What to do with laryngitis?
Last reviewed: 20.11.2021

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Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal folds - laryngitis - occurs for several reasons: as a consequence of SARS, as a "payoff" for the constant overstrain of the vocal cords or for the individual anatomical features of the vocal apparatus. Also, this disease can accompany some infectious diseases, such as pertussis or measles. Laryngitis is often found in smokers and in people who have a constant pathogenic microflora in the respiratory tract. In any case, the patient faces a question: what to do with laryngitis?
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What should I do if I lose my voice during laryngitis?
A pronounced symptom of laryngitis is a hoarse voice, until its complete loss. In addition, the throat is sated and pershit, and as a consequence, there is a dry cough. All this suggests that the mucous membrane of the larynx is inflamed, and the vocal folds (ligaments) do not ensure normal closure and opening of the vocal cicle.
What should I do if I lose my voice during laryngitis? First of all, you need to shut up for a few days, and if necessary, say something to do it not in a whisper, but in a low voice, because the whisper of a more loud speech strains the vocal cords. Also need to abandon the irritating throat and larynx food - acute, rough and cold; do not smoke or drink alcohol. But a warm drink, especially moderately hot milk with honey, a warming compress or warm scarf around the neck and a systematic rinse of the throat are very useful.
Relieve the state of gargling with infusions and broths of chamomile, sage, rhizome of calamus, nettle nettle (tablespoon of dry herb to a glass of boiling water). At normal temperature hot baths for legs or forearms (from an elbow bend) well help. It is practiced lubricating the laryngeal mucosa with Lugol's solution with glycerin, propolis, sea-buckthorn oil. For liquefaction of sputum and easier coughing up, it is recommended to take cough medicines or preparations in the form of tablets. And also infusions of herbs: mother-and-stepmother, elecampane, althea roots and licorice.
But the most effective method of treating laryngitis is inhalation. What are inhalations for laryngitis? It should be vapor alkaline and herbal inhalations, which are successfully carried out at home. As well as heat and moisture inhalations, which are carried out with the help of compressor and ultrasonic inhalers (nebulizers), spraying drug solution on the laryngeal mucosa. Along with inhaled vapor or aerosol formulations, fine particles of active substances of inhalation solutions enter the larynx and have a local therapeutic effect - antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory.
Than to do or make inhalation at a laryngitis?
In place of the "saucepan" method for steam inhalations in the home, an improved method has come-using an ordinary teapot. For example, alkaline inhalation is done this way. A glass of very hot water (almost boiling water) is poured into the earthenware teapot, a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is poured, mixed and covered with a lid.
While the solution is cooling slightly (not to burn the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, the temperature of the steam during inhalation should not exceed + 45 ° C), a cone funnel is made of thick paper or thin cardboard. The funnel is made in such a way that its upper wide edge covers the chin and mouth, and the nose is free. The hole in the narrow part of the funnel is adjusted so that the funnel can be put on the tip of the kettle. Now you need to combine the kettle and the funnel and start the procedure - slowly inhaling the steam with your mouth and exhaling through the nose. The duration of one inhalation is 10 minutes, they need to be done up to five times a day for a minimum of three to five days.
Than to do or make an inhalation at a laryngitis, except for soda? For alkaline inhalations it is recommended to use medicinal mineral waters, such as "Borjomi" and "Essentuki" instead of soda. They are easily replaced by Ukrainian alkaline mineral waters "Glade Kupel" and "Glade Kvasova", which in their composition are close to the Caucasian.
Alkaline inhalations are useful to alternate with herbal, in which essential oils are added. Among medicinal plants with laryngitis, a leaf of eucalyptus, chamomile flowers, sage, black elderberry, calendula, pine buds are recommended (2 tablespoons of dry collection pour a glass of boiling water and insist 15 minutes). And among the essential oils, especially effective in laryngitis, should be noted eucalyptus, pine, fir, anise, rosemary, sea-buckthorn, juniper oil, dog rose and peppermint. For the 200 ml solution for inhalation, 10-15 drops of one of these oils are added.
Combined drug Cameton in the form of an aerosol (which includes chlorobutanol hydrate, camphor, L-menthol and eucalyptus oil), is also often used when patients ask what to do with laryngitis. This aerosol has a local anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and moderate distraction and is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs - rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, etc. Camellone is not suitable for children under 5 years old. The drug should be sprayed into the oral cavity for two seconds no more than four times a day.
As for the use of aerosol preparations containing antibiotics or sulfonamides in the therapy of laryngitis, they are not assigned for the virus origin of the disease, they do not act on viruses. But if the purulent sputum accompanies purulent sputum, there are purulent-fibrous crusts in the larynx and there are signs of its stenosis, as well as an elevated temperature, then antibiotics should be used to fight the infection of a clearly bacterial nature.
What to do with laryngitis in a child?
