Alcohol and hemorrhoids
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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What is the connection between alcohol and hemorrhoids? Is alcohol can cause hemorrhoids? It turns out that this is a very significant risk factor. It is estimated that 75 percent of people experience symptoms of hemorrhoids at least once in their life. Excessive alcohol consumption is closely associated with the development of hemorrhoids and the exacerbation of its symptoms.
Hemorrhoids - explanations
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that appear in the anus or rectum. Hemorrhoids occur where there is excessive pressure in the veins. Veins swell and this leads to pain. Here are the most common types of hemorrhoids:
- Loss of hemorrhoids occurs when swollen protrudes in the anal cavity. This is an external hemorrhoid.
- Internal hemorrhoids usually do not cause pain, but the nodes may bleed. External hemorrhoids closer to the surface of the skin, as a rule, cause itching and can cause great discomfort.
- Combined hemorrhoids - includes symptoms of both external and internal hemorrhoids.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids
Symptoms of hemorrhoids include:
- Itching in the anus, which can become very intense
- Stomach pain that may continue after stool
- The appearance of bright red blood on toilet paper when a person wipes off
- Detection of pieces of skin filled with blood (due to loss of veins) in the anal area
- Pain in the anus, which will be aggravated when a person sits down
- It is difficult for the patient to find a comfortable position in bed at night due to anal discomfort.
There is a direct link between alcohol and hemorrhoids.
Those who drink alcohol excessively tend to have problems with stool. This is because alcohol acts as a diuretic that dehydrates the body. A person who is dehydrated may later suffer from constipation, and he will have to strain when the rectum is open for bowel movement.
Drinking can also increase blood pressure, which in turn adds pressure to the veins in the anal area. Alcoholism leads to alcoholic liver disease, and it also increases the likelihood of hemorrhoids.
Cirrhosis and hemorrhoids
Those people who suffer from cirrhosis of the liver, have a higher risk of developing hemorrhoids. This is because scarring of the liver prevents the free passage of blood through the liver. The blood returns to the heart from the lower parts of the body, so it is necessary to find alternative ways of its passage, and this adds pressure on the veins of the anal area. If the pressure becomes too much, it can lead to hemorrhoids.
How to stay within reasonable alcohol consumption?
Reasonable alcohol consumption means that you can drink no more than one alcoholic drink per day — for women and those over 65, or no more than two drinks per day — for men. A serving of a drink means a glass of wine, a glass of vodka or a standard bottle of beer.
Caffeinated Drinks
Very often, a person aggravates his position and spoils his health by drinking alcohol with a cup of coffee. Avoid drinking too much caffeinated beverages, as this can cause constipation.
The relationship between alcohol, hemorrhoids and drinking water
There are many facts of a negative connection between drinking water, hemorrhoids and excessive alcohol consumption. The media and doctors are constantly reminding people to drink more water to improve health. We all know that purified water is better for us than sparkling water, but most people prefer to drink sugary drinks and other liquids than plain water. These same sources also warn that excessive drinking and hemorrhoids are a painful reality for many heavy drinkers. Alcohol aggravates inflammation in the anal veins, which expand inside or outside the anus.
They also cause burning pain when walking or even sitting, which is extremely painful. Severe inflammation of the veins of the anus can cause bleeding from the anal area, it is very scary. Let's take a closer look at drinking water, excessive alcohol intake and hemorrhoids.
Excessive alcohol consumption and hemorrhoids
Excessive consumption of alcohol and hemorrhoids becomes a dangerous mixture when it comes to heavy drinking. If at the same time a person does not drink enough water, in a year he may develop an initial degree of hemorrhoids. At the same time, people can be embarrassed and not go to the doctor, and also do not tell anyone about hemorrhoids, hesitating. When they finally go to the doctor, they already need medicines. Alcohol dehydrates the body and deprives it of its precious vitamins. Most people, when they drink alcohol, do not use drinking water between alcoholic beverages and do not take vitamins during the day or night before and after drinking.
Lack of vitamins
Heavy drinkers are more at risk to aggravate the symptoms of an existing hemorrhoid or get a new one. This is due to the dehydration of alcohol and the lack of vitamins in the body, because with alcohol intoxication the need for vitamins almost doubles. It is recommended to take a multivitamin 4 hours before drinking alcohol. If you periodically drink alcohol, do not forget to clarify the dose of vitamins from your doctor.
Excessive alcohol intake can cause severe constipation and a small, shallow, dry stool that is difficult to evacuate from the intestines during bowel movements. Tension and pressure during bowel movements make the veins inflamed and the skin around the anus too. This is an important factor in hemorrhoids - internal and external, which is developing rapidly.
