Fast fatiguability
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Fast fatigue is a symptom that has ever happened, but everyone has had it. What causes fatigue, how to recognize it and fight it? Let's consider the basic questions concerning depletion of the nervous system and excessive fatigue.
Fatigue is a special condition caused by an increased stress of the nervous or muscular system, which is expressed as a decrease in working capacity for a certain time. In this case, the term fatigue is used, which arises from overloads. Often, pleasant fatigue appears after a good, productive working day. But in some cases, fatigue occurs even after minor physical or mental stress.
If fatigue appears after work, which previously managed to cope without much difficulty, this can be a sign of certain disorders. If fatigue appears as a result of a long journey or a hard working day, then this is normal. But if fatigue accompanies you from morning till evening, regardless of the type of work, then this is considered a pathology. It can act as a side effect of drugs or ailments of the body. Very often fatigue accompanies thyroid pathology, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, depressive state and gastrointestinal ulcer.
If you frequently experience fatigue for no apparent reason, you should seek medical help. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis to determine the presence of diseases requiring treatment. If the disease is not found, then to combat fatigue should change the lifestyle and diet. Physical activity and a minimum of stress will not be superfluous.
Causes of rapid fatigue
The causes of rapid fatigue are very diverse. Fatigue can have physiological and psychological reasons, consider the main ones:
- Diet
Excessive consumption of sugar and caffeine causes jumps in the level of sugar, which leads to fatigue. To normalize the body's condition, it is recommended to switch to a healthy, balanced diet. In the diet should be a lot of fruits, vegetables and greens. This will not only give energy and strength, but also help in the fight against excess weight, which is also the cause of rapid fatigue.
- Lack of sleep
Many people suffer from insomnia, which provokes chronic fatigue and fatigue. Avoid factors triggering sleep disorders (alcohol, caffeine, stress), but if insomnia or vice versa sleepiness has acquired a chronic form, then you should seek medical help.
- Physical exercise
Regular physical activity gives strength, vigor and energy. Sports helps to get rid of fatigue and problems with sleep. But physical activity should be moderate. That is, without excessive or high loads, which can cause muscle weakness.
Rapid fatigue can be caused by various diseases, we will consider some of them:
- Anemia is one of the common causes of fatigue, especially relevant for women during menstruation. For the treatment of anemia it is recommended to observe a special, iron-rich diet, eat more vegetables and meat.
- Diseases of the thyroid gland - due to reduced organ activity and hormonal failures, there is rapid fatigue. To eliminate the pathology, it is necessary to donate blood to hormones and consult an endocrinologist.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system - very often is the cause of fatigue in women. If you notice that after the usual physical activity began to feel tired, then you should see a doctor.
- Deficiency of vitamins and minerals - a lack of potassium causes rapid fatigue, so the diet should include products rich in potassium. Do not forget about vitamin and mineral complexes, which will support the body in its tonus.
- Diabetes - people with diabetes suffer from frequent feelings of fatigue. And this is not surprising, since there is a jump in blood sugar levels. To identify pathology, it is recommended to donate blood for analysis.
- Depression, nervous overstrain, stress fatigue is accompanied by irritability, anguish, apathy and loss of appetite. When these symptoms appear, you should consult a psychologist or neurologist.
The causes of rapid fatigue can be caused by both external and internal factors. As a rule, rapid fatigue is observed during pregnancy, with prolonged physical exertion, problems with sleep. Alcohol abuse, infectious and a number of other diseases, also cause unreasonable fatigue.
Symptoms of rapid fatigue
The symptoms of rapid fatigue largely depend on the cause of the pathology. But more often people complain of loss of appetite, inhibition, nervousness, tearfulness, problems with a dream and decrease in thinking abilities. In some cases, fatigue causes headaches and joint pains, nervousness, memory impairment.
Consider the factors that cause fatigue and their main symptoms:
- Asthenia and neurasthenia - rapid fatigue is characteristic of these pathologies. As a rule, fatigue appears simultaneously with increased sensitivity to bright light and loud sounds, uncertainty, headaches and digestive disorders.
- The period of pregnancy is accompanied not only by fatigue, but also by reduced working capacity. Most often, increased fatigue occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, together with nausea and vomiting, that is, the main signs of toxicosis.
- Hormonal failures, and fast fatigue are considered one of the signs of endocrine system pathologies. Often fatigue is accompanied by an increase in body weight, drowsiness, hypothyroidism, apathy and a violation of the sensitivity of the limbs.
- Infections are related to fatigue-provoking factors. Chronic infectious diseases disrupt the normal course of biochemical reactions in the body, cause local fever, nausea and rapid fatigue.
- Diseases of the pancreas are accompanied by rapid and causeless at first glance fatigue. The patient suffers from general weakness, problems with appetite, flatulence, pain in the abdomen and unpleasant mouthfeel.
- Amenorrhea or disorders of the menstrual cycle cause rapid fatigue, irritation of the nervous system, general weakness and other pathological symptoms.
- Cytomegalovirus infection at first appears as a rapid fatigue. Later the patient complains of headaches, general weakness, runny nose and other signs of pathology.
Symptoms of rapid fatigue are a serious signal to the body of violations in its functioning. Therefore, with frequent causeless fatigue, it is better to seek medical help and undergo a series of examinations to determine the true cause of the unpleasant symptom.
Rapid fatigue and drowsiness
Rapid fatigue and drowsiness is a combination of symptoms, indicative of asthenia, that is, a neurasthenic symptom complex. As a rule, these symptoms are found in patients suffering from neuroses. Patients complain of fear of bright light and sharp noise, severe headaches. In addition, there may be attacks of nausea and a feeling of severe fatigue, even after a good rest.
- Drowsiness and fatigue can be caused by physical exhaustion of the body. This occurs when violations of the regime of the day, excessive stress and malnutrition. This condition is characterized by a lack of balance in movements, increased weakness.
- Rapid fatigue and drowsiness also occur with mental stress. In this case, there is nervousness, irritability, inhibition of consciousness, tearfulness and problems with appetite.
If fatigue is accompanied by a feeling of growing anxiety, absent-mindedness, impaired digestive functions and reduced work capacity, then this indicates a hyposthenic form of neurasthenia. Treatment of pathology and its attendant symptoms is conducted by a psychologist or neuropathologist.
Weakness and fatigue
Weakness and rapid fatigue are related to subjective factors that negatively affect the functioning of the body and the overall psychological state. These symptoms appear for a variety of reasons, for example, with diseases of the nervous system, physical or mental stress. Consider the main forms of weakness and causeless fatigue:
- Physical fatigue - is due to changes in muscles. Characterized by a complete lack of energy and the accumulation of lactic acid or ammonium ions in muscle tissue. Such phenomena lead to general weakness, fatigue and reduced efficiency.
- Neuropsychic fatigue - develops with violations of the central nervous system. It causes a weakening of sensory perception and a slowing of cognitive functions. A similar condition is accompanied by depression, panic attacks, apathy, irritability.
Weakness and fatigue appear with some pathologies and diseases of the body. So, very often these symptoms are signs of a heart attack, anemia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, chronic fatigue syndrome, the initial stages of tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and others.
Treatment of such unpleasant symptoms begins with the definition of the cause of persistent fatigue and unreasonable weakness. If the symptoms are caused by physical exertion, then rest is needed in order for the muscles to fully recover. If fatigue is caused by stress and nervous experiences, then you need to protect yourself from anxiety and start taking sedatives on a plant basis. But if the cause can not be independently identified, then it is necessary to seek medical help and undergo a series of examinations and analyzes.
Do not forget about the prophylactic methods of fatigue and weakness. First of all, do not limit the use of specific products, that is, adhere to diets. If the body feels a deficit in certain vitamins or minerals, it will lead to fatigue, weakness, drowsiness and other unpleasant symptoms. In addition, you need to learn how to fully relax. It is recommended to adhere to the regime of the day, go to bed at a certain time, lead a healthy lifestyle, do not drink alcohol, avoid stress and psychological overwork.
Rapid fatigue of muscles
Rapid fatigue of the muscles is a common pathology experienced by both professional athletes and people who lead a healthy lifestyle. Fatigue of muscle tissues is called myasthenia, the causes of pathology are understandable, but there is an opinion that the disorder arises from the malfunction of the thymus gland. In the blood fall special autoimmune bodies, which completely change the movement of nerve impulses to the musculature. Most often, women suffer from this pathology. Defeat any body muscles.
