Treatment of psoriasis with living and dead water
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Live and dead water is a liquid formed as a result of electrolysis. Living water is called the cathode part of the liquid with a pH of 10 - 11; in the scientific literature it is catholyte. Accordingly, the dead water is an anolyte, its pR is 4 - 5 units. Both solutions are activated water and are often used in alternative medicine, in particular, for the treatment of psoriasis by living and dead water.
Advantages and disadvantages
Live and dead water is used in alternative medicine, as well as for household purposes. No harm has been reported from activated water.
To treat psoriasis with live and dead water, a lotion method is used, which is fixed with a bandage for stability.
- Carefully washed with soap and steamed as much as possible by hot compress, the skin is moistened with warmed dead water. After 10 minutes, the diseased areas are poured live and the following days again use only living water, without hygienic washing of the skin. The procedures are repeated 5 to 8 times a day.
Treatment also includes the use of liquid inside, half a glass before meals, according to this scheme: three days - dead, then - live.
One cycle is designed for 6 days. For complete recovery, usually 4 to 5 cycles are enough. Between them, weekly breaks are recommended.
During the treatment it is necessary to abandon bad habits and make changes to the menu, in particular, not to eat smoked foods and salty foods. If possible, avoid stressful situations.
After 4 - 5 days, psoriatic plaques are cleared, pink skin is shown beneath them. If during the treatment the skin becomes dry and painful cracks form on it, dead water helps eliminate such symptoms.
Advantages and disadvantages of therapy are not described in detail. But an obvious advantage is that it can be done and used at home. Individual craftsmen design homemade devices for electrolysis, but most people find it safer and safer to buy factory instruments, which are sufficiently offered on the websites of online stores.
The second advantage is the absence of side effects. But this does not mean that you can use this method of psoriasis treatment uncontrollably and at your own discretion. Treatment should be preceded by a check-up from the attending physician.
Treatment of psoriasis with live and dead water is recommended in the presence of indications, that is, psoriasis plaques and rashes on the skin. In the therapeutic scheme, both types of activated water are used.
- The anolyte has an acidic taste, a brownish tint and a characteristic odor. In the track record - a long list of properties useful to the human body.
- Catholite has an alkaline reaction and an equally impressive list of advantages. A vivid example of a beneficial effect is wilted flowers, which "come to life" when placed in living water.
It is proved that both parts of the activated water have a beneficial effect on the human body. Briefly, the dead displays excess salts, slags and poisons, and the living one leads to normal acidity, pressure and metabolism. This is based on the preventive and curative effects of the substance.
It should be remembered that in practice both anolyte and catholyte lose their activity with time, therefore it is recommended to use them for 9-12 hours after preparation.
Mineral water and psoriasis
The healing properties of waters flowing from certain mineral springs are explained not only by the unique composition, but also by the result of natural electrolysis. Such a chemical process is possible in natural conditions if water passes through layers with a large potential difference. They act as a kind of anodes and cathodes, so a liquid is formed that is used to treat live psoriasis and dead water.
Sometimes people wonder why the water of their mineral springs loses its medicinal properties during storage. The decrease in the efficiency of mineral waters is due to the fact that the ions are quietly neutralized, that is, the activated water turns into ordinary water.
A clear diet for psoriasis can not be, because there are many causes of the disease. However, there are some recommendations, in particular, experts advise to ensure that the body has the right acid-alkaline ratio. Specifically - 70-80:20 - 30%.
In the context of the topic "alkali mineral water and psoriasis", we can talk about two ways of using them: internal and external.
- For internal use, alkaline waters such as Borjomi, Esentuki-4, Skuri, and Arzni are of interest, supplementing the menu balanced in these indices.
- For water procedures, water from mineral springs - both thermal and cool - suits. Sulfuric, alkaline, calcareous, iodine-hydrogen baths are washed, disinfected, promote the regeneration of the skin and effectively affect the problem areas with psoriasis.
It should be borne in mind that this method of treatment is contraindicated in certain diseases.
In addition to mineral, in psoriasis you need to drink fairly simple water (up to 3 liters a day). Alkaline water helps to reduce the symptoms of psoriasis and improve the overall condition of the patient. But hardly anyone managed to cure the disease with just one water.
Ordinary and mineral waters are also included in the unloading diet with severe, intractable forms of psoriasis, which includes:
- daily enemas;
- hygienic showers;
- abundant drinking;
- Borjomi from 3 to 4 days;
- mouth rinsing.
The unloading period of the diet lasts about ten days, then recovery follows, about the same number of days.
Psoriasis and seawater
Psoriasis and sea water are perfectly combined - in the sense that salted baths have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease. To the services of patients - the world-famous health resort - Dead Sea in Israel, the salt lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan is gaining popularity.
- Unlike the treatment of psoriasis with live and dead water, salty baths are available without long trips and special devices. It is enough to buy sea salt - and you can immediately take water procedures in your own bathroom. In extreme cases, the usual table salt will do.
Baths with sea salt have a healing effect on the affected areas, warm and tonify the body, in particular, muscles and joints. Therefore, the procedures are especially useful in the arthritic form of psoriasis. Salt removes irritation, eliminates peeling, heals microcracks.
How to make a salty bath at home? For one bath, 1 to 1.5 kg of sea salt is required, which is first dissolved in hot water (about 50 degrees). The solution is mixed with warm water in such quantity to cover the entire body. Before that, you need to take a shower, because clean skin more effectively absorbs useful components of sea salt.
The duration of such a bath is 15 minutes, with psoriasis enough two procedures per week. Salt rinse with a warm shower and soak the body with a towel, if desired, lubricate with a nutritious cream.
The effect is manifested through several baths, and clean skin becomes after 3 months. Caution for hypertensive patients: if the doctor does not recommend hot procedures due to increased blood pressure, the same result for psoriasis can be obtained through saline applications.
Sea baths are useful to alternate with herbal, starch, turpentine, conifers, salt-iodine, linen, oats and other baths.
It is forbidden to take salty baths for patients with cancer, tuberculosis, epileptics, diabetics, atherosclerosis and pregnancy.
Among the reviews on the treatment of psoriasis with live and dead water there are positive and even enthusiastic. Some consider water not just an effective medicine, but a panacea for all ailments. And, judging by the reviews, such procedures sometimes really heal from psoriasis.
People discuss the advantages and disadvantages of devices for obtaining an activated substance. They share the experience of using it in everyday life, the benefits for watering flowers and other household needs.
Treatment of psoriasis by living and dead water, mineral and saline waters is widely used in dermatology and in many cases causes positive changes on the skin. Even in severe cases, after such procedures, remission is observed. But water procedures can not be considered the only method of treatment; they should be used in the complex treatment of this complex disease.