Hygroma of the wrist joint
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the most common neoplasms that is localized in the area of the human hand is the hygroma of the wrist joint (or the second name of the ganglion).
The hygroma is a tissue formation of a rounded shape that has formed in the area of the carpal radiocarpal joint. The hygroma capsule is filled with such high-molecular proteins as fibrin and mucin. At its core, the hygroma of the wrist joint is a cyst, and not a tumor.
Causes of hygroma of wrist joint
It is impossible to clearly specify the etiology of the disease to date, not a single physician. Nevertheless, people at risk are those who are engaged in heavy physical labor or whose work is associated with increased motor activity of the brush (musicians, computer users, seamstresses and other professions).
The main causes of hygromas of the wrist joint:
- Heavy physical work, the load of which falls on the hands, and in particular, on the wrist joint.
- Complication after surgery, which was carried out on the wrist.
- Complication after the transferred tendovaginitis (inflammation of the tendon sheath) or bursitis (inflammation of the mucous bag of the joint).
- Consequence of injury.
- Degenerative and dystrophic joint disease.
- Periodically repeated microtrauma (for example, when playing tennis ...).
- Chronic character of inflammation of synovial cavities.
The considered pathology is formed when, for some reason, the joint capsule is thinned, and then the joint capsule is damaged, which makes it possible for the internal tissue to be squeezed out into the formed gap, forming a hernia. If the load remains significant, the hygroma continues to grow. Its dimensions range from a few millimeters to four centimeters. When the applied load decreases, the amount of intraarticular fluid produced decreases, and the neoplasm ceases to grow. There were cases when, with a decrease in the load on the joint, the hygroma of the wrist joint spontaneously "dissipated".
Symptoms of Hygroma of Wrist Band
Symptoms of hygroma of the wrist joint are quite simple. Initially, the pathology is detected by the appearance of a small bulge in the wrist area, which is well probed. Their content is palpated as elastically soft. Thus the person does not test any unpleasant sensations. At this stage, the hygroma can be up to several years.
It appears suddenly and literally in a couple of days it can gain at the rate of two centimeters, but it can inconspicuously grow for many years. As the size increases, there are painful sensations, which are intensified when moving with a hand.
But it is necessary to know that the given neoplasm is safe, and under no circumstances degenerates into a cancer tumor.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
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Treatment of hygroma of the wrist joint
Often a simple examination of a doctor is sufficient to diagnose pathology. For reinsurance, an orthopedic surgeon can prescribe to the patient a different diagnosis (ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging).
Treatment of hygroma of the wrist joint can be conservative, and can be caused by a surgical intervention.
Conservative treatment of hygroma of the wrist joint
In the recent past, it was almost the only way to get rid of the hygroma of the wrist joint. A certain effort was applied to the neoplasm and just crushed it. At the same time, the "capsule was torn", releasing the contents into the adjacent tissue layers. The internal articular fluid is sterile, therefore, getting into the tissue space, does not cause the development of inflammatory processes.
But, as monitoring and clinical studies of this problem show, in almost 90% of cases of conservative treatment of hygroma of the wrist joint there are relapses. This is due to the fact that the bursting capsule quickly restores its integrity and intraarticular fluid begins to accumulate again.
With a reduction in stress and stress on the hand, 50% of the wrist of the wrist joint dissolve independently.
There is another method of conservative treatment - a glucocorticoid blockade. This procedure is quite effective in dealing with this pathology, but only in the early stages of appearance, when its parameters do not exceed one centimeter.
The essence of the technique is that the localization of the neoplasm is anaesthetized. Using a surgical instrument, the hygroma is punctured and the contents of the capsule are removed using a syringe. Then, without touching the needle, the syringes are replaced. In the empty bag of the hygroma of the wrist joint, a glucocorticoid drug is administered (for example, methylprednisolone, betamethasone, dexamethasone and others).
After this, a tight bandage is applied to the surgical site, which is worn for about five days. This time is enough for the capsule to "fuse" and its edges become fused.
If the patient ignores the pressure bandage, then the mobility of the joint again provokes an increase in the amount of secreted fluid, which will invariably lead to a recurrence of the hygroma of the wrist joint.
Methylprednisolone. The dosage required for the procedure is 0.25 to 0.5 mg, depending on the size of the lesion.
Contraindicated this drug people who are sensitive to its constituent components, as well as methylprednisolone is not attributed to children under the age of 12 years. With a single-dose local drug, side effects are almost not observed.
Betamethasone. This drug is attributed to a strong group of effects. Betamethasone is administered in an amount of 0.25 to 0.5 mg. After that, they impose a constricting bandage.
