Treatment of herpes zoster
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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It is not recommended to perform independent treatment of herpes zoster, as this can cause serious complications in the future. Treatment consists in taking antiviral medications, using external agents (ointments, creams).
Shingles, also known as the Zoster virus or herpes zoster, is an acute infectious disease that affects the nervous system and skin. People who had been ill with chicken pox (chickenpox) after which the virus particles remain in the "sleeping" state are prone to the disease. The cause of virus activation is the weakened immune system as a result of chronic diseases, HIV, chemotherapy, etc.
The virus causes inflammation of the nervous system and skin associated with it. At the same time, red spots appear on the skin, eventually turning into blisters. A few days before the defeat of the skin, severe pain begins in the place of injury (burning, itching, numbness, tingling). There is pain in the site of nerve damage, usually at night increases. The strength of pain depends on the degree of nerve damage. During this period (until skin rashes appeared), it is practically impossible to establish the correct diagnosis. Usually on 2-3 days begin to appear rashes on the skin. Since this period, the patient is a danger to others, especially for those who have not had chickenpox.
Also for treatment are used immunomodulators, which correct and increase the body's defenses. Surface treatment, aimed only at treating skin, does not help in eliminating pain, causes of the disease and can lead to herpetic infection. Among the most common complications are intercostal neuralgia (severe pain during movement), meningoencephalitis (inflammation of the brain envelope), purulent lesions in the areas of skin lesions.
Effective treatment of herpes zoster
Treatment of herpes zoster includes the following:
- antiviral drugs
- immunomodulators
- anesthetizing (ganglioblocator)
- drugs designed to eliminate co-morbidities (if available).
To avoid the appearance of neuralgic complications, treatment should be started as early as possible, preferably in the first 2 days. Currently, there are several antiviral drugs that successfully block the multiplication of the virus in the human body.
At a young age, treatment of herpes zoster, as a rule, is limited to taking antiviral medications and pain medication, and after about two weeks a full recovery comes. At higher risk patients over 50 years old, people with reduced immunity, pregnant, because the development of the virus can cause serious complications, so special treatment is needed. At the appearance of the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, regardless of age, state of health, etc.
Based on the clinical picture, the doctor prescribes one antiviral agent (Famciclovir, Acyclovir, etc.). The drug can be either in the form of tablets, or in the form of intravenous injections. Modern drugs not only destroy the virus at the cellular level, but reduce pain and promote a faster healing of the skin. To prevent secondary infection, use external means in the form of ointments, creams, solutions. To relieve the itching, you can apply an ice pack of chamomile infusion to the affected area. Duration of treatment, dosage is determined by the doctor individually for each patient. On average, the treatment takes about a week. During the period of treatment, it is contraindicated to take a bath, use soap and gels with caution (especially on affected areas of the skin). Especially it is necessary to avoid at this time of ultraviolet radiation, since ultraviolet provokes the growth and reproduction of the virus.
Important in this period is an increase in the body's defenses. Therefore, it is advisable to take immunomodulators. Also, pay attention to food, eat foods with a high content of vitamin C (broccoli, spinach, citrus fruits, cranberries). After the acute phase of the illness passes, the physician can prescribe physiotherapy procedures.
Scheme of treatment of herpes zoster
Self-treatment of herpes zoster is not recommended, since the development of severe complications is possible. It has been scientifically proven that treatment should necessarily include the use of antiviral drugs. Treatment of only external manifestations of herpes zoster is inadequate, since all symptoms of the disease are not eliminated, in particular, pain remains. In addition, superficial treatment does not prevent severe neuralgic complications of the disease. All antiviral drugs are prescription drugs, so they can only be purchased for the doctor's prescription.
The scheme of treatment of herpes zoster includes the use of antiviral, analgesic, immunomodulating agents. In the presence of concomitant diseases, the doctor can also prescribe treatment. If after the course of treatment remains a pain syndrome (observed in 10 - 15% of cases), then the development of postherpetic neuralgia began. In this case, a consultation of a neurologist and treatment with tebanthine or amitriptyline is necessary. It is also possible to use locally special patches (versatis). Antiviral drugs at a time when the postherpetic reaction has already begun do not have their effectiveness, since their purpose in preventing the development of severe neuralgia.
The most effective today is "Famvir". Usually 3 tablets are given per day, the course of treatment is 7 days. The drug quickly prevents the reproduction of the virus in the body, reduces pain. Previously, the use of the drug avoids the development of a severe neurologic reaction. The drug is a longer time in nerve cells, in comparison with other drugs, and better protects them from the harmful effects of the virus.
The drug "Valaciclovir" is the least effective. Its effect is almost the same as that of Famvir. Other schemes are also used to treat shingles with acyclovir (intravenously or in tablets). Together with taking medications, treatment of affected skin areas with special solutions, ointments, creams is prescribed. Skin rashes are treated with special antibacterial ointments and solutions (solkoseril, kastelani solution or zelenok, etc.)
Medicamentous treatment of herpes zoster
Medicamentous treatment of herpes zoster for a long time was the subject of controversy and disagreement. Contradictory are the data on the effectiveness of drug therapy in the acute and postherpetic period. Postherpetic neuralgia develops mainly in people over 50 years of age, accompanied by prolonged severe pain in the areas of nerve damage. Acyclovir intake in the first 3 days after the onset of rash on the body, reduces the intensity of pain, and also promotes faster healing of skin. The efficacy of Valaciclovir is not less than that of acyclovir.
Famciclovir promotes faster healing of affected areas of the skin, but the pain syndrome in the acute period is not affected. According to the conducted Mata analysis, acyclovir reduces pain in the postherpetic period (approximately six months after recovery) at the site of rashes in 46% of cases. Reception Famciclovir reduces the duration of the postherpetic period in elderly patients, but the frequency is not affected in any way. According to another study, taking Famciclovir in the first 2 days after the onset of rash reduces the development of postherpetic neuralgia (in comparison with acyclovir). Taking vatsiklovira by 6% reduces the frequency of postherpetic neuralgia in alignment with acyclovir.
The overall effect of the drugs does not differ significantly. Preparations of the new generation are more convenient for patients, since their reception occurs a little less often.
The use of glucocorticoids (steroid hormones) to prevent the development of neuralgia causes more controversy. A large-scale study was conducted, involving more than three hundred patients. In one group, aiklovir was administered, in another, acyclovir and prednisolone. According to the study, the difference was insignificant, and the frequency of postherpetic reaction was approximately equal in both groups.
Preparations for the treatment of herpes zoster
Recently, the most effective means in the fight against herpes zoster is "Famvir" (famciclovir) (from 200 UAH) - an antiviral drug, Swiss-made, this remedy is prescription and you can buy it in a pharmacy only if prescribed by a doctor. Weekly course of taking the drug can dampen the manifestation of the Zoster virus in the body faster, in comparison with other drugs. The action of the drug is aimed at blocking the enzyme responsible for reproduction. It also has an analgesic effect, both during the illness and in the postherpetic period. Early intake of the drug (in the first 2-3 days after the onset of rashes on the body) reduces the risk of developing neuralgic complications. The active substance of Famvir lasts longer in the nerve cells and protects them from the virus.
"Valaciclovir" is the second most effective drug aimed at treating shingles. Produced by the English company, the price in the region of 100-150grn.
Acyclovir is a domestic preparation, the price of tablets in the region of 15 UAH. It is prescribed in the form of tablets or intravenous injections, in combination with a vitamin complex. On the effectiveness of the drug is not inferior to its foreign "colleagues" and often treatment is based on acyclovir.
Treatment with ointment zoster
Treatment of herpes zoster with only external means is ineffective. To achieve full recovery, it is necessary to destroy the virus within the body with the help of antiviral drugs. External treatment is used in a complex way to achieve the maximum result.
As external agents use alpizarin, epervudine, aciclovir (ointment), interferon.
Alpizarin ointment has an antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating effect.
An excellent antiviral effect, especially with respect to the herpes virus, is the ointment of acyclovir, epervudine.
Interferon, in addition to antiviral, anti-inflammatory actