Genital warts in women
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Genital warts are a papillomavirus infectious disease, one of the most common infections of the genital tract. Genital warts in women are often the cause of erosion of the cervix. Moreover, the papillomavirus, which causes the formation of condylomas, may further lead to the development of cervical cancer.
Genital warts are an insidious and serious disease, therefore it is extremely important to detect it in time and immediately begin treatment. In this article we will consider all the most important points of this pathology, which every woman should know.
The causes of genital warts in women
The causative agent of the disease is human papillomavirus, which is very common. It can provoke the appearance of other equally serious diseases. At the moment, more than a hundred species of this pathogen are isolated, and each species is capable of causing various pathologies in the body. For example, the virus of papilloma №1 promotes the emergence of plantar warts; virus number 16, 18, 35 and some others stimulate the development of cervical dysplasia; virus number 6 and number 11 provokes the appearance of genital warts.
The ingress of a virus to a person usually occurs through contact with infected skin and mucous membranes. Through the household items the disease is not transmitted. When infected, the virus settles on the skin or mucous membrane of a person, without penetrating into the bloodstream and other organ systems.
The virus is able to multiply: this process occurs deep under the skin, in the intracellular space. As the virus matures, they leave the deep layers, going out. After that they are already considered infectious.
Typically, the transition of the virus from person to person is carried out during sexual contact (during vaginal and anal sex), less often - with oral contact. The disease is spread everywhere, regardless of the standard of living and social status.
According to statistics, every second person on the planet who lives sexually is infected with some kind of papilloma virus, and often several types of pathogen are present simultaneously in the same patient.
Particularly dangerous is a person who has already developed symptoms of the disease. But, unfortunately, the virus can not manifest itself for a long time. The disease proceeds secretly and may not be detected for several months or even years. And only with a decrease in immune defense develops certain characteristic symptoms.
Symptoms of genital warts in women
The incubation period of genital warts can last from 1 month to 1 year, more often about 3 months. Condylomas are small neoplasms of a pinkish-pale shade, "planted" on an invariable basis - a thin thread or a short leg. From a distance they look like a small wart, an inflorescence of cauliflower or a scallop. In some cases, the condylomas are located singly, in others they can be located multiple, but in isolation. In women, condylomas can be transformed into large tumors.
Pointed condylomas in women can be on the external genitalia, along the urethra, in the vaginal cavity, in the cervix, in the groin and near the anus. When the process is localized in the urethra, symptoms of a chronic form of urethritis may appear: discomfort with urination, tenderness of the abdomen, aching in the groin. Simultaneously, the external genitalia can be affected.
Genital warts are often found in pregnant women in the vaginal cavity. The formations can reach quite large sizes, even closing the vaginal entrance and the external opening of the urethra.
In the region of the cervix, the formations can connect with each other and form outgrowths of a pastel or yellowish hue. Such fusions can block the entire surface of the entrance to the uterus.
Candilomatosis in women becomes more dangerous when giant formations are formed, penetrating deeply into tissues and destroying them.
In some situations (especially during pregnancy), the symptoms of genital warts in women develop very quickly, and the sizes of the lesions increase significantly within a few weeks. In the folds between the growths, vaginal discharge accumulates, then the decomposition of these accumulations begins, which as a result can provoke the appearance of an extremely uncomfortable odor from the vagina and inflammation of its walls.
The extensive kandilomatoz at women can extend on the big and small sexual labiums, covering a vagina entrance, with transition to groin-femoral folds. In some cases, they can be found in the interannual region and near the anus.
During the formation of condyloma, the symptoms of the disease may not manifest. Often patients notice a malaise only with the rapid growth of formations, which is manifested by the appearance of pronounced excretions (which often cause irritation of the skin of the vagina and external genital organs), and an itchy and burning sensation in the vagina.
The clinical symptoms of genital warts in women can largely depend on the location of the process: some signs can be detected during urination, others - during sexual intercourse, and others - during defecation. Condylomas of a giant size can not only interfere with these processes, but also prevent a woman from moving normally. However, such a situation already refers to very neglected cases.
Diagnosis of genital warts in women
Diagnosis of genital warts in women is carried out, first of all, on the basis of the inherent clinical picture.
Located in the urethra, the formation is detected only with the help of ureteroscopy. First of all, genital warts should be distinguished from wide condylomas, which are a sign of secondary syphilis. Differences of these formations in the fact that wide condylomas are on a wide base. They are dense and not prone to bleeding. If there are doubts, then they resort to the study of the detachable pale treponem and make a serological analysis for syphilis.
As a rule, for more complete diagnosis of genital warts, women are consulted by specialists such as dermatovenereologist, urologist and gynecologist. Perhaps, in some cases, a surgeon's consultation will be required.
The doctor, as a rule, will write a referral to the blood test both for the patient and her sexual partner: a study should be conducted on the most common sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS. The patient herself can also be directed to colposcopy and cytology of the cervix.
