Increased occipital lymph nodes in adults and children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The occipital lymph nodes are in the back of the neck. In a healthy state, they are not noticeable at all and can not be probed. But as a result of the inflammatory process, there is an increase in the occipital lymph nodes, as a result of which small rounded tubercles appear on the neck, which, when palpated, can become very painful. In some cases, pain occurs and without pressure on the inflamed area - this is a sign of an acute course of the disease.
Causes of the enlargement of the occipital lymph nodes
Lymphadenitis can acquire a specific or non-specific form. Violation of the first type is a symptom of various infectious pathologies of severe form. Among them are:
In addition, lymph nodes can increase due to rheumatoid arthritis or leukemia.
Nonspecific form of lymphadenitis develops because the infectious focus is located close to the lymph nodes of the occipital part. Their increase usually provokes such chronic processes as phlegmon, dental caries, tonsillitis or chronic form of pharyngitis. In addition, otitis media or trophic ulcers may be the cause.
Lymphadenitis is sometimes a sign of an allergy or vice versa, a decrease in immunity. In some cases this symptom is observed in cancer patients (in the terminal stage).
Lymph nodes on the back of the head may increase for such reasons: because of rubella, the infectious process in the scalp (with fungi, furuncles, purulent rashes), and in some cases even because of lice.
Among the additional causes of increased l / u - eczema, streptodermia or an allergic form of dermatitis.
Lymphonoduses are the peripheral organs of the immune system, which consist of a variety of cells and are connected by means of endurant and bringing lymphatic vessels, as well as post-capillaries with the circulatory system. With the help of fibroblasts, as well as their derivatives (mesh cells), a support structure is formed. Histocytes, intra-epidermal macrophages and dendrites are very important cells for the body, performing the function of an immune response.
Lymphoid follicles mostly consist of B cells. Lymphoid nodules of the primary type are populated with B-lymphocytes carrying IgM and IgD molecules, and also by T-cell helper cells before the onset of antigenic stimulation. Lymphoid nodules of the secondary type are formed due to the appearance of an antigenic stimulus. They contain an embryonic center, which includes active B-lymphocytes, mononuclear phagocytes, FDC, and also helpers.
Interfollicular regions, and in addition to them, paracortical patches are formed mainly from T cells. The joint location of a multitude of dendrites, mononuclear phagocytes, lymphocytes and intra-epidermal macrophages allows the lymph node to function as the main element of a specific structure that combines these cell types. It forms the effective humoral-cellular immune response of the body.
Lymph nodes may increase due to such factors:
- an increase in the number of benign mononuclear phagocytes and lymphocytes as a result of the immune response of the organism to the antigen;
- due to the penetration of cells of the inflammatory process as a result of infections that spread to the lymph nodes;
- reproduction of malignant mononuclear phagocytes and lymphocytes in situ;
- infiltration of lymph nodes with metastases of a malignant tumor;
- infiltration by mononuclear phagocytes, which are loaded with decomposition products due to the development of a variety of accumulation diseases.
Symptoms of the enlargement of the occipital lymph nodes
The skin at the site of the lymph node externally remains unchanged, but the local temperature in this area increases. In addition to unilateral, there is a bilateral increase in lymph nodes in the occipital region. Usually such a process displays the following manifestations:
- chills or fever starts, fever increases;
- there are symptoms of intoxication - loss of appetite, dizziness, severe nausea;
- due to suppuration in the area around the lymph node, redness is observed, and the skin feels palpable when palpated. Pressure causes throbbing pain, as well as a sharp crunch in this area.
Due to the fact that lymphadenitis is not an independent pathology and manifests itself only as a secondary symptom, in addition to these manifestations, signs of the underlying disease can also be observed, supplementing the clinical picture.
Increased BTE and occipital lymph nodes
The increase in BTE is due to the increased stress on them. This is due to the need to delay and destroy the cells of the tumor that has appeared or the developing infectious process. At the same time, they can be palpated - they are felt as dense nodules that have different sizes. With the infection in this case, adenoids with tonsils and thymus gland also compete, which can also increase.
