Allergy to tobacco smoke
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Everyone knows about the dangers of cigarette smoke, the mass media do not get tired of publishing threatening statistics, but smokers do not get any less. The list of risks of smoking, complications and pathologies right up to cancer is great, relatively recently it was also included in the allergy to tobacco smoke.
The results of studies of the composition of cigarette smoke are shocking, it includes the following toxic components:
- More than 4000 harmful chemical compounds, of which 40 provoke cancer.
- Alkaloids - nicotine, anabasine, ornicotine.
- Carcinogens - cadmium, nickel, arsenic, benzene, catechol and about 40 more components.
- Hydrogen cyanide (hydrocyanic acid).
- Nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, acrolein, formaldehyde.
- Radioactive components - polonium, bismuth, lead.
Enumerate poisonous substances can be long, they all have a pathological effect on the organs and systems of man, both the smoker himself and his environment, that is, the passive "consumers" of cigarette smoke. In addition, that smoking destroys the body, it is one of the factors that pollute the environment, air, resulting in an allergy to tobacco smoke.
Causes of allergy to tobacco smoke
By itself, the smoke does not contain a protein that can cause a true allergy. Rather, the smallest particles of exhaled components are irritants and activators of an already existing allergic predisposition. Especially it concerns asthmatics, which are in principle sensitive to the quality of the ambient air. In addition, both the smoker and his environment are subjected to an additional load on the immune system, accordingly, any allergen will cause a more intense immune response than a non-smoker or not inhaling cigarette smoke, a person.
Causes of allergy to tobacco smoke is a typical allergic reaction of a delayed type, which is formed gradually, after a time after contact (often permanent) with an allergen. During the "acquaintance" with the trigger factor in the immune system, a number of specific reactions occur and a titer of immunoglobulins (antibodies) is formed, which is designed to "surround" the antigen, to connect with it to the complex for excretion.
It should be noted that nicotine and other harmful substances contained in the cigarette itself or in the smoke, can not cause a primary immediate allergy, since their molecular weight is small and freely passes through the barrier of the receptors of immune cells. However, some components, such as flavors or resins, can provoke a true allergic reaction.
The causes of the tobacco smoke allergy are not fully understood, today it is believed that this is a reaction to a physical stimulus, the same as the smell of plants, perfumes or chemicals. Most often, smokers themselves suffer from this type of allergy, since the mucous membranes of their broncho-pulmonary system, nasopharynx are damaged, the cilia of the bronchial tree, which help to neutralize and remove harmful substances, are practically destroyed by nicotine. This is the reason for the acute reaction of sensitive, "bare" mucosal receptors, manifested as a cough or allergic rhinitis.
Passive smokers may also be at risk of developing allergies to cigarette smoke, but rather because of the initial allergic predisposition.
Symptoms of tobacco smoke allergy
Sensitivity to cigarette smoke may not appear immediately, since the allergic reaction develops in a slow type, like any so-called "false" allergy.
Symptoms of tobacco smoke allergy may be as follows:
- Difficulty with nasal breathing, stuffiness.
- Pain in the larynx, Pershenie.
- The slowness of the voice.
- Periodic dry cough.
- Itching of the skin.
- Reflex sneezing.
- Increased tear.
- Puffiness.
- Shortness of breath, right up to an asthmatic attack.
- Rarely, anaphylactic shock.
Most often, the symptoms develop slowly, but with an earlier allergy, tobacco smoke can accelerate the "chain" of symptoms and cause a serious condition requiring urgent medical attention. Also, constant contact with cigarette smoke can be a factor exacerbating the condition of people suffering from bronchial asthma, in which case the symptoms of tobacco smoke allergy correspond to the standard clinical picture of asthma.
The smoke is most dangerous for small children who can react atypically, they have all the signs of ARVI, respiratory manifestations that do not have an objective viral or infectious cause. The child can blush and hurt his throat, as with angina, he begins to cough, mucous discharge appears from the nose, less dense consistency than with a cold. Quite often, parents try to cure a cold as if on their own, but the symptoms do not disappear, which already testifies to the allergic nature of the disease. Differentiate the signs and determine the path of treatment in such cases should the doctor, most likely - an allergist.
