What if the armpits sweat heavily?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A narrow waist and a magnificent chest paint a woman, strong muscles and scars, as is known, decorate a man, but here wet circles of sweat and stains on clothes under the armpits adorn nobody. But with this problem regularly or periodically encounter almost everything, including adolescents and children. On the one hand, everyone understands that the allocation of sweat is natural. But on the other hand, the sweat on clothing looks not at all aesthetic, and the smell that often appears with it afterwards can ruin any, even the best impression of a person. Where not here to look for remedies for sweating underarms. So you want to help these funds and do not harm the body.
What if the armpits sweat heavily, how to get rid of this phenomenon? In the hot season many people have the same problem - sweaty underarms. Naturally, this process can not be attributed to pathology. But there are cases when sweating becomes just a catastrophe. It is because of this phenomenon that various problems and inconveniences can arise. Therefore, how to deal with this, everyone should know.
Why is it so difficult to get rid of sweating?
The problem of hyperhidrosis is not new and quite popular, so it is not surprising that people do not experience a deficit of funds that can be used to treat it. It is clear that the effectiveness of these drugs is different, and the effect often depends on the characteristics of the organism.
Having tried several different ways and having received the expected result, people rush for help to GUGL and receive a lot of new recipes and recommendations. But why does the problem still remain relevant, like many centuries ago?
And the whole point is that the secretion of sweat by our body is a physiologically conditioned process aimed at purifying the body. Human sweat is not just water. This is still a lot of different substances that are in the body in excess or even harmful to him. Only about 1% of the secreted by the sweat glands liquid is divided into about 250 components. The remaining 99% are still in the water.
And yet, the main function of the physiological fluid, with which we so try to fight with the help of sweets of armpits, hands and feet, is not the cleansing of the body by removing from it anything superfluous, but regulating the temperature regime. Any moisture, evaporating from the surface of the body, leads to its cooling. And sweat is no exception. It is produced by the body itself, which in fact is not only an incredibly complex, but also an intelligent system.
In favor of the thermoregulatory function of perspiration is the fact that this multicomponent liquid is not released constantly, but only when there is a danger of "overheating". The temperature increase associated with the disease, the use of hot food and beverages, active sports and physical activity, visiting a sauna or a bath, staying in the heat, stress, drinking alcohol are accompanied by intense sweating. After all, body temperature is directly related to the work of the nervous and immune systems, as well as the circulatory system.
A strong increase in temperature causes disruptions in the work of various organs. To prevent this from happening, a thermoregulatory mechanism is provided in our body. The allocation of sweat is one of the components of this important process, it is simply unreasonable to struggle with. So, thinking about the question of how to get rid of sweating of your armpits forever, think carefully, do you need this?
For those who stubbornly strive to fight with their body, despite the various arguments in favor of the natural process of sweating, there is one more news. If water is fed into the pipes under good pressure and the outlet is blocked, there will be nothing else but a rush of the pipe elsewhere. The same will happen in our body. Completely get rid of sweating armpits is impossible, except that reduce its intensity of interest by 80-90% (with a surgical operation for scraping sweat glands). But you need to be prepared for the fact that the excess moisture released under the influence of provoking factors, will look for a way out elsewhere, where previously there was no high humidity.
Causes of increased sweating
Armpits, palms and feet are not the only areas on the human body where moisture is released. This process periodically goes on all over the body even without the involvement of sweat glands, but we do not always feel it. As for the armpits, where the sweat glands are activated, then the release of moisture occurs constantly to a greater or lesser extent. And this is normal.
A day in the absence of perspiration-provoking factors in a healthy person from the surface of the body slightly more than half a liter of water evaporates. If this indicator is much higher, it is already a question of pathological perspiration, and this problem can hardly be solved with the help of pharmacy or alternative sweat remedies.
For example, hyperhidrosis may be one of the symptoms of endocrine diseases, thyrotoxicosis and other diseases of the thyroid gland. This symptom can be observed in diabetes mellitus, obesity, renal pathology, nervous disorders, intraocular pressure, increased intracranial pressure, hormonal disorders, etc. In these cases, excessive sweating is no longer a cosmetic, but a medical problem, which must be solved with the help of doctors (neurologist, endocrinologist, therapist).
Disturbances of hormonal balance are not always a pathology, so excessive sweating during menopause, during menstruation in women, during adolescence and during pregnancy, is hardly to be considered pathological. Normal is also the allocation of a large amount of sweat in stressful situations, under the influence of heat, during increased physical activity, with the use of hot and spicy food. In some cases, hyperhidrosis is a distinguishing feature of a person who was inherited by him.
