Treatment of a common cold with inhalations
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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With the onset of cold weather and high humidity, our nose, for some reason, too, often becomes unusually wet. Increased allocation of mucus from the nose, which is commonly called a common cold in the people, and rhinitis in medical circles, can dislodge any person. And although the rhinitis itself is not accompanied by painful sensations, it can not be left without attention, because this condition interferes with the process of full breathing. Treatment of the common cold usually does not cause difficulties, because in pharmacies you can find a lot of drugs that can "drain" the nasal mucosa in a short time. But given the insecurity of such treatment, which, if used regularly, causes dysfunction of the mucosa, it is better to recommend it as a situational measure. It must be said that there are safer methods to combat rhinitis and nasal congestion. These are inhalations in the common cold, which combine traditional healing and traditional medicine methods.
What is a common cold?
In our body every second there is a lot of physiological processes, the mechanism of action which we do not even think about. These processes are performed reflexively without the participation of our mind. So we usually do not think about when to inhale or exhale, however, we do it all the time, because without entering the lungs of oxygen, many other processes in the body stop and a person will simply die.
The process of breathing is carried out on an unconscious level. A person can breathe with his nose and mouth, but from childhood we are taught to try to breathe through the nose, saying that there will be less danger of getting sick. But were many interested in what happens after the air enters the nasal passages? What role does our nose play in the process of breathing and why are we advised to breathe with the nose? What is the reason for the increase in the amount of mucous secretion in the nasal passages, which then begins to pour out, signaling the disease? Why do we breathe every day, and the runny nose appears from time to time?
Well, let's start with the fact that the nose is not just a decoration on the person's face, giving him individual and unique features. First of all, it is one of the organs of the human respiratory system, its initial link, on which lies a huge responsibility, because together with the air, whole hordes of viruses, bacteria, allergens invisible to the eye, but very dangerous, aspire to enter our organism. True, the danger they represent if the body's defense is weakened, which gives pathogens an uncontrolled and almost unpunished breeding.
And which organ first of all stands on the protection of the organism from pathogenic microbes that enter the respiratory tract? Of course, the nose. Protection from the invasion of pathogens is considered to be its second most important function along with the function of respiration (and through the nose comes the bulk of the oxygen consumed by the body). The inner surface of the nose is lined with a mucous membrane, the ciliated epithelium of which is able to retain the smallest particles that get inside with the air. While the hair in the nose prevents the ingress of large "garbage" into the respiratory tract.
The surface of the ciliated epithelium is covered with some mucous secret, which binds potentially harmful particles that enter it, disinfects them (the mucous secret contains special enzymes that have a harmful effect on microorganisms) and promotes excretion through the pharynx and digestive tract. With a strong irritation, sneezing occurs, allowing dust and pathogens to escape to the outside in the same way that they penetrated the nose.
Additionally in the nasal passages:
- Heating of air (this is facilitated by increased blood circulation, separation of air into several streams and retention of some of the air for warming in the depressions of cavernous bodies),
- Humidification (the mucous secretion contains moisture, most of which evaporates and moistens the air entering the respiratory tract).
All this contributes to the fact that penetrating the bronchi and lungs air becomes clean, and also has the optimum temperature and humidity. In such conditions, the mucosa of the lower respiratory tract does not threaten anything, it does not irritate anything, and the respiratory system can function normally without malfunctioning.
It can be said that as long as the nasal mucosa functions normally, respiratory diseases are not threatened. But the immune system is responsible for the condition of the nasal mucosa, it is her cells that help to "disarm" the pathogens, regardless of the weather conditions. And once immunity fails, microbes, allergens and viruses get the opportunity to actively attack the ciliated epithelium, gradually destroying it. The mucous nose swells, inflammatory exudate appears on it, which is mixed with a specific secret. In turn, for protective purposes, the brain gives the command to increase the production of mucus. The resulting semi-liquid substance begins to pour out and clog the nasal passages (if not removed in a timely manner by blowing out), disrupting the breathing process.
The modified ciliate epithelium is no longer able to cope with the protective function and pathogens are able to penetrate the pharynx and lower respiratory tract, causing inflammation there. Moreover, because of the common cold, nasal breathing becomes difficult, the person begins to breathe actively with the mouth, which is unable to warm and moisten the air, to purify it of pathogenic microbes and allergens, as the nasal mucosa did. Bacteria and cold do their job, reducing local immunity and causing diseases of the throat, bronchi, lungs and other parts of the respiratory system.
It is for this reason that many people think that the common cold is one of the symptoms of a cold. In fact, rhinitis or inflammation of the nasal mucosa is a separate serious disease, against which many infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory system and some allergic reactions develop.
