What should I do if my hands sweat heavily?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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What to do if your hands are sweating strongly, is this a serious problem? Excitement and stress are always accompanied by "wet" palms. Yes, it's unpleasant, especially when you need to shake more than one hand. There is a feeling of discomfort and complete self-doubt. But what remains to be done? Is there any way to solve this issue?
Why do your palms sweat so much?
So, what to do if your hands are sweating heavily and can you get rid of this problem? The first step is to determine why this is so. After all, nothing just does not happen. It should be noted that sweating of the hands in no way refers to the general thermoregulation of the body. Simply put, even in very hot weather, when the entire body begins to become covered with grains of sweat, the palms always remain dry. If everything is far from the opposite, then we are talking about such a disease as local hyperhidrosis. This phenomenon can develop for a number of reasons. So, first thing is to check the nervous system. After all, one of the most common phenomena is vegetative-vascular dystonia, one of the symptoms of which is sweating of the palms. Problems with the thyroid gland are also capable of causing this unpleasant phenomenon. With the causes of how it is clear, but what is left to do then?
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What should I do if my hands sweat heavily?
So, sweating of the palms can be treated both by traditional methods, and unconventional ones. Therefore, many try different ointments, while others prefer alternative medicine. In fact, this is an individual matter, as a matter of fact, there are no special preferences in treatment.
Naturally, the doctor will try to determine the cause and on the basis of this draw conclusions. After that, the necessary treatment will be prescribed, but, as a rule, it is medicated. This is usually a different ointment. Perfectly suitable cream based on medicinal herbs and ointments based on glycerin. Again, it's difficult to generalize, because if it's not about the problems with the thyroid gland or the nervous system, then the drugs are useless.
Alternative treatment for sweating of the palms
It is necessary to resort to alternative recipes and see what they offer. So, the sea baths will be useful. And they can be done even every day, thus, not only sweating will disappear, but the nails will also strengthen. Lemon juice dissolved in water, wonderful struggles with the problem. This means you need to wipe your hands and then lubricate with talc. Favorable action is denied bathtubs with bark of oak or the leaves of birch. In fact, getting rid of the problem is not difficult. It is important to understand what to do if the hands are sweating heavily and what is the reason for this phenomenon.
It is worth paying special attention to the treatment of sweating of the palms. So, there are a number of "manipulations", performing which you can simply get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon.
Many people ignore the norms of hygiene, that's when all the problems begin. As often as possible, wash your hands with soap. And it needs to be done in a special way, water must first be hot, and then cold.
Rubbing the hands with a 2% solution of salicylic alcohol can also improve the condition.
Ultraviolet to some extent also helps to get rid of this problem. Therefore, taking sun baths, do not forget about the palms, they also need to unfold to warm rays. Only here there is a small disadvantage in this procedure, it must be performed systematically. Constantly to be in any resort is rather problematic.
Excellent action has a bark of oak, more precisely a tray with this ingredient. It is necessary to take a tablespoon of bark and just pour hot milk, one glass is enough. This tincture should stand for 30 minutes, after which everything is filtered through gauze and diluted with water. Then it is necessary to lower hands into the product, also for about 30 minutes. To achieve a certain effect, it is enough to do this procedure every night for the night.
Have a good effect and a bath with apple cider vinegar. Everything is done quite simply, you need to take half a liter of water and add about 5 spoons of vinegar. Strictly speaking, the bathtub is ready, you can put your hands in it. It should be noted that the water should be warm. You can hold hands in such a bath for 20 minutes.
Medicinal treatment of perspiration of the palms
If alternative methods do not inspire confidence or just want to seek help from a qualified specialist, then it is worth going to a modern clinic. For today the problem of a sweating of palms is solved by means of preparations Botox / Dysport.
This is all about treatment. Now there are quite a few means and ways to get rid of sweating. Therefore, to think about what to do, if the hands are not sweating heavily, it is necessary to choose the way and follow it.