Symptoms and types of balanitis in men and children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Among a variety of inflammatory diseases, balanitis occupies a special place. First, it is a disease that affects only a strong half of humanity. Secondly, the focus of inflammation has a localization in the head of the genital organ, which repeatedly increases the problem in the eyes of men. In fact in this case it is a question not of a simple dyscomfort or a pain in inguinal area. Symptoms and types of balanitis are also diverse, as are the causes that cause this pathology. At the same time, different forms of the disease with the patient's inactivity can replace each other, exacerbating the situation: leading to purulent inflammation and necrosis of penile tissues.
If nothing is done, it is likely that over time the man will begin to have problems with urination and sex life due to irritation of the delicate tissues of the penis, which is also the urethra. Therefore, it is very important to learn to recognize the disease in time before the emergence of all sorts of complications and do not delay with a visit to the doctor.
How does the disease manifest in adults?
Balanitis is a male disease that can occur in various forms: from mild to extremely severe, requiring amputation of the penis. Do not allow the emergence of severe consequences can be if you know the first signs of the disease and, without hesitation, seek help from a male doctor (urologist or andrologist). It is better to sound like an alarmist than to remain without male dignity and respect for yourself as a man and continuer of the race.
But let us return to the symptoms of balanitis, which, by the way, differ markedly in the initial and subsequent stages of the disease. In addition, the originality of the clinical picture of the disease is affected by the causes of its appearance, the form of the disease, the nature of the pathogen.
At the first, easiest stage of the disease, which is called simple or catarrhal balanitis, patients do not always pay attention to the symptoms that have appeared, despite the fact that it is easier to cope with the disease at this period. The appearance of hyperemic lesions on the head with a characteristic bright red tinge and edema of the penis tissues in the hyperemia region does not cause men special concern.
In some cases, small itchy rashes or whitish plaque may appear on the reddened skin, which indicate the nature or nature of the pathology. Rash usually appears with the allergic nature of balanitis. But sometimes it can prove to be a manifestation of a viral infection. So, under the influence of the herpes virus on the penis may appear small groups of small itchy vesicles, and with papillomavirus infection, the appearance of painless small growths on the penis - genital warts. Herpetic eruptions at the opening of the vesicles leave a painful erosion.
When fungal infection on the penis may also appear a small reddish rash. It is characterized by a white coating on the skin of the penis.
Sometimes a rash on the glans penis appears with gonorrhea, and in some cases the rash may even be a symptom of squamous cell carcinoma or a borderline condition called bovenoid papulosis.
Balanitis of a light form is often not taken seriously by men. Minor pain during walking or wearing tight underwear during a subacute course of the disease is not considered a serious reason to call a doctor. The patient begins to worry when, during the act of urination or sexual intercourse, there is noticeable burning and itching, and exudate appears on the surface of the skin, indicating the appearance of microdamages in the tissues of the head of the genital organ. Pain at the end of the penis is enhanced when trying to remove the skin of the foreskin from the head.
But even in this case, many men try to solve the problem on their own. Someone begins to pay more attention to hygiene of the penis, others resort to the help of various creams that relieve skin irritation, while others prefer to endure, change their underwear and wait for it to pass by itself. At the same time, few people limit their sex life, not realizing the danger they themselves are subjected to.
Inflamed foci on the phallus are very attractive for microbes, which can be found on the patient's skin or get on from the sexual partner. Attachment of infection is characterized by the appearance of purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor from the foreskin. If balanitis has become a complication of urethritis, the same discharge will appear from the urethral opening.
If the patient does not take any action during this period, the disease will pass to the acute (or erosive-ulcerative) stage with the formation of small erosions on the skin (wounds), which respond to tangible pain when touched or irritated (eg urine). Attachment of bacterial infection provokes the development of suppurative processes, and small surface erosions eventually transform into deeper ulcers filled with fibrinous contents of whitish-gray, yellowish or greenish color.
