Factors that increase the risk of hemorrhoids
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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What factors increase the risk of hemorrhoids?
Persistent constipation or diarrhea. These diseases can lead to tension during defecation and hemorrhoids as a consequence.
You can inherit a tendency to get hemorrhoids from your loved ones and relatives. Even when you are already 50 or more. Half of patients over 50 turn to doctors for getting rid of hemorrhoids.
Pregnancy and then - childbirth
When a child grows in the abdomen of the mother, during the last six months of pregnancy, women increase the amount of blood and pressure on the pelvic blood vessels. Large loads can also cause hemorrhoids.
Diseases of the heart or liver or both, and other organ
These diseases can lead to a reserve accumulation of blood in the pelvis and abdomen.
How to prevent hemorrhoids?
Need help with painful cones, hemorrhoidal itching? About 10 million patients in America alone suffer from hemorrhoids, which provokes swelling of the veins of the rectum or parts of the skin around the anus. They can be internal or external. External hemorrhoids most often cause symptoms of pain and itching with irritated rectum. Internal hemorrhoids are usually painless, but can cause bleeding of bright red color.
Avoid prolonged standing or sitting. This can lead to the accumulation of blood in the anal area and increase the pressure on the veins.
It is impossible to cause frequent heavy lifts of various objects or deep retention of breathing when lifting weights. This can suddenly and dramatically increase the pressure in the deep blood vessels.
Why does hemorrhoids arise?
Hemorrhoids are inflamed and swollen veins in the anus and lower part of the rectum. As a rule, they arise as a result of chronic constipation or diarrhea, from sitting on the toilet for long periods of time, aging, obesity, poor nutrition, genetics, pregnancy or intense bowel movements. Internal hemorrhoids develop inside the rectum, while external hemorrhoids develop outside the anus.
Symptoms may include bleeding during defecation, anal itching, pain or irritation and stool leakage that can not be controlled. The use of certain foods can increase the risk of hemorrhoids, avoiding these foods can keep hemorrhoids under control.
Sweet foods
Avoid or limit the consumption of sweet foods such as biscuits, donuts, cakes, cookies, sodas, candies and ice cream, because they can cause hemorrhoids. Pavel Miskovich and Marian Betancourt, authors of the book "Guidelines for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract," report that consuming a large amount of refined sugar can cause constipation, intense bowel movements and inflammation of the rectum, as well as anal veins.
Be careful when drinking alcoholic beverages, because they can increase the risk of hemorrhoids. According to Swami Sadashiva Tirtha, author of the book "Encyclopedia of Ayurveda: Natural secrets of healing, prevention and longevity," alcoholic beverages can cause dehydration, be a frequent cause of constipation and intense bowel movements.
Salted products
Avoid or limit the consumption of salty foods such as French fries, potato chips, salted pretzels, canned soups and salted nuts, as they can cause hemorrhoids. According to Don Barone, a nutritionist and author of numerous books on health, a high level of sodium can raise blood pressure and lead to the convexity of the rectal veins. Convex rectal veins can cause hemorrhoids and discomfort during a difficult bowel movement or after sitting for a long period of time.
Fatty food
Stay away from fatty foods because they can cause hemorrhoids. According to Phyllis Belch, author of the book Food Recipes, fatty foods such as sausage, beef, fried chicken, ham and lamb contain a large amount of saturated fats, harmful fats that can cause your stool to harden, increase pressure on the rectal and anal veins and increase the risk of hemorrhoids.
Cashew nuts and fiber food
A diet low in fiber can cause constipation due to loss of stool volume. Cashew nuts contain a relatively low amount of fiber, with a total fiber content of about 1 g per ounce. The recommended amount of fiber is 25 grams per day for women and 38 grams per day for men, so a diet with a high content of cashew nuts can be a diet low in fiber, which can lead to hemorrhoids.
There is a direct link between cashews and hemorrhoids, but excessive use of nuts can lead to fiber insufficiency. If you suffer from hemorrhoids, consuming more fiber or taking additional fibers can alleviate the symptoms. Still need to drink as much water as possible, this will help prevent constipation. Do not sit on the toilet for extended periods of time - this will help relieve tension during defecation.
Chronic constipation
Stress during defecation is the most common cause of internal hemorrhoids. Stress can come with chronic constipation, when you do not expect. Chronic constipation leads to repeated problems of elimination of stool. Usually strained, a person can lead the body to defeat tissues that support blood vessels in the anal area, the American Society of Colon and Rectum surgeons notes.
Vessels expand as a result of stretching. The walls of the blood vessels become thin. Weakened blood vessels appear through the anal area of the skin and end with the internal form of hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoids usually do not cause symptoms in the initial stage, but these symptoms may occur later. Painless rectal bleeding can mean that there are internal hemorrhoids. Bleeding appears in bright red blood on toilet paper or in the toilet after defecation.
Low-protein diet
A diet low in fiber can cause hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids. Eating high-fiber foods helps to soften the stool and increase its volume. This will help you avoid stress, which can cause hemorrhoids or hemorrhoid attacks. A fiber-rich diet can also prevent constipation, this is another potential cause of hemorrhoids.
High fiber foods include fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The American Dietetic Association recommends that men consume 38 grams of fiber each day, and that women - 25 grams.
None of the studies examined specifically the role of chocolate in the occurrence and development of hemorrhoids. However, there are foods high in fat or foods that contain caffeine, such as chocolate, they can cause constipation, according to the National Clearinghouse. One ounce of semisweet chocolate contains 9 grams of fat. Caffeine causes dehydration, which leads to constipation. The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that sweet foods can also contribute to constipation. Constipation can increase tension when trying to stool to pass through the rectum and lead to hemorrhoids.
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Effects of weightlifting
When you lift even a little weight, there is increased tension and tension in the abdomen - it can cause swelling and an increase in an existing hemorrhoids, says Dr. Paul C. Shellito of Harvard Medical School. This swelling can lead to a temporary worsening of hemorrhoid symptoms, but the very hobby of weightlifting and other types of exercise can not significantly worsen the symptoms of hemorrhoids associated with health. Other forms of abdominal tension that can temporarily worsen the symptoms of hemorrhoids include the tension of the bowel movements after childbirth and during them.
How to prevent hemorrhoids with the help of the same exercises?
Participation in regular exercise can actually help you prevent the formation of hemorrhoids or reduce existing hemorrhoid symptoms. This effect is mainly due to the relief of pressure on the rectum or anal veins. Exercises can also help you relieve constipation before being made to new hemorrhoid symptoms, in addition, can help you control your weight and avoid hemorrhoids caused by being overweight or obese.
Common hemorrhoidal bleeding symptoms
The most common symptom of hemorrhoids is the secretion of blood during defecation. But bleeding during defecation can also indicate the presence of more serious diseases, including cancer of the rectum or anus. If you are experiencing rectal bleeding, do not attempt to diagnose hemorrhoids yourself as a source.
Consult your doctor for a thorough examination. If you are diagnosed with hemorrhoids, consult a doctor if you experience pain in the anus and regular or excessive bleeding. Also, consult a doctor if exercise and other home remedies do not alleviate your symptoms.
Hemorrhoids never completely heal, according to medical reports. Symptoms of a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract may fluctuate depending on the effect of exercise and other factors. If you have persistent or painful symptoms of hemorrhoids, a doctor may recommend the removal of hemorrhoids with a surgical procedure called hemorrhoidectomy.