The main causes of rapid muscle fatigue:
- Inactive way of life, that is, lack of physical activity. If muscle tissue is not used for a long time, then the process of replacing them with fat occurs. This leads to a weakening of the muscles, a loss of their density and strength.
- Lack of recovery period. With active physical exertion, you need to rest, that is, give the muscles time to recover. Without rest, chronic muscular pain can occur, which is exacerbated in sports.
- Traumatization, that is, muscle damage, is another reason for their rapid fatigue. Most often, the muscles are injured during dislocations and sprains, lack of warm-up during sports, improper technique of doing exercises. Any trauma causes bleeding in damaged muscle fibers, which leads to inflammation and swelling. Without rest and restorative therapy, there are pain and discomfort when performing exercises involving damaged muscle tissue.
- Taking certain medications can cause muscle weakness and fatigue. The peculiarity of the negative medicinal effect on the muscles is that the pathology quickly progresses, if not stop taking the drugs. Most often, muscular tissues suffer from the use of antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, cardiac drugs and drugs used to treat diseases of the thyroid gland.
- Rapid fatigue of muscles occurs with prolonged use of alcohol, smoking and drug addiction. All this leads to a narrowing of the arteries, which provokes peripheral vascular disease and chronic muscle weakness.
- Sleep disorders and unbalanced nutrition also cause rapid muscle fatigue. In this case, there is insomnia, depression, irritability, fatigue and chronic pain.
Depending on the cause of rapid fatigue of the muscles, distinguish the main types of muscle weakness, consider them:
- True or primary muscle weakness manifests itself as an inability to perform any action or exercise. That is, the muscles do not work, as they should. In this case, the muscles look smaller in volume, that is, asleep. A similar condition is observed in muscular dystrophy.
- Asthenia or muscle fatigue is a depletion that occurs when using muscles. This kind of fatigue occurs in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, with depressive disorders, cardiovascular pathologies, kidneys and lungs.
- Muscular fatigue is an impossibility to perform normal loads due to weakness. In this case, a complete restoration of muscle functions is required. This condition is often observed with myotonic dystrophy and myasthenia gravis.
All three of the above-described types of muscle weakness can manifest simultaneously or alternate. In this case, the doctor's task is to determine the main type of muscle fatigue and to reveal its true cause.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
The syndrome of chronic fatigue is a state of physical, mental and mental weakness for no apparent reason. This pathology appears in viral and infectious lesions. For example, the influenza virus causes muscle inflammation and rapid fatigue. Proceeding from this, protracted diseases cause the development of the syndrome of chronic fatigue. The syndrome is accompanied by problems with sleep, signs of depression and apathy, psychological and mental fatigue.
Isolate a number of diseases that manifest as a syndrome of chronic fatigue, but in fact lead to serious damage to the body. Consider the most common of them: •
Fibromyalgia - the symptomatology of this disease is similar to the syndrome of chronic fatigue. With this pathology, the muscles become painful, but do not lose their shape. Patients complain of pain, weakness and fatigue.
- Hypothyroidism - a violation of the thyroid gland leads to fatigue, and without proper treatment, hypotrophy and degeneration of muscle tissue. In some cases, such changes are irreversible.
- Dehydration - a syndrome of chronic fatigue appears with a deficiency of fluid in the body and in violation of electrolyte balance. Dehydration and balance problems cause headaches, muscle weakness, nausea, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms.
- Systemic inflammatory diseases - for example, rheumatoid arthritis causes weakness, which persists for a long period of time. Without due attention this symptom acquires pathological signs and causes chronic fatigue syndrome.
Chronic fatigue occurs against the background of cancer, various neurological pathologies, frequent stresses, experiences, because of the lack of a balanced mode of work and rest.
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Rapid fatigue and headaches
Rapid fatigue and headaches occur with prolonged and regular neuropsychiatric or physical exertion, which significantly exceed the capacity of the body. Monotonous work, improper work and rest, prolonged static tension, exhausting workouts, sleeping problems and unbalanced nutrition also cause fatigue and frequent headaches.
