Types of balanoposthitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Types of balanoposthitis are divided into several groups, each of which is determined by the source of infection.
So, the most common and common types of balanoposthitis are:
- Plain
- Chronic
- Erosive
- Purulent
- Obliterating
- Xerotic
- Candidiasis
- Cirzinic
- Fungal
- Zuna
- Acute
- Gardnerellezny
- Chlamydia
- Yeast
- Trichomonas
- Adhesive
- Ring-shaped
- Ulcerative
- Allergic
- Traumatic
- Bacterial
- Nonspecific
- Recurrent
- Gangrenous
- Herpetic
- Catarrhal
- Irrant
- Follicular
- Adhesive
Balanoposthitis is acute and chronic. The main forms of acute inflammation:
- Simple balanoposthitis - the patient has reddening, which turns into erosive wounds and is accompanied by purulent discharge.
- Gangrenous balanoposthitis - complicated by phimosis, characterized by abundant non-healing ulcers. Ranks do not heal well and heal.
- Erosive balanoposthitis - on the head of the penis due to abundant secretions appears a layer of dead white epithelium. After that, bloody erosional wounds appear, which have a rim of maceration.
As for chronic balanoposthitis, as a rule, inflammation is caused by sexually transmitted diseases. It can appear due to herpes or fungal infections. The main forms of chronic balanoposthitis: •
- Candidiasis.
- Fungal.
- Circinogenic.
- Allergic.
- Purulent balanoposthitis.
Purulent balanoposthitis is one of the most serious forms of this disease. Purulent balanoposthitis is characterized by inflammation of the glans penis and inner flesh of the foreskin. In addition, the patient has purulent discharge. This form of the disease occurs due to the action of yeast fungi, streptococcal and staphylococcal microorganisms. The disease can occur with diabetes, purulent urethritis or allergic reactions.
The main symptoms of the disease - itching, burning, swelling of the glans penis. Patients complain of pain in the groin. In exceptional cases, the disease adversely affects the overall well-being, causes a fever and general weakness.
Treatment of purulent balanoposthitis begins with the diagnosis and the delivery of tests. Without timely treatment, on the penis appear sores that cause pain when urinating and walking. In addition, lymphangitis (inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, which causes the appearance of bands of red color on the back of the penis) can begin. Running lymphadenitis can lead to gangrene of the penis. Treatment is carried out with antibacterial and antifungal agents, ointments and solutions. If balanoposthitis led to phimosis, the urologist performs circumcision, which involves excision of the foreskin, where pathogenic microorganisms accumulate.
Tsirtsinarny balanoposthitis
Tsirtsinarny balanoposthitis is characterized by spots that appear on the head of the penis and have clear outlines. As a rule, this form of balanoposthitis appears in chlamydial infections or is a symptom of Reiter's syndrome. Characteristic for tsirtsinarnogo balanoposthitis symptoms: inflamed head and foreskin without roughness and subjective symptoms. With further development of the disease, spots of white-gray color, swelling, necrosis of the epidermis and an increase in the stratum corneum appear on the head.
With tsirtsinarnom balanoposthitis in a patient can occur ulcers of a gangrenous character. If the disease did not take the neglected form, the treatment involves observing the rules of intimate hygiene and washing the penis in a solution of potassium permanganate and medicinal herbs. In addition to hygiene measures, the urologist prescribes treatment to eliminate the cause of the disease. Patients may be prescribed antifungal agents, antibiotics and vitamin preparations.
Allergic balanoposthitis
Allergic balanoposthitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs due to exposure to an allergen or genital allergy. The disease has a symptomatology characteristic of all forms of balanoposthitis. The patient complains of itching, pain and burning, redness and swelling of the foreskin and glans penis. But with the appearance of spots, blisters and superficial erosions, it is possible to accurately diagnose an allergic balanoposthitis.
The main factors of allergic balanoposthitis:
- Allergy to latex - it is from latex make condoms, so cases of latex allergy are very common. The only way to prevent an allergic reaction and subsequently balanoposthitis is to take antihistamines before using condoms.
- The use of allergens - since all the products of vital activity pass through the urethra, the use of products that cause allergies can cause an allergic balanoposthitis.
- Local concentrates - to protect against unwanted pregnancy, women use concentrates in the form of ointments, vaginal tablets, suppositories, gel and other forms of release, which are popular because of the ease of use. Before release, the drugs are checked for allergic reactions in women, but for men this procedure is not provided. That is, a sexual act without a condom with a partner who uses local concentrates can cause an allergic balanoposthitis.
