Wrist hygroma
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The hygroma of the wrist is a rather unpleasant disease, which causes a lot of inconvenience. Let's consider what the hygroma is, the causes of its appearance, the main symptoms, as well as the most effective ways of treatment and prevention.
The hygroma of the wrist looks rather unaesthetic and causes discomfort. It is very difficult to get rid of this disease. People with neoplasm feel painful inconveniences and inferiority, which prevent us from doing normal things normally. It is very difficult to treat this disease, and it is not always amenable to full treatment. More often always, people with a similar disease resort to the help of alternative medicine.
The wrist hygroma is the formation of a synovial bag with a mucous viscous serous content of the cystic type. Hygroma is a benign cystic formation, when probed, dense contents inside are felt. Note that the cystic hygroma and the simple hygroma are two identical types of tumor, which in their development resemble cystic diseases. The disease is localized on the hand, inside the capsule is formed, which contains a liquid transparent substance, reminiscent of jelly. The causes of injury include injuries, mechanical damage, improperly selected prostheses and excessive physical exertion.
The disease begins with the appearance on the skin of a small swelling, which is often confused with an insect bite or just a bump. The hygroma develops in the joints, and gradually protrudes between the ligaments, squeezing between the tendons. At the initial stage of development of the neoplasm does not deliver painful sensations, but when the disease takes a serious nature, then pain and complications arise. In this case, it is impossible to cope with the hygroma alone, and qualified medical care is required.
In medical practice there is no clear explanation of why a hygroma appears. Let's look at the main causes of wrist hygroma. The cyst may appear due to regular physical exertion, trauma, hereditary predisposition or for no apparent reason. The most common diagnosis is the hygroma of the wrist or wrist joint. Most of all, this disease affects people who work hard with their hands, that is, musicians, seamstresses, secretaries-machinists. In this case, the cyst appears with frequent flexion-extension of the hand.
The hygroma of the wrist is a tumor that is connected to the joint, since a synovial bag is formed in the joint, and there is a liquid in it that can easily penetrate into the joint cavity. Thus, the neoplasm will disappear for a short while, but then again appear. Sometimes, the cyst acts as an independent disease or as a complication of bursitis or tendovaginitis.
Clinicians identify the following causes of carp hygroma:
- Regular increased physical activity.
- Mechanical injuries and injuries.
- Professional activity, which is associated with frequent monotonous movements of the hand.
- Inflammation of synovial cavities.
The first signs of the disease manifest as a swelling on the arm. Very often the first symptoms of wrist hygroma are confused with some kind of bruise or inflammation from an insect bite. But the swelling does not come off and takes on a round shape. If you feel it, you can feel the liquid component of the cyst. Note that the neoplasm for many years may remain in the form of a slight swelling with the fluid inside. As unexpectedly as it has appeared, the cyst begins to grow and deliver a lot of painful sensations. Because of the tumor it becomes hard to move your hand and with the slightest movement you feel a strong pain.
Let's look at the main symptoms of wrist hygroma:
- A dense subcutaneous formation of a circular shape, usually near the joint.
- Sensitivity disorders and dull pain in the cyst area.
- Skin discoloration over neoplasm.
In medical practice, cases are recorded where, as a result of trauma or body features, the hygroma was opened. In the case of opening the tumor on the arm, a huge wound forms, from which fluid flows out in the neoplasm. The wound oozes and it hurts for a long time. If, during the autopsy, an infection gets into the wound, it will lead to the chronic appearance of tumors, that is, hygromes throughout the body.
Hygroma wrist in a child
The wrist hygroma in a child is a benign tumor, round in shape, rather elastic. When palpating, soft contents are felt, that is, liquid. The liquid that fills the cyst is densely yellow in color. This is what makes it possible to identify a benign tumor. A hygroma child may appear because of a hereditary predisposition or because of an injury. In any case, the neoplasm should be treated, since a neglected disease can lead to a host of unfavorable consequences.