The rhinitis itself is a very unpleasant condition, from which we rush to get rid of it as soon as possible. True, most people prefer fast ways to combat the common cold in the form of nasal vasoconstrictive drops, without thinking that they give only temporary relief, for a few minutes or hours removing the swelling of the nasal mucosa. But such treatment is shown only in cases of severe nasal congestion, which prevents access of oxygen to the respiratory tract. In addition, use unsafe droplets, which with regular application lead to atrophy of the nasal mucosa, can be no more than 4-5 days.
But with rhinitis and nasal congestion, you can fight in another way. Inhalations in the common cold will not give such a rapid effect, but such treatment has a sparing therapeutic effect on the nasal mucosa and does not cause a decrease in the functionality of the ciliary epithelium. In addition, particles of a medicinal or folk remedy with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, used in inhalation procedures, have the opportunity to penetrate deeper into the respiratory tract, in parallel heals the bronchial mucosa and prevents reproduction of the infection in them.
In this regard, the question of whether it is possible to do inhalation with a cold may have an answer: it is possible and even necessary, because it is a sufficiently safe and effective therapeutic procedure that helps to get rid of the symptoms of inflammation without harm to the inner integument of the nose. And inhalation can be used with any medication useful in the disease: moisturizing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory.
Details about the causes, symptoms, and types of rhinitis read in this article.
Indications for the procedure
For most of us, the common cold is associated with colds, which are usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. In addition to the common cold, these pathologies can cause fever, cough, sore throat, sneezing, headaches. And many of us believe that inhalations are a procedure that should not be performed with sore throat and runny nose, but when there is a cough.
Yes, when coughing with difficult sputum discharge, inhalation treatment is one of the main effective therapeutic procedures, giving a quick and lasting effect. But with the usual rhinitis, the inhalation of vapors containing particles of medical formulations is of no less benefit. The only difference is that the breath will need to be done not by mouth, as with coughing and bronchitis, but with the nose.
With a strong beginning rhinitis (aka acute rhinitis), inhalations help in several procedures to reduce the inflammatory process and prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form. Compositions with antiseptics and emollients will help to clear the weakened mucous from pathogens and irritants and at the same time soften and moisten it, protecting against drying and irritation. Particularly effective in this regard are steam inhalations, but they can only be carried out at normal body temperature, which is far from always possible if it is a viral infection (acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, etc.).
If acute rhinitis is not treated or done incorrectly (for example, by long-term use of vasoconstrictive drops that disrupt blood circulation in the vessels of the nasal mucosa), the disease can gradually change into a chronic form. In this case, the person will suffer permanent nasal congestion, which will periodically have exacerbations in the form of a cold.
Nasal congestion is a potentially dangerous condition, especially if it occurs regularly. Disturbances of respiration in this case will become chronic, and vital organs and human systems will constantly experience oxygen starvation. This can not but affect the functionality of the brain, heart, nervous system, etc. So, in this case, measures that help a person cope with nasal congestion and restore nasal breathing are especially important.
Long-term use of vasoconstrictive drops, removing the swelling of the nasopharynx, will only lead to a deterioration of the nasal mucosa. A safe alternative to this treatment for chronic cold is inhalation.
But since for inhalations (steam, dry, oil and with the help of a special nebulizer device), it is possible to use medical formulations that have different effects on the respiratory tract, but first you need to determine the type of rhinitis.
So a common cold, usually starting under the influence of cold air, is called catarrhal rhinitis. With this pathology, congestion and mucosal discharge can be both bilateral and unilateral. Most often this form of pathology is transformed from acute rhinitis, which is often bacterial or viral.
Inhalations with exacerbations of chronic catarrhal rhinitis, caused usually by activation of opportunistic microflora, can be carried out with the help of essential oils, herbal preparations , onions and garlic compounds, drugs with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. The purpose of such inhalations will be to fight infection.
To facilitate nasal congestion during periods of remission, the compositions that remove the edema of the mucosa and provide it with optimal hydration are more suitable. You can use essential oils (if they are not allergic), mineral water, saline solution, antiseptics (soda solution, herbal compounds or pharmacy products Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt, Tonzilgon).
In viral pathologies from the nose with a common cold, a transparent secret appears, which at various times of the disease can resemble water or mucus. If the cause of acute or chronic rhinitis is a bacterial infection, the discharge from the nose becomes purulent. They usually have a yellowish or greenish tinge, if the purulent-inflammatory process passes into the adnexal sinuses, the discharge may have an unpleasant smell.
Any procedures for purulent processes should be carried out with extreme caution. So thermal procedures in this case can only worsen the condition of patients. But dry inhalations, essential oils and procedures with a nebulizer are not only not contraindicated, but even recommended in this situation. Still, inhalation treatment makes it possible to penetrate deeper into the respiratory tract compared to drops and sprays.