As we see, before you enter into battle with increased sweating, you need to understand the causes that cause it, and then look for effective methods of struggle. To deprive the organism of an opportunity to self-clean and self-cooling at least cruelly. But to reduce the manifestations of this unaesthetic symptom is quite possible even without resorting to cardinal measures in the form of surgical treatment. And help in this simple pharmacy means from sweating underarms and other parts of the body, as well as alternative recipes and special cosmetic procedures.
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What should I do if my armpits sweat?
It is necessary to understand what to do if sweaty armpits sweat and what is it fraught with? There is nothing dangerous or terrible in this, but, nevertheless, for many people this is a real problem. Therefore, we should look for ways to solve it. Now it is worthwhile to voice the most common options for getting rid of an unpleasant phenomenon.
Observance of personal hygiene and proper nutrition
So, the first thing to pay attention to diet. It should be noted that caffeine and theobromine are able to stimulate sweating. Therefore, it is desirable to exclude products from the diet that contain these components. So coffee, chocolate, cocoa and coffee for a while should become the worst enemies of man. In addition to diet, hygiene rules must be followed. It is recommended to take a shower twice a day. In addition, it is desirable to wear comfortable clothes, give preference only to natural fabrics and materials. Synthetics should be prohibited.
Deodorants from sweating of the armpits
Many of us do not represent other ways to combat excessive sweating and unpleasant odor of the armpits, except for the use of deodorants or antiperspirants. It should even be noted that almost 90% of the world's population, including teenagers over 16 years of age, resort to their help, for whom the problem of sweat and smell is becoming urgent. Do not stop people, even multiple posts about the dangers of these "fighters" with sweating.
You need to distinguish between deodorants and antiperspirants. The former are used only to mask an unpleasant odor for up to 5 hours. Nevertheless, they contain an antibacterial component in the form of alcohol and triclosan. The effect of antiperspirants is somewhat different: they reduce the activity of sweat glands, have a longer action (from 8 hours or more), but as an antimicrobial component contain aluminum chlorohydrate, not at all safe for health.
As you can see, deodorants are less effective in combating sweat, but they are safer. Those. If there is an opportunity during the day to conduct hygiene of the armpits and use a deodorant, then you can give preference to these fragrant sprays. However, deodorants help not so much from sweating of armpits, but from the unpleasant smell of sweaty armpits.
As for antiperspirants, it is worth choosing the lesser of evils, if it is so important to reduce the amount of sweat secreted. As a result of practical studies, it was found that the least amount of aluminum in the epidermal layers of the skin was found after using a roller antiperspirant. Sprays with the same effect, actively used against sweating of the armpits, leave on the skin 2 times more dangerous aluminum salts. But the palm tree still belongs to antiperspirants in the form of sticks, which are considered the most dangerous in terms of content of harmful substances.
But while there are a lot of rumors around antiperspirants and debates about their contribution to the appearance of cancer tumors in the mammary glands (because of their proximity to the armpits), people on the Internet continue to actively share their opinions on various sprays, stickers and sweat rollers. The greatest number of positive reviews can be found about antiperspirants "Dry Drive" and "Odaban", which, according to users, really reduce sweating and block the unpleasant odor. They are economical to use and do not require daily application.
The latter is very important due to the fact that the same "Dry Drive" contains aluminum chloride hydrate, of which we recalled above. However, doctors assure that the content of a dangerous substance in an antiperspirant sold in pharmacies is strictly dosed and can not cause harm to health. In addition, antiperspirant should be used only once a week to get the expected effect.
Restrictions on the use of the remedy for sweating of the armpits in the form of a spray are irritation and wounds on the skin (after shaving the armpits must pass at least 2 days before you can use antiperspirant).
Apply the product is recommended at night, after cleaning and drying the skin of the axillary cavities. Moisture dries on the skin for a couple of minutes, after which the clothes do not leave any traces. Water treatments after applying deodorant are not carried out, but in the morning you can safely rinse your armpits with water.
With a severe degree of hyperhidrosis, the drug can be applied 2 evenings in a row. Repeated use of antiperspirant is possible after 5 days.
Contains aluminum chloride, which most actively struggles with sweating, and the spray "Odaban", but people who use this tool also did not notice a deterioration in the state of health or the appearance of tumors on the body. Is that a slight itch in the application area with increased sensitivity of the skin, which easily passes after the application of hydrocortisone ointment.
