Wen on the back
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Such a problem as a lipoma in the broad masses is called a wen. This is a benign tumor that can appear on any part of the human body, including a common fat on the back.
In most patients, this pathology does not cause any deterioration in health, but it is still necessary to constantly monitor it.
Causes of wen on the back
For today, the causes of the wen on the back are not known for certain. There are popular rumors among the people that a lipoma forms when a large amount of slag accumulates in the human body, but this statement does not confirm the laboratory findings.
More plausible physicians consider such reasons for the development of pathology:
- Heredity. In case the failure of the program affected the genetic code, which subsequently affected the metabolic processes of the sebaceous glands.
- Menopause. During the period of the restructuring of the body, in women over 45 years of age, there are cases of imbalance in the functioning of glands producing sebaceous fractions, which contributes to the emergence and growth of neoplasm.
- Craniocerebral injury.
- Infectious diseases that can damage the hypothalamus.
- The metabolic processes in the human body failed.
- "Wrong food" is its imbalance.
- Mismatch during protein fermentation.
- Sedentary lifestyle.
- Everything is deteriorating over the years ecology.
In any case, the emergence and further development of pathology is the overlap of the canal of the sebaceous gland.
Symptoms of the wen on the back
Initially, the lipoma does not much remind you of yourself. More often than not, a person independently detects the symptoms of a wen on his back.
- When palpation begins to feel a spherical hardening.
- There may be painful sensations caused by the fact that the tumor, when enlarged in size, begins to press on adjacent organs or nerve processes.
- Feeling of discomfort
- In the case of finding such a neoplasm in yourself or a loved one, especially in case of its rapid increase in size, it is necessary to seek advice from a doctor, perhaps even an oncologist.
What does the wen on the back look like?
The appearance of the lipoma can go unnoticed, and if the patient discovers "some kind of a ball under the skin", he does not know what it is and where to treat his problem.
Lipoma originates in a small, hardly noticeable, less than half a centimeter in size. At the same time, the "victim" does not feel any discomfort. To the touch, the surface of the neoplasm is elastic, slightly dense, does not differ in color from the color of the rest of the skin. It takes the form of a circle or an oval. The boundaries of the pathology can be either sufficiently sharp along the contour, or blurred.
It can be found in everyday life, both by the person himself and by his relatives.
Subcutaneous fat on the back
Factors that can form a subcutaneous location of the tumor are quite a lot: it is a hereditary predisposition, and liver dysfunction, malnutrition and many other reasons. All this can provoke the formation under the skin of a small, rolling, when touched, pea, which either remains in its infancy and is not subject to any correction and treatment, or begins to grow and requires cardinal surgery. The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia. Having made an incision, the capsule is carefully removed and a revision and wiping of the wound is performed.
Subcutaneous fat on the back does not affect the color of the skin above it. It is able to grow rapidly in size, and can remain hardly noticeable, but to ignore its occurrence is in any case unsafe. Lipoma is a solitary, and there is lipomatosis - a plural congestion of tumors. Often they grow deep enough, making diagnosis difficult.
Big wen on the back
Due to the concurrence of various factors, the lipoma begins to increase in size, transforming into a large adipose on the back. This indicates the progression of the disease, activation of the process of formation of cells of connective tissue. As a result, not only does the aesthetic discomfort for a patient increase, but also the threat of the degeneration of a new growth into a malignant cancerous tumor.
It is necessary urgently to address to the doctor who will lead a number of laboratory researches (for example, definition of a level of a cholesterin in a blood), other diagnostics. Only the doctor is able to decide on a further method of treatment. If you let things go by themselves, the patient will always feel stressed trying to hide her defect. But this is not the worst thing. Procrastination with a doctor's visit, in case of malignant degeneration, can cost the patient a life. When he has already turned to a specialized clinic, the area of metastatic lesions may be quite extensive.
It is better to remove a large tumor. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis or in a hospital, where it will take two to three days. Anesthesia local or general - the decision is made by the anesthesiologist, in conjunction with the operating surgeon. Removing pathology, the patient gets rid of further health problems.
Pain in the wen on the back
Lipoma - a benign tumor, but increasing in growth, it tries to occupy more and more space, while its weight begins to put pressure on neighboring organs, nerve endings, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant sensations, and then periodic or persistent pain. The adipes on the back and palpation or due to the motor activity of the muscles are painful.
The site of localization of the tumor can be a subcutaneous fatty layer of the epidermis (the lipoma has the form of a moving ball with distinct boundaries) or in the layers of the muscle tissue - a tuberous surface with a diffuse contour.