A specific method for determining the papilloma virus is a polymerase chain reaction, by which the DNA of the virus can be determined. However, this method is not always informative: the virus can not decide if the disease is in a "dormant" state.
Treatment of genital warts in women
Treatment of genital warts in women can be carried out conservatively and surgically. The cauterizing action is exerted by a 50% resorcinol solution, as well as lubrication of the formulations with ointment containing xerobes, resorcinol (5 g) and 5% tebrofen ointment (10 g). The use of the ointment can be combined with washing with a solution of novarsenol. Such treatment lasts about 1 month.
A good effect is observed with the introduction of a solution of interferon (1 thousand units in 1 ml of water for injection) directly into the "seat" of the condyloma, with combined treatment with fluorouracil ointment (5%).
If the growths are in the lumen of the urethra, then intrachannel is administered fluorouracil. It is also possible to use the following drugs:
- 1% bonaflone ointment;
- 0.5% colchamine ointment;
- 5% tebrofen ointment;
- 3% Oxoline ointment.
Ointments are used 2-3 times a day for 1 month. Also, arsenic-based products in dimexide are also considered effective.
In some cases, pherosol is applied to the affected surface. The application is repeated about once a week, until the necrotic formation completely falls away. It is allowed to carry out 4-5 applications.
Positive effect is the following remedy, which should be applied to condylomas twice a day: prospidin 0.2 g, saline 1 ml, epinephrine 0.1% 1 ml, dimexide 8 ml.
For the period of treatment it is necessary to refuse sexual intercourse until the restoration of complete control over the situation.
What tests are needed?
Who to contact?
Removal of genital warts in women
In order to prevent malignant degeneration, genital warts are often removed, regardless of their location and size. Condylomata are difficult to respond to conservative treatment, and the cases of self-healing of this disease science has never fixed.
There are a lot of methods to remove genital warts. Deleted elements are necessarily examined on a histology to clearly identify the absence of cancer degeneration.
- Cryosurgical method (procedure of topical exposure with liquid nitrogen) has a number of advantages over other procedures. When using this method, no general or local anesthesia will be required. In addition, even condylomas that respond poorly to conservative treatment are amenable to the procedure. This method is not advised to use if the patient subsequently plans to have children.
- Diathermocoagulation is usually used to remove genital warts that are located on the cervix. If there are not enough formations, then one procedure is enough. In more severe lesions, 2-3 procedures are performed. It is not recommended for use if the patient plans to have a baby later.
- Operative treatment - after disinfection of the lesion and local anesthesia, condylomas are removed using special scissors or a scalpel. After that, apply a pressure bandage to the wound for about a week.
- Laser coagulation is a procedure that involves exposure to growths of a directed beam of laser radiation. As a result, the tissues of the formation volatilize, and in their place there is only a thin dry crust, which eventually disappears.
- The method of radio wave surgery - provides for the use of a radio-knife (equipment "Surgitron"), which allows you to quickly and painlessly remove unwanted tumors.
When planning the method for the removal of genital warts, it is important to consider some of the attendant factors: the age of the patient, the degree of neglect of the process, the presence of other diseases of the genital area, the presence of sources of infection in the body, the desire of women in the future to have children. All these points should be considered by the doctor when choosing the most optimal method for treating genital warts.
Prophylaxis of genital warts in women
In order to protect yourself from the virus that causes the appearance of genital warts, you must follow simple but very important rules:
- adhere to the standards of personal hygiene and sanitation - regularly take a shower, change clothes, do not use other people's bath accessories;
- avoid accidental sexual contact;
- if there is no confidence in the safety of sexual intercourse, be sure to use a condom, and quality;
- do not let the immune defenses fall: dress in the weather, do not overcool, give up harmful habits such as smoking or drinking, avoid stressful situations, eat and rest fully.
Moderate and regular exercise, nutrition, healthy lifestyle always help to strengthen immunity, which will help to avoid a lot of health problems, including viral infection.
In the winter-spring period, when immunity is reduced due to a lack of vitamins in the diet, multivitamin complex preparations (Alphavit, Complevit, Vitrum, etc.), as well as some immunostimulants (Immunom, Immunomax, Echinacea, etc.) can be used.
Prognosis of genital warts in women
Unfortunately, if the human papilloma virus has already entered the body, then it is not possible to get rid of it yet. Despite many therapeutic methods, it is impossible to completely eliminate pathology.
Of course, science does not stand still, and recently new medications for the treatment of genital warts were presented. For example, recently, scientists presented a new type of vaccination against the virus of the papilloma: this vaccine is called Gardasil. However, experimental studies of the effect of the drug are not yet completed, so it has not yet been fully understood. Although it is already widely used, including in our country.
However, even without using the vaccine, it is possible to achieve control over the disease by adhering to all prevention methods, on time to undergo qualified treatment and periodically to visit a doctor for preventive examination. In no case should you engage in self-medication: remember that the disease at any time can change its course to malignant.
Genital warts in women require competent and immediate treatment: only in this case can we expect the most favorable prognosis of the disease.