Spray is not less economical than Dry-Dry. The bottle is designed for half a year of use, and the effect of the application is observed within 10 days.
Antiperspirant does not clog the channels of sweat glands, it promotes a uniform distribution of sweat throughout the body, and it externally remains almost imperceptible in various areas of the skin.
Apply the spray to the skin cleansed during the evening hygienic procedures and the towel-dried skin. Do this best in half an hour before going to bed or a little later. In the morning, the skin should be thoroughly rinsed and soaked with a napkin. In the afternoon, the drug should not be used categorically.
After sweating is normalized, the remedy is used only as needed.
But today there is an alternative to even these effective drugs with dubious safety. So if the word "aluminum" itself scares you, you can turn to a natural deodorant for help, which, although it does not greatly affect the intensity of sweating, but does not leave a chance to bacteria, does not cause allergic reactions and promotes healing of damages on the skin.
It's about an alum stone called alunite. On sale it is possible to find also the stone processed in a melting method in the form of a stick, for example a deodorant of firm Tiande under the name "Alunit". Still, experts recommend giving preference to natural stone with a more pronounced effect.
Alunite is not only a remedy for sweating underarms and an unpleasant odor. It effectively cleanses bacteria, fungi and some types of viruses that cause inflammation on the skin, which makes it possible to use it for the treatment of acne and other dermatological pathologies. Mineral is able to strengthen nails and destroy unpleasant odors. So such a tool will be very useful in everyday life.
Use of powder
The next wonderful tool was called powder. It may seem surprising, but it is capable for a long time to save a person from excessive sweating. In addition, it also prevents the appearance of dermatitis and various kinds of inflammation. But it is worth understanding that the powder should be special. So, it is desirable that it included talc and lanolin. So, how to use it? Problem areas should be washed with warm water, preferably with soap, then apply powder. Its main property is that it acts as a good antiseptic.
An excellent way to get rid of excessive sweating are various types of electrophoresis. So, sessions should be conducted weekly, once. Usually, the effect comes only after 9 sessions, so hope for an improvement in the situation right away is not worth it. It should be pointed out that there can be side effects. By them are meant burns, redness, itching and even irritation. To increase sweating does not bother, it is necessary to systematically undergo a course of treatment.
Remedies for sweating under the armpits
Help to get rid of unpleasant sensations and ordinary medications. Propranolol, Prozac and Antropin are suitable in this case. Only here can occur and side effects, such as dry mouth, drowsiness, in some cases there is nausea, vomiting and tachycardia. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is mandatory in this case.
Use of injections with botulinum toxin A. This method is effective in axillary hyperhidrosis. Only here is the course of treatment quite expensive.
Powder from underarm sweating
Powders, like those used for small children, as well as cosmetics, are considered by many to be quite safe and effective means for sweating underarms. It is clear that these are not medications, and they can not solve the problem of hyperhidrosis, but here it is possible to significantly reduce the size of wet circles on clothing and fight with an unpleasant smell.
The effect of powders in many ways resembles the action of a sponge. When applied to clean, dry skin, they simply absorb moisture and do not allow it to spoil clothing. The skin remains dry for a while, which allows itself to feel comfortable among other people.
There are several options for powdered products that can be used for excessive sweating of the armpits:
- Powder "Odoban", developed by English scientists by analogy with the antiperspirant of the same firm. The disadvantage of this tool can be considered the presence of all the same aluminum chloride, because of what it is undesirable to use those who have problems with the urinary system. The advantages of powder include: economy (like antiperspirant it lasts for almost half a year), decreased activity of sweat glands, effective odor removal, no irritation on the skin, no addictive.
- Baby powder. This is really a really useful and absolutely safe remedy for sweating underarms. Talcum powder is an excellent absorbent, which effectively absorbs moisture and odor, leaving the skin dry and pleasantly smelling. Talcum itself has a specific medicinal odor, but if the powder has additional herbal supplements that do not allow the skin to dry out, have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, aromatize, the skin will be well-groomed, and its aroma will match the famous deodorants. Only this fragrance will be more pleasant for the sense of smell.
- Starch. Yes, this familiar product in the kitchen, along with soda, can be used as a powder for sweat. True, after being saturated with sweat, the starch turns into a slippery substance, which is not what everyone likes.
- Powder. This variant of powder can have a pleasant aroma and will absorb moisture not worse than talc, but you need to be prepared for the fact that depending on the color of the powder, clothes under the hands can acquire a whitish, beige or peach hue.