Chronic overfatigue, like various diseases of the body, causes migraine and frequent headaches. In addition, minor eye and digestive tract disorders are possible. If headaches and fatigue persist for a long period of time, then this is an excuse to seek medical help. Since this kind of neurological symptoms can lead to very serious diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis or ischemia.
Fatigue and fatigue
Fatigue and fatigue are symptoms that indicate the exhaustion of the body, which is observed with psycho-emotional, physical or mental stress. Frequent bouts of fatigue indicate the pathology of the body, requiring medical attention. Most often these people suffer from the inhabitants of large megacities, mental workers and those whose work is associated with prolonged monotonous monotonous actions.
Rapid fatigue and fatigue are accompanied by a decrease in efficiency and vigor, physical weakness, nervousness, sleep disorders, poor concentration of attention and impaired appetite. If fast fatigue and fatigue occur against a background of low working capacity, then this is one of the signs of the syndrome of chronic fatigue.
If pathological symptoms are supplemented by a sharp decrease in body weight, pain in the joints and back, frequent headaches, apathy, impaired vision and painful lymph nodes, then such symptoms indicate vegetative vascular dystonia. This disease requires a comprehensive approach, both to diagnosis and treatment.
Rapid fatigue and sweating
Rapid fatigue and sweating are pathological symptoms that occur with severe stress, various kinds of nervous disorders and certain diseases. Consider the main diseases, which are accompanied by fast fatigue and sweating:
- Diseases of the thyroid gland and hormonal failures provoke increased sweating and fatigue. In addition, the patient suffers from insomnia or drowsiness, problems with appetite, irritability. If sweating and exhaustion of the body appeared against the background of hyperthyroidism, then a sharp decrease in body weight and tearfulness is observed. When hypothyroidism appears lethargy, general ailments, increased thirst. In this case, you should immediately contact the endocrinologist.
- Sweating and fatigue can indicate cardiovascular disease. In addition to these symptoms, there are sharp pain in the heart, nausea, dizziness. With this symptomatology, a cardiologist is required.
- Exhaustion of the nervous system is accompanied by rapid fatigue, sweating and a number of other unpleasant symptoms. If such manifestations occur against a background of hyperhidrosis, then the heart rhythm becomes more frequent, there are attacks of fear and panic. In addition, there may be a feeling of tightness in the chest and an increase in blood pressure. These symptoms require medical help from a neurologist or psychiatrist.
With hydradenitis, that is, inflammation of the sweat glands, sweating and fatigue also appear. Treatment and examination is conducted by a dermatologist. Sweating, bouts of fatigue and irritability are some of the symptoms of menopause. If the patient complains of copious sweat, dizziness and fatigue, this may indicate gastric bleeding.
Fast fatigue in a child
Fast fatigue in a child, as a rule, is related to the child's age. Fatigue manifests as drowsiness, lethargy, muscle weakness. Most often, the symptom affected children aged 2-5 years, but this is considered normal. Fatigue can occur due to disturbances in sleep, after physical exertion or for no apparent reason. In some cases, rapid fatigue is a sign of illness.
Fatigue, not explainable by external factors, indicates that the child is sick. A similar condition is observed after the transferred infectious and viral lesions. If, in addition to fatigue, the toddler urinates and drinks often, this indicates diabetes. But the most common cause of fatigue in children is anemia. In this case, the child needs to take a blood test to confirm the disease. If fatigue is caused by physical or emotional stress, then a complete recovery of the body requires a full rest and sleep.
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Rapid fatigue in pregnancy
Rapid fatigue in pregnancy, one of the most frequent complaints of expectant mothers. A similar condition accompanies a woman from the first days of pregnancy. But with proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and the intake of vitamin preparations can ease fatigue. In rare cases, fatigue is a pathological process requiring medical intervention.
Deterioration of health is characteristic for the first and third semesters. If this symptom is manifested simultaneously with a decrease in body weight or a malfunctioning of any organs, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Fatigability is pronounced in multiple pregnancy and may be accompanied by lethargy, frequent vomiting, increased blood pressure. Fatigue appears due to hormonal changes in the body and the growing baby.
There are general recommendations that help to combat rapid fatigue in pregnancy, unless of course it is not caused by physiological abnormalities.