This drug has a broader spectrum of contraindications, and there are no side effects due to the local application.
- Stably high blood pressure readings.
- Acute form of tuberculosis.
- Problems with blood circulation.
- Diabetes.
- Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure).
- Syphilis.
- Osteoporosis.
- Peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.
- The first trimester of pregnancy.
- And others.
Dexamethasone. The dosage regimen is individual for each patient. The amount of injected fluid varies from 1 to 1.5 mg.
The following measures are also applied to conservative therapy:
- Iodine electrophoresis.
- Paraffin or mud applications on the pathology area.
- Irradiation with ultraviolet rays.
If the hygroma of the wrist joint is diagnosed more than one centimeter and its structure is palpable as a group of several capsules, then, in most cases, this is an indication for surgery (especially if it disturbs the patient).
There are alternative methods of treatment, but they are practiced only with small amounts of education. The treatment course, in this case, is not less than ten days.
- In a mortar to mash the leaves of wormwood and apply this mass to the hygromic wrist joint for the whole night.
- For two weeks, practice warm baths from a tincture made from lilac flowers.
- On the pathology site, honey is applied and rubbed into the skin for several minutes, with the fingers massaging the problem area.
- In the meat grinder, grind the fizalisa berries. Use as a compress at night.
- On aloe juice knead the dough. It is applied to education.
- You can smear "cyst" with iodine or a pharmacy tincture of calendula.
- To gigroma, fixing with a film and a bandage, apply aloe or Kalanchoe leaves.
There is no doubt that alternative medicine in the case of treatment of hygroma of the wrist joint is harmless and quite positive, but depending on the size and type of pathology its effectiveness is far inferior to therapeutic methods, and even more so to surgical intervention. Therefore, before deciding to use alternative means, it is still necessary to consult a specialist.
Removal of hygroma of wrist joint
Operation is always an operation. And if there is a possibility to avoid it, it is necessary to take advantage of this. Removal of the hygroma of the wrist joint is prescribed only if the pathology interferes with the normal functioning of the human hand if palpation is not palpated by one, but by a group of capsules under one membrane, or if the patient insists on aesthetic discomfort.
Surgical intervention is performed on an outpatient basis under local or conductive anesthesia. After removing the capsule, a tight bandage is put on the wrist of the patient, which must be worn for five days without fail. If this condition is not met by the patient, the risk of re-development of the hygroma of the wrist joint increases by several orders of magnitude.
Modern medicine is ready to offer a more sparing method of getting rid of the problem - removal with a laser. This procedure is not much different from the classical operation. Many patients are mistaken, believing that this technique allows you to get rid of the hygroma without cutting the skin and the subsequent scar.
With the help of the laser, the epidermis and the subcutaneous layer are also dissected, exposing the neoplasm. It is carefully separated from adjacent tissues and excised. The incision is small, the scar is small and slightly noticeable. After the operation, a wrist bandage is applied to the wrist joint, and the joint itself is fixed by the orthesis. The dressing is done daily, treating the postoperative wound. The superimposed seams are removed after 12-14 days.
The result of any operation depends largely on the surgeon who conducts it: his experience and knowledge. It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the methods gives more relapses. Re-emergence of the hygroma of the wrist joint, in most cases is due to the competence of the doctor, the accuracy of the implementation of his recommendations and the individual characteristics of the patient's body.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of Hygroma of Wrist Band
"The baptized one is protected by God!" This simple truth reflects the basic principle, which is followed by the prevention of hygroma of the wrist joint.
- It is necessary, if possible, to minimize injuries to tendons and joints of production, sports and household.
- During training, it is necessary to wear protection on the hands.
- To develop a schedule in which the load and rest alternated.
- In case of injury, immediately consult an orthopedic trauma specialist for advice and assistance.
- Timely and fully treat the infectious and inflammatory processes that occur in the area of interest.
- If the patient has a predisposition to tumoral tumors, you should think about changing the genus or place of activity.
Forecast of hygroma of wrist joint
With timely access to a specialist, the forecast of the hygroma of the wrist joint is positive, especially if during the therapy the entire tumor was completely removed. If after the operation the patient thoroughly followed the doctor's recommendations, the probability of relapse is reduced to almost zero. With simple therapeutic treatment, relapses are still possible.
If you work long and hard or your work is associated with increased motor activity of the brush, then it is likely that you will get such a pathology as a hygroma of the wrist joint. But this should not cause a panic. Hygroma is a benign tumor that never degenerates into cancerous formations. In most cases, even without a course of treatment, people live with this problem for many and many years, but this does not mean that everything must be allowed to run its course. All the same it is necessary to address to the expert and to pass or take place inspection.