Since the bacterial infection is considered to be the cause of pus discharge from the nasal passages, inhalations with a purulent runny nose should be performed using not only antiseptics, but antibiotics (for example, "Fluimucil-IT"). Some doctors consider this treatment even more effective than taking tablets or injections, because the antimicrobial drug acts directly in the affected area, i.e. Place of accumulation of pathogens.
Another type of chronic rhinitis is an allergic rhinitis that occurs under the influence of certain allergens. In this case, care should be taken with regard to herbal preparations, certain folk recipes and essential oils, because they can only intensify allergies, by themselves becoming allergens irritating the nasal mucosa by inhaling vapors or small particles of the composition.
Essential oils can only be taken neutral. They include chamomile, melissa, eucalyptus, lavender, sandalwood and pine oils. In addition to oils with nasal obstruction under the influence of an allergen, drugs that promote liquefaction and excretion of mucus from the nose (Ambroxol, Lazolvan and others, also used in inhalations with a difficult cough with thick sputum) are used. In the absence of medicines, inhalations can be conducted with saline or mineral water without gas, which will also help to remove phlegm from the nose.
Suitable for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and the drug "Fluimucil", which is considered effective and relatively safe mucolytic. In case of bacterial infection, which is quite possible against the backdrop of incorrect functioning of the immune system in allergy sufferers, they switch to a combined drug that includes a combination of mucolytics and an antibiotic (Fluimutsil-IT).
Inhalations in allergic rhinitis must necessarily be combined with washing the nasal passages and taking antihistamines, without which the effective treatment of allergies and its symptoms is simply impossible.
The vasomotor runny nose is one of the forms of chronic rhinitis, but the cause of inflammation of the mucous membrane and its edema in this case are not allergens and microorganisms, but internal causes (for example, hormonal disruptions) leading to a disruption of the circulation in the nasal mucosa. It is clear that, first of all, it will be necessary to determine the cause of the pathological condition in order to conduct appropriate treatment, helping to establish metabolic processes and blood circulation, and at the same time to restore the nasal mucosa.
But it is also impossible to leave such symptoms as nasal congestion and runny nose with vasomotor rhinitis. The body should get enough oxygen to normalize its work, so it will be necessary to normalize breathing for the treatment period by means of effective procedures, one of which is inhalation.
For inhalation with vasomotor rhinitis, essential oils, saline and soda solutions, antiseptics, herbal products, mineral water and saline solution are suitable. If you regularly administer inhalations, you can calmly abandon the use of unsafe vasoconstrictive drops ("Nazivin", "Vibrocil", etc.), which, incidentally, is not recommended for use for more than 7 days.
Whatever the cause of the runny nose (if this is not, of course, anatomical features of the structure of the nasolacrimal canal), swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa almost always occurs against a background of reduced immunity (local and general). Increase the overall immunity can be with the help of oral immunostimulants. But in strengthening local immunity, a large role is given to inhalations (well-proven solutions are "Interferon" and "Derinat").
Inhalation procedures in the common cold are aimed at reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process in the nasal passages, as well as removing the edema of the nasal tissues and restoring normal nasal breathing. Inhalations provide for a deep inhalation of microparticles of medical formulations through the nose. Particles settle on the nasal mucosa, nasopharynx, bronchi, where they have a therapeutic effect.
For inhalations with cold, liquid solutions of preparations, herbal infusions, decoctions and diluted alcohol tinctures, mineral water, saline solution (it is also used for dilution of pharmaceutical preparations), essential oils are used. Among pharmacy products, mucolytics, anti-inflammatory and decongestants, antiseptics and antibiotics, immunostimulants, which can be used in inhalation procedures, are in great demand.
In the treatment of rhinitis, two types of inhalations are most often used: steam and procedures, known to us since the time of our ancestors, and conducted by means of a modern inhaler called a nebulizer. In principle, the treatment of nasal passages with sprays can also be considered inhalation, but the effectiveness of such a procedure can be somewhat lower, because in the time it takes only a few seconds and provides only 1-2 deep breaths, while inhalations over a steam or a nebulizer mean inhaling medical particles for several minutes plus additional moisturizing of the mucosa.
Steam inhalations involve the use of hot medicinal compounds. To conduct them, you need a steam inhaler, a deep saucepan, a bowl or a teapot, in which the liquid is preheated to the desired temperature. Usually 30-45 degrees is enough. The maximum temperature of steam should not be above 65 degrees, otherwise you can trigger a burn of mucous membranes.
Steam inhalations will be more effective if they are covered with a napkin or towel during their holding, which will reduce the dispersion of steam in the area of the nose. This same towel can be used to remove sweat from the face, acting under the influence of hot steam.
