Pain for gout
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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At a gout of the person the tons of unpleasant symptoms, including - a strong pain pierces. Its severity depends on the course of the disease and its place of localization. Strongly expressed pains with gout are observed in the period of attacks. Will cope with them, help alternative methods and traditional medicine.
Acute pain with gout
The expressed painful syndrome is characteristic for attacks of the disease. Acute pain with gout appears unexpectedly, more often at night. A man catches this by surprise, and he does not know how to tame an unpleasant symptom. The pain is accompanied by a strong inflammatory process, covering the affected joint.
This is due to the periodic loss of crystals from the tissues. Any joint can suffer, but more often the disease affects lower limbs, more precisely - thumbs. Gouty attacks begin at night or in the morning. It can provoke various negative factors. Just because the attack does not occur so often. This phenomenon is based on the excessive use of prohibited food, alcohol and serious stress on the affected joint.
The pain syndrome can develop gradually, reaching its apogee in a matter of minutes. Coping with the pain is difficult, some medicines will not be enough. It is necessary to comply with a full range of measures: diet, the right way of life and taking certain medications.
Pain in the knee with gout
The development of the pain syndrome can be a consequence of ignoring the doctor's recommendations. Not observing the right diet, taking prohibited foods and drinking alcohol are the most common causes of knee pain in gout. The attack begins acutely and lasts for several days. A person who knows his own specialty is always ready for severe pain and other symptoms. Those who face this for the first time are in a state of despair. It is difficult to alleviate the pain syndrome.
The pain begins to increase, until it becomes acute. The process is accompanied by a severe inflammation. A person can not stand on an affected limb. The knee is inflamed, it is characterized by redness and severe pain, even with palpation. Take action immediately. Anesthetics will relieve a strong pain syndrome. Special medicines from gout will remove excess uric acid from the body and lead to a relief of the condition.
Pain in the spine with gout
The most difficult period for a person suffering from gout is the onset of an attack. It is characterized by its unexpectedness and strong pain syndrome. Man literally "climbs on the wall." Cope with this is difficult, without special medications can not do. Pain in the spine with gout never arises just like that. This is due to the loss of uric acid crystals to the affected joint. This is due to excessive production.
Provoke an increase in uric acid may be prohibited foods, excessive stress on the joint and alcohol consumption. People who violate the rules should be prepared for a possible sharp attack. Pain during exacerbation of gout is characterized by its acuity. Painful syndrome in the spine can cause limited mobility. Any movement in this case causes a lot of inconvenience to the person. It is necessary to be able to cope with seizures and not to provoke their constant development.
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How to relieve pain with gout?
If a gout attack caught you unawares, you need to know how to act. The first thing a person needs is to provide complete peace. The joint should not strain. It is advisable to keep the affected limb in a raised state, this makes it easier to relieve pain with gout. The pain syndrome is so strong that the weight of an ordinary sheet can be a lot of inconvenience.
If there is an opportunity to touch the affected joint, it will be worthwhile to apply ice. This will alleviate the pain and alleviate the general condition. It is necessary to drink more liquid, it is able to remove excess uric acid from the body. Prefer the weak solution of soda, teas based on yarrow, dog rose and mint. You can use just 5-6 glasses of water. Limit fluid intake in case of cardiovascular disease.
It is not possible during an attack to try to warm the joint or take herbal baths. This will increase pain and lead to the appearance of additional symptoms.
Experts admit that treating gout is not so easy. You need to do this in a complex way. Observance of special rules will facilitate the occurrence of seizures and reduce their frequency.
How to relieve pain with gout?
To ease the condition will allow the observance of peace. If the attack begins, it is necessary to provide the joint with complete immobility. Then they start washing away uric acid from the body. To do this, you need to use about 2 liters of water, not at once, but throughout the day. This will allow you to quickly remove excess uric acid from the body and reduce the time of an attack. A person suffering from gout should know how to relieve pain in case of acute manifestation of the disease.
The withdrawal of uric acid is a long process, and enduring severe pain syndrome is really not tolerable. In this case, it is necessary to take an anesthetic drug. Suitable Diclofenac, Indomethacin and Nimesil. Help to remove the painful attack will allow ordinary ice. It must be applied to the affected joint. If the pain is severe and it is impossible to touch the limb, this method should be discarded.
You can sew a small bag and put in it 300 grams of table salt. Using an iron, the device is heated and applied to the affected area. If the pain does not subside, apply special warming ointments.
Drugs that relieve bone pain with gout
To date, there are a lot of drugs that make it easier to attack gout. To apply them it is necessary in a complex, in a combination: an anesthetizing medicine + the agent for deducing of a uric acid from an organism. Drugs that help to relieve pain in the bones, with the appearance of an attack of gout appoint a doctor. To anesthetizing medicines carry: Diclofenac, Nimesil. Anti-inflammatory drugs: Movalis, Prednisolone and Dexamethasone. Means aimed at removing uric acid from the body: Alloporinol, Fullflex and Kolkhitsin.
- Diclofenac. The agent can be used both in the form of tablets and ointments. The permissible daily dose is 2 tablets. Apply ointment can be 2-3 times a day, on the affected area, a thin layer. The duration of treatment depends on the attack of gout. Use the drug is not recommended for people with intolerance to the main component - diclofenac, during pregnancy, during lactation. May lead to the development of nausea, allergic reactions.