- The future mother should have a full sleep and rest. Sleep must be 7-9 hours a day, while the best time for night rest is from 22 pm to 7-8 am.
- Before going to bed it is recommended to take a walk, refresh the room, take a shower or do an easy gymnastics. A glass of warm milk with honey will help you fall asleep quickly and save you from general weakness.
- Do not forget about the afternoon rest and physical activity. Walking in the fresh air during the day and a short rest after lunch will help restore strength and give cheerfulness.
- Particular attention should be paid to the diet. A pregnant woman should consume more vegetables, greens and fruits. Thus it is necessary to refuse harmful food, that is sweet, fried, sharp and salty.
Diagnosis of rapid fatigue
Diagnosis of rapid fatigue depends on the severity of the symptom, the age of the patient, the individual characteristics of his body and a number of other factors. The choice of the diagnostic method is influenced by the alleged causes of fatigue and the type of pathology. Let's consider the basic methods of diagnostics of fast fatigue, which are used both for children and for patients of adult age.
- Consultation with a psychologist.
- Research of arterial pressure.
- Analyzes for the level of hormones, immunogram, urine analysis and biochemical blood test.
- Electroencephalogram.
- Examination of the fundus.
After the basic researches consultations from the cardiologist, the endocrinologist and other experts are possible.
Who to contact?
Treatment of rapid fatigue
Treatment of rapid fatigue depends entirely on the cause that caused this ailment. That is, in order to restore the normal state of the body, it is necessary to completely eliminate the factors causing a decline in strength and energy. Consider general medical recommendations that will help get rid of fatigue and weakness.
- First of all, it is worth paying attention to your diet. The body must receive all the substances necessary for a full-fledged work. In your menu should be enough fruits, vegetables, greens, fish, cereals. In this case, it is necessary to abandon the harmful fast food, that is, fast food. Such food consists of fast carbohydrates, which reduce the level of sugar in the blood, which causes fatigue, loss of strength and energy.
- A good sleep is the best cure for fatigue and loss of strength. Observe sleep and wakefulness, go to bed at the same time. Before going to bed, you can ventilate the room, take a shower or do a relaxing gym. In this case, it is better to refuse watching the programs and films that excite the nervous system.
- Decline of strength and rapid fatigue can be eliminated with the help of vitamin preparations. Such funds are particularly relevant for beriberi, that is, in the autumn and winter period. In this case, minerals and vitamins not only relieve fatigue, then strengthen the body's immune system.
- Physical activity and walking outdoors will give vigor and energy. For example, the treatment of chronic fatigue involves the exercise of physical exercises. Therefore, do not be lazy to walk for 30-40 minutes in the fresh air.
- A complete rest, like sleep, also refers to the best methods of therapy for rapid fatigue. Reconsider your daily routine, try not to take work on the house, avoid stresses and experiences that cause not only fatigue, but also irritability.
In addition to general recommendations, there are alternative methods for treating rapid fatigue. So, every day drinking 100 ml of fresh beet juice can not only get rid of fatigue, but also improve your health. If you like to drink tea, then use instead of tea leaves cranberries, mint and melissa. Pomegranate and grape juice perfectly stimulate the nervous system, give a charge of vivacity and energy.
With the syndrome of chronic fatigue and unreasonable fatigue, you can use the following recipes:
- Chop the lemon and a couple of cloves of garlic. Fold the ingredients in a jar, add water and put on a couple of days in the cold. The drug is recommended to take one tablespoon each morning for 20 minutes before meals.
- Leaves of black currant pour boiling water and let it brew for 1-2 hours. Obtained infusion strain, and take 100 ml 2-3 times a day before eating.
- Take a spoonful of ground chicory root, pour water and put on a slow fire for 10-20 minutes. After this, the product must be filtered through gauze or sieve and take 1 spoon every 4-6 hours.
- For the next recipe, you will need a juniper (cones) and 500 ml of warm boiled water. Fill the plant with water for 2-3 hours, then strain and take 1 spoon 2-3 times a day.
- A tablespoon of St. John's wort is filled with two cups of cahors and put on a steam bath for 20-30 minutes. Obtained medication is recommended to eat before each meal for a week, one spoonful.
