Diet with elevated uric acid
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diet with elevated uric acid is a comprehensive, balanced diet that allows you to normalize the level of uric acid in the body. Let's take a look at the dietary habits with elevated uric acid, prohibited and permitted foods, as well as a rough menu for the week.
Uric acid is a metabolic product that is formed as a result of purine metabolism. If there is a lot of uric acid in the blood (above the norm), then this means that a large amount of purines enter the body with food, or they are too intensively converted into a metabolite, or the process of uric acid excretion is disturbed. Before proceeding with the treatment of this pathology, the doctor, first of all, will review the patient's diet and make adjustments.
gout can occur due to an increased uric acid content in the body. Uric acid turns salt into crystals with pointed edges. Salts are deposited in tissues and joints, delivering severe pain when moving and painful attacks. In many people, the increased uric acid appears as a result of hereditary predisposition. Diet with elevated uric acid is a great way to lower its level with minimal discomfort for the body. In addition to the diet, patients are prescribed a complex of drugs that contribute to the normalization of gout.
Diet with elevated uric acid will have throughout life, as the disease can recur. A therapist or a urologist can create a menu and pick up the products, but before that the patient must pass a set of tests that will help create a proper and effective diet for therapeutic purposes.
Food with elevated uric acid
Food with elevated uric acid should be balanced and dietary. The first thing to do is to abandon meat broths. Only lean meat is allowed and only boiled, but not more than three times a week. It is strictly prohibited fatty foods, pickled, smoked and fried foods. It would not be superfluous to refuse or minimize the amount of salt consumed and follow the drinking regime (1.5-2 liters of water per day).
Of the drinks, special attention should be paid to mineral water, as it helps to remove uric acid from the body. From alcoholic beverages allowed a small amount of vodka. In addition to the diet, the patient is prescribed a complex of physiotherapeutic procedures and plasmapheresis. This allows the blood to be cleaned of excess uric acid and salts it has deposited. It is strictly forbidden to sit on low-calorie diets or starve. Since this will lead to an exacerbation of the disease and increase the level of uric acid to the maximum mark.
It is important to remember that you need to eat often. The diet should be based on foods with a low content of purines. Not superfluous will be observance of fasting days on fermented milk products or vegetable and fruit nutrition. Alternative treatment methods recommend using carrot and celery juice, because they contribute to the removal of uric acid from the body. This also applies to infusion of flax seeds, infusion on birch buds or cranberry broth. All these nutritional tricks allow you to speed up the metabolic process in the body and remove uric acid.
What diet with elevated uric acid?
An acceptable level of uric acid in the bloodstream is:
- in the female body - 0.15-0.45 mmol / l (6 mg / dL);
- in the male body - 0.18-0.53 mmol / l (7 mg / dL).
If the detected values exceed the norm, then there is a danger of acid falling into a solid form and accumulations of the formed crystals in various systems and organs. This happens with alcohol abuse, deliberate dietary restrictions, the constant use of diuretics, malnutrition with the predominant use of sweets and fatty foods.
Diet with an increase in uric acid in the bloodstream can significantly improve the patient's condition, as well as reduce the dosage of drugs prescribed for the disease. If a patient with an increased amount of uric acid develops gout, a chronic pathology associated with the breakdown of uric acid metabolic processes, then it will be necessary to adhere to new principles of nutrition for life.
Consider in more detail what should be a diet with elevated uric acid.
- Meals with some restriction of protein foods (approximately 0.85 grams of protein per kilogram of patient weight with a normal condition of body build). The amount of protein is reduced, limiting the consumption of meat and fish products, beans and other beans. Dairy products are allowed, but they should make up no more than half of all protein consumed. The restriction applies to the consumption of fatty foods (less than 1 g / kg of weight), especially with the content of meat and cooking fat. It is proved that these types of fats prevent the excretion of uric acid by the urinary system. Preference is given to vegetable oils, which facilitate the course of metabolic processes, especially when combined pathology with hypertension, obesity, atherosclerotic changes of blood vessels.
