Adenophlegmon: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Before you understand what adenophlegmon is, it is first worth considering what physicians call phlegmon (without adeno prefix).
By phlegmon understand the acute, purulent inflammatory process, which proceeds in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. However, it does not have clear boundaries, they are as if blurred. Adenophlegmon, unlike simple phlegmon, is localized in the region of lymph nodes, striking them with abscessed inflammation. The most common lesion areas are over- and submaxillary regions, the chin sector and the ear-jaw.
Causes of adenoflegmona
The etiology of this disease is simple. As a result of the disease, or for any other reason, the body reduces its protective qualities. Against this background, the lymphatic system with a complex of lymph nodes loses the barrier of inhibitory functions, where lymph is treated (the reticuloendothelial cells capture and disrupt (absorb) the pathogenic flora and unrecognized defective cells). With inflammation of the nodes, the outflow is blocked. Pathogenic microorganisms and the antigenic products released by them are able to seep through the walls of the lymph nodes in the vicinity of the underlying cells, thereby provoking the development of inflammation there. That is, the causes of adenophlegm are different, but the result is the formation of a purulent-inflammatory capsule in the area of the lymph node due to the infection.
The catalyst for this disease can be:
- Injury of soft tissues.
- Postponed infectious disease.
- Inflammatory processes of a dermatological nature.
- Unresolved dental problems.
- Inflammation of the lymphoid apparatus of the pharyngeal ring.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system.
Symptoms of adenophlegmos
Having considered the symptoms of adenophlegmons, do not forget that the final diagnosis can be made only by a specialist, but also will make a protocol of treatment. You just need to recognize the onset of the disease in time and seek medical advice.
- Rapidly rolling signs of body intoxication.
- Appearance with the beginning of a slightly noticeable, but with time increasing and increasing in size, tumors in the localization of lymph nodes.
- Painful sensations when palpating swelling.
- Clearly expressed in the center of the tumor is hyperemia.
- The swelling is dense, with signs indicative of the presence of fluid in the pathological cavities (fluctuation).
- Multiple minor hemorrhages on the skin and mucous membrane are partially observed.
- Children become sluggish, inhibited. They sweat sharply.
- Often, children also manifest concomitant diseases (diathesis, pneumonia, otitis ...).
- If hygiene rules are not respected, it becomes possible to carry the infection even when injected.
- At later stages of the disease, a "ripe" abscess can break out through the skin.
- A temperature reaction is possible.
With further progression of the disease, complications are possible due to the fact that the inflammatory process gradually begins to capture new anatomical regions, affecting vital organs. In this case, such pathological conditions as: sepsis, inflammation of the cerebral cortex, as well as development of life-threatening renal, hepatic, cardiac, pulmonary ... Insufficiency may occur.
Adenophlegon in children
Most often, adenophlegmon in children occurs between the ages of three and seven. On the second place there is a complication, which develops again, as a consequence of untreated or not treated adenoflegmon - acute osteomyelitis of the jaw. Children older (12-14 years) often suffer from the primary form of phlegmon, the etiology of which, as a rule, is associated with soft tissue injuries or infection through wound channels.
The causative agents of the disease, especially in children, most often become pathogenic pathogens: streptococcus, white and golden staphylococcus, diplococcus and others.
If the child begins to be capricious, sleeps poorly and refuses to eat, while he begins to complain of pain, parents should immediately seek advice from a pediatrician, and he, in turn, will send to a specialized specialist. Against the backdrop of a developing disease, there is an increase in body temperature. Figures can be raised to critical temperatures of 40 ° C.
The diagnosis of adenophlegmon is made by a doctor on the basis of visual examination, clinical studies and taking into account an anamnesis. The course of treatment of the baby is performed with surgical intervention in the hospital, under the supervision of physicians.
Adenoplegmont submandibular area
Adenophlegmon of the submaxillary region is the most common variant of the disease. Ill bears voices blamed for general malaise, painful swelling in the submaxillary zone. Subsequently, the doctors find out that there have already been signs of trivial lymphadenitis (a painful dense ball in the area of the lymph node that has increased in size over time).