Treatment of hygroma in young children, that is, up to ten years, is under anesthesia. In adolescents, treatment is performed under the influence of local anesthesia. The operation itself is the following steps. The tumor is disinfected and a small puncture is made on the skin. Through the puncture, remove all the fluid that filled the cyst. On the wound, a cosmetic suture and bandage are applied. After this procedure, the child can go home. To adjust the seams use special threads that dissolve as healing, so the child will not feel uncomfortable.
Where does it hurt?
Wrist hygroma is a common disease that occurs in both children and adults. The consequences of the wrist hygroma can be most unpredictable. Despite the fact that the hygroma is a benign tumor, it can develop into a chronic disease that will cause a lot of inconveniences and painful sensations, which ultimately lead to limb atrophy.
The main danger of this kind of neoplasm is that if you do not start to treat it in time, then it can take the character of a chronic disease. This can happen because the infection has got into the blood, and now the neoplasms will appear not only on the wrist, but also on other parts of the body. Hygroma negatively affects the joints and ligaments, therefore requires effective and proper medical treatment. If you notice a small cone on your hand, when you feel it feel soft contents, then most likely you have a cyst. Do not overstretch and seek medical help, this will avoid serious consequences.
Diagnosis of the wrist hygroma begins with examination of the affected area of the tissue. If on the wrist there is a swelling of the round shape, when palpation of which the soft content is felt, then it is a matter of gigrom. Another important point in diagnosing hygroma is the patient's complaints. Also, the doctor can prescribe a series of tests that will help confirm or deny the diagnosis.
If the diagnosis of a neglected cyst is being carried out, which has plagued the patient for several years and has grown, then ultrasound can not be avoided. Ultrasound is performed on the affected area and surrounding tissues. It is also possible to perform an X-ray diagnosis or a puncture with a dermal tissue fence for the study of histology.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of hygroma should be carried out immediately after diagnosis of the disease. The longer the delay with treatment, the more difficult it is to cure the cyst. Treatment of the wrist hygroma requires a lot of time and professional work. Since, there are cases when the neoplasm is localized close to the joint, ligaments, arteries and nerves. Therefore, it is better not to deal with self-medication, especially if the disease is in a neglected state.
As a treatment used surgical medicine, that is, surgery to remove hygromas, drug treatment with antibiotics and medications and alternative medicine methods that are based on herbs and natural recipes of treatment. Let's look at the operational methods of treating hygroma.
- Puncture the tumor and drain fluid with a needle and absorbents. The method is long and can give relapses.
- Surgical removal of the hygroma. As a rule, this method of treatment is used in the treatment of tumors in children. The method gives a 100% guarantee that the cyst no longer appears.
- Crushing of the neoplasm. Such treatment leads to the fact that the fluid in the tumor spreads over the joint cavity. This treatment is very painful and after a certain period of time the hygroma again makes itself felt.
- Using laser therapy to treat hygroma is the most effective and painless method to get rid of the tumor once and for all.
Treatment of wrist hygroma with alternative means
Treatment of wrist hygroma with alternative means is recognized as the most accessible and effective. Let's consider the peculiarities of treating hygroma with the methods of alternative medicine, as well as the most common prescriptions for treatment.
- The hygroma of the wrist is well helped by an alcohol compress. For the compress you need a strong moonshine and gauze. Wet gauze in alcohol, apply on the swelling and top with polyethylene. The compress should be changed every two hours. In order that the skin does not remain burned, it is recommended to dilute alcohol.
- Decoction of pine sprigs effectively helps to cure a hygromic wrist. For broth, take the branches of a young pine, pour them with boiling water and cook for 20-30 minutes. On the basis of the resulting broth, it is recommended to knead the dough and make cakes. Warm cakes need to be applied to a sore spot.
- Compress celandine helps cure the cyst at the initial stages of development and reduce the size of a large neoplasm. Take 200 grams of fresh celandine, chop it, squeeze the juice and make a gauze compress. Wrap your wrist with gauze and polyethylene. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every three days.
