Contact Allergy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A contact allergy or other more specified name for contact-allergic dermatitis is a disease presented in the form of eczema, resulting from skin contact with delayed-type allergens. But, here there is a contradiction that are directly related to allergens, namely, in medicine substances known that can provoke an allergic process without the presence of an allergic factor, that is, an allergen. The mechanism of action of such substances is called a contact allergy. The process of this allergic reaction in the process of chemical damage to the skin is carried out.
Contact allergy has two forms of manifestation:
- photocontact dermatitis,
- contact urticaria.
Causes of contact allergy
Consider the reasons why a contact allergy may occur:
- substances on a plant basis: tulips, chrysanthemums, primulas - have the most active allergens. The enumerated flowers in their composition contain components that can contact skin to sensitize;
- metals. Some women complain about the poor quality of costume jewelry, as in the process of wearing it on skin areas (where contact with the allergen has occurred), irritation of various kinds occurs. For example, salts, nickel and chromium are some of the most active allergenic factors. But the connecting processes with chromium are very popular in production. As for nickel, it can be found anywhere, from heavy industry to household appliances, for example, a crochet hook, wristwatches, hairpins or dentures. The same group should include beryllium, mercury, cobalt, copper, gold, platinum, uranium;
- perfumery and cosmetics, or rather their components: stabilizers and preservatives;
- The hair dye has a very high sensitizing activity, since it contains dinitrochlorobenzene;
- formalin, which is in demand in industry and medicine;
- natural (rosin, rubber, shellac) and artificial (resin, plastics, synthetic rubber) polymers. Contact allergy that has arisen on the basis of this group of allergens, most often, is of a professional nature, that is, a person working, say, at a rubber plant can "pick up" contact allergy.
Symptoms of contact allergy
As we said at the outset, the contact allergy has two forms, and hence its symptoms also have several varieties, namely:
- photocontact dermatitis is characterized by symptoms, as in allergic dermatitis,
- contact urticaria is characterized by urticaria rash on the skin.
In addition, the symptoms may be acute dermatological in nature or expressed as a contact eczema.
In the case of acute condition, there is swelling in the affected areas of the skin, which has no clear boundaries. Heavy forms are characterized by wetting and vesiculation. In the most severe cases, large blisters can occur on the skin.
Contact allergy can take a chronic form. This happens to people who do not want or can not avoid systematic contact with the allergen, for example, a person does not want to change a denture, or a job, and so on.
Contact allergy in children
In occasion of children it is necessary to tell, that provoking occurrence of contact allergy of factors set, for example, a washing powder or room flowers. Many parents observe all sorts of rules, for example, do not start pets, do not buy Chinese toys from poor-quality plastic, systematically ventilate the rooms, and children, all the same, "in specks", why? How and for what reasons is contact allergy possible in children?
It is impossible to list all the factors because there are a lot of them. But, if the child suffers from this, it means that the allergen, after all, is present and, moreover, the child is in contact with it. Even the smell of paint or mother's perfume can affect the children's body. During this period, the human body is most susceptible to the effects of various factors, especially if the child has scratches or other skin lesions through the body, through which the effect of the allergen passes in an enhanced mode.
So, if the child has a contact allergy, then it must be determined that it provoked only, then the natural skin process can recover. We list the possible allergens:
- hygiene means: shampoo, soap, washcloth and so on,
- household chemicals: washing powder, air conditioners and so on,
- aerosols, nebulizers, flavors,
- pets, house plants,
- dust,
- means against insects, for example, in the form of an aerosol,
- aciton-containing substances: nail polish, acetone, paint and so on,
- synthetic fabrics,
- chain or a cross on the neck.
This list can be continued indefinitely. Decoction from calendula flowers can temporarily calm the skin, but you can eliminate allergic reaction, except by eliminating contact with the allergen.
Allergies to contact lenses
Allergies to contact lenses are also contact allergies. And she shows herself a redness around the eyes, sometimes accompanied by itching.
Lenses made of high-quality material can not provoke the appearance of such or similar reaction. Most often, the allergy does not arise on contact lenses, but on the solution itself to care for them.
With regard to the treatment of an allergic reaction resulting from the wearing of lenses, it is necessary to make sure that the contact lenses were the cause of the allergy, and not, say, poplar fluff. Therefore, in the first place, you should consult an ophthalmologist and an allergist.
Of course, the Internet is full of information about how the contact allergy is treated at home. But do not forget that it is distributed for informational purposes. Self-medication is completely inappropriate here, as it may turn out that the red skin around the eyes is not at all an allergy. In addition, eye drops are recommended as preparations, for example, "Vizin". But, again, I would like to draw attention to the fact that "climbing" in the eye without medical advice is fraught with consequences.
Diagnosis of contact allergy
Contact allergy, like other types of allergies, is an immunopathological disease, and therefore requires a comprehensive examination with the involvement of related specialists: otorhinolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, dermatologists, immunologists. So, consider the types of skin tests:
- Prick "prick-test" is the most popular way of detecting an allergen,
- application tests "prick-test" - checks the skin reaction to any components that trigger contact allergy, from cosmetics to dental prostheses,
- blood tests on the tolerability of certain components, for example, dentures.