Regardless of the cause of allergic balanoposthitis, treatment should be comprehensive. Preparations and treatment procedures are selected according to the stage of development of balanoposthitis and the characteristics of the patient's body. But do not forget that any treatment will be futile if the body has an allergen.
Anaerobic balanoposthitis
Anaerobic balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the prepuce sack, the foreskin of the glans penis. The disease is provoked by anaerobic gram-negative bacteria. The main causes of anaerobic balanoposthitis are Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria. The disease has several forms - easy and erosive.
- The form is easy - with this form of balanoposthitis, a sticky plaque appears in the region of the coronary groove of the head of the penis, an unpleasant fishy odor and unexpressed erythema of the foreskin and head of the penis.
- Erosive form - accompanied by a mild form of symptoms, causes purulent erosion and plaque with a specific odor.
Diagnose anaerobic balanoposthitis due to clinical signs and results of laboratory data. So, for the establishment of the etiological agent of anaerobic inflammation, a polymerase chain reaction and sowing on the vaginosis-associated bacteria are used. Treatment is carried out with the help of antibacterial drugs Metronidazole and Clandamycin, both systemically and locally.
Chlamydial balanoposthitis
Chlamydial balanoposthitis is most often manifested and proceeds in the form of a zircinar infectious-inflammatory disease. Balanoposthitis affects the head of the penis and has clearly expressed lesions. There are no subjective symptoms of chlamydial balanoposthitis. Chlamydia does not affect the epithelium of the foreskin and glans penis.
Chlamydial balanoposthitis is extremely rare, much more often patients suffer from chlamydial balanitis, since chlamydia actively affects the glans penis, rather than the foreskin. The centers of defeat of an inflammation are precisely outlined, that allows to make the diagnosis precisely.
As a rule, chlamydial balanoposthitis appears in men with Reiter's disease. Predisposing factor to the appearance of the disease is congenital phimosis and narrowness of the foreskin, non-compliance with hygiene rules and the abuse of hygiene. Chlamydial balanoposthitis is transmitted sexually, so treatment is both partners. For the treatment use oral medications and immunomodulators.
Balanoposthitis with diabetes mellitus
Balanoposthitis occurs in 80% of patients with diabetes. Inflammatory-infectious disease caused by diabetes mellitus is a secondary balanopost. Treatment of this form of the disease is long, since balanoposthitis is quite persistent and poorly treatable. Inflammation has a polymicrobial etiology and appears with mixed infectious microorganisms: yeast fungi, streptococci, staphylococci, symbiosis. The disease can be caused by a monoinfection, for example, gardnerella.
Balanoposthitis in diabetes mellitus is due to metabolic disorders, which accompanies diabetes. The symptoms of the disease are accompanied by increased bleeding of the glans penis, the appearance of ulceration, hyperemia, cracks and ulceration with the development of cicatrical and adhesive process. The nature of the symptomatology depends on the age of the patient and the duration of the course of diabetes.
Treatment consists in the selection of antidiabetic drugs, which contribute to the stabilization and elimination of the inflammatory process. For treatment, surgical circumcision can be used. But this method of treatment can be used only under the condition of a normal blood sugar level.
Adhesive balanoposthitis
Adhesive balanoposthitis is the most common infectious and inflammatory disease that most often occurs in boys at a young age. The task of parents to monitor compliance with hygiene rules. In some cases, the disease appears due to congenital or acquired malformations. In adults, balanoposthitis occurs less frequently, and, as a rule, is the cause of other inflammatory diseases.
Symptomatic of adherent balanoposthitis in adults is accompanied by bloody wounds on the glans penis and peculiar discharges. Because of neglected symptoms of balanoposthitis, treatment can be radical and involves circumcision, that is excision of the prepuce. The adherent form causes phimosis and narrowing of the foreskin of the penis, so the operation is an effective method of treating balanoposthitis and its consequences.
Herpetic balanoposthitis
Herpetic balanoposthitis is one of the most common types of balanoposthitis. The clinical picture of this type of inflammatory-infectious disease is characterized by a vesicular rash, therefore, as a rule, does not constitute difficulties in diagnosis. Herpetic inflammation often recurs, causing a rash, flushing and swelling of the glans penis. Such symptoms occur at the initial stages of the disease, later the rash is replaced by vesicles and herpetic balanoposthitis passes into the erythematous form of genital herpes. In this case, the disease makes the head of the penis hypersensitive to irritants and takes on a chronic form.