Clinic adenoflegmons are akin to ordinary phlegmon. The doctor observes hyperemic puffiness of large sizes, infiltrates and other symptoms of the disease. When the lower submandibular triangle is affected, obvious violations of the speech apparatus are observed, and the physiological functions are pain when swallowing, opening and closing the mouth.
Laboratory studies show a significant increase in ESR in the blood (sometimes the value reaches 50 mm / h), an increase in the number of leukocytes and neutrophils, which indicates an acute inflammatory process in the body.
Quite often cases when the patient for several weeks passed the course of treatment of a dental disease. The treatment is over, the dentist has no complaints about the teeth and gums of the patient. But, nevertheless, against the background of this in the submaxillary region begins to form a mobile tight knot, gradually increasing in size and becoming painful. In this case, consultation with the otolaryngologist (ENT) gives nothing. The patient does not complain about ENT organs and the doctor does not find pathological changes in the organs of the mouth - ear - throat. And the reason for everything is the formation and development of adenoplegmons of the submaxillary region.
One of the causes of inflammation may be a wisdom tooth. If an adult counts the total number of teeth, the number of teeth on each side of the central tooth gap should be eight, both on the upper and lower jaw. If the teeth are seven, then most likely the wisdom tooth (missing the eighth in a row), grew and is pathologically incorrectly located in the thickness of the periosteum, being a hotbed of inflammation and a hotbed of infection. This fact can confirm or disprove the radiographic image.
Adenophlegmon neck
Pollution of the environment, reduction of general immunity of the population on this background leads to an aggravation and an increase in the number of diseases, including adenoflegmons of the neck. This can be explained by the growing number of strains and modifications of the pathogenic flora that infects the scalp, as well as the oral cavity, especially when hygiene is not respected.
It provokes a push to the emergence of inflammation of the lymph nodes important for human beings present in the neck region, large connections of the nervous and vascular systems, a decrease in the protective functions of the organism and the presence of pathogenic bacteria.
The development of this disease is of great importance in the area of the chin lymph nodes. They are very closely connected with submandibular and deep cervical lymph nodes. Here, too, a number of limited spaces are formed, "suitable for accumulation and localization" of purulent masses (the zone of the lateral and anterior region of the neck). The causative agents of the disease, as in the case of children, are all the same bacteria.
Adenophlegmon inguinal area
It is necessary to protect your health from a young age. This wise proverb, everyone knows, but not everyone follows it. It's no secret that any, even seemingly insignificant cold can provoke the development of a purulent inflammatory process in the lymph nodes. A prolonged periodic stay in the cold, can lead to serious chronic diseases. For example, a strong prolonged hypothermia of the lower limbs can become a starting point in the development of adenophlegmon in the inguinal region.
With this disease, the purulent inflammatory process develops in the lymph nodes of the inguinal region, where pathogenic microorganisms that cause symptoms of acute disease form become active. Usually a progressive large focus is formed, which also captures the deep soft tissues of the inguinal zone. Quite often cases when the disease completely fails to stop even with the use of antibiotics and the inflammatory process passes into a sluggish chronic condition. Therefore, in order to avoid the development of this scenario, physicians resort to surgical intervention in this case.
To prevent the transition of the disease to a later acute phase, it is necessary to know the symptoms that should alert you and make you immediately seek help from a doctor. Symptoms of inguinal adenophlegm are identical with the manifestation of the disease in other areas of lymph node localization.
Women, as a rule, are less prone to the disease of this localization. But if it happened, and the disease still came, it would not be superfluous for the gynecologist to appear to exclude further infection of the bottom of the uterus, the vagina ... And then the ovaries. If you do not urgently take measures and do not start treatment, the risk of female infertility increases dramatically. This same infectious disease can provoke the appearance of uterine cancer.