- Exclusion of dishes and food products with a high content of purines (the list of products will be given below) and oxalic acid. Meat and fish products are consumed only occasionally, and only boiled, because during boiling most of the purines remain in the broth. For this reason, any broths or sauces based on them are prohibited.
- In order for uric acid to be better and faster excreted from the body, it is necessary to establish a drinking regime. In the absence of a tendency to edema (heart or kidney disease), it is recommended to use at least 2 liters of water per day, mostly in the morning. As a rule, the peak of uric acid increase in the blood falls at the time of dehydration: as a result of too hot weather, visits to the bath, etc. You can drink clean drinking water, as well as fresh juices (vegetable and citrus), whole milk and kefir, mineral water ( alkaline), diuretic fees and rosehip tea. To increase the amount of urine excreted, it is necessary to limit the amount of salt used (up to 8.5 g / day), as well as to abandon canned foods, sausages, and semi-finished products.
- The exclusion of alcoholic and alcohol-containing beverages, including beer and dry wines. It is proved that a crisis of uric acid increase in the body occurs even with a single heavy fat meal, accompanied by alcohol.
- Once every 7 days you should arrange a fasting day, mostly milk or vegetable. A good effect is unloading on freshly squeezed fruit, vegetable or berry juices. It is not recommended to fully starve: during starvation, the active decomposition of complex proteins occurs, which leads to an increase in the amount of uric acid in the bloodstream.
- If an increase in the amount of uric acid occurs on the background of obesity, then the diet should be aimed at reducing excess weight. In this situation, the focus is on a sharp restriction of meat and fish products, preferring milk and dairy products. Weight loss should not be sharp - optimally from one to one and a half kilograms per week.
- If the increase in uric acid occurs on the background of nephropathy, then the power line up in accordance with the dietary principles recommended for kidney disease.
To reduce the level of uric acid, a treatment table is assigned, which is close to table No. 6. With a tendency to obesity, a treatment table No. 6e with a reduced daily calorie content is recommended.
Sample menu with increased uric acid
Compliance with the rules of nutrition and an exemplary menu with high uric acid will help to normalize the state of the body. Let's consider a therapeutic diet for one day, which is recommended to be observed throughout the week.
- A glass of milk or any fermented milk drink.
- Croutons, fried in olive oil or bran.
- Low fat yogurt.
- An apple or a couple of slices of orange.
- Boiled rice with fresh vegetables or salad.
- Low-fat boiled meat.
- Fruits.
- Tea or juice.
- Some galetny cookies.
- Carrot or squash puree.
- Fried eggs on olive oil.
- Yogurt.
To reduce the level and remove uric acid from the body will help infusions and decoctions from the formulation of alternative medicine.
- Pour boiling water over the leaves of lingonberries and leave them for 30-40 minutes. Infusion is recommended to use a tablespoon before each meal.
- A decoction of birch leaves infused with boiling water is another useful remedy for elevated uric acid. Broth to take 50 grams with meals.
We offer to your attention a weekly version of an exemplary diet menu with increased uric acid.
I day
- Breakfast: weak brewed coffee with cream, dried croutons with orange jam.
- Snack: yogurt.
- Lunch: cabbage soup with fresh cabbage, fried potatoes, weak tea.
- Tea time: a cup of milk, a rusk.
- Dinner: stewed zucchini with carrots, scrambled eggs, kefir.
II day
- Breakfast: tea with lemon, cheesecakes.
- Snack: banana.
- Lunch: potato soup, vegetarian cabbage rolls, oatmeal jelly.
- Lunch: fruit salad.
- Dinner: salad, cheese sandwich, dried fruit compote.
III day
- Breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream and dried fruit, rosehip tea.
- Snack: apple.
- Lunch: milk soup, barley garnish with a piece of boiled breast, currant juice.