The first of what to do with laryngitis in a child - see a doctor. Because only the specialist will make an accurate diagnosis (diffuse laryngitis, acute sublingus laryngitis, croup or epiglottitis) and will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Laryngitis in childhood has a viral etiology and easily turns into a false croup (acute stenosing laryngotracheitis), in which acute respiratory failure may occur.
With diffuse laryngitis, therapeutic methods are the same as in ARI and ARI, and these are anti-inflammatory drugs and steam inhalations with eucalyptus or pine oils. How to do them was described above, but in carrying out this treatment procedure, children under 6-7 years of age should be especially careful. To ensure that too hot steam does not lead to a burn of the mucous throat and larynx, the temperature of the inhalation solution should not exceed + 38 ° C.
In acute sublingus laryngitis in young children, hoarseness of voice and attacks of dyspnoea at night are often noted. And also - the general pallor, and on cheeks and a bright blush. In such a situation, compulsory hospitalization is shown!
To date, acute laryngotraheronkitis or croup, according to pediatricians, is very rare, and is usually a complication of sublingual laryngitis. This pathology also requires urgent hospitalization!
In children up to the age of seven, epiglotitis, a kind of laryngitis caused by the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae (hemophilus influenza), pneumococci or Staphylococcus aureus, can be diagnosed. The disease manifests itself in the form of symptoms such as severe pain in the throat, "planted" voice, fever and hypersalivation (increased salivation). Then there is shortness of breath, which threatens suffocating. Need urgent hospitalization!
What to do with a fit of laryngitis?
The attack of laryngitis is a sign of an acute inflammatory process in the larynx and caused by a strong edema of its mucous membranes. To the hoarseness of the voice, dryness in the throat, and painful sensations, when swallowed, barking coughing attacks, shortness of breath and general weakness are added. It is possible to raise the temperature (up to + 38 ° C).
In adult patients, doctors recommend in such cases abundant warm drink, gargle rinsing with broths and infusions of medicinal plants. It is also necessary to inhale and humidify the air in the room. What to do with a fit of laryngitis, which is accompanied by a significant increase in dyspnoea? Call an ambulance, which will conduct emergency therapy using corticosteroids (dexamethasone), antihistamines (suprastin), and decongestants (euphyllin).
Dexamethasone is a glucocorticosteroid, a hormone of the adrenal cortex, which has a strong anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory property - in many acute situations, including shock, vascular collapse, cerebral edema, aspiration pneumonia and swelling of the larynx, it acts instantaneously. Produced in tablets of 0.5 mg and in ampoules of 1 ml. In severe cases apply up to 10-15 mg of the drug per day, supporting a daily dose of 2-4.5 mg. Contraindicated in acute viral, bacterial or systemic fungal infections, increased sensitivity to the drug; use during pregnancy - only for life indications.
Method of application of euphyllin: intramuscular and intravenous injections and microclysters (solution in ampoules), as well as inside (tablets of 0.15 g). Inside, adults take 0.15 g 1-3 times a day (after meals). The maximum single dose of eufillina for adults (inside or intramuscularly) is 0.5 g.
In severe cases Suprastin (tablets of 0,025 g and 2% solution in ampoules of 1 ml) is used as intramuscular and intravenous injections - 1-2 ml of a 2% solution. Adults take the drug inside one tablet 2-3 times a day (during meals). Dosage for children is prescribed depending on the age - a quarter, a third or half of the tablet 2-3 times a day. Among the side effects of this drug noted drowsiness and general weakness. And among the contraindications - glaucoma and hypertrophy of the prostate.
What to do if you have a laryngitis attack in a child?
The course of laryngitis in children under the age of five (due to the anatomical features of the respiratory tract during this period of development) is accompanied by intense swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx and the zone located directly under the vocal folds. And laryngitis in infants presents a serious danger, as swollen mucous larynx can lead to a spasm of smooth muscles and respiratory failure.
What to do with a fit of laryngitis in a child, that is, with acute stenosing laryngotracheitis or false croup.
If a child coughs and has cyanosis of the lips and a nasolabial triangle with inspiration, the parents should very quickly:
- call an ambulance;
- Ventilate the room well and humidify the air (turn on the electric humidifier, spray with a sprayer, put large containers of water in the room, hang a wet sheet on the heating battery);
- make inhalation with soda, and if the child is very small - to collect hot water in the bath (to steam) and stay with the baby there;
- dilute a third of the suprastin in the water and give the child a drink;
- put a yellow card on your chest;
- in a few minutes make a hot (+ 39 ° C) foot bath.
As noted by ENT doctors, and therapists, with proper treatment of laryngitis, the disease recedes after 7-10 days. If you do not know what to do with laryngitis, contact specialists, because any untreated inflammation can become chronic and threatens with serious complications.
More information of the treatment