Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Hygroma (hygroma, "cone") is a small bag with synovial fluid protruding above the surface of the skin. It can occur in any person, often for no particular reason, hygroma is easy to treat, just trust your doctor.
ICD10 code
The hygroma has the following code for the ICD10: M 71.3
Symptoms of a hygroma
In the early stages, there is no manifestation, and later - pain with loads in surrounding tissues. Hygroma is a hernial sac. First, the swelling of the skin begins. Later, when loading, pain occurs.
Hygroma is a benign formation, in cancer it can not be regenerated. But it can increase and squeeze the surrounding vessels, causing a dull aching pain.
Hygroma on hand
Hygroma on the arm most often occurs in seamstresses and typists. Their hands are overloaded for a long time. It is treated by electrophoresis, heat therapy or surgically. When doing physical exercises, be sure to use elastic bandages, distribute the load evenly.
Hygroma brush - seal on the back of the palm. May occur if you are injured or engaged in sports. Often happens at musicians.
Sometimes it is removed with a laser or excised. Before going to bed, lubricate the "bump" with iodine. You can put a cake of a mixture of aloe and honey on the swelling.
Wrist hygroma is a capsule with serous contents. Typical for embroiderers and seamstresses. At first it is invisible and does not cause pain. Its dimensions are 3-6 cm. It arises from physical activity, small monotonous work or an untreated trauma.
Hygroma of the wrist joint is a benign formation consisting of a capsule with an admixture of fibrin. The main symptom is a round neoplasm under the skin up to 6 cm in size. At first, there is no pain, but over time it can squeeze the vessels and obstruct the functioning of the hand. To prompt surgery to remove the "bumps" resorted to, if a strong pain syndrome develops.
Hygroma of the elbow joint arises from mechanical damage. There are many ways to treat this condition: physiotherapy, surgical excision and alternative medicine.
Among the methods of alternative medicine that you can apply at home, it is worth highlighting compresses. The warming compress promotes its resorption. Compresses are made from honey, cabbage, aloe leaves, wormwood before going to bed, once a day. Take six leaves of ficus, pour 500 ml of kerosene, insist for a week and strain. Put a gauze dressing, moistened in sunflower oil, and on top of a napkin, impregnated with tincture.
Hygroma on foot
The hygroma on the leg most often localizes in the ankle. Nerves and vessels with this kind of "bumps" easily squeezed under the influence of shoes. Conservative treatment, as a rule, consists in its crushing: the contents of the cystic formation is simply pressed into the skin. The procedure is painful, relapses are possible. A puncture is also possible: puncturing the seal and pumping out the contents. Finally, it can be removed by excision together with the capsule.
The hygroma of the foot is a benign formation from heavy loads. It can be treated conservatively - with the help of a puncture, physiotherapy or surgically - excision. The operation is done if it grows rapidly, festering, swelling and badly hurts.
Hygroma of the knee joint is found in adults and children. The cause of the "knee" of the knee joint may be a constant tension caused by increased sports loads or trauma. It can occur in people who spend the whole day on their feet. Possible connection with the inflammatory process in the joint. The seal is most often a diameter with a walnut or mandarin. The hygroma can be single-chamber and multi-chamber. Single-chamber can disappear after a course of massage or physiotherapy (warming, mud applications). A multi-chamber is treated with an operation. Sutures are removed on the 7th day. Conservative treatment of multi-chambered neoplasms such as hygroma can give relapses, so it is rarely used.
To treat the "knee" knee joint alternative methods, you can try these tools: take the herb wormwood and put on a sore spot for the night.
Have you ever heard of a lump in the knee joint region - gigroma of the shin? It is firm to the touch and often occurs at a young age. What is its cause?
The ends of the bones are surrounded by capsules with articular fluid. The joint fluid is also called synovial, and the capsule is called the synovial membrane of the joint. When the joint has the same physical load, part of the articular bag swells and becomes separated from the joint.
Outwardly, the hygroma of the shin is a sedentary ball with serous contents.
Conservative methods of treatment: mud applications, electrophoresis, puncture capsules with the introduction of a drug.