Such hard-healing ulcers can form with syphilitic infection (hard chancre) and chlamydia. In addition, the purulent form of inflammation is also characteristic of staphylococcal infection (Staphylococcus aureus). True, it is only the doctor who can determine the pathogen of the balanitis after special tests.
It is especially difficult for patients with diabetes. Ulcers on their body are formed faster than others, and tighten up hard and long. It often happens that healed wounds inflame again, causing an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease. In this case, they speak of a chronic course of pathology.
For erosive balanitis, there is a symptom such as an increase in lymph nodes in the inguinal region. Usually, this is observed after the erosions have transformed into deep ulcers, i.e. A purulent process began. The enlargement and compaction of the lymph nodes is an alarm signal, since it indicates that the infection spreads into the body and circulates through it lymphogenous and hematogenous (through the lymphatic fluid and blood) pathway, i.e. The disease passes from a localized to a generalized form.
This transition is often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, unusual weakness and general malaise. In addition, the soft tissues of purulent foci can not remain unchanged for a long time. They begin to die, forming necrotic sites. Dying tissues gradually exfoliate, ulcers become deeper and increase in diameter, not only the head and foreskin, but the whole body of the penis, are involved in the process. Further delay with treatment can result in amputation of the male sexual organ.
If the treatment is insufficient, the disease threatens to pass into a chronic (healed) form, in which the periods of remission and the almost complete absence of symptoms of balanitis will be replaced by periods of exacerbation with more or less severe symptoms.
Balanitis in men can vary in different ways, because the course of the disease largely depends on the characteristics of the body, and in particular the patient's immune system, concomitant diseases, and the relationship of the man to his problem and the methods used to overcome it. The possibility of a return to a healthy life depends entirely on the patient's desire.
Balanitis in the child
Balanitis is a disease that does not have age limitations, i.e. It can even occur in childhood. It is clear that the causes and symptoms of balanitis in small boys will be slightly different than in adult men.
In male babies, the head of the penis in its usual state is completely hidden under the foreskin and its inflammation is usually caused by 2 factors: an incorrect approach to the hygiene of the male organ and uncomfortable conditions (fever and humidity in the inguinal region). In both cases, the responsibility for the illness of the child lies with the parents.
If the child's penis is not regularly washed, under the foreskin, microbes and urine particles will accumulate, irritating the delicate skin of the child, causing its redness and swelling. In this case, the baby becomes restless, often crying, especially during and after urination, often stretches handles to the penis and can accidentally even scratch his skin, only aggravating the situation.
But hygiene is also good in moderation. On the surface of our skin, not only opportunistic pathogens live, but also useful microorganisms that help maintain local immunity. Excessive hygiene can destroy them and leave the skin of the penis completely defenseless before the pathogenic microbes that surround us.
Moreover, special attention should be given to the means for caring for baby skin and washing powder for baby clothes, which must be hypoallergenic and should not contain harmful additives. Sometimes the cause of balanitis in a child becomes an unsuitable washing powder or soap. In this case, allergic balanitis in a child can flow with little or no pain. Most often the case is limited to redness of the skin on the head of the penis and itching.
Fungal balanitis can be diagnosed in newborn boys, whose mothers did not cure the candidiasis of the vagina in time. On the baby's skin, fungi come from the mucous membrane of the vagina during passage through the birth canal. And the infection multiplies because of imperfection of the immune protection of the baby.
An identical situation with viral balanitis, which is most often caused by a herpetic infection. Herpes virus - a fairly common problem among adults, it is not surprising that a child can catch even before birth, if the virus is active in the body of the mother. Usually, infection occurs precisely during labor, as in candidiasis.