- Medicinal powder. This is a full-fledged drug in the form of a powder that acts on the activity of the sweat glands, and not just clogs out and absorbs moisture, like other kinds of powders. It is undesirable to constantly use such powders. The course of treatment with such powdered drugs does not exceed 2 weeks with the possibility of repeated courses.
Such therapeutic powders include talcum with the addition of urotorphine, preparations "Borozin" and "5 days", which are designed to combat sweating of the feet, but are actively used in the underarms. An effective drug for sweat and odor can be done on your own, adding the powder "Urotropin" to the baby powder, but you need to use this medicine carefully and with interruptions.
It should be understood that any powders are not full-fledged preparations that can permanently get rid of wet armpits. All powders give only a temporary effect, but do not treat hyperhidrosis associated with various diseases. Nevertheless, the use of powders has its advantages. To use them is simple: it is necessary to powder powdered clean skin of axillary depressions only, not rubbing the agent into the skin. And as for natural powders, they are also safe to use, inexpensive, not addictive, and some also take care of the tender skin of the armpits.
Procedures for sweating of the armpits
It must be said that the use of medicamentous and alternative drugs inside and out, does not always give the expected result. In some cases, such treatment does not help at all. In others, only the odor decreases, and sweating remains at the same level. If the level is not critical, you can stop there. If excessive sweating severely spoils a person's life, you can resort to more cardinal measures.
This is not about surgical intervention with scraping sweat glands, but about the familiar liposuction. Only in this case it has the purpose of removing (pumping out) fat deposits in the region of the axillae.
It is clear that many will have a logical question: what does fat have in the armpits to the sweating associated with the sweat glands? And how can the pumping of fat affect the work of these glands?
In fact, liposuction armpits from sweating provides for the mechanical removal of not only fat cells, but also sweat glands. It turns out by itself, because the glands are located in the subcutaneous fat, therefore they are removed along with it.
Liposuction is performed under stationary conditions under local anesthesia. Through small incisions, a special tube is inserted into the skin, which first fills the cavity with liquid, and then pours out the fat dissolved in it and some of the sweat glands. But even those glands that have remained in place are not so tightly connected with the sympathetic nervous system, which means that the procedure almost completely stops the secretion of sweat under the armpits.
So far, it was a mechanical form of liposuction. But there are other varieties of the procedure, for example, laser or ultrasound. We can say that the effectiveness of different types of liposuction is approximately the same, so it is possible to stop at the budgetary form of it - the mechanical removal of subcutaneous fat and sweat glands in it.
The procedure does not require special preparation. The only thing that doctors can insist on is the refusal to smoke and take various medications (about the necessary medications you need to tell the doctor) 1.5 weeks before the operation. Refuse the procedure can people with blood diseases and circulatory disorders, patients who have hemophilia or diabetes, tuberculosis or inflammation of the pleura, insufficiency of the respiratory system and oncological pathology.
Despite the effectiveness of the liposuction procedure, it is not necessary to expect that the problem of hyperhidrosis will be solved forever. Absence of sweat can be observed for 4-5 years, after which the sweating will recover, albeit with less force.
Another rather popular procedure for sweating underarms is darsonval. The procedure implies the effect on the area of increased sweating of electric current of small force, which is used to treat various skin pathologies. And although such a procedure is carried out in various medical centers, its effectiveness still remains in doubt among many doctors.
Another effective version of the physical procedures that can be prescribed for hyperhidrosis is iontophoresis. As in the case of darsonval, small force currents are used in the procedure. Current strength and voltage are set depending on the drug, which is injected into the skin by iontophoresis, although it is believed that even ordinary tap water (or rather its mineral composition: potassium, sodium, chlorine, etc.) can reduce the activity of sweat glands if help her penetrate the skin.
Another thing is that this procedure is not very convenient to use when it comes to underarms. Although some of the rooms in which this procedure is performed are already equipped with special electrodes for the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis.
In some salons, the struggle with sweating is suggested to be performed with a neodymium laser. The laser is a unique invention used in medicine, cosmetology and industry. Depending on the frequency of radiation from it, you can achieve a different effect.
In the treatment of increased sweating, the property of the laser is used to destroy sweat glands, without affecting other cells of the body. In this case, not all the glands are subject to destruction, but some of them. But the work of undamaged glands is only a tenth of the sweat that was allocated earlier, which is virtually invisible on clothes.
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Time it takes no more than 1 hour and does not require special preparation. The effect of laser treatment is preserved for a long time.
