Allergy to Mantu
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Mantus allergy is not a myth. This is a fact that has proven more than one generation of moms and dads. But do not rush to write angry letters to the local clinic. If your child has an allergy to Mantoux, do not rush to conclusions. To understand what is the main problem, this article will help.
Is Mantus allergic?
test Mantoux test is a method for the prevention of tuberculosis in children under 14 years of age. Most parents think that Mantu is a vaccine against tuberculosis. The answer is incorrect. Mantoux test is done to children aged 12 months to 14 years. The frequency of Mantoux tests depends on whether someone in the family is sick with tuberculosis, or if the child is in contact with the carriers of the disease. For children who are not in any risk groups, the Mantoux test is conducted annually. Contact with carriers are checked twice a year. Those who have constant contact with diseased tuberculosis, the Mantoux test is carried out once every 3-4 months. Is there any allergy to Mantus in children who have never been in contact with the carriers of the disease - yes, of course. And this is influenced by a lot of factors. Allergy to Mantu can occur even in healthy children who have been vaccinated at birth. Here the role is played by heredity, predisposition to all sorts of allergens.
Causes of Mantus Allergies
Most of us were given a BCG vaccine at birth. This is a vaccination against tuberculosis infection. Surprisingly, it happens that the tubercle bacillus from which they are vaccinated with this vaccine may remain in the child’s body. There is nothing wrong with that. The tubercle bacillus does not harm the small organism in any way. In the process of determining whether a child has a tuberculosis infection, tuberculin is injected subcutaneously into the body. The reaction to this substance is almost always the same. On the place where tuberculin is injected, a pimple appears, it is called a button. It is necessary to take care of a button, not to allow water contact for several days, not to comb it, not to pinch it with clothing. Then the reaction is normal, the button slightly increases in size, the redness remains and disappears 5-6 days after the injection. When checking the doctor always looks at the size of the buttons. After the first test, the doctor records the reaction size in the child’s medical record, and the value of the next reaction will always be compared with the previous one (Mantoux test dynamics). If the dynamics of the increase of the button does not exceed 5 mm - be calm. If it so happened that the reaction was positive:
- The button has greatly increased in size;
- There was a temperature;
- Cough, nausea, or vomiting;
- Weakened body
Do not rush to drag the child to the TB doctor and the therapist and begin treatment for tuberculosis. Perhaps your child is just allergic to Mantoux. The causes of Mantus allergy may be different. In addition, hundreds of factors can influence a positive result. Individually determine the causes of allergies to Mantoux can your family doctor. The method of excluding the tuberculosis infection itself, breaking the connection between tuberculin and BCG vaccination. There are a number of contraindications in which it is not necessary to test Mantoux - skin diseases, epilepsy, allergic diseases in the acute stage, any infectious diseases. Without knowing this, the doctor can conduct a Mantoux test. Because of what there is itself an allergy to Mantu.
Allergy after Mantoux
Allergy after the introduction of tuberculin into the body may occur in the evening, on the day of the injection. In the normal course of the child's reaction to Mantus, and proper care of the button, there should be no allergic reaction. The child continues to feel good, eats normally, sleeps and is awake. If you notice something unusual in the behavior or well-being of the baby, analyze:
- Has your child had an infectious disease in the past month?
- Has he been in contact with the carriers of the disease (tuberculosis)?
- Does your child have a predisposition for allergies?
- Was the care of the button correct?
Allergies after Mantoux may also be because the composition of a substance that is introduced into the body, in addition to tuberculin, also contains Phenol. This is a toxic substance. In small quantities, phenol is safe. But if a child is intolerant of this substance, you are allergic.
Symptoms of Mantus Allergies
Symptoms of Mantus allergy in a child may occur suddenly. They are easily confused with ordinary prickly heat, shortness of breath, or a cold. But be careful. Allergic after Mantoux may be accompanied by:
- high body temperature;
- skin rashes;
- loss of appetite;
- general muscle weakness;
- anaphylaxis.
Skin rashes can appear not only at the injection site, or around it. Pimples, or even blisters, can appear on the most tender areas of the skin - in the groin, on the priest, under the knees, on the inside of the elbow and on the face. The skin at the same time can be dry, exfoliate, itch.
Mantoux test for allergies
If the diagnosis is correct - an allergy to the Mantoux test - then the therapist may prescribe other ways to detect tuberculosis infection. Mantoux test for allergies, most often, is not conducted, so as not to aggravate the existing one. If you want to know about the presence of tuberculosis infection in the child’s body, you can be found with a method of determination in a tuberculosis dispensary. You can do a X-ray, sputum analysis. Mantu is not a panacea. This is just the fastest method of preventing tuberculosis in children.
Mantoux Allergy Treatment
Like any other allergy, an allergy to the Mantoux reaction is not treated. It is possible and necessary to arrest this manifestation of the child's body. If you still decide on another Mantoux test, make sure that two or three days before the test, the child drank through antihistamines. This may be the antihistamine Zyrtec or Zodak. Taking one of these drugs will greatly facilitate the child's reaction to Mantus. Just do not forget to warn the doctors who will conduct a test about what kind of antihistamine your child took. The dosage will help determine the family doctor, therapist or allergist.
What to do if you are allergic to Mantu?
If you notice any manifestations of allergy in your baby, hurry to show it to your doctor. Especially, if earlier the child did not have an allergy to anything. The above symptoms may not coincide with the way in which an allergy manifests itself specifically in your child. Children's organisms are so different that someone can have a headache, and only that, and someone has endless vomiting and insomnia. What to do if you are allergic to Mantu will be prompted by your family doctor. In the case when you encounter allergies is not the first time, follow the instructions that your doctor gave you. To start, exclude the possibility of "not allergies." Headache due to TV, fever due to cold, etc. Next, give the child half a tablet of Diazolin. It will help relieve an allergic reaction, even skin. If allergies are accompanied by difficulty breathing, call an ambulance. And as soon as possible. There is no time.
What to do if a child is allergic to Mantoux?
If you have determined that your child is allergic to Mantus, be careful. This means that the child is predisposed to a positive reaction to various allergens. It is necessary to consult a doctor, an immunologist, or an allergist for the effects of other allergens.
Mantoux allergy prevention
Prevention of allergies to Mantu is possible at home. Since the Mantoux test is a reaction of immunity to an irritant, work to strengthen the child’s immunity. The healthier your baby, the easier it will carry Mantoux test. It would be sensible to listen to the opinions of different doctors, an immunologist, a therapist, an allergist, regarding the need for a Mantoux test every year. After all, the best prevention of allergies - is to exclude the possibility of an allergen in the body. In this case, the allergen is tuberculin. Check for the presence of tuberculosis in other ways, and you protect your child from the possibility of allergies.
Allergies to Mantus, no more than the usual allergies, stoped. Write in the local clinic, kindergarten, or school refusal to conduct your child Mantoux test. If there is a risk of tuberculosis, check with the local TB clinic regularly. And check your kids.