Medicinal formulations (some medicinal preparations, herbs, tinctures, soda, essential oils) are often added directly to heated water in steam inhalations, after which they immediately begin inhaling the medicinal vapors, bending over the utensils with the solution.
Another option of steam inhalations is the preliminary preparation of the medicinal composition (boiling or infusion), which is then cooled to the desired temperature. Oil inhalations can also be considered as a form of steam. Thus essential oils before the procedure are added to hot water.
The disadvantage of steam inhalations is the fact that many drugs are destroyed and lose their effectiveness at high temperatures. Therefore, the procedure is more suitable for people's recipes.
If inhalations are carried out by a nebulizer, it is necessary to assemble the device in advance and check its serviceability by connecting the device to the network. Preliminary check and the integrity of the reservoir, which is subsequently filled in the prepared composition for inhalation. The nebulizer is considered to be the best option for inhalations using chemist's drugs, while the use of herbal infusions and oily formulations is limited in them, which is always written in the instructions to the device. Usually such limitations can be found in the annotations to ultrasonic nebulizers. If you do not adhere to them, not a cheap device can quickly fail.
Prepare the medicinal composition immediately before inhalation. If the solution previously used and stored in the refrigerator is used, it must first be heated. The temperature of the solution poured into the inhaler should be close to room temperature.
As for the dosage, it all depends on the type of nebudayzeri and the size of its reservoir. Usually, a small amount of the drug is used, bringing it up to the required volume with saline, distilled or purified water or water for injection.
Preliminary training is required not only for dishes, appliances and inhalation compositions. You also need to prepare yourself for the patient. The last meal before inhalation should be done an hour and a half before the procedure. This will help avoid the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as nausea and vomiting.
To ensure that the procedure is safe and does not cause deterioration of the patient, you need to shortly before the procedure to measure body temperature. If it does not exceed 37.5 degrees, inhalations from the common cold can be carried out with a nebulizer without fear. As for steam inhalations, it is better to refuse from them even at 37 degrees, so as not to provoke a further increase in the thermometer.
Before inhalation, patients are not recommended to overwork and engage in an activity that requires considerable expenditure of effort. It is better to rest a little, read a book or listen to pleasant music, giving the body the opportunity to tune in to fight the disease. Breathing should be calm and smooth.
It is undesirable to be addicted to smoking during inhalation treatment. It is better to abandon this harmful habit temporarily (or permanently) at all. If a person is not capable of such a feat, then one should refrain from inhaling nicotine for at least an hour before the inhalation procedure. To consolidate the therapeutic effect, it is necessary to suffer without cigarettes for the same amount of time after the procedure.
Immediately before inhalation, care should be taken so that the clothes wrapped on the body do not squeeze the chest and throat, allowing a full inhale and exhalation.
Use for inhalation in the nose of a nebulizer with a mask is especially effective, because it allows you to breathe easily with your nose. In addition, this treatment is suitable even for young children. But while on the face after removing the mask can collect sweat and settle particles of the medicine, so you need to prepare a small towel or facial napkin in advance.
Technique of the inhalations from the cold
Inhalations are a simple procedure that even a child can take 2-3 years to learn , not to mention adult patients. When the temperature is measured and an assessment of its parameters is made, a toolkit is prepared and an inhalation solution can be started directly to the treatment procedure.
If the choice has fallen on steam inhalations, then they can be carried out in three ways:
- Above a saucepan or bowl, which contains a ready-made inhalation composition of the desired temperature. In this case, the head should be tilted over the dishes with a steaming liquid and covered with a thick towel. These requirements help to maintain the desired vapor temperature and coordinate its movement so that the maximum of curative particles gets into the respiratory tract.
- Above the kettle, to the neck of which a paper cone is attached. Above this cone you will need to alternately breathe left or right nostril. Thus it is necessary to consider, that the directed stream of steam can have a temperature higher than it would be desirable, therefore it is necessary to do or make a solution for inhalations not strongly hot.
- By means of a steam inhaler, a medicinal solution is poured into the reservoir. The device connected to the network heats the composition to the desired temperature (some instruments have several temperature regimes) and maintains it throughout the procedure. Steam is released through a mask attached to the device, over which the patient tilts.
When choosing the temperature of steam, it should be remembered that at the very beginning of the disease, when there is swelling of the nasal mucosa and it becomes difficult to breathe, but the amount of mucus released is not increased, enough room temperature steam. In this case, I will struggle with inflammation and infection. But for the withdrawal of sputum from the nasal passages it is better to use a warm steam that promotes vasodilation, increases blood circulation and simulates the cleaning of the nose from mucus.