Contact allergy these days is by no means a rare case, therefore the diagnosis is carried out in an accessible way, quickly and almost painlessly.
Immune status study
Contact allergy during diagnosis includes methods for examining the immune status. At the same time, IgA, IgM, IgG is tracked in the blood serum for the determination of primary and secondary immunological disease, and of course, it is necessary to competently monitor the immunomodulatory treatment.
So, let's analyze the probable results:
- IgA, IgG - agamma-hypogammaglobemia of the congenital type is present if the elevated level of LgM is congenital hypogammaglobulinemia or a decreased level of LgA-selective insufficiency;
- if the results of the survey indicate that the levels of all immunoglobulins are elevated, this indicates that chronic infectious processes, systemic connective tissue diseases, chronic liver diseases and the like occur;
- selective increase in LgA or LgG is a phenomenon characteristic of myeloma. With Berger's disease, a selective increase in LgA is observed. A separate rise in the content of LgM can speak of macroglobulinemia.
In the case of suspicion of myeloma or the likelihood of macroglobulinemia Valdenstrom, as amyloidosis, electrophoretic diagnostics of urine and serum immunoglobulins is performed. This method of examination is used in the case of cryoglobulinemia, Bence-Jones, increased blood viscosity and certain lymphoproliferative diseases.
- a high level of urinary protein and LgA or LgG - a signal about myeloma,
- high level of urinary protein, but LgA and LgF remained at a normal level, then again there is a probability of myeloma,
- Macroglobulinemia when lifting LgM,
- heavy chain diseases - high urinary LgG.
A study of the immune system is often performed in order to determine the presence of autoantibodies by indirect immunofluorescence. This method is used to determine diseases with an immune pathogenesis.
In fact, there are many ways to study the immune system. Unfortunately, a person who does not have medical education does not always understand what they mean at all. And this is normal, because, in addition to the names of diseases, there is a whole complex of tests to determine a particular disease, by examining the concentration of the contents in urine, blood and in its serum. Why is all this done if the patient is sure that he has a contact allergy? Firstly, the 100 can not be sure of the diagnosis without preliminary analysis. Secondly, the causes and effects of contact allergies are plentiful, including antibodies.
Treatment of contact allergy
Contact allergy will not work if the patient "podsyadet" on antiallergic drugs and does not exclude from everyday use an irritating factor. First of all, it is absolutely necessary to eliminate the substance or object, which is, directly, an allergen.
After the cause of the allergy is eliminated, proceed to the next step:
- Acute inflammation and development of wetness is treated by cold lotions or with the addition of Burov's fluid. Using corticosteroids, you can achieve effective results, the course of their use lasts up to two weeks, 2 times a day;
- very severe reactions require a more intensive course of treatment of corticosteroids inward. Its duration is determined by the doctor as possible side effects;
- antihistamines are prescribed to relieve itching and swelling. These drugs include: "Fenistil", "Zirtek", "Zodiac", "Erius" and so on.
Alternative methods of treatment include, as a means for external and internal use.
As an internal application use a decoction of celery. For external methods of treatment, such methods are known: decoction of St. John's wort, or from flowers of marigold, or from celandine, or from a string. Apple and cucumber juices remove the inflammatory process on the skin. The same properties have sour cream and kefir.
But! It should be remembered that contact allergy, provoked by plant allergens in alternative ways, is unlikely to heal. And, in general, on this occasion, it is better to refrain from alternative recipes, since the situation may worsen.
Prevention of contact allergy
Contact allergy, like any other, does not have preventive measures. Why? To begin with, sometimes, an allergic reaction to one or another element is inherited. In addition, the allergy can occur in an acquired way, that is, on the basis of professional activity (work with chemicals or metals, for example), as a result of frequent hair dyeing, wearing contact lenses or dentures and so on. Avoid the impact factor is not realistic. For this, one must live in isolation, and then an allergic reaction to dust or household chemicals is possible. But, nevertheless, precautions will never hurt.
So, about the precautions:
- if you like wearing jewelry (especially piercings in the tongue or in the navel), watch for the quality of the metal,
- timely passage of medical examinations, to identify the propensity to allergies,
- should pay attention to the concentration of allergens that contain elements of plant origin, for example, tulips,
- especially if there are small children in the house, it is necessary to control the cleanliness in the house and to exclude artificial flavors, for example, air freshener,
- carefully read on the package contents of cosmetics, household chemicals,
- for fans of the garden and garden, some types of fertilizers with intensive concentration of synthetic agents can cause allergies. Precisely for this reason, if it is not possible to exclude contact with such substances, rubber gloves and long-sleeved clothing should be worn.
Contact allergy is called contact because the skin comes into contact with the allergen, so you can avoid allergic processes only by eliminating the allergen itself.