordinary) - has anti-inflammatory properties;
Juniperus Communis (Juniperus vulgaris) - diseases of the urinary system;
Saponaria (Soap root) - neuralgia;
Urtica (neetritis) - neuritis, articular rheumatism, diuretic and other herbal components will allow to get rid of neuropathy of any origin;
Ononis Spinose is used for kidney diseases and as an anti-rheumatic remedy.
The composition also includes another organic component - Pyrogenium (the product of septic decomposition) as an antiseptic.
Inorganic substances are:
Phosphorus - is prescribed for neuralgia, neuritis and nervous weakness, for diabetics, for liver diseases, intoxications, including alcohol, paralysis, paresis and atrophies of nerves;
Argentum (Silver) - contractures, paresthesia, osteochondrosis, insipid diabetes, polyarthritis, intoxication;
Acidum Nitricum (Nitric acid) - arthritis and neuralgia;
Side effects of the drug are not identified.
Single dose is 10 drops. For relief of acute discomfort, it is taken every quarter or half an hour for the first 48 hours, then three times a day. You can dilute in a tablespoon of water or just drip under the tongue. Take before eating, detain in the mouth before swallowing. There is a quarter of an hour after admission.
With neuropathies of traumatic origin, Traumeel C can be prescribed, which is not inferior in effectiveness to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is available in drops and tablets, ampoules for injection, in the form of ointments and gel. The therapeutic effect is provided by calcium compounds, Hamamélis virginiána, Hypericum perfoliatum, Millefolium, Aconitum and Arnica montana Arnica, which can strengthen the walls of the vessels, relieve swelling, pain, inflammation, intoxication . Homeopathic dilutions of mercury compounds supplement the effects of plant substances.
Chamomilla, Echinacea angustifolia, Calendula officinalis, Symphytum officinalis, Hepar sulphur activate and normalize metabolic processes at the site of injury, promoting cellular renewal and restoration of normal tissue structure.
A single dose is 10 drops, with pronounced puffiness it can be increased to 30 drops. Reception threefold. They can be dissolved in a tablespoon of water or simply dripped under the tongue. Take before eating, detain in the mouth before swallowing. There is a quarter of an hour after admission.
Tablets are kept under the tongue until completely dissolved, taken one at a time three times a day.
In the presence of articular diseases that led to neuropathy, you can combine Traumeel with a complex remedy. Objective T, which facilitates the symptomatology of these diseases - in particular pain syndrome, swelling, inflammation. The drug has a pronounced regenerating effect. Its formula includes 14-16 components (depending on the form) of the vegetable - Arnica montana (Arnica), Rhus toxicodendron (Russ toxicogenesedron), Nightshade bitter-sweet), mineral (sulfur compounds, sodium, silicic acid), biological (placental, embryonic) origin. The aggregate of such active substances normalizes metabolic processes in tissues, restores their normal structure and activity.
The form of the preparation of the preparation of Objective T are tablets for resorption under the tongue, ointment and ampoules with an injection solution. Each dosage form is accompanied by instructions for use in acute cases and with maintenance therapy. Contraindicated drug for allergy to plants of the family Compositae or other components, although cases of hypersensitivity are extremely rare. In addition, the preparation contains lactose, which should be taken into account when it is intolerant. Solution for injection and ointment are compatible with any medications.
Eliminate the effects of massive drug or alcohol intoxication, purify the body of the toxins of infectious agents and the effects of other poisonous substances, and also - to strengthen the immune status, restore cellular respiration and nutrition in damaged tissues, using drops Lymphomyosot, in addition, use drugs that inhibit hypoxic processes in tissues and metabolic disorders - Diskus compositum, Ubiquinone compositum and Coenzyme compositum. These are injectable medicines, however, the contents of the ampoules can be taken for oral administration. Doses and the frequency of reception are prescribed by the doctor.
Indication for surgical intervention is a constant intense pain and an increase in negative symptoms - loss of motor functions, sensitivity, hypotrophic changes in the skin or maintenance of symptoms within six months from the start of treatment. Operations in most cases allow to relieve the nerve of compression and create conditions that exclude its damage.
In case of traumatic injuries of the nerve, operations are also performed to restore its integrity, with neoplasms - remove the nerve compressing tumor or drain the hematoma after a bruise.
Surgical treatment of upper extremity neuropathy is performed under local anesthesia in an open or endoscopic way. In the first case, the operation is performed through a cut about 5 cm long, in the second case, two or even one small incision up to 1.5 cm is made.
Depending on the type of pathology, various operations are performed-the dissection of the carpal ligament, the plastic of the canal and others, through which the nerve is released. After successful surgical treatment in the recovery period, the patient is immobilized for a while for a limb, prescribed drugs and vitamins for pain relief, removal of postoperative edema, improvement of trophic and nerve conduction. In addition, physiotherapy and exercise therapy are prescribed. For a complete recovery, it takes from three months to a year. This period depends on many factors, including the age of the patient and the stage of the disease. Sometimes complete recovery is impossible.
Treatment of upper extremity neuropathy with laser
Laser therapy currently belongs to the latest methods of physiotherapy and is not used universally. In the treatment of neuropathies low-intensity laser radiation (LILI) is used. Its impact is still under study, however, research data show its high efficacy, and at different stages of the peripheral nervous system disease. Especially well suited for laser therapy are patients with mild and moderate severity of neuropathy.
For example, laser acupuncture gives a pronounced clinical effect, which manifests itself in a decrease in the intensity of pain sensations and neurological symptoms-an increase in the speed of nerve impulses along the fibers responsible for motor activity, activation of blood flow in peripheral vessels, and improvement of the basic criteria for immune status.
Positive results of NLLI indicate stabilization of patients with neuropathy, they have about a half times faster sensory-motor functions.