Which solutions are better for steam inhalations? You can use any, except for medicinal products that are destroyed by heat (by the way, saline and Furacillin, which dissolves only in hot water, do not belong to them). But solutions of salt and soda, compositions based on medicinal herbs and essential oils (these components can be combined) deserve great popularity in inhalation therapy with the use of healing steam.
Now consider the issue of inhalation with a nebulizer. The effect of this device is to feed the particles of the drug composition into the airways along with cold steam. The particles of the inhalation composition are ground to the desired size and pushed into the air, which the person inhales through a mask or a special nasal attachment attached to the device. There are several such attachments and they are intended for patients of different ages: for the youngest, for children older than 3 years and for adult patients.
There are several varieties of nebulizers (compressor, membrane, ultrasonic). The principle of operation of the instruments is somewhat different, but the rules for using a cold for all instruments are similar.
What is worth paying attention to is the size of the fine particles in the instrument used. In order for the medicinal particles to settle on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, rather than go to the lower respiratory tract, it is desirable that their size be at least 5 microns. Most compressors produce particles of this size (though they make more noise than others), so they are the most suitable for treating the common cold. The particle size in MES inhalers and ultrasonic devices usually ranges from 2-5 μm (all depends on the device manufacturer). If it is possible to adjust the particle size, you need to set them to maximum.
The most silent and convenient because of their compactness are ultrasonic nebulizers, which have recently become more popular than noisy and cumbersome compression. But in such devices there are restrictions on the solutions used. Strictly it is not recommended to pour herbal infusions into the ultrasound machine, which can contain large particles, oil and alcohol compounds. In the instructions to many models it is written that they are not intended for inhalation of hormonal preparations, antiseptics and antibiotics, various suspensions that are not amenable to ultrasound.
The least restrictive and the most convenient are membrane devices, but the cost is quite high, so not everyone will decide on such a purchase.
Conduct inhalation nebulizer is even easier and more convenient than steam procedures. In the inhaler reservoir, a ready solution is poured, heated to room temperature, the device is turned on and the mask or nasal nozzle is put on.
It is most convenient to use inhalation sitting, in severe cases, when the patient is shown bed rest, it is possible to carry out the procedure in a semi-liable position. But the nebulizer must be positioned vertically.
Any inhalation in the rhinitis requires caution. Do not try to take a very deep breath. First, this is not necessary if it is a question of treating the upper respiratory tract. Secondly, if you breathe too deeply, breathing becomes confused, dizziness and weakness appear. Breathing should be deep enough, but even and calm. When treating the nasal passages, inhale and exhale through the nose. When inhaling, the air should be delayed for a couple of seconds and released back.
If the nose is heavily embedded and the person does not have the opportunity to breathe in through it, you need to breathe in with your mouth and exhale through your nose until the nasal passages can be restored.
In order for such treatment to bring the expected effect, doctors recommend that you perform inhalation procedures several times a day, but not more than 5. Too often, procedures are not necessary. The interval between them should be at least 1.5 hours, and the duration of one procedure should not exceed 15 minutes.
Inhalation for expectant mothers
Inhalation in the common cold in pregnant women should be carried out with the same care as in the case of treatment of young children. Such procedures for future mothers are not contraindicated and even recommended as one of the safest methods of fighting the disease, which does not burden the internal organs.
Do not treat a runny nose pregnant woman can not, because violations of nasal breathing lead to a lack of oxygen, not only in the body of the future mother, but also in her unborn child. Hypoxia of the fetus during the development of major vital systems and organs is fraught with a delay in development and congenital pathologies, and sometimes intrauterine fetal death. So inhalations can be called a procedure, in the literal sense of the word, protecting both the mother and the child from unpleasant consequences.
The greatest fears in pregnant women are caused by thermal procedures. But steam inhalations effective at the very beginning of the disease, since they help to forget about unpleasant symptoms for several procedures, will not be harmful in pregnancy if the future mother does not have temperature. With inhalations, you must adhere to the rule of limiting the water temperature by 50-55 degrees. Warm steam in this case is unlikely to provoke the appearance of dangerous symptoms in a woman or to harm a fetus in her womb.
If possible, in order to further protect themselves, it is better to purchase a nebulizer. This device will repeatedly help the young mother, her child and other family members with symptoms such as cough, runny nose and sore throat.
For steam and cold inhalations during pregnancy, it is worth taking herbal compounds and essential oils (but first you need to make sure that the woman does not have allergies on them, and the plants themselves can not provoke uterine contraction), saline and mineral water. Pharmacy medicines during pregnancy should be taken with extreme caution and only in extreme cases, if the doctor insists on it.
The duration of inhalation procedures for a future mother should be reduced to 10 minutes. If it is a question of compositions containing essential oils, then they need to breathe no more than 5-6 minutes.