Equally important when caring for a child is maintaining the optimal temperature regime, i.e. Understanding that the heat and cold children feel somewhat different, because their mechanism of thermoregulation is still in the stage of formation. If the child is excessive, the skin in the intimate area can be forbidden, i.e. It will be about diaper rash on the head of the penis. By itself balanitis of this kind, although it causes some discomfort, is not a dangerous disease. But if nothing is done, on the irritated skin appear microdamages, through which a bacterial infection can penetrate.
Another cause of balanitis at an early age is phimosis. The congenital pathology of the foreskin, which does not allow to completely expose the glans penis and perform hygienic procedures, is one of the main risk factors for the inflammation of the glans penis.
The risk of developing balanitis in children with diabetes mellitus is also increased, the urine of which contains sugar and acts as a stronger irritant. But the healing of wounds in patients is very difficult and long, which leads to a chronic process and frequent infection.
It is very important to pay attention to any suspicious symptoms: reddening of the penis's head with the presence of wounds, whitish plaque, bubble herpetic eruptions, frequent attempts to scratch the intimate place, anxiety during urination, etc. The acute period of the disease does not last long - only 1-2 weeks, and if at this time nothing to do, there is a great risk of the transition of the disease to a chronic form, the treatment of which is very difficult.
Care for the sexual organ of younger boys for the time being lies on the shoulders of parents, but from the very childhood it is necessary to explain to the child how important it is to keep the entire body clean, and not just hands and feet. It is very important for older boys to teach them how to take care of their sex organs on their own and regularly, and in adolescence pay special attention to the safety of sexual intercourse and the use of a condom as the most reliable means of protection against sexually transmitted infections.
Types of balanitis
Balanitis is a disease, the course of which depends on many factors. It is not surprising that the classification of this disease is not limited to just dividing into an infectious and non-infectious form. There are several different criteria by which this pathology can be classified.
Thus, according to the nature of the course of balanitis, two forms of the disease can be distinguished:
- Sharp balanitis. It is characterized by a high severity of symptoms: itching, pain, fever, severe swelling and redness of tissues, deterioration of overall well-being. Ignore this form of balanitis is very difficult, especially considering that walking, having sex and even micturition cause an increase in symptoms. And this significantly worsens the quality of life of a man.
- Chronic balanitis. This form of the disease usually becomes the result of careless treatment of acute symptoms. For some time, hiding the problem from relatives and doctors, a man runs the risk of earning chronic balanitis, especially if it's an infectious variety of it. Chronic pathology is a disease prone to relapse with any decrease in general and local immunity. To avoid exacerbations, you will have to take vitamins, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, strictly follow the hygiene of the penis, refrain from wearing synthetic underwear that creates a "greenhouse effect" that promotes the propagation of pathogens. If this is not done, frequent relapses of the disease eventually lead to atrophy of the glans penis tissues, scar tissue formation, erectile dysfunction.
Chronic balanitis often develops against the background of already existing diseases, such as HIV, diabetes, psoriasis and some other autoimmune pathologies. A worsening of pathology can cause any disease that affects the work of the immune system. Even common respiratory infections, especially of a viral nature.
Even non-infectious balanitis can pass into the chronic form. For example, allergic inflammation will occur every time you come into contact with an allergen. The same applies to traumatic balanitis if the irritation of the tender head tissues is repeated repeatedly (when wearing unsuitable underwear, rough seams for underwear, masturbation, anal sex, etc.). Prolonged non-healing or often formed wounds in the intimate area are at great risk of infection, so often the non-infectious form is complicated by infection.
By the presence of rashes on the skin of the penis, balanitis can be divided into 2 forms:
- Simple or not, which is characterized by the appearance of rather large inflamed patches of a homogeneous structure.
- Nodular or follicular. For follicular balanitis and balanoposthitis peculiar formation at the site of inflammation and dense multiple small nodules, which are well defined by touch or even visible to the naked eye. The appearance of nodules on the skin of the glans penis is associated with the action of infectious agents. One of his symptoms is the appearance of a mucopurulent secret, covering the inflamed tissues of the organ and accumulating under the foreskin. Most often, such balanitis quickly turns into balanoposthitis, when the foreskin is included in the inflammatory process.