Surgical treatment with a scalpel - excision of it together with the membrane. In a day the patient is discharged home.
Alternative methods:
- Tincture of leaves of ficus on kerosene. She is wetted with a cloth and put compresses before the resorption of the "bump".
- Honey crushed aloe leaves are mixed and added flour. Roll out the flat cake and put it to the place that bothers.
- Apply cabbage leaves until it disappears completely.
- Mix white and red clay in equal proportions and do the application once a day.
The heel hygroma looks like a sedentary lump, at first not causing anxiety. But as the cone grows, the skin on the heel begins to peel off, and there are difficulties in walking.
At the initial stages it is treated with electrophoresis.
On cystic education of this kind, you can also attach a copper coin and wrap the bandage with a bandage for 3 days. The method is not very convenient for the heel - the coin will interfere with walking.
It is useful to make a compress from a raw egg mixed with vinegar.
Fruits of the Physalis are finely chopped and a compress applied.
If alternative methods do not help, the "bumps" are pumped out with a long needle and a bandage is applied.
However, the most reliable method is complete removal of the new type of hygroma along with the capsule.
Hygroma in the child
Hygroma in a child is a dense rounded benign formation that appears near the joint. In children, they are most often provoked by trauma.
Treatment by puncture: the thick needle evacuates the contents of the "cone". The method is effective in 60%, relapses are possible. Therefore, with cystic formations of this kind of significant size they are removed with a scalpel.
Neck Hygroma
Hygroma of the neck is an anomaly of the structure of the fetal lymphatic system. The cystic form is often combined with congenital heart defects. When a cystic form of neoplasm of the fetus is found, prenatal karyotyping is mandatory.
It can appear right after birth. In this case, the operation is carried out immediately, especially if the size of the "cone" is large and it, located on the neck, threatens the child's life.
Hygroma of the tendon
Hygroma of the tendon is a benign cyst-like formation in the area of tendon sheaths. Reasons for education:
- Injuries.
- Constant pressure.
- Inflammatory diseases of the joints.
She can not be reborn as a cancer, but she can squeeze blood vessels and nerves and cause numbness. When palpation is defined as a ball or ovoid formation, which has clear boundaries. The cone capsule has one or more cavities.
- Valve.
- Soustye.
- Isolated education.
A small tumor can be cured by massage and physiotherapy. If conservative therapy is ineffective, the operation remains - bursectomy. The synovial bag is cut in this operation, and the cystic formation is removed with all its membranes. The operation lasts 30-45 minutes, does not require general anesthesia. All heals in 7-10 days. The gypsum lingeta is applied to unload the joint.
Hygroma on the head
Hygroma on the head (subdural form) - a result of the craniocerebral trauma of a cluster of cerebrospinal fluid that compresses the brain.
Subdural neoplasm of the hygroma type can be acute, subacute and chronic. Chronic is considered a "bumpkin" for a period of 2 weeks.
For diagnosis use the methods of MRI and CT.
Treatment is surgical.
The brain hygroma is an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the temporal and parietal lobes of the brain. In adults, it most often develops after TBI, and in children - as a complication of meningitis. Treatment is possible by puncturing its contents or surgically.
Clinically manifested by dizziness, headache, paresis of the gaze to the side. There comes a short primary loss of consciousness. After the patient comes to, he has euphoria and exacerbation of the sucking reflex. There is a psychomotor agitation.
The prognosis for life with timely assistance is favorable.
Consequences of hygroma
If the vessels and nerves are compressed, the limb can ache, pull and dumb. A new type of hygroma can grow in the absence of treatment, causing a cosmetic defect. She does not degenerate into cancer. If the "cones" are injured, its shell can burst, and a suppuration will occur.
The brain hygroma for the consequences is the most dangerous, since it occurs after a traumatic brain injury. In severe cases, it can cause disturbances in the body's work, associated with a poor passage of nerve impulses to the damaged area of the brain and the accumulation of effusion in it. Mental disorders are possible.
Complications: severe periodic pain during exercise, numbness of limb, inability to control it, purulent tendovaginitis - suppurative inflammation of the joint capsule.