- For the treatment of wrist hygroma, cabbage leaves can be used. Take a leaf of cabbage, boil it in water, spread it with honey and attach it to your hand. Tie the compress with a woolen cloth or a handkerchief. Compress is recommended to be worn for at least two hours and replaced with a new one. Three days of using this remedy will save you from cysts.
- You will need a glass of warm water and a couple of spoons of sea salt and a glass of dry clay. Dilute salt and clay in water so that you get a uniform viscous product. Wrap your wrist with a bandage and repeat the procedure for ten days. Please note that the compress should be worn all day, then take a break for a couple of hours and again apply. After such procedures, the tumor will no longer appear.
Operation with wrist injury
Operation with wrist gigra is one of the methods of treating the disease. Hygroma is a benign tumor that occurs on the joints and ligaments. Near the joint a capsule is formed, in which the liquid collects. Because of this cyst begins to increase in size, cause pain and discomfort.
There are several options for surgery with wrist gigra, let's look at them.
- The most painful method of treating hygroma is the method in which the tumor is tried to crush. This leads to the fact that the capsule with the liquid bursts and the tumor descends. But this method does not guarantee that the neoplasm will not again make itself felt. Almost 90% of cases of such painful treatment lead to the fact that the hygroma appears again.
- Less painful surgical method of treating hygroma by piercing. The doctor makes a puncture on the wrist and injects into the hygromous through the needle the resorptive preparations. This promotes rapid resorption of the neoplasm. This method gives a high guarantee that the hygroma will no longer appear.
- Another option for the treatment of hygroma is its complete removal. The operation is performed under anesthesia. The doctor cuts the cyst, removes the capsule with the liquid, cleans the wound, disinfects it and applies seams. After such treatment there is a process of rehabilitation and recovery.
Removal of the wrist hygroma
Removing the wrist hygroma is the surgical method of treating the disease. The operation is a process of dissection of the capsule of the neoplasm. Due to this, the accumulated liquid is removed from the tumor. To prevent the hygroma from appearing, the joint is immobilized during removal. After surgical removal of the hygroma, the wound is sutured, a dressing is applied and a course of antibiotics is prescribed for a speedy recovery.
In addition to surgical removal of the wrist hygroma, there is also a method of laser removal. The essence of this method is that the laser affects the neoplasm, but does not affect the tissue. Under the action of the laser, the cyst is destroyed. The rehabilitation period after such removal is not long, and, as a rule, represents a general course of antibiotics, that is, drug therapy.
It is unequivocal to say which method of treating hygroma is better and more effective, since each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the choice of method of removal depends on the complexity of the tumor, the age of the patient and the doctor's recommendation.
More information of the treatment
Prophylaxis of the wrist hygroma is carried out after the surgical treatment of the tumor. As a rule, prevention is a course of drug treatment and taking antibiotics. Prevention of hygroma is an activity that is aimed at preventing the tumor from reappearing. During preventive maintenance exclude an opportunity of traumatization of the amazed site.
In the prevention of wrist hygromas, plaster is applied. Gypsum is worn for a month. This is necessary in order to minimize movement in the joint and allow the wound to be tightened and the scar to form. The possibility of relapse of the disease depends on the quality of preventive measures.
The prediction of the wrist hygroma depends on the complexity of the disease. If the tumor only begins to grow, the predictions are positive. Since there are all chances for complete and absolutely safe treatment. In addition, when treating the hygroma at the initial stage, the probability is high that the tumor will not appear again.
If a cyst is administered to the treatment, which has been a patient for several years and has spread, which makes it difficult for the hand to move and causes pain, the prognosis of such a disease is not comforting. In this case, the operation is performed surgically, and the rehabilitation period can last for more than one month. In addition, with a negative prediction of the wrist hygroma, there is every chance that the tumor will reappear, since the infection could spread throughout the body.
The hygroma of the wrist is a common disease that can occur in every person. Everyone who is active, and whose joints are constantly in motion and tension. The cyst is treatable, but it is best to carry it out when the disease is at an early stage of development and the predictions for treatment are positive. If you notice a tumor on your arm with soft contents inside, and it gives you discomfort and pain, then this is the wrist hygroma, and it requires immediate treatment.