Inguinal lymph nodes can be found easily even in a normal healthy state. They are located in the lateral area and on top of the pubic bone, as well as on the groin and leg fold - these are small, with a pea seal. It provokes the appearance of an adenophlegmon infection, which is able to get to these lymph nodes through the large blood vessels located in the vicinity.
Adenoflegon underarm area
A provoking factor in the onset of primary phlegmon axillary localization can be a purulent process that has developed as a result of infection of a wound or abrasion located in the upper limbs. And as a result - the adenoflegmon of the axillary region is formed (the most common type of abscess in this zone). Provoke the development of this disease, located in the axillary lymph node cluster and nodal interchanges of large arteries of blood vessels, through which the infection and enters the lymphatic system from the source of primary infection.
Recognize this disease is not difficult. Axillary cavity is available for inspection and pulping, which facilitates diagnosis. Often the primary cause of lymphadenitis is painful when the tumor is touched, and if the patient consult a doctor at this stage of the disease, adenophlegmons, inflammations manifested by already purulent discharge can be avoided. Otherwise, the patient's condition worsens, the number of leukocytes in the blood increases, and the temperature rises further. With all this, the contours of the tumor begin to blur, losing clarity. The lymph nodes in the group grow in size, merging into dense, painful conglomerates. Now, the fastest way is to do without surgery.
Diagnosis of adenophlegmos
For a specialist it is not difficult to diagnose adenoflegmons:
- Conducting a clinical examination based on the symptoms of the disease.
- Detection of a patient anamnesis.
- If necessary, ultrasound (ultrasound) is assigned.
- Radiography is performed according to the doctor's instructions. Since the cause of inflammation can be not only adenoflegmon, but also the jaw cyst, malignant neoplasms, etc.
- Lab tests.
It should also be distinguished adenophlegmon from phlegmon, tuberculosis, actinomycosis. The main distinguishing feature of this disease is the acute form of the inflammatory process with pronounced symptoms. While with tuberculosis the process is sluggish, severe pain does not bother, the patient's well-being is often satisfactory.
Who to contact?
Treatment of adenophlegmons
If the doctor diagnoses, then the treatment of adenophlegmonia takes place only in the hospital and includes several stages:
- Surgical intervention. Children undergo general anesthesia, while adults carry it under local anesthesia. If the source of infection is the tooth, it is either removed or depulpated, cleaning the tooth channel, and closing it and the tooth itself with a seal. Only after that go to the next stage. An incision is made on the skin and fatty layer (if there is such a need). In most cases, pus under the internal pressure independently exits the capsule. Additional purification of the gnoyenapolnyayuschey area is not required. Next, a dressing is applied, which is changed daily.
- Drug therapy. The patient subsequently receives treatment in a complex way: antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial support, fortifying agents.
- In parallel with the medicines, post-operative wounds are treated with special antiseptic solutions.
Prevention of adenoflegmonia
- The main rule that presupposes the prevention of adenophlegmonia is the timely treatment of any inflammatory and infectious diseases, until the patient's complete recovery.
- And we should not forget about strengthening the immune system, both in children and adults.
- Preventive examinations in the clinic.
Prognosis of adenophlegmos
The prognosis of adenoflegmons in case of timely treatment to a specialist and carrying out the whole complex of measures for the treatment of the disease is unequivocally favorable. The main thing is not to be afraid and turn to a specialist in time. The use of antibiotics at the initial stage of the disease will prevent the acute form of the abscess, protect against further complications.
Life is a beautiful thing. And I would not want to spend it on hospitals and fighting diseases. It is much easier to prevent these trips in the right way of life without bad habits, balanced nutrition and psychological comfort. But you will not be able to completely enclose yourself in a sterile capsule, and if you differentiate the pain symptoms that have appeared, then, without delay, register for an examination with a specialist. Adenophlegmon is not a sentence. She perfectly treatable, the main thing is not to miss this opportunity. Otherwise, the result may be unpredictable.