Relapse of hygroma - its reappearance after the treatment. Most often a relapse of education appears if it was treated with the old method of crushing. It was used until the 80's. Sometimes an illiterate surgeon removes only the upper part, and the inaccessible, invisible part of the "cone" remains. Then there is a relapse, there is no longer one, but several formations that are located side by side. The operation to remove cystic education is actually very thin, do not be fooled if you are told that it takes 10 minutes. For greater efficiency, with a significant size and a large number of cameras, removal is best performed under general anesthesia. Your hand will return to work after 14 days.
The hygroma can dissolve itself if you reduce the load on the joint or cure the inflammation of the joint. The cystic neck formation found in the child during pregnancy can also resolve itself, but in any case, if it is detected on ultrasound, an analysis should be made for the karyotype - the likelihood of a combination of malformations is high.
Diagnosis of hygroma
Diagnosis of a hygroma by a competent surgeon is not difficult. If there is a suspicion of malignancy, a biopsy is done. In case of doubt, the doctor may prescribe an X-ray or CT scan.
Puncture hygroma is the easiest way to treat. The surgeon injects and evacuates the contents with a syringe. Then, corticosteroids are injected into the cavity for the fusion of the walls of the shell of the removed cystic formation. The frequency of relapses is higher than in surgical treatment. If a relapse occurs, an operation is performed to completely excise it along with the membrane.
Treatment of hygroma
Treatment of hygroma can be conservative and operative. Conservative treatment is to puncture the formation and pumping out the contents of the syringe. Surgical excision is the complete removal of cystic formation with its membranes and contents. If the "bump" you are very worried, interferes with normal movements, you will have to resort to this tool. There are also alternative means of treating hygroma, for example, alcohol compresses. Make compresses with seventy percent alcohol and go to bed so. On top, put polyethylene and heat wrapped. Be careful with alcohol, it can cause a burn! Do small warm-up sessions if you have sensitive skin.
Removing the Hygroma
This is an unpleasant, but necessary procedure for severe discomfort, pressure, which begins as a result of the growth of the "bumps", numbness and severe pain. Surgical treatment is the most radical and correct in this case. Puncture can not give such an effect.
The duration of the operation, on average, 30 minutes. Removal can be performed with a scalpel, endoscopically or with a laser. Traces of the endoscopic operation are practically not noticeable.
With a large cyst, the patient is given a conductive anesthetic or anesthesia.
How to cure a hygroma without surgery?
This question is asked by many, because none of the patients would like to particularly go under the knife. The method that a doctor can offer you in a polyclinic or hospital is an autopsy of a tumor with the introduction of a special long needle into the envelope of hygromic medicines. The doctor determines whether you need an operation, or you can do only with a puncture.
Examples of alternative treatments:
- Juice from a leaf of a golden mustache to grind fingers and roll on a tumor.
- Tie it tightly to the "bump" penny and hold for 4 days. Pre-sterilize the coin with fire.
- Apply a red clay to the sore spot, and then lubricate the cystic formation with iodine.
- Parry an arm or a leg in leaves and colors of a lilac ordinary.
Conspiracy from the hygroma: tear the thread from the coil with black threads and read "How this thread breaks, breaks, breaks, so ruin the hygroma, tear yourself apart, do not give yourself any growth." There is no place for you on the body of the slave (name), as I will not leave Thread on this reel. Amen. " Scraps of thread after reading the conspiracy must be folded into a jar, burned and discarded.
Prevention of hygroma
Prevention of hygroma is to observe the following measures:
- Timely treatment until the end of all injuries.
- Treatment of arthritis.
- Avoid prolonged monotonous static load on the joint.
Forecast of hygroma
With timely treatment - favorable. With respect to work, the prognosis is relatively favorable, the limb, as a rule, continues to function 100% normally.
Hygroma is a benign tumor, you can not be afraid that it will degenerate into cancer, but this education can provide you with considerable discomfort during sprawl, make it difficult to work with your arm or walking. It is aesthetically unattractive. With a combination of these inconveniences, it must be removed by puncture or by a scalpel (laser, endoscopically).