Treatment of the frontal sinus cyst
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the most common pathologies for today is the frontal sinus cyst. It is formed for various reasons. Often formed as a result of obstruction or blockage of the nasal cavity. Slime continues to be synthesized by epithelial cells, but its excretion is difficult. Gradually formed a spherical structure, which continues to increase in size, gradually turning into a cyst.
In the treatment of patients with a frontal sinus cyst, three main stages are distinguished: treatment of the patient during an exacerbation, antiretroviral treatment during the remission period, and also tempering the body. When prescribing antibiotic therapy, sensitivity of the microflora should be taken into account and at the same time prescribing preparations for the prevention of fungal diseases.
In parallel, symptomatic treatment aimed at identifying the main symptoms of the fistula cyst. So, with severe pain, anesthetic treatment is performed, prescribing analgesics, pain medications. With a strong inflammation, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, with signs of allergy and increased sensitization of the body - antihistamines and antiallergic agents. If there are spasms, prescribe anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants, sedatives, sedatives.
Before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor, as any remedy can have a number of contraindications, side effects. Often self-medication leads to the fact that the situation not only does not get better, but also worsens. The greatest risk is the risk of malignant degeneration of the cyst.
Since antibiotics are often prescribed for various neoplasms, precautions should be taken: in order to avoid the development of microflora resistance to them, it is necessary to pass the treatment course completely, not to throw, even if the symptoms of the disease have already disappeared. Also, in no case should you use a lower dosage - the risk of recurrence and malignant degeneration increases. If the dosage is exceeded, there is a risk of overdose.
Of the synthetic antibiotics, oxacillin is used - 0.5-1.0 g every 4 hours one hour before meals, methicillin - 0.5-1 g every 4-6 hours intramuscularly. Fusidine - 0.5 g three times a day for 6 days, dicloxacillin - 0.5 g 3 times a day for 7-10 days, erythromycin - 0.25 g 4 times a day. In the absence of effect 2-4 days after the appointment of some antibiotics, they must be replaced by others. Good results are given by the administration of antibiotics directly into the frontal sinus by inhalation or by a thin catheter.
Treatment requires the appointment of vitamin C, because it has antioxidant properties, is a powerful tool in the fight against free radicals. Accordingly, the body and blood are cleansed, the risk of cancerous degeneration of the tumor decreases. Vitamin provides stimulation of the immune system, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which the resistance of the organism, its ability to withstand infectious and inflammatory diseases, significantly inhibit the development of tumors.
The optimal dosage is 1000 mg per day. The remaining vitamins are better to exclude, since they act as a nutrient medium for microorganisms, which leads to an increase in their activity and the progression of the inflammatory and infectious process.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment show warming up, inhalation, heating with the help of light of different wavelengths. Well-acting ultraviolet rays, infrared light. If necessary, resort to laser treatment. It also positively affects the body hardening, therapeutic exercise. At home, you can do a nose wash.
Alternative treatment
You can try an ointment with a unique composition that will promote resorption of neoplasms, scarring of damaged tissues, stopping further disease progression. Ointment has a warming effect, which improves blood circulation, lymph circulation, reduces inflammation, swelling and stagnation occur. It is good to use such ointment in purulent and exudative diseases, it prevents blockage of blood vessels and ducts, dilutes the accumulated exudate.
Prepare the ointment is simple enough: take about 100 grams of melted milk and the same amount of butter. First, melt on low heat, with constant stirring oil, then slowly pour in the milk. Bring to a boil. Add 10 grams of gum, about 5-6 medium pine cones, 3-4 tablespoons of pine needles. Cook for about 10 minutes, then strain it all. The resulting liquid is cooled, then place in the refrigerator until completely hardened. When the product hardens, take it in small pieces and lubricate or nasal passages, frontal sinuses.
You can also prepare drops in the nose. For their preparation, take olive oil (about 50 ml). Add a tablespoon of almond oil and a teaspoon of coconut oil. Stir thoroughly, add 2-3 tablespoons of peppermint and the same amount of eucalyptus, boil until boiling. As soon as the oil boils, it can be removed. Separately squeeze the juice of one large sheet of aloe. After the oil has cooled, pour it with aloe juice, and mix again thoroughly. This will provide an opportunity to acquire all the necessary properties for resorption of neoplasms and elimination of inflammatory processes. Drip on a full pipette in each nostril, at least 3 times a day.
Good sea-healing and regenerating properties are possessed by sea buckthorn oil. Drops are recommended to be used after inflammation with the formation of scar tissue, as well as after surgery, or any other invasive interventions. To make drops, you need to take as a base the oil of sea-buckthorn. It will take approximately 50 ml. It can be purchased at the pharmacy in ready-made form, or squeezed out of fresh berries. Heat the oil on a fire without bringing to a boil, add 2-3 sheets of anise, 5-6 grains of a carnation. Bring to a boil, remove and cover with a lid. Allow the agent to infuse for 2-3 hours, after which it can be buried in the nose along a whole pipette. First 4 times a day, then you can reduce the frequency a little. At night, you can lubricate the frontal sinus area with warmed oil, rub it with light massaging movements.
Herbal Treatment
Various herbs are used in the treatment. Chamomile has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used in various kinds. Most often used in the form of a decoction, which is recommended to cook for every day and drink fresh. Chamomile can be drunk as tea: brew in a tea pot instead of tea, and drink during the day, and also add to the tea leaves, into the cup as a flavor.
You can prepare a tincture of chamomile. To do this, pour about a third of the flask or bottle with vodka or alcohol (bring to the top). And give the opportunity to brew for a week. The tincture should change its color - this is the best sign that all the healing power from the plant has gone to infusion. Infusion can also be used quite differently: for oral administration (1-2 tablespoons several times a day). It can also be used for rubbing, as a warming agent for a compress, as a lotion on the frontal sinus area. Many add this remedy to tea, or directly into a chamomile broth. You can also use it in a mixture with honey, as a result of which the healing properties of chamomile are only intensified.