Injuries from sweating of the armpits
According to many experts, injection treatment of hyperhidrosis is one of the most effective methods of getting rid of excessive sweating. As an effective tool for sweating underarms use botulinum toxins produced by different countries. In the USA it is Botox, in France they manufacture Dysport, in Germany they produce Xeomin. Less popular is the Chinese "Lantox."
If you understand, botulotoxins are poisonous substances produced by bacteria from the genus Clostridium. Poisoning into the human body causes botulism. But if you inject botulinum toxin intradermally in a strictly defined dose, it can not damage your health, but it can help keep your armpits dry for a period of 5 to 8 months.
How does botulinum toxin work with hyperhidrosis? They inhibit the transfer of impulses at the level in the postganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system. Thus, sweat glands do not receive an order to increase activity and the amount of sweat remains minimal even with swelling or physical exertion.
But you need to understand that botulinum toxins are dangerous substances, and therefore a specialist must work with them. Doing injections of botulinum toxin on your own at home is a very dangerous occupation. In addition, always take into account contraindications to the use of drugs.
"Botox", "Dysport" and other similar drugs can not be stabbed in pathologies of the neuromuscular system, hemophilia, intolerance to botulinum toxins. The drug is not administered in the presence of inflammatory skin diseases with localization in the underarm zone, with acute systemic infections, purulent pathologies. Do not carry out such treatment and during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding a child.
Before starting treatment, you need to notify the doctor if the person is diagnosed with diabetes or oncological pathology. Relative contraindications are: high body temperature, exacerbation of chronic pathologies, epilepsy, alcohol abuse, period of menstruation.
After the administration of drugs, the following unpleasant symptoms may occur: hyperemia and puffiness of the skin under the armpits, slight pain, itching or burning. There may also be a decrease in skin sensitivity. Some people have small hematomas at the injection site. Numerous cases of muscle weakness and symptoms of respiratory viral infection are common.
All these symptoms appear with different probability. Everything depends on the individual reaction to the introduction of microdoses of poison.
In preparation for the procedure includes limiting physical activity the day before the procedure, refusal to drink alcohol (for several days), a dermatological test for sensitivity. Before the procedure, a person needs to shave his armpits (no later than 2 hours before the injection).
Injection of botulinum toxins is a less painful procedure, but doctors prefer to anesthetize it with cold or local analgesics in the form of a cream. The dosage of the drug depends on the degree of hyperhidrosis, which is determined by the Minor test.
The skin is previously disinfected with alcohol and allowed to completely evaporate. After that, marks are made with a diamond green, where the needle will be inserted.
Places of injections are located at a distance of 2 cm from each other. The needle is inserted to a depth of not more than 3 mm. The appearance of papules and small burning at the injection site is considered the norm.
The procedure itself usually does not take an hour, but after that within a week you have to limit yourself in something. Under the ban are baths and saunas, antiperspirants, exercise, sports, back and neck massage, antibiotics. It is not allowed during this period to also sunbathe and drink alcohol.
Sweating starts to decrease already on the second-third day after the procedure, and after a couple of weeks, sweating becomes minimal. You can count on dry armpits for several months, after which the procedure is repeated again.
Choosing a different remedy for sweating underarms you should always think about their safety for the body. If the treatment of hyperhidrosis is carried out through physical procedures or injections of botulinum toxins, then first of all it is worthwhile to think about the clinic where the treatment and qualifications of the personnel will be conducted. Otherwise, their mistake can be costly to you, as a client.
Operations with sweating of the armpits
Very different kinds of sympathectomy are very effective. In this case, an operation is performed, its essence lies in the fact that the nerves are pinched, which also innervate the sweat glands. Only here improvement is observed not at all, but only at 40-80%. In addition, the effect is not eternal, but nevertheless lasts more than one year. May occur and side effects in the form of sweating, arrhythmia and omission of the century.
Effective will be various types of curettage of the armpit itself. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to scrape the skin from the inside out. Thus, sweating is significantly reduced. Only here in just six months everything comes back. Finally, you can simply remove the skin flap in the area of sweating. This manipulation gives an incredible effect, but skin scarring is often observed.
Do not forget about simple hygiene. Warm baths with sea salt can normalize sweating and remove excess fluid from the body. It should be understood that using soaps can lead to the reverse process. And finally, even physical exertion can improve the situation. After all, during the classes a lot of sweat is allocated. Thus, you can remove all excess fluid from the body, and even improve your physical shape. Therefore, before you look for an answer to the question of what to do, if your armpits sweat heavily, you should try the standard methods.