- Lunch: ryazhenka, crackers with apricot jam.
- Dinner: vegetable stew, compote.
IV day
- Breakfast: scrambled eggs with herbs, Borodino bread, a glass of orange juice.
- Snack: a handful of nuts.
- Lunch: okroshka, rice casserole, fruit jelly.
- Lunch: fruit salad.
- Dinner: potatoes stuffed with vegetables, green tea.
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V day
- Breakfast: boiled egg, pancakes with cottage cheese, tea with milk.
- Snack: orange.
- Lunch: vermicelli soup, potato casserole, compote.
- Snack: fruit mousse.
- Dinner: carrot patties with sour cream, a cup of ryazhenka.
VI day
- Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, freshly squeezed carrot juice.
- Snack: Baked Apple with Curd.
- Lunch: buckwheat soup, boiled fish fillet with mashed potatoes, herbal tea.
- Lunch: cottage cheese with honey.
- Dinner: vegetable salad, cheese cutting, compote.
VII day
- Breakfast: dark flour pancakes with jam, tea with milk.
- Snack: grapefruit.
- Lunch: vegetarian borsch, potato croquettes with sour cream sauce with greens, tea with lemon.
- Snack: pear.
- Dinner: lazy dumplings with cottage cheese, jelly.
Between meals it is recommended to drink a glass of water, it can be alkaline carbonated. For the night - a cup of kefir, unsweetened yogurt or milk.
Diet recipes for elevated uric acid
Vegetarian cabbage rolls
Ingredients: white cabbage, 150 grams of rice, 2 carrots, 200 grams of Adyghe cheese, 50-70 grams of nuts, dill, 30 grams of butter, salt, bay leaf, some raisins, tomato sauce (or ground tomatoes).
Cabbage without the stalk is dipped in salted boiling water and boiled on average 5 minutes (depending on the degree of ripeness of the cabbage). Remove from heat, remove from boiling water, cool, remove leaves. We cut off dense streaks from leaves (we do not throw them away). Cook salted rice. Grate carrots, cut the cheese into small cubes, chop nuts. Chopped cabbage streaks and unused leaves finely chopped.
Put nuts and carrots in a pan with hot sunflower oil. After a few minutes of quenching add cheese. After 4 minutes, we also send finely chopped cabbage, salt and stir. Next, add boiled rice and chopped dill, remove from heat. Add washed raisins to the filling, knead. We start cabbage leaves.
Put a few pieces of butter in a saucepan, put the cabbage rolls (seam down), pour tomato sauce and put a little bay leaf. We wait for boiling, cover with a lid and reduce the fire to the minimum. Stew 45-60 minutes (depends on the variety and the old age of cabbage and the size of cabbage rolls).
Optionally, onion, garlic, eggplants, etc. Can be added to the filling.
Pumpkin Potato Stew
Components of the dish: potatoes 2 pcs., Pumpkin 200-300 g, carrots 1 pc., Salt, parsley leaves, olive oil.
Potatoes and pumpkins are peeled and cut into an arbitrary cube. Fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan without a lid, stirring occasionally. Randomly chop the carrot, add to the potatoes. Fry over low heat for 10 minutes. Salt, add parsley, check the potatoes for readiness. If ready - you can serve. Simple and tasty.
Grilled vegetables
Ingredients: eggplant 2 pcs., Bulgarian pepper 2 pcs., Tomatoes 2 pcs., Yalta onion 2 pcs., Garlic 2 cloves, thyme leaves, cilantro and parsley, vegetable oil.
Fry the eggplants and grilled sliced circles or stripes until they are soft. Blanch tomatoes, chop together with onions, mix with eggplants and bell peppers. Fill with dressing: mix sunflower oil with crushed garlic, finely chopped greens and salt. Enjoy your meal!
Buckwheat cutlets
Ingredients of the dish: 150 g buckwheat groats, medium onion 1 pc., 3 cups flour (200 ml), salt to taste, 1 egg (raw), bread crumbs, vegetable oil.