Well proven nettle. You can apply all parts of her body. Thus, the leaves are ideal as a flavor and aromatic additive in tea. You can use a decoction of leaves and stems of nettle. Roots are used to prepare decoctions and infusions for external use. Flowers can be boiled and used as an ointment or mass for application to affected areas. Many mix it with baby cream, and put on the frontal sinuses. And mixed with sunflower, or any other oil, you can lubricate the nasal passages.
You can apply stevia - this is an excellent tool that not only fights the symptoms of a particular disease, but also has a systemic effect on the body. It stimulates the immune system, as a result of which the body independently overcomes various diseases, including tumors. If the cyst is of small size, then under the condition of prolonged treatment, it can self-destruct.
Stevia is often used as a decoction. The cup will take 2-3 tablespoons of herbs. She poured steep boiling water, and insisted for an hour. After the broth cools down, it is filtered through gauze. Remaining on the gauze mass do not discard, as this is another valuable tool that can be used for external use. Mix the mass with honey, mix until a uniform state is formed, after which you can wrap and place on the frontal sinus area. At the same time, you should lie down, relax as much as possible, lie down for at least 15 minutes. After the compress is removed, you can wash the skin with warm water or a small amount of broth. It is also recommended to freeze a small amount of broth in the molds. After you remove the compress, it is better to wash the skin with an ice cube prepared from stevia.
Homeopathic treatment is not inferior in scientific to allopathic treatment, if only because even allopaths do not always recognize the effectiveness of their therapy. Treatment with homeopathic remedies has a powerful therapeutic effect that can cure not only mild ailments, but also serious illnesses, even tumors. This is its advantage and disadvantage. The slightest inaccuracy, error in dosage or method of application can lead to serious consequences, which are often completely unpredictable, sometimes irreversible. This makes us a number of requirements: be careful, observe precautions, always consult a doctor.
To eliminate cysts and other similar neoplasms, a homoeopathic ointment prepared on the basis of badger fat is recommended. It quickly resolves any seals, eliminates swelling, redness. To prepare the ointment is recommended to take a tablespoon of flour, 2 tablespoons of honey, mix thoroughly, drive the egg. To bring to the formation of a uniform consistency, after which it can be applied to the nasal sinus and frontal lobes. Can be used to lubricate the nasal cavity.
A nutrient is recommended that will help to increase immunity and normalize metabolic processes. As a result, the body will pass to the level of self-regulation, which will easily and effectively overcome any disease by its own efforts. To prepare a nutritious mixture it is recommended to take 2-3 persimmons of medium size, mash to a puree state, add one sliced in small cubes, or a fig-sharpened fork. After that, carefully mix and pour over the juice of the pomegranate. Take 3-4 tablespoons a day. You can drink it with any fermented milk product, for example kefir.
A restorative elixir is recommended when preparing for surgery to remove the cyst, and also after the surgery period for recovery. As a basis, take the juice of pomegranate (about 500 ml), add to it 100 ml of rose hip syrup. Thoroughly mix, we put in advance the prepared puree-like viburnum. To do this, grind the Kalina with a fork until a homogeneous mass is added to it honey. Stir, and put all this in mixed juices. Drink a third cup at a time, but not more than a glass a day.
Nutritional vitaminized mixture is also used in the postoperative period, with lethargy, drowsiness, nosebleeds. Take the egg shell, cut it in such a way that it resembles a bowl. Egg poured, leave only yellow. Gently knead it together with ground ginger and cinnamon until a homogeneous mass forms. From above add the prepared sea buckthorn, mashed by a fork until a homogeneous mass is formed. Stir in the shell, add 2 ml of fish oil, mix again and cover with the second half of the egg. It is better to prepare a fresh remedy for each appointment. It is allowed to store in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.
If the conservative therapy is ineffective, resort to surgical methods of treatment. Apply either a conventional open surgery, or endoscopic removal of the cyst. Before the operation, a consultation of a surgeon, an anesthesiologist is appointed, a control X-ray photograph is taken, and a complete list of laboratory tests is assigned.
Removal of the fistula cyst
Many clinics use an open surgery, in which the frontal sinus is cut with the help of standard surgical instruments, the cyst is extracted, the wound surface is sewn up. This method allows you to quickly remove the cyst, does not require specific equipment. Nevertheless, he is not without flaws. The postoperative period lasts a long time, since the wound surface is quite large. There is a high risk of postoperative complications, in particular, the development of infection and inflammation. Restoration proceeds slowly and painfully enough, often requires the appointment of strong painkillers.
Endoscopic removal of the frontal sinus cyst
This method is used in many modern clinics. For the operation, special equipment is used - an endoscope. With its help, several small incisions of the frontal sinus are made. It introduces an endoscope with a video camera that allows you to inspect the cavity, examine the cyst itself, determine the nature of the pathology and develop a further tactic for the surgical operation. The image can be displayed on the screen, which greatly facilitates the work of specialists. With the help of a second endoscope, surgical instruments are inserted through the opening, which enable the operation to be performed with minimal consequences.
At the same time, the risk of damage to neighboring tissues is excluded, and the operation is carried out with maximum accuracy, directed directly at the removal of the cyst. The risk of infection, postoperative complications and the development of the inflammatory process is minimized. Healing of the wound surface occurs quickly enough, since the frontal sinus is not completely cut. The recovery period does not last long: in a few days the patient can be discharged home. In addition, after the operation, scarring is almost non-existent, since incisions are sometimes not even sewn up, but simply sealed with adhesive plaster.