Inflammation of the wen on the back
This pathology rarely undergoes inflammation, more often this process develops in atheromas - one of the varieties of lipomas (a new growth in the sebaceous glands). When suppuration, the skin becomes red, puffiness develops. The patient begins to feel burning and pain. Such a cyst can "ripen" and "break" on its own. At the same time, purulent secretions of a greenish-yellow color appear. If this did not happen, surgical intervention of the surgeon is necessary. To postpone the trip to a specialist is not necessary - the abscess is able to "break through" inside, penetrating into other areas. And there is close to sepsis. If the zhirovik on the back is inflamed, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests:
- Research on cytology - it is necessary to exclude the cancer character of the neoplasm.
- General blood analysis.
- With the confirmation of oncology - a referral to the oncology dispensary. If the tumor is benign, the surgeon simply removes it (under local or general anesthesia). On an outpatient basis, this procedure takes a little time and is performed by a laser. If the risk of complications is great - the operation is done in a hospital.
What is dangerous zhirovik on the back?
Lipoma, although a benign tumor, but it is not worth brushing aside this problem, even if it does not require any medical intervention at the moment. Any neoplasm is a real threat of degeneration into a malignant tumor, in this case a liposarcoma. More often the pathological transformation undergoes encapsulated neoplasms.
Important and the problem of aesthetic nature. After all, the fat on the back has a property to grow and reach ten centimeters, which is almost impossible to cover up after a while.
Therefore, the doctor, after examining and conducting the necessary tests, makes a decision: to treat medication, to remove or not to touch, continuing to observe the tumor.
Diagnostics of Widow on the back
It is somewhat difficult to correctly establish a lipoma, but in order not to be mistaken, the diagnostics of the wen on the back includes:
- Ultrasound examination.
- Radiography.
- Computer tomography.
- Research on histology.
The clinical picture is that the primary patient or his relatives observe a slight swelling. The most frequent place of localization is the area of the neck and upper region of the back.
Visual inspection:
- Neoplasm of spherical or oval form.
- Soft, elastic texture.
- With palpation, there is often no manifestation of pain. Painful sensations can cause tumor pressure on the nerve sprouts and adjacent organs.
- Size - from a few millimeters to ten or more centimeters.
- The rapid increase in size indicates the activation of cell division of connective tissues and is an indication for an immediate visit to the doctor.
- Several closely located limes may coalesce with growth, forming a lipomatous formation.
- The location is also important. Neoplasm can appear where it interferes with the carrying of a bag or clothes, thereby causing a person discomfort.
Who to contact?
Treatment of Widow on the back
After diagnosing a malignancy, the doctor has several areas of development: do not touch the lipoma, medical treatment of the wen on the back and surgical removal. Before making a decision, the doctor compares all the factors.
If the tumor is small, does not cause discomfort to the patient, the doctor may decide not to touch it at all. But further monitoring in this case will not hurt.
There are enough drugs to reduce the size of the tumor. The treatment is amenable to neoplasms of small size - no more than two to three centimeters. In this case, the lipoma does not cause discomfort and pain.
In the tumor area, a thin needle is injected with a drug (eg diprospan), which promotes the cleavage of adipose tissue. But you do not have to wait for the lightning result. The process of splitting proceeds slowly and takes three to four months. The neoplasm either decreases markedly in size, or completely resolves.
Diprospan. The administered dose of the drug directly depends on the clinic and the severity of the disease. The average single dose subcutaneous injection is 0.2 ml / cm2. The weekly amount of the preparation should not exceed 1 ml. The drug when you enter does not cause pain, but in special cases it is recommended to use together with an anesthetic (1% solution of procaine or lidocaine)
Side effects. If the medicine was applied once or in a small course - the side effects are minimized. Prolonged use of the drug or a large dose may lead to:
- Depression and neuroses.
- Anxiety and sleep problems.
- Faults in digestion.
- The growth of body weight.
- Braking in development and growth in children.
- Osteoporosis.
- Exacerbation of diabetes mellitus.
- Puffiness.
The drug is contraindicated in people who are hypersensitive to the components of the drug, with unstable joints, infection, AIDS, coagulation, thrombophlebitis, nephritis, kidney failure, duodenal ulcer and stomach, liver disorders and other diseases. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The patient will be offered surgery if:
- The tumor is more than three centimeters and continues to increase.
- There is soreness.
- There is even the slightest chance of its degeneration into a malignant tumor.