In most cases of diagnosed balanitis, the infection becomes its primary or secondary cause, so the infectious balanitis is much more common. But the course of this type of pathology may differ depending on which infection triggered the development of the disease.
Doctors isolate a bacterial, fungal or viral form of the disease. The cause of viral balanitis can be herpetic or papillomavirus infection. But the most common is the herpetic balanitis (genital herpes) caused by the herpes virus. This inflammation has a chronic nature, because of the virus of herpes (like HPV) completely get rid of the possibility. The aggravation occurs every time the immunity gives the slack.
For herpetic balanitis is characterized by small rash with blisters on the skin of the glans penis, which appears after a few days on the reddened and swollen areas of the body. In this case, the elements of the rashes appear usually in small groups and itch greatly. When the vesicles are opened, small erosions are formed in their place. The pain syndrome with herpetic balanitis is mild or weak, after opening the vesicles, it can intensify.
The development of fungal balanitis men are usually obliged to fungi of the genus Candida. Like the viral form of pathology, Candida balanitis develops only against a background of reduced immunity. With all this fungal variety of male disease is considered one of the most popular, because it is easily transferred from a partner to a partner. And by themselves yeast fungi of the genus Candida are considered to be representatives of the normal microflora of the female vagina, oral cavity and large intestine. Getting on the penis under the foreskin during traditional and anal sex or blow job, the fungal microflora gets the opportunity to actively multiply, unless the man's immunity becomes an obstacle for this.
Symptoms of fungal balanitis are: swelling and redness of the glans penis, the appearance of a specific white coating on her skin with small lumps resembling cottage cheese (the scurf also has a sour smell), a painful itch like herpetic, burning and pain during urination.
Candidiasis has a chronic course. He is prone to relapse, associated with the weakening of immunity. During the period of remission, the disease may not manifest itself in any way, but this is not at all an excuse to relax. Especially dangerous in this regard is synthetic linen and insufficient hygiene of the genitals, creating conditions for reproduction of fungal infection. It is equally important to follow the general immunity, supporting it with adaptogens and vitamins. After all, only the immunity in the forces for a long time to keep the fungus in an inactive state, despite the fact that it is impossible to use the antifungal agents used to fight the disease for a long time because of their high toxicity.
If a provocateur of an inflammatory reaction in the tissues of the glans penis is a bacterial infection, they speak of a bacterial balanitis. This is a special form of the disease, the course and symptoms of which directly depend on the type of pathogen, and treatment requires mandatory use of antibiotics.
The primary bacterial balanitis develops when an infection enters the skin of the penis from the outside. Weak immunity and insufficient hygiene of the genitals allow the infection to multiply and cause inflammation of the tissues of the penis head. In the secondary form of pathology, the infectious agent acts from within. Most often this is possible with venereal diseases, when the STI is first diagnosed, the pathogen enters the bloodstream, and then the head tissue becomes inflamed. A common cause of infectious balanitis is considered to be urethritis, provoked or complicated by a bacterial infection.
Secondary balanitis is also said in the case when non-infectious pathology changes its character after the infection is attached, i.e. When in the open wound on the skin penetrate the bacteria that can cause an inflammatory reaction.
Pathogens bacterial balanitis can act as bacteria that provoke the development of STDs, and representatives of the usual microflora - opportunistic microorganisms, for example, streptococci, staphylococci, intestinal and pseudomonas aeruginosa. Streptococcal balanitis caused by streptococcus pyogenes is characterized by the appearance of small erosions on the skin of the penis, while under the influence of staphylococcus aureus (golden staphylococcus), purulent foci appear on the skin of the organ, i.e. Jazvochki, filled with purulent contents.
Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that can induce balanitis are called nonspecific pathogens of the disease, because their presence on the skin is provided by nature and is not always the cause of the inflammatory reaction. But there is another kind of bacteria: gonococci, chlamydia, myco and ureaplasma, trichomonads, etc., which are considered specific pathogens and contribute to the development of inflammation in the vast majority of cases.
Such infections are usually transmitted sexually. For example, chlamydial balanitis is triggered by a microbe called chlamydia, which actively multiplies in the female vagina, from where during sexual intercourse it can migrate to the male organ.
The causative agent of various urogenital infections is сhlamydia trachomatis. This intracellular parasite, which acts analogously to viruses, has toxic and hemagglutinating properties (promotes the adhesion of erythrocytes), so its multiplication causes severe inflammation of tissues with pronounced symptoms of the disease.
Trichomonas balanitis, the causative agent of which is considered another intracellular parasite - Trichomonas, the first common type of specific bacterial balanitis. By themselves, Trichomonas are common in the human body, in particular the female vagina. Inflammation caused by them proceeds in a mild form, and since it is not so simple to reveal a parasite in smears, it is a chronic form of balanitis, which is a complication of trichomoniasis diagnosed in 10% of the world's population.
But trichomonias are considered predators because of their ability to attract and absorb other microorganisms without killing them. Trichomonas is for other pathogens and transport, delivering them to the intercellular space, and a protective shell from drugs. And together, microorganisms can cause a very strong inflammation, difficult to treat. The fact is that for effective treatment and selection of appropriate antibiotics, it is necessary to identify the causative agents of the disease, and Trichomonas hide them.
Anaerobic balanitis is an inflammation of the glans penis caused by anaerobic bacteria, the most popular of which is the Gardnerella. This microbe is not indifferent to the conditions of the female vagina, where it can actively multiply with any decrease in immune defense. They do not need oxygen for life and division, so they feel great without access to air. When a man is infected with bacteria, they settle in the space between the glans penis and the foreskin, where later inflammation foci appear.
Sexually transmitted infections cause not just inflammation. Most often it is about the appearance on the erosion and ulcers, peculiar to the erosive form of balanitis. Such damage to the tissues of the genital organ is accompanied by itching, soreness, blood and purulent exudate (often with an unpleasant odor), an increase in inguinal lymph nodes. The disease most often occurs in an acute form, and when chronic it is accompanied by frequent relapses.
And Trichomonases, and gonococci, and chlamydia, and Gardnerella, and some other pathogens of STDs are transmitted from person to person during sexual intercourse. And the guilty side is most often the woman, because in her body the bacteria and begin to multiply actively, while the man usually acts as either the injured party or the carrier of the infection. Therefore, a specific bacterial balanitis is considered not so frequent pathology.
Moreover, a specific balanitis can hardly be called a separate pathology of health, it is rather a complication of already existing venereal diseases. In men, this complication is called balanitis or balanoposthitis, and in women - bacterial vaginitis.
Unusual varieties and forms of balanitis
So far, we have talked about the most common varieties and forms of the disease. But in some cases, doctors have to face specific manifestations of the inflammatory process and difficulties in establishing its cause. But even a simple unspecified balanitis, i.e. A disease with an undefined etiology and mild course in the absence of appropriate treatment may eventually go to the erosive-ulcerative or worse to the gangrenous. And it is not a secret to anyone that it is much more difficult to treat diseases, the cause of which is unknown, than those whose cause is obvious.
For example, gangrenous balanitis, considered a rare form of the disease, is in most cases caused by an anaerobic microbial infection. Its pathogens are spindle-shaped rod and spirochaetes, whose favorite places of residence are sexual organs. It is not surprising that the disease is transmitted sexually, and in most cases the first symptoms are observed within 1.5-2 days after sexual contact. But sometimes it happens that the signs of the disease occur unexpectedly without the previous sexual intercourse.