Diagnosis of tobacco smoke allergy
How to find out what is the cause of the allergic reaction - cigarette smoke or other, provoking substance?
All the questions that are supposed to diagnose allergy to tobacco smoke are the prerogative of the attending physician or allergist. It is the doctor who determines the list of diagnostic measures, which can include such methods and methods:
- Anamnesis of life and disease, clarification of symptoms.
- ELISA (enzyme immunoassay), as a rule, is prescribed, but is not capable of giving a complete diagnostic picture.
- Skin allergological tests are shown, which in the initial period work by the method of exclusion of certain prospective antigens.
Diagnosis of tobacco smoke allergy does not have a separate, standard scheme, as is the definition of a provoking factor for any other form of pseudoallergia.
As a rule, quitting smoking, neutralizing smoke in the room and avoiding places where it is present, quickly helps to remove the main manifestations. Thus, a kind of tobacco elimination helps to establish the reality of cigarette smoke intolerance.
Treatment of allergy to tobacco smoke
The primary symptoms of an allergic reaction are removed by standard methods:
- Antiallergic drugs - antihistamines of the latest generation, once or course, if the allergy manifests itself for a long time.
- Symptomatic complementary therapy in cases where symptoms are manifested as dermatoses, which is rare.
Treatment of tobacco smoke allergy, if it is really only intolerance to the results of smoking, is quite simple: you just need to get rid of cigarettes and not be in those places where you smoke. Of course, in modern society this is difficult to do, especially if a person does not live in Europe. Most states have already imposed strict bans on smoking in public places more than a decade ago, thus protecting the possible passive effects of smoke.
In addition, it is necessary to quit smoking and poison the surrounding air as soon as possible, exposing the risk of diseases of one's relatives and friends, you can begin to strengthen the immune system and remove the toxic products from the body.
Treatment of allergy to tobacco smoke, cigarette smoke can be carried out using such methods, previously agreed with the allergist:
- Immunity is strengthened by beekeeping products, if there is no allergy to honey. The course use of pollen and honeycombs is a good help. It's enough two months of "honey" treatment to increase the resistance of the body.
- It should be remembered about vitamin therapy. Daily intake of vitamin C in a dose recommended by a doctor can not only awaken the protective forces of immunity, but also strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The course of treatment with vitamin C should not exceed 2 months.
- Good help broths expectorant herbs - mother-and-stepmother, linden, thyme. Phytospora, consisting of chamomile, dog rose, linden flowers, in proportion 1/1/2 should be taken at least 3 months according to the scheme: 50 ml three times a day after meals (after 40-60 minutes). Preparation: a tablespoon of the collection is poured into a glass of boiling water, it is infused for 10 minutes and boiled on low heat for another 10 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered, divided into 3 parts. Every day you should prepare a fresh preparation and drink it in a warm form.
Basic therapy, treatment of allergy to cigarette smoke is prescribed by a doctor, as well as with other types of allergic reactions. Self-activity and experiments with the use of alternative recipes can exacerbate the symptoms and provoke serious complications.
Prevention of tobacco smoke allergy
The method of prevention is one - you need to give up cigarettes and immediately leave the territory where there are smokers. Prevention of allergy to tobacco smoke is a careful attitude to their own health and a categorical rejection of the neighborhood with smoke, even once.
All other methods, which are offered by many sources, in our opinion belong to the category of half measures. All kinds of smoke neutralizers, fumigation of premises with aromatic oils, fans and air conditioners, supposedly capable of eliminating smoke, is, in fact, self-deception. It should be remembered that there is no harmless level of so-called secondary smoke, no airing is able to completely clean air, room, household items, clothing from the smallest particles of cigarette smoke, they can persist there for months, provoking allergic reactions.
Prevention of tobacco smoke allergy is a zone that is 100% smoke-free for half a year, which should be remembered, especially if there are children in the house.