- There is a danger to the health and life of the patient.
- Lipoma "on the leg".
- Aesthetic or physical discomfort.
With a small tumor size, the removal is performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. If the lipoma is "big" - it is excised under general anesthesia in a hospital.
At the disposal of the surgeon are three ways to save the patient from the lipoma. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages.
Classical removal
The doctor makes a small incision with a scalpel. Carefully squeezes out the capsule with fat cells. He cleans the wound, scraping the leftovers. Such a method is suitable for removing a wen on the back, but with a cosmetic position is unacceptable for the neck (remains scar). For two weeks the patient is under the supervision of a doctor.
Puncture-aspiration technique
The process is akin to the previous one, but the removal of adipose tissue is not done through an incision on the skin, but with a needle. The patient gets rid of the tumor, while the trace of the "operation" is invisible. But in this case, you can not give a full guarantee that all fat cells are removed and the lipoma will not start to grow again.
Laser Therapy
The most effective and practical painless method of removing the wen on the back. Bloodless. Does not leave scars, gives a guarantee excluding relapse. The surgical wound heals within two weeks and the patient forgets about its existence.
Pieces of excised tissue are necessarily sent to a biopsy to exclude cancer development of the disease.
For the fastest healing of the wound, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial ointments "Tetracycline" or "Levomekol."
Tetracycline ointment. A thin layer of medicine is applied to the wound. The procedure is repeated three to five times per day. Usually it is perfectly tolerated by the patient, but in special cases, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes of an allergic nature, an upset of bowel function may appear.
The drug is contraindicated for individual intolerance of its components, leukopenia, in pregnancy and toddlers who have not reached the age of eight.
Levomekol. The medicine is applied to gauze or a napkin, applied to the wound, until it is completely cleansed. Marl is changed daily. Ointment has practically no side effects and contraindications except allergic reaction and individual intolerance of the drug.
It is most often used in cosmetology. The removal of the wen on the back is done by burning it with an electric current. After such intervention, the scar practically does not remain on the body of the patient, in some cases a slightly noticeable pigmentation appears, which then disappears. Healing occurs in ten days.
Alternative therapies
Our ancestors, before the emergence of modern methods of treatment, fought this scourge with their grandfather methods. It should only be noted that they can be applied when the doctor confirmed the diagnosis and gave permission for alternative treatment. Otherwise, you can lose valuable time.
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How to get rid of a wen on your back?
You can also remove the lipoma at home, without resorting to medical and surgical methods of treatment.
- Lamb fat has a good effect on the wen on the back. To dissolve on a water bath one teaspoon of fat. Hot, but not scalding, put on a problem place, rubbing with massaging movements. The decrease in the parameters of the neoplasm will be noticeable after the first procedure. This massage should be done daily for a quarter of an hour.
- Bake the onion in an oven or oven. Household soap (preferably the darkest color), together with a hot bulb grind with a grater, blender or meat grinder. Carefully knead to a homogeneous consistency. The resulting composition should be applied to the lipoma, and then secured with a compression bandage. The procedure should be repeated three times a day until the neoplasm dissolves. Keep the composition better in the refrigerator.
- Gives a positive result and celandine. Prepare a steep broth of this plant, wait until it becomes room temperature. Apply in the form of compresses until the moment, "maturation" and self-opening of the tumor. After flowing the contents, treat the wound.
- Leaflets of a golden mustache (medicinal houseplant) are well crumpled and applied to the tumor, fixed with a bandage. Change the fresh leaf every 12 hours.
- Similarly, apply and an aloe leaf, previously cutting it along. The fact that the lipoma opened, a rod came out, it will take about two weeks. Then the wound will just be prolonged.
- Kalanchoe can be used as a mashed sheet, and in the form of juice, which impregnated gauze. They are used as a resorptive compress for neoplasm.
- Valued in this case, and cinnamon, which you need to eat 1,5 tablespoons daily.
- A good effect is shown by the tinctures: in a sterile container one glass of crushed fresh burdock root should be filled with a half glass of vodka. Wait in the dark place for thirty days. Ready to drink infusion of one tablespoon two times throughout the day, 30 minutes before eating.
- Effective in this case and stinging nettle. Her roots are dried, crushed, densely laid in a jar, poured 75% with alcohol or vodka and insist in a cool dark place for 20 days. After this, the tincture is ready for use. From it to the place of pathology make compresses and leave for the night, from above wrapped in a woolen shawl. The course is conducted until the problem disappears completely.
