
Information about doctor

Ilan Bank - the world-famous rheumatologist, who is engaged in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of various stages of diseases of the joints and connective tissues, immunological and internal pathologies. The experience of continuous practice is 45 years. During this time, the doctor was able to cure thousands of patients from different parts of the world. Rich experience and professionalism play a huge role in the accurate diagnosis, the appointment of effective therapy. As a result, patients are successfully cured and undergo accelerated rehabilitation.

Doctor Bank - a graduate of the University of Tel Aviv, has a diploma with honors. He has a long internship in the United States, qualified in the field of internal diseases and rheumatology at the University of Colombia.

Currently he is a professor of medicine, a teacher, a lecturer at the universities of Tel Aviv and Colombia. Often acts as a research leader. The doctor gained world fame in 1986, after the discovery of new types of immunocytes responsible for the identification of microbial, viral and tumor cells. Until now, this discovery is actively used by world experts in the treatment of rheumatic and autoimmune pathologies, diseases of the blood and skin, various infectious processes.

Profile on Researchgate 

Education and work experience

  • Faculty of Medicine Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • 7 year service as a doctor in the Israel Defense Forces
  • Internship in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology at Columbia University, New York, USA
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