Pregnancy is a period when a woman can not rely only on her knowledge, because not only her health is at stake. Therefore, before resorting to inhalations, one should consult about the safety of this procedure with a doctor, discuss what solutions can be used for inhalation, what kind of procedures to give preference, etc.
Contraindications to the procedure
Whatever is written about the benefits of inhalation in diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, they may not always be useful for everyone. Even if we omit the fact that any of the drugs and traditional medicines used can have their contraindications, there are general limitations directly to the procedure itself, regardless of the type of inhalation composition used. If you do not take them into account, treatment of the common cold can lead to serious health problems.
It is clear that steam inhalations in the common cold, which belong to the category of thermal procedures, have more severe contraindications to the conduct. They can not be carried out:
- at a body temperature above the 37 degree mark (nebulizer inhalations have different frames, they are not recommended for temperatures above 37.5 degrees)
- with a tendency to nasal bleeding (increased blood flow under the influence of heat can lead to rupture of the vessels in the nasal passages) and hemoptysis,
- when purulent sputum is secreted from the nose (warming up in this case only exacerbates the situation, contributing to the reproduction of bacteria and their spreading by the hematogenous way through increased blood circulation in the affected area, and, accordingly, increasing the inflammatory process). When purulent discharge appears, dry inhalations and procedures with a nebulizer are used, the temperature of the formulations is low.
And now let's talk about general contraindications for any inhalation procedures. These include:
- severe cardiovascular diseases: coronary heart disease (CHD), arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure in the stage of decompensation (for less serious heart conditions about the possibility of carrying out inhalation procedures with a nebulizer it is worth talking to a cardiologist),
- problems with cerebral vessels: atherosclerosis of vessels, stroke,
- problems with the respiratory system: respiratory or pulmonary insufficiency, emphysema of the lungs, pneumothorax (any procedures in this case are carried out only in a clinic under the supervision of a doctor).
The doctor who prescribes inhalation procedures should have information about any diseases the patient has. The task of the patient is to facilitate this work. Moreover, you need to tell not only about the existing diseases and health disorders, but also about those that were earlier.
It is considered dangerous to carry out inhalations in patients who had previously suffered a stroke or myocardial infarction and passed no more than six months after the acute phase of the disease. If the patient has a tendency to thrombosis, this also needs to be notified to the doctor, which will help to select safe types of procedure and preparations in this regard.
Caution should be followed when selecting inhalation formulations. Pharmacy preparations have annotations, where all contraindications to the application are indicated, but as for folk recipes, there certainly will have to be preliminary tests for allergy to avoid the development of intolerance reactions during the procedure. This is especially important for patients who have already had allergic reactions to any substances or drugs.
For the beginning it is possible to spend inhalation duration no more than 2 minutes, observing the sensations, and then already in the absence of unpleasant symptoms to increase duration of inhalations up to the recommended. It is even safer to apply an inhalation compound on your wrist, leaving it for 24-48 hours. These are the necessary precautions before the first use of a new formulation for inhalation.
Consequences after the procedure
Inhalations in the common cold and cough are considered one of the most effective methods of solving a problem that disrupts normal breathing, so that various organs and systems begin to experience oxygen starvation, which affects their functionality. If the runny nose and nasal congestion are not treated, the worsening of the general condition, the appearance of such symptoms as headaches and dizziness, fast fatigue, irritability, which are associated with the fact that the brain lacks oxygen, can be seen through time. But we know that the central nervous system suffers from hypoxia first of all.
Inhalation procedures for coughing and runny nose help to restore respiratory function and avoid unpleasant consequences of hypoxia. In addition, such procedures, if performed correctly, help to avoid drying out and cracking of the inflamed mucous nasal, promote its regeneration.
The use of antiseptics and antibiotics in nebulizers allows you to fight with an infection hidden deep in the nasal passages, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx and even the primary parts of the bronchi, where it gradually moves if the disease is not treated. The nebulizer breaks the inhalation solution into small particles that settle in different parts of the upper respiratory tract. It is important at the same time that the particle size does not exceed 5 μm, otherwise we will treat bronchi and lungs, while the nose and throat will remain untreated.
Typically, inhalation treatment is used when there is a need for rapid relief of symptoms, but you do not want to use vasoconstrictor once again to relieve swelling of the tissues. Inhalation, in contrast to instillation of such drugs, does not cause habituation and weakening of the functions of the nasal mucosa. However, to take a great interest in such procedures also it is not necessary, especially if in an inhalation solution there are antiseptics and antibiotics which at long treatment are capable to break a microflora in a nose, thereby weakening local immunity.
