Disability group for psoriasis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Almost all patients with psoriasis are interested in whether disability is associated with psoriasis. After all, when more than 30% of the skin surface is affected, the diagnosis is formulated as a severe degree of psoriasis. And if complications develop in the form of psoriatic erythroderma or psoriatic arthritis, the disease can lead to loss of ability to work.
Therefore, relying on existing norms of legislation (in particular, Ukrainian and Russian), we decided to answer this question.
Disability in psoriasis in Ukraine
In accordance with the provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 561 (from 05.09.2011) - on the "Instruction on the establishment of disability groups" - a patient with this disease can be sent for examination to the Medical and Social Expertise (ITU) at the place of residence. In this case, the attending physician must be confirmed (in the form of a medical report on the letterhead of the medical institution with an extract from the medical history) that the disease is progressing and all the applied methods of treatment do not have an effect.
But to receive a disability in psoriasis in Ukraine is possible only for patients with psoriatic erythroderma (which affects a significant part of the skin), as well as with psoriatic arthritis.
In addition, mandatory conditions stipulate the existence of a documented fact of temporary disability by the patient (for 5 or more months for a year) or his inpatient treatment for 4 months (with a sick list for the entire period of treatment).
It is also mandatory to reduce the level of qualifications and ability to self-service (with psoriatic arthritis - restriction of mobility), which became a consequence of the disease. The established group of disability in psoriasis is determined by the ITU on the basis of a medical report and expert assessments of the patient's condition.
Disability in psoriasis in Russia
For the citizens of the Russian Federation, the rules according to which a disability is established are set forth in Government Decision No. 1121 (adopted in 2009), and this procedure is also carried out by the ITU - according to the classification developed by the Ministry of Health, indicating the main criteria and norms for determining the severity of the disease (or trauma) , the degree of its negative consequences for human health, its life and work capacity.
In fact, disability in psoriasis in Russia can be formalized in the direction of the medical institution on the same grounds and under conditions identical to its establishment in Ukraine. That is, all medical documents that officially confirm the presence of the disease, the treatment carried out (in the conditions of hospitalization) and the negative consequences that have arisen are necessary.
However, the instructions of the Ministry of Health specify: hospitalization of patients with psoriasis concerns the progressing stage of the disease (with a large area of damage), pustular and exudative forms of the disease, as well as psoriatic erythroderma.
Most often - with an unfavorable prognosis regarding the possibility of working - the second group of disability in psoriasis is determined, and in the most severe cases - the third.
By the way, in the USA and Canada patients can also get disability in psoriasis. For example, almost 1.5 million Americans diagnosed psoriasis, and according to the National Foundation of Psoriasis (NPF), 75% of them report that their disease has a serious impact on their daily lives.
Each year, the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Department of Disability Benefits (SSDI) assign up to 400 disability benefits for psoriasis. But the rules for prescribing the manual are quite strict and include both a comprehensive examination of patients and an expert evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment. And to check the reaction of the body to previously conducted therapy, a three-month treatment is appointed, controlled by trusted specialists. Although, as you know, the disease is chronic and lifelong.