- Nimesil. Use the drug is possible only for adults. The permissible daily dose is 200 mg. Use the drug is not possible for ulcers, bleeding from the digestive tract, hypertension and kidney dysfunction. It can provoke side effects in almost all organs and systems of the body.
- Movalis. The remedy is administered under the supervision of a doctor at the dosage given to him. This is a strong drug that can negatively affect all organs and systems of the body. Take it yourself is strictly forbidden, especially people with severe lesions of the liver and kidneys.
- Prednisolone. The dose is assigned individually. Usually, it does not exceed 4-6 tablets per day. You can not use the drug in severe hypertension, during breastfeeding, with circulatory failure. Can lead to the development of obesity, ulcers, menstrual cycle disorders.
- Dexamethasone. During the exacerbation the drug should be used in a higher dose. Use it is worth it until the necessary therapeutic effect is obtained. The dose is prescribed by the attending physician. Data on contraindications and side effects - no.
- Allopurinol. The average daily dose does not exceed 300 mg. At the initial stage, no more than 110 mg per day should be used. Use the tool is not suitable for people with heightened sensitivity, children under 15 and during pregnancy. Very rarely causes side effects.
- Fullflex. The drug is used in the form of tablets and a special gel. Daily dose - one capsule once a day after eating. The gel is applied 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Use the drug should not be people with hypersensitivity, in the case of gel - in the presence of open wounds. The product can cause allergic reactions.
- Colchicine. The drug is applied to 1 mg 3 times a day. Dosage is completely dependent on the patient's condition and the severity of the attack. Use of medication is not possible with hypersensitivity, pregnancy, alcoholism and in old age. Can lead to development: nausea, vomiting and allergic reactions.
How to relieve pain with gout at home?
Cope with acute pain, help with improvised means. Each person has in the house gelatin, which is a denatured collagen. Simply put, this bone glue, which easily can help relieve pain with gout, at home. Most women use it for cooking, and do not even know about its medicinal properties. Gelatin perfectly restores cartilaginous tissue, increases elasticity and restores mobility to the joint. From the component, you can prepare a fine compress, which is necessary to apply in the evening. For preparation it is necessary to take a teaspoon of powder and pour it on wet gauze. The compress is applied to the affected joint and fixed with polyethylene. It is desirable to do a whole course of procedures - consisting of 7 attachments.
Of gelatin, you can prepare tincture. It is necessary to take 125 ml of boiled water and pour the main ingredient into it. When the gelatin starts to swell, add another half a cup of liquid. The received product should be consumed for 30 days before dinner.
Garlic - another effective tool in the fight against gouty bouts. This ingredient is available in almost every kitchen. Garlic is useful for the prevention of many diseases, including gout. It favorably affects a person, contributing to the improvement of blood circulation in the affected area, preventing the development of complications and eliminating toxins from the body.
Garlic oil. Prepare it fairly simple. It is necessary to take 400 grams of garlic and scroll it through a meat grinder. The resulting product is placed in a container and filled with vegetable oil. Ingredients are mixed together, filtered and laid out on gauze. After removing excess oil, the product is left overnight. Then it adds lemon juice. Use the product for a month, dissolving a teaspoon in milk and eating before eating.
The bay leaf is capable of giving a strong effect. It not only eliminates pain, but also helps to cleanse the body. It can be applied in the form of infusion. For cooking, take 300 ml of liquid and add 4 grams of bay leaf to it. Ingredients are mixed in an enameled container and brought to a boil. The therapeutic composition should be left in a dark place for 4 hours, then drain and use every hour during the day. Duration of treatment - 12 hours.
Removing pain with gout with alternative means
Alternative drugs help a person quickly and effectively suppress an acute attack of gout. For the preparation of funds, you need to acquire medicinal herbs and fruits. The removal of pain with gout should alternate using alternative means and traditional methods.
- Recipe number 1. It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of flowers mullein scepeter-like. Pour them followed by 500 ml of vodka. The drug should be applied for 2 weeks in a dark place. At the end of the prescribed period, the resulting "drug" is rubbed into the affected area.
- Recipe number 2. You need to grind 100 grams of wheat to the state of flour and add a teaspoon of salt and yeast. All ingredients are mixed together and diluted with water. The consistency should be a dough. The resulting mass is applied to gauze and it turns into a painful joint. Change the bandage every 2 hours, until the pain completely abates.
- Recipe number 3. Help to cope with gouty bouts - fly agarics. It is necessary to collect them, push them into the jar and bury them in the ground for a month. After a given time, they must be unearthed. Consistency is creepy and not pleasant, but very effective. It is necessary to make compresses from the obtained product.
- Recipe number 4. Cotton paper should be impregnated with fir oil and apply a thin layer of salt on it. This "means" to wrap the sick joint and leave it for the night. In the morning everything is thoroughly washed off. The course of treatment is 5 days. Then a break takes place in 5 days and everything repeats.
- Recipe number 5. It is necessary to take 25 grams of elderberry flowers and pour them 250 ml of water. The preparation should be applied in a sealed container. Then strain, and consume 100 ml 15 minutes before eating. The remedy is very effective.
Before using any alternative means, consult a physician. To avoid a worsening of the situation. Many medicinal herbs are poisonous, this fact must be taken into account when preparing decoctions and infusions.