Inhalations in the common cold are not in vain considered an effective procedure, because after them the patient feels much better. The first 2-3 procedures do not always bring the desired relief, but in the future the patient gets an opportunity to sleep peacefully at night, not waking up from the inability to breathe through the nose. The subsequent procedures are also relieved in the daytime.
People say that if the cold does not heal, then it takes place within a week, and with the appropriate treatment - for 7 days. It turns out that there is no need to treat the common cold at all. But is it correct to treat the disease and its symptoms? Yes, and whether within a week should suffer from nasal congestion, if the help of inhalations can ease the course of the disease, while conducting preventive maintenance of possible complications, i.e. The transition of the infectious and inflammatory process into the area of the adnexal, inner and middle ear, bronchi and lungs.
Complications after the procedure
Any treatment procedures are beneficial only if all the requirements for their implementation are met. Procedures with a nebulizer and especially steam inhalations in the common cold, which at first glance do not present any complexity and seem absolutely safe, still require a responsible approach, since they do not exclude the risk of various complications.
So the recommendation of doctors to conduct an allergy test before the first inhalation with a new medicine or herbal infusion is not without common sense. And it's not even always about exposure to allergic reactions, which, incidentally, with increased sensitivity to the components of the inhalation solution may pose a real danger to humans. As with oral administration of drugs, and with the inhalation of their administration, there is a certain probability of Quincke edema or anaphylactic reaction, which, if not indicated, can result in death of the patient.
Easier complications of the inhalation procedure in a person with a predisposition to allergic reactions against a background of hypersensitivity to the drug or plant composition are the strengthening of the common cold, the appearance of itching and rash on the body, and gastrointestinal disorders. When these symptoms appear, in no case should repeated inhalations with the same inhalation composition be performed. During and after the procedure, you should carefully consider any worsening of the condition, which may indicate that the medicine to the patient simply does not fit and you need to reconsider the appointment of the doctor.
But let us return to another danger of inhalation, which is extremely difficult to envisage. It is a question of laryngospasm, which can occur in people of different ages, but more often it happens and it is more difficult for children under 3 years old, which is associated with narrow airways. The fact is that when the nasal passages are affected, the process usually also extends to the larynx and pharynx, because the airways are connected together. Inflammated walls of the larynx become more sensitive to the effects of irritating factors, which can lead to inhalation of too hot air or medicinal composition.
Laryngospasm is a sharp, short contraction of the glottis, hindering the penetration of air into the lower respiratory tract. Symptoms of this condition are: difficult noisy breathing, cyanosis of the skin, caused by insufficient intake of oxygen into the blood, hyperhidrosis, muscle tension of the body, noticeable difficulties with inhalation and exhalation, impaired pulse. In more serious cases, when laryngospasm lasts for more than a minute, there may be seizures, foam at the mouth, involuntary urination (symptoms similar to epileptic seizure), loss of consciousness, absence of pupillary reaction to light, cardiac arrest.
Serious consequences can not be prevented if in a timely manner the person gives urgent help, which usually consists of simple manipulations:
- Ensure the access of fresh air to the room where the patient is, to free from clothing the chest and neck of a person,
- moisten the air in the room and the patient's face, give the person to drink water,
- to remove the spasm of the larynx help such actions: tickling, slight twitching of the nose and ears, tweaks, which are irritants for strained nerves and muscles and allow them to relax,
- if a person feels discomfort indicating the approach of the laryngospasm, one should ask him to hold the breath as much as possible, while accumulating in the body carbon dioxide will act as an irritant, warning the spasm of the larynx.
- in severe cases, when a person loses consciousness and the heartbeat is not audible, others will have to conduct an indirect heart massage to save a person's life before the arrival of an ambulance.
The probability of laryngospasm with inhalations remains always regardless of the type of inhaler and the procedure itself, so it is better to carry out such medical manipulations when there are other relatives or friends at home who can help if necessary. Ideally, inhalations for young children should be carried out by medical personnel, but if the procedure is carried out at home, parents should always be near the child and monitor his condition.
In steam inhalations, in addition to laryngospasm, there is another danger. At high temperatures, steam can get a burn of the mucous nasopharynx and the eye. In this case, the tissues of the mucous membrane turn red and even more edematous, which will only aggravate the stuffiness of the nose. Semi-liquid brackish secretions will irritate the burned tissues, and the patient will experience a burning sensation in the nose. At the same time on the mucosa may appear painful hard-healing sores that attract bacterial infection.
Inhalational treatment of rhinitis is also associated with a risk of mucus swelling in the nasal cavity. In doing so, it clogs the entrance to the middle ear and can cause inflammation in this area (otitis). To prevent this from occurring before the inhalation procedure, if it is not a question of vasoconstrictor compositions recommended for severe nasal congestion, it is recommended that the nasal passages of mucus be maximally freed from bleeding and rinsing. Inhalation with a cold or cough should be carried out only those compounds that the attending physician approved.