How to deal with fatigue?
How to deal with fast fatigue and how to protect your body from such an unpleasant symptom? Consider simple but effective rules to prevent fatigue and fatigue.
- Lead an active lifestyle. Regular even insignificant physical activity activates the production of endorphins, thanks to which there is a surge of strength and energy. The sleep becomes stronger, the oxygen supply of the cells of the body improves and the number of red blood cells in the blood increases.
- Do not sit for long on diets. Limited nutrition blocks access to the body of nutrients, which leads to rapid fatigue and general malaises. Mono diets are especially harmful. Not getting energy from food, the body begins to save its energy.
- The diet should be healthy, eat often, but in small portions. Such a simple approach to food intake will protect the body from sudden changes in glucose in the blood. Add to your diet fresh fruit juices and dried fruits. This is not only tasty, but also useful.
- Reduce the intake of caffeine, since the more coffee you drink, the less energy you have. Refuse bad habits (smoking, alcoholism), which can provoke rapid fatigue.
- Carefully review the medications in your home medicine cabinet. At first glance, causeless fatigue can be caused by side effects of medications. Take multivitamin complexes, it will improve immunity and help to cope with various kinds of stress on the body more easily.
- A full-fledged sleep and rest are an obligatory recommendation, observing which one can get rid of fast fatigue. Try to observe the regime, go to bed at a certain time, do not eat fatty foods, coffee or alcohol before bed.
- Learn to relax, it will help protect the body from negative environmental factors, frequent stress and irritation. For this, you can go for yoga or start meditating. Also, do not postpone visiting a doctor for complaints or any painful symptoms.
Preventing rapid fatigue
Prevention of rapid fatigue is reduced to adherence to simple recommendations for nutrition, rest and strengthening the body. Let's consider the basic methods of prevention of fast fatigue:
- Food
Provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements for full-fledged work. Stick to frequent, but fractional power. This is a protection against sharp jumps in blood glucose, which causes fatigue. Eat foods rich in B vitamins, they are responsible for energy metabolism. Minimize the use of caffeine and sweet. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, legumes, whole grains and bananas.
- Physical activity
Regularly exercise and do exercises. Motor loads help to produce endorphins, which are considered hormones of pleasure. A good physical form is a healthy body, which means increased endurance to different loads.
- Vitaminotherapy
Every day take vitamin and mineral preparations, which supply the body with a complete complex of the most necessary substances. So, vitamin B and magnesium participate in energy metabolism and are responsible for the formation of red blood cells. Be engaged in stimulating your feelings. For this, you can try aromatherapy. Essential oils can be inhaled, take a bath with them or spray around the room. The best are restoring the strength and energy of sandalwood and lavender essential oils.
- Health care
Do not refuse from routine inspections. This will allow time to identify and eliminate pathology, causing rapid fatigue. In addition, reconsider your first-aid kit, as some products cause fatigue. For example, various antidepressants and beta-blockers provoke increased fatigue. And some analgesics that contain caffeine interfere with sleep, which causes a breakdown. If you suffer from allergies, then do not forget that antihistamines cause fatigue and drowsiness.
- Healthy lifestyle
Make a proper rest and sleep one of the top priorities. Remember that frequent lack of sleep causes not only fatigue and nervousness, but also can lead to a number of diseases of the body. Communicate more with others, isolation leads to depression and boredom, which lead to a decline in strength. Take up any business, sign up for a sports section or for some courses.
Forecast of fast fatigue
The prognosis of rapid fatigue is positive, since this symptom, as a rule, does not entail life-threatening consequences. But fatigue can be a sign of illness requiring urgent medical attention. Frequent attacks of unreasonable fatigue and lack of sleep lead to chronic fatigue, which in turn can cause a depressive condition. In this case, a full treatment and a long recovery period are necessary.
Fast fatigue indicates depletion of the physical, emotional or psychological forces of the body. A full sleep and rest will restore normal health. Get positive emotions from communicating with others, favorite business and sport. Good music, books or poetry perfectly tone up the body, improve mood and eliminate fatigue. Try to look more optimistically at everything that happens. Avoid bad habits, as they worsen energy metabolism, which leads to fatigue.