Boil buckwheat, finely chop the onion and fry, add to the boiled buckwheat. Pour flour and salt there. Knead. Cool the mixture and add the egg, mix again. We form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and fry. Enjoy your meal!
What foods can I eat?
What foods you can eat with elevated uric acid - a question that interests people who first encountered this disease. In the diet should be a lot of dairy products, low-fat varieties of poultry, meat and fish, but only in boiled form. Also, it is recommended to use egg dishes, but not more than two a day. A diet with cereals with a small addition of vegetable and butter will be useful.
As for flour products, a diet with elevated uric acid allows you to use ground bran, wheat and rye bread, but in small quantities. Vegetables and dishes from them can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Vegetable soups will be useful. From desserts you can eat fruits, dried fruits, dairy products, berry compotes and jelly. As for drinks, preference should be given to juices, coffee with milk, herbal decoctions, compotes, green tea. We offer you a small list of foods that can be eaten with a healthy diet:
- Seafood, rabbit meat, chicken, turkey, fish.
- Eggs, milk, fermented milk drinks.
- In a small amount of pasta and cereals.
- Any vegetables, in any form and quantity.
- Jam, honey, dried fruits (raisins are prohibited), nuts.
- Juices (fruit and vegetable), teas, decoctions, compotes, infusions, mineral waters, little mineralized (alkaline) waters.
- Apples, citrus fruits, berries (raspberry is prohibited) and any other fruits.
- Oil (sunflower, flaxseed, sesame, olive).
- Sweets: fruit mousses and creams, marmalade, jellies, kissels, honey, jam and jams.
- Gravy and sauces: only vegetable or sour-milk.
- Spices: vanilla, cinnamon, lemon juice, bay leaf.
- Greens: parsley, dill, cilantro.
- Liquids: weak tea, fresh juices, milk, rosehip tea, compotes.
What foods can not eat?
If you are engaged in drafting a diet to reduce the level of uric acid in the body, it will be helpful to know which foods you cannot eat. First of all, it is necessary to refuse sausages, liver, smoked or fried fish, as well as canned fish and meat. You can not eat meat broth, pickles and hot sauces.
Strong alcoholic drinks and teas - are forbidden to use during the diet with high uric acid. Muffin and pastry puff pastry also can not be eaten. Be careful with the use of mushroom dishes, sorrel and cauliflower (if possible, to abandon these vegetables). In addition to the rules of power you need to spend fasting days. During these days, you can consume milk, fruits and vegetables. Just say what foods are forbidden to use can only a nutritionist or a doctor.
Reviews of diet with elevated uric acid
The overwhelming majority of patients report significant improvement with proper nutritional correction. Gout sufferers claim that, due to changes in nutrition, the relapses of the disease have become less intense and appear less frequently, and the need for drugs has decreased.
Unfortunately, gout cannot be cured permanently. However, the patient himself can control the course of the disease by reducing the number and intensity of attacks, as well as reducing the content of uric acid in the bloodstream. To normalize the amount of the final product of purine processes in the blood diet should be properly balanced. Under no circumstances it is recommended to allow both overeating and fasting, but fasting days are welcome:
- unloading on dairy products (1.5 liters of kefir, either milk, or low-fat ryazhenka per day; you can combine 1 l of kefir or milk and 300-400 g of low-fat cottage cheese);
- vegetable unloading (1.5 kg of cucumbers per day, or other permitted vegetables);
- fruit unloading (1.5 kg of fruit, preferably citrus or apples, per day);
- fasting day on watermelons.
Practice shows that a diet with elevated uric acid is the main condition for successfully combating pathology. Review your diet, and you will forget about the disease for a long time, and also save your kidneys from the complications of gout.
Diet with elevated uric acid is an easy and affordable way to bring the body back to normal. Compliance with the diet and rules of proper nutrition in combination with medication and physiotherapy is the guarantee of health.