Increased occipital lymph nodes in children
In children, lymph nodes at the nape usually increase due to various inflammations developing in the scalp (osteomyelitis of the cranial vault, various fungi or furuncles, purulent rashes). The increase in this group of l / u occurs also when the child develops rubella.
Increased occipital lymph nodes in adults
The increase in lymph nodes in the occipital part in adults occurs quite rarely (except that due to the infectious process in this area). If this is not observed, most likely, the cause in the generalized type of lymphadenopathy (this can occur because of HIV infection).
Complications and consequences
If you do not provide the patient with the right timely treatment, the inflammatory process can develop into generalized sepsis. In this case, poisonous substances and infection penetrate into the bloodstream, resulting in rapid transport to all cells of the body. This process develops lightning fast, and the increase in symptoms of the disease occurs very quickly.
Since the lymph nodes are close to the brain, the consequence of their increase may be the development of meningitis. This disease is very difficult - it entails many serious complications and in many cases leads to death.
Diagnostics of the enlargement of the occipital lymph nodes
Having detected an increase in lymph nodes, you should immediately consult a doctor. And if the increase in the manifestations of the disease occurs rapidly, the patient has a general malaise, and the temperature rises sharply - it should, without delay, cause an ambulance.
Diagnosis of the disease in manifestations of lymphadenitis begins with the procedure of external examination, which is performed by a doctor. She also needs to collect an anamnesis.
If the nature of the pathology can not be identified using instrumental methods, doctors prescribe a biopsy of the lymph node, enlarged as a result of the disease. Then the content is examined. In addition, blood is taken for analysis.
Instrumental diagnostics
In the absence of such obvious reasons for the increase in l / y, like measles or angina, instrumental diagnostics is performed to determine the provoking factor of the disease. To exclude the cancer of the sternum or tuberculosis, it may be necessary to perform X-rays or fluorography.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
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Treatment of the enlargement of the occipital lymph nodes
When enlarging the occipital lymph nodes it is necessary to treat not this symptom itself, but the underlying disease that provoked it. While waiting for the doctor's arrival, it is recommended to apply a cold compress to the site of inflammation, and, if necessary, take an analgesic and antipyretic medicine. It should be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to warm the lymph nodes, as this can activate the purulent process, which results in the development of a very dangerous complication - sepsis.
In the treatment of diseases that cause an increase in the occipital lymph nodes, drugs of different pharmacological categories are used: anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, as well as immunomodulating drugs, etc.
Usually, lymph nodes increase due to the infectious process, which should be treated with antibiotics. The use of these agents quickly normalizes their size, eliminating inflammation.
When the cause of the increase can not be determined, doctors prescribe to drink a course of antibiotics (no more than 10 days). If the patient's condition improves, and the lymph nodes decrease in size, this is regarded as a factor that confirms the bacterial nature of the pathology.
In the case of lymph nodes increased due to an allergic reaction, you must exclude any contact with allergens, and also start drinking antihistamines.
Antibiotics, which are actively used at an early stage of the disease - are drugs that can slow the process of inflammation. The most effective drugs are Amoxicillin, Flemoxinum and Amoxilav, and in addition Ceftazidime, Ceftriaxone and Ampicillin. Therapeutic course with these drugs lasts about 10-14 days. Often this is enough to slow the inflammation. Parallel with this, the treatment of the underlying disease occurs.
Operative treatment
With suppuration of the lymph nodes, surgical intervention can be performed. With the help of surgery, the effects of purulent lymphadenitis are eliminated: an opening of abscesses and adenophlegmons is performed, and in addition, removal of pus and drainage of wounds.
The increase in the occipital lymph nodes at the initial stage and with timely correct treatment basically has a favorable prognosis. But with the appearance of complications due to untimely treatment, especially if the development of sepsis began, the prognosis worsens, even a lethal outcome is possible.