Digestive problems
People who drink alcohol excessively usually have problems with digestion and bowel movements. This is because alcohol in any common form (beer, wine, whiskey, etc.) acts as a diuretic that dehydrates the drinker.
A person who is dehydrated, suffers from constipation and is forced to strongly strain when passing a bowel movement. Drinking can also lead to very high blood pressure, which in turn increases pressure on the thin veins in and around the anus.
Important tip for alcohol drinkers
It is important to drink water, even when you drink alcohol, so that the rectum is well hydrated. Dehydration, constipation, and diarrhea contribute greatly to the risk of developing and developing hemorrhoids or can make current hemorrhoids a more serious illness with consequences. Water is your friend when it comes to hemorrhoids. Excessive consumption of alcohol and hemorrhoids are two things that can be avoided by drinking enough water.
So why does excessive alcohol consumption cause hemorrhoids or worsen his symptoms?
Alcohol tends to dehydrate, has a diuretic effect, which increases the flow of urine, causing loss of fluid in the body and leads to constipation. This will lead to more stress with bowel movement. You should try not to strain yourself when you have a bowel movement too much, but instead spend more time trying to ease the movement of the stool. Stress during bowel movements also aggravates itching and inflammation.
Details on hemorrhoids and alcohol
Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins in the area of the anus, also called varicose veins. In a healthy person, the tissue around the anus fills with blood and helps regulate bowel movements. However, when constant pressure or other factors that limit blood flow occurs, the veins of the anus become inflamed. Poor blood flow can lead to painful, swollen, protruding hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids mostly occurred before people in their 50s, but with the growth of drinking culture, even among young people the risk of hemorrhoids increased. Excessive use of alcohol, even alcoholism among young people leads to hemorrhoids - this trend began in the early 20s of the last century. Hemorrhoids are getting younger. Pregnant women experience increased pressure on the anal veins, and this can cause and aggravate hemorrhoids.
Liver stress due to alcohol will contribute to hemorrhoids. The relationship between the decrease in liver function and hemorrhoids is well known in medical circles. If liver deformity also occurs from a poor diet, excessive drinking or cirrhosis of the liver, the blood flow to the liver increases. A man without consulting a doctor can not cope with this, and blood pressure increases in the veins in the anus, resulting in hemorrhoids becomes more painful. Alcoholics and very heavy drinkers have a high incidence of hemorrhoids.
What causes alcoholism with hemorrhoids
General weakness of the body, poor muscle tone in the anal area from too many drinks, lack of exercise and overweight. This is a consequence of alcohol, which exacerbates the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Too much alcohol weakens the muscle tone and the muscles cannot keep the veins around the anus under normal tension, so that they protrude to the end. Sitting in one place at home, at work, or being in a car for a long time also aggravates hemorrhoids, especially if a person also drinks at the same time.
Irregular dietary patterns, food depleted in vitamins and minerals, leads to a deterioration in the course of hemorrhoids. A lack of protein leads to weak muscle tissue in the anal area and slows healing of wounds.
Some people have a predisposition to constipation or inherited weakness of the veins of the colon and rectum, and thus are prone to hemorrhoids.
Drinking tips
Considering all these factors, it is very important to exclude alcohol and low alcohol beverages, such beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages of daily consumption. In addition to the diuretic effect of alcohol, it can also irritate the hemorrhoid area, causing itching and inflammation. If you want a successful natural treatment of hemorrhoids with natural methods, you need to stop or, perhaps, reduce alcohol consumption, especially during a hemorrhoid crisis.
In addition to alcohol, people suffering from hemorrhoids should also refrain from excessive consumption of caffeine, which is contained in coffee, chocolate and energy drinks. Like alcohol, caffeine can also show a diuretic effect, therefore reducing water in the body leads to constipation.
The second effect of caffeine is that it can increase blood flow to hemorrhoids. This increased blood flow can aggravate hemorrhoids and cause inflammation of the anus. The exclusion of these products can significantly improve the condition of hemorrhoids and give you the necessary results in the shortest possible time.
How to treat hemorrhoids caused by alcohol dehydration?
Hemorrhoids caused by alcohol dehydration can be treated by drinking at least eight glasses of water daily. Proper diet can help you in the treatment of hemorrhoids caused by the consumption of alcohol and caffeine. Vitamin supplements and fiber, which are rich in vegetables, along with a proper lifestyle, physical activity, may well prevent the development of hemorrhoids.
And since these natural treatments for hemorrhoids involve several side effects, they are generally preferable to other treatments and surgeries.
Being aware of the various factors that can worsen the development of hemorrhoids, a person receives tremendous help in preventing the development of this painful condition. There are many natural hemorrhoid treatment methods that you can choose. You just have to stick with them and be disciplined during the treatment.