The clinical picture of gangrenous balanitis differs by the intensive development of the inflammatory process. Even at the beginning of the disease on the reddened and swollen skin of the glans penis there are numerous sores with a bright bulging rim. Painful sores begin to fester with the formation of foci of tissue necrosis, which is accompanied by a general intoxication of the body. It is with her doctors associated with the appearance of nausea, weakness, a strong increase in the temperature of the patient's body.
Gangrenous inflammation usually covers not only the glans penis, but also the foreskin, which because of severe inflammation and edema changes its properties: it becomes scarred and compacted. In other words, we are talking about the narrowing of the foreskin (phimosis), which only aggravates the purulent process, which is observed in the area of the preputial sac.
Scar tissue not only reduces the size of the foreskin, but also makes it less elastic. Attempts to expose the head of the penis may result in cracks in the tissues of the foreskin, which again fester and heal heavily. Necrotic perforation of the foreskin, bleeding and intoxication of the body make this form of the disease extremely difficult. But it can not be called incurable.
If on the head of the penis there are no sores and erosion, but whitish spots, suspicion may fall on the fungal form of the disease. But with candida balanitis, white curdled plaque is found, which easily disappears into reddened inflamed tissues. If the plaque is not removed, it is likely that there is another form of pathology, called atrophic balanitis, and whitish areas are foci of atrophied head tissue.
The cause of atrophic balanitis is also considered to be an infection. This is not about specific bacteria, because atrophy usually occurs in neglected cases of any infectious balanitis that has been going on for many years. This is just the case when a man does not want to go to the doctors for help, but ignores the problem or is engaged in self-treatment, translating the inflammatory process into a chronic form with its inherent relapses.
One of the rare forms of atrophic balanitis, which develops in middle-aged and older men, is Zun's balanitis. Doctors have not yet decided on the exact causes of this pathology, so its treatment presents certain difficulties (it is difficult to treat the disease without knowing its cause).
With balanitis Zun, multiple benign plaques appear on the skin of the penis, having a pink or brown hue, which are not prone to fusion. The surface of the plaques is smooth, dry or wetting, resembling stains in some autoimmune diseases, which makes doctors think of the autoimmune nature of the inflammation, regardless of the reasons that triggered the development of the disease (infection, trauma, etc.).
The course of the disease can be called chronic. Symptoms can appear and disappear for a long time. In this case, the spontaneous disappearance of plaques does not at all indicate a complete cure. This is possible during periods of remission.
The appearance of whitish foci of atrophied tissues in combination with a bubble rash filled with bloody contents is also characteristic of a xerotic balanitis. The inflammatory process in this case is poorly expressed, and atrophy of the skin of the penis and the proliferation of fibrous tissue come to the fore. The latter can lead to the fact that the head of the penis can not be released from the foreskin, so the neglected form of the disease is called an obliterating form.
Obliterating xerotic balanitis is a serious disease in the treatment of which surgical methods are applied, because the problems with the liberation of the head of the penis are fraught with difficulties in carrying out hygienic procedures and increase the risk of infection in the folds of the fibrous-modified foreskin.
In this case, the cause of the development of the fibro-sclerotic process in the tissues of the urethra in men remains unspecified. Doctors in their practice encountered cases of family hereditary pathology and even identified several genes responsible for the development and transmission of pathology within the genus. Similarity with signs of autoimmune pathologies pushes scientists into thinking about the connection of xerotic balanitis and other diseases with characteristic disorders of the immune system (psoriasis, vitiligo, some forms of rheumatism, myxedema and even diabetes mellitus).
The examination of patients made it possible to identify viral infections (herpes and HPV) in many of them, so physicians do not exclude the role of viruses in the development of this form of balanitis. On the other hand, there is a suggestion that in this way all kinds of trauma (mechanical, thermal, chemical) and surgical interventions (for example, circumcision in connection with phimosis) can affect the tissues of the penis.
The disease can be found at any age, but more typical for patients who have crossed the 50-year mark. The development of pathology in older age is associated with a decrease in testosterone production or a decrease in the sensitivity of penile tissues to androgens.