Herpetic balanoposthitis has two forms - atypical erythematous and irrational postherpetic. The task of the urologist is to accurately diagnose the form of balanoposthitis, since the treatment depends on this. For treatment, antiherpetic and corticosteroid ointments are used. Treatment is long, but it helps prevent relapses of balanoposthitis.
Trichomonatal balanoposthitis
Trichomonas balanoposthitis is a secondary infectious-inflammatory disease that occurs against the background of trichomoniasis urethritis. As a rule, the inflammation affects the skin of the glans penis. The clinical picture of trichomoniasis balanoposthitis is practically no different from the inflammatory process of another origin. But with this form of the disease, a foamy purulent liquid of yellow or white color with a very unpleasant odor begins to be released from the preputial sac.
For the diagnosis of balanoposthitis, the urologist prescribes the delivery of tests and smears, which can reveal trichomonads. The main symptomatology is manifested in the form of hyperemia of the head and foreskin of the penis, the appearance of red spots. In order to distinguish the primary form of this disease from the secondary one, the patient passes urine analysis (after washing the preputial sack). If no inflammatory elements are found in the test results, this indicates a primary trichomonatal balanoposthitis.
Bacterial balanoposthitis
Bacterial balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the vulva, usually in men. When the bacterial form of the disease affects both the head of the penis, and the tissue of the foreskin. A bacterial infection causes the disease. Most often, a bacterial balanoposthitis diagnoses in boys up to three years. This is due to the fact that since the birth of the penis head is closed by the foreskin, and it does not always open on its own, which causes problems with hygiene. As a result, harmful microorganisms accumulate under the skin, which provoke the appearance of bacterial balanoposthitis.
The first symptom of the disease is a strong itching of the genitals. In addition to itching, inflammation causes redness and swelling of the penis, pain when urinating, and with neglect and inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes. Treatment in the early stages does not take much time and is not difficult. The patient is prescribed a course of antibacterial drugs, ointments and solutions for rinsing. It is mandatory to comply with intimate hygiene. With the severe form of bacterial balanoposthitis, the only method of treatment is surgical excision of the prepuce.
Gardnerella balanoposthitis
Gardnerella balanoposthitis is an inflammatory process that causes the bacterium of the Gardnerella. With this form of inflammation, both the glans penis and the foreskin are affected. To diagnose the disease, the urologist prescribes the delivery of tests. As a rule, the analyzes show a high concentration of anaerobic microorganisms and a low content of lactobacilli. Because of the rapid multiplication of bacteria, the microflora of the genital organs begins to change.
Most often gardnerellezny balanoposthitis is a secondary disease that occurs against gardnerelleznogo urethritis. The main symptoms of the lesion are manifested as: itching and burning of the genitals, pain when urinating, graying off with an unpleasant odor. The causes of this form of inflammation are not fully understood. So, the appearance of the disease can lead to irregularities in the work of the body, hormonal factors, endocrine diseases and other causes.
The disease must be treated without fail, as without medical assistance, the launched gardnerellezny balanoposthitis can lead to infertility, bartholinitis, chronic prostatitis or urethral syndrome.
Follicular balanoposthitis
Follicular balanoposthitis is an infectious disease that most often occurs due to stagnation of sperm or urine in the prepuce bag. The peculiarity of the follicular form is that the patient is probed with small, but dense nodules. The patient develops a mucus-purulent secret, edema of the head and foreskin of the penis is observed. Inflammation can affect the entire urethra and lead to the development of urethritis.
Treatment of follicular form of balanoposthitis involves curettage, that is, scraping and cauterization of the follicles. If the disease is at an early stage of development, then the patient is washed with a prepuce bag using antiseptic solutions, antibiotics and ointments are prescribed.
Xerotic balanoposthitis
Xerotic balanoposthitis (sclerosing lechen) is a chronic inflammatory lesion of the genital organs, both in men and in women. The disease is very rare. The main factors provoking the appearance of a xerotic balanoposthitis:
- Autoimmune diseases and hormonal disorders - lesions of the thyroid gland, alopecia, diabetes mellitus, violation of the assimilation of sex hormones by the tissues.
- Genetic predisposition - scientists have proved that this form of balanoposthitis is hereditary and can be transmitted from mother to daughter.
- Viral and infectious agents.
- Local factors - mechanical damage to the skin due to wearing tight underwear and constant rubbing of the genitals.