With proper procedure, the risk of developing otitis media is extremely small, so it can not be considered a serious reason to abandon the treatment procedure. After all, if treatment is not carried out, the risk of otitis and other serious pathologies will be much higher.
When choosing a method of treating the common cold it is very important to consider contraindications to the conduct of medical procedures. So inhalation with increased body temperature can cause deterioration of the patient. The activation of blood circulation in the affected area, which is noted in the case of the use of anti-inflammatory compounds, with infectious pathologies will become a risk factor for the spread of infection in the body and the appearance of concomitant pathologies: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, etc. It is also possible that pathogens can go further, causing inflammation in the heart membranes, kidneys and other vital organs.
If you do not take into account the increased fragility of the vessels of the nose, inhalation in the rhinitis can provoke their rupture and loss of blood, which when performing steam inhalations is usually even higher than with inhalations with a nebulizer.
If a person has serious problems with the respiratory system, then the procedure for inhaling medicinal vapors can be carried out only with the permission of the doctor, so that ignorance can not provoke exacerbations of the disease and attacks of suffocation.
The same can be said for patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system. First, such patients can take medications that are incompatible with inhalation formulations, which can cause a decrease in the effect of drugs or other more dangerous effects of drug interactions. Secondly, a marked increase in blood circulation will be observed not only in the affected area, but also in areas located nearby. Those. The brain and heart may suffer if they have already been weakened by the disease.
As you can see, even the safest in appearance procedures require a careful and cautious approach to their conduct when it comes to human health. After all, their goal is to help in the fight against the disease, and not to harm, causing new pathologies.
Care after the procedure
It is impossible to reject the effectiveness of inhalation in the runny nose and cough accompanying many infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. But for the procedure to bring real help, relieving the course of the illness, it is not enough just to properly prepare and conduct it, it is also necessary to provide the patient with proper care after the procedure.
Inhalations, although they bring relief, after they are carried out, are still associated with a certain strain on the body, so at the end of the inhalation procedure the patient needs rest. It is not necessary to engage in active activities after inhalations, talk a lot. Within an hour, it is better to avoid heavy physical exertion. Injected by inhalation, the drug needs time so that it can fully exert its curative effect and help the body fight the disease.
During 1-1,5 hours it is recommended to observe not only physical rest, but also rest the digestive system. Only after a specified period of time you can safely eat or drink water. The last day of inhalation is better to spend before bed, because it will help to avoid the temptation to eat something in the field of the procedure.
Smokers are also advised to wait an hour after the procedure, allowing the respiratory system to recover and recover before it is again etched with cigarette smoke.
From walks in the fresh air will have to give up for 1.5-2 hours. This is especially important if steam inhalations, related to the category of thermal procedures, have been carried out. Inhalation of cold air in this case will have the effect observed with a sharp change in temperature. The patient's condition in this case can deteriorate sharply.
And even inhalations in the nebulizer, stimulating blood circulation in the nasopharynx, lead to a certain increase in temperature in the affected area. So again we get a contrast of temperatures.
During inhalations with a runny nose, it is not necessary to exclude the possibility of some part of the drug entering the oral cavity, although it is less than what remains as a result of inhalations during coughing. And still, if inhalation with antibiotics or hormonal preparations was performed after the procedure, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with boiled water (slightly warm or room temperature).
After inhalation, it is necessary to put in order the used instruments. The dishes are thoroughly washed with soda or antibacterial detergents. If possible, pots should be boiled, and used napkins and towels to spread and dry.
If the procedure was carried out with the help of a nebulizer, the rest of the solution must be poured out of the reservoir, which is disconnected from the main part of the device. The tank should be well rinsed with boiled or distilled water, if necessary, and all used attachments can be wiped with a liquid antiseptic. After washing, the device is wiped dry with a cloth that does not leave fine fibers on the surface.
When the nebulizer is subsequently used, all parts must be dry. Twice a week it is recommended to disinfect the tank and nozzles by boiling or treating with antiseptic agents (for example, the same Miramistin).
If you follow the recommendations for the preparation and conduct of inhalation with a cold, as well as leaving after the procedure, you can expect a noticeable relief of the symptoms of the disease after 3-5 such procedures. Inhalations help fight inflammation and infection, restore nasal breathing and stimulate regenerative processes in the tissues of the nose. Properly conducted inhalation treatment will help not only to alleviate the condition of the patient at the time of illness, but also to prevent possible complications. In addition, it helps to avoid the unpleasant consequences of treating the common cold by instilling unsafe vasoconstrictive drugs into the nose, which can eventually lead to atrophy of the nasal mucosa.