Circinar balanitis is another rare form of infectious disease. Its characteristic feature is the bright red spots on the penis. This is an erosive form of the disease, which is characterized by the presence of superficial erosions with clearly delineated boundaries, which often merge together, forming quite extensive foci of inflammation.
Usually zircinarny balanitis is not accompanied by a strong soreness, pronounced burning or itching. Itching can occur if the causative agent of the disease is a fungal infection (fungi of the genus Candida). Other popular pathogens tsirtsinarnogo balanitis are streptococci and chlamydia.
Often, with such a variety of balanitis, doctors are faced with a Reiter's disease, which was the result of a previous genitourinary or intestinal infection, resulting in the immune system inadequately responding to the body's own tissues. Reiter's disease is considered an autoimmune rheumatic disease with combined inflammation of the urogenital organs, joints and organs of vision, and zircinar balanitis is usually one of the first signs of it.
In Reiter's syndrome, most men diagnosed with zircar ring-shaped balanitis or balanoposthitis with bright red moist foci of irregular shape forming a geographic pattern on the organ. It can be erosion or red flaky foci (as a lichen), in neglected cases shallow ulcers with sharply outlined edges.
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Consequences and complications
Such a disease as balanitis, men often give due attention, believing that simple inflammation can not cause serious problems and complications. Not surprisingly, many patients seek help only when they detect purulent discharge that indicates the infectious nature of the disease, which is not treated with simple hygiene and wound healing ointments.
But infection is not always the cause of inflammation. Much more often it joins later, when the skin of the penis has already appeared microdamages, caused by trauma or irritation of soft tissues. And in this case, the purulent process can be considered as a serious complication of a simple disease of non-infectious nature.
Moreover, microbes do not always adhere to clear boundaries of localization. The focus of infectious inflammation on the penis is a risk of developing infections of the internal organs of the urinary system. Hence the development of concomitant diseases: cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, etc.
But even regardless of whether the infection was a provoking factor or appeared on the horizon later, against its background, the inflammation will proceed more heavily and longer, acquiring a chronic form. And the more prolonged the inflammatory process, the greater the probability of a violation of the structure and functions of the tissue. One of the consequences of long-term inflammation can be called a violation of the sensitivity of the genital tissue, affecting the erectile function and sexual consistency of men.
Another serious complication can be considered fibrotic transformation of the skin of the foreskin, leading to its narrowing and requiring surgical intervention. If nothing is done, it will be impossible to cope with the inflammation, because this process will keep bacteria, fungi, urine particles and other irritating agents accumulating in the prepuce bag.
Especially dangerous is the purulent process, which promotes deepening of sores on the penis and necrotic tissue of the organ. In fact, it is a gangrene of the body. If small areas of the skin have been necrosis and putrefaction, treatment of the disease and tissue repair will be difficult, but possible. But when large areas of the body are subjected to necrotic surgery and the body is exposed to the strongest toxic effects, it is extremely difficult to stop the process and often doctors have to resort to removing the genitalia, instead of which a tube is inserted to dispatch a small need.
Do not be careless about the obliterating xerotic balanitis. The sclerotic process with the formation of a narrow fibrous ring that interferes with the release of the glans penis is also dangerous because it is considered a predisposing factor in the development of the oncology of the penis.
Less serious, but not less unpleasant consequences can be considered soreness during urination and sexual intercourse, painful itching and other symptoms, negatively affecting the quality of life. Violations of sexual health entail psychological problems. The man becomes irritable, insecure and therefore excessively jealous, and this is scandals in the family, quarrels and even assault.
Avoiding unpleasant and dangerous complications of balanitis is possible only if the man adequately treats his problem and seeks help from a specialist, and does not engage in self-medication or practices a waiting attitude. By itself balanitis is unlikely to pass without consequences, especially if its cause was infection.