- Fresh beets, grated on a grater, are applied to the surface of the pathology. Over cover with cellophane and attach a stick plaster. It is better to do this at night. The disadvantage of this procedure is the red color of the skin in the place of contact.
- And garlic will do. Medium-sized head to clean. Tooth teeth to a uniform mush. Introduce the same volume of vegetable oil. To stir thoroughly. Slightly massaging, rub the resulting composition into the lipoma. Do this massage several times throughout the day.
- Apply for eight to ten days a night a mother-and-stepmother's leaf, the face to the affected area.
- Mix in equal proportions water and ammonia, a cotton swab dipped in a liquid, change two to three times a day. After a while, a mass, similar to cottage cheese, will begin to appear from the neoplasm. Now it is necessary to apply a compress with 10% ointment streptocide. The tumor should go away within a month.
- Help in this situation and lotions of wheat grains. Grinders are well rubbed in the mouth. The resulting substance should be placed in a canvas sac, bandage or gauze, placed on a lipoma. Cover with a layer of cellophane. Changing the compress, the procedure to do a few days in a row. Over time, the formation will become soft, a hole will appear, from which the fat mass will begin to flow. Treatment procedures should be performed until the pathology disappears completely.
- In the inflammatory process, prepare a composition of red clay with the addition of a small amount of kefir or milk and several crystals of salt. "Vymesit", make a cake, which you attach to the lipoma. Top with cellophane and adhesive plaster. Treatment continues until the tumor completely disappears.
- A similar cake can be made from honey and onions with the addition of a small amount of flour.
Widow removal on back
The decision to remove the lipoma is taken only after a negative biopsy result. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis and takes a little time. Removal in the hospital is subject to tumors that are in dangerous proximity to the vital organs of man, the lymphatic and vascular system. The removal of the wen on the back, as a rule, passes in the polyclinic.
Intervention is performed under local anesthesia. A slight incision is made, through which the tumor is squeezed out very carefully, minimally traumatizing the adjacent tissues. After that, the wound is carefully inspected to make sure that the lipoma is removed completely, otherwise there is a threat of its repeated growth. The seams are applied: classical - if the operation site is covered with clothing and cosmetic - if the seam is on an open surface.
Laser removal has great advantages:
- The procedure does not cause the patient unpleasant sensations.
- Removal is noncontact.
- Short healing time.
- Absence of colloidal formations.
- Laser removal takes several minutes.
- Guaranteed elimination of the risk of relapse.
The big disadvantage of this procedure is its cost in comparison with surgical intervention.
There is a method of electrocoagulation - the defeat of fat cells of the neoplasm with an electric current of high frequencies.
With the help of inert argon, high-frequency electromagnetic waves are regenerated, which act on the pathological site. This method is called plasma. The final result of the last three technologies is quite similar. The cost of surgery depends on the size of the lipoma, the suspicion of complication and the category of the clinic itself.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of wen on the back
The main prophylaxis of the wen on the back is regular, constant care of the skin. The pores of the epidermis must "breathe and receive adequate nutrition." If a person suffers from increased sweating and active work of fat glands - it is worth making your diet more balanced:
- Limit the baking.
- Remove from the diet products with carcinogens and preservatives.
- Do not get carried away with spicy, fried, fatty and smoked food.
- Increase the volume of consumed fruits and vegetables.
It is necessary to timely pass a course of treatment of diseases of the endocrine system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.
Prognosis of Widow on the back
A person can live a long life and not suspect that he is a carrier of a lipoma. For the time being, neoplasm does not reveal signs of growth. It can be provoked by various factors: microtrauma, clothing rubbing, metabolic processes failing in the body, and so on. Rarely enough, but the neoplasm can degenerate into a malignant tumor (liposarcoma) - this is the most negative prognosis of the wen on the back. The main signal for immediate medical attention is the activation of tumor growth, the manifestation of pain or any doubt. It is better to be safe, having addressed to the doctor-oncologist.
If the tumor has a size of more than 3 cm, then it is better to remove it. In this case, the prognosis of the wen on the back is favorable and not aggravated by future relapses. An exception may be a hereditary predisposition to this pathology.
Wen on the back - this is a neoplasm of benign nature (in rare cases, turning into a cancer tumor). It is not dangerous to humans and carries more aesthetic discomfort. But, to sleep peacefully, it is still necessary to seek the advice of a specialist and undergo all the necessary diagnostic procedures. In case of medical indications, the operation will allow to establish a cosmetic order and to exclude in future the re-formation of lipoma.