The symptomatology of the disease, at the initial stages of its development, does not differ from other forms of balanoposthitis. The first sign of inflammation is skin atrophy and the appearance of whitish spots on the head and foreskin. The main symptom of a xerotic balanoposthitis is a whitish sclerotic ring. The subsequent stages of the disease cause scar formation and thickening of the skin of the foreskin. Because of this, it becomes impossible to open the head of the penis, as scar scar tissue is formed. It is also possible the appearance of tears.
The treatment of this form of balanoposthitis depends on the stage of the inflammatory process. So, with cicatricial changes in the genitals, the process of constriction of the urethra, disturbance of urine outflow and urination may begin. As a result, complications of balanoposthitis will lead to urolithiasis, kidney failure and infectious urinary tract damage.
There are two types of treatment for a xerotic balanoposthitis. The first method is a conservative treatment using ointments with glucocorticoid hormones. The second method is circumcision of the foreskin, that is, surgical excision.
Nonspecific balanoposthitis
Nonspecific balanoposthitis is a form of inflammatory disease, which is similar to other types of balanoposthitis with its symptoms and methods of treatment. The peculiarity of nonspecific balanoposthitis is that the patient has swelling of the tissues on the glans penis and foreskin. Puffiness is the first sign of nonspecific balanoposthitis, which allows you to differentiate this form of the disease from others. But in addition to puffiness, the patient suffers from severe itching, burning, pain during urination and skin hyperemia.
The neglected form of nonspecific balanoposthitis can lead to the development of pathological phimosis, the only way to treat it is surgical intervention. Nonspecific form of inflammation is caused not by bacterial and infectious agents, but is a concomitant symptom of diabetes mellitus and very often occurs in patients with chronic alcoholism. The head of the penis is very painful and swollen, so it is difficult for a patient to open it. Another important symptom of nonspecific inflammation is the release of liquid pus in large quantities from the preputial sac.
Treatment involves removing the cause of the disease. If the primary pathological condition is completely cured, the symptoms of balanoposthitis will come down. Ignoring the symptoms and reluctance to treat inflammation, lead to the fact that the balanoposthitis takes a chronic and recurrent form. The only advantage of nonspecific balanoposthitis is that it is not transmitted during sexual intercourse.
Catarrhal balanoposthitis
Catarrhal balanoposthitis is a simple form of an infectious and inflammatory disease. As a rule, this kind of inflammation appears due to the effect on the skin of the genitalia of decomposing smegma. Catarrhal balanoposthitis causes decomposition of the secretion of inguinal glands in the preputial sac. The disease occurs due to the action of staphylococcal and streptococcal microorganisms, E. Coli and smigm sticks. To catarrhal inflammation can lead and trauma of the glans penis. This can happen because of wearing tight underwear or during intercourse due to the increased dryness of the woman's vagina.
The main symptomatology of the catarrhal form of balanoposthitis is itching, burning, swelling and hyperemia of the head and prepuce of the penis. In this case, attempts to move the foreskin and open the head cause pain and become impossible. Without medical assistance and medical therapy, the symptoms are exacerbated, and purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor appears, and in some patients the body temperature rises to 39 degrees.
Treatment of catarrhal balanoposthitis does not take much time and represents washing and baths of the penis, lubrication of the head with medications. If the symptoms of inflammation are aggravated by high fever and purulent secretions, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics.
Irranting balanoposthitis
Irranting balanoposthitis is an inflammatory process that occurs due to the stagnation of physiological fluids in the preputial sac (skin covering the glans penis). As a rule, the disease causes stagnant residues of urine, smegma and the products of its decay. Due to non-observance of personal hygiene, the patient develops an irrational balanoposthitis. The most common factor provoking the development of the disease is trichomonas and gonorrhea urethritis, diabetes mellitus. External stimuli, such as: congenital phimosis, excessive masturbation, frequent contact of the penis head with soap, can also cause an irritant balanoposthitis.
This form of inflammation does not refer to infectious inflammatory processes, but it is possible that in the course of the progression of the disease there will be an infection. The main pathogens of infection are staphylococci, herpes, streptococci, yeast fungi, Escherichia coli and others. The first symptom of this form of balanoposthitis is the red skin on the genitals, as well as the skin's sponginess. On the head and foreskin, there is swelling, and a purulent liquid with an unpleasant odor is released from the prepuce sack.
Inflammation causes an increase in the lymph nodes in the groin, pain, burning, slushing epithelium. When the form of an irrational balanoposthitis is started, the patient has numerous ulcers. Treatment, as a rule, conservative, but if the disease led to phimosis, then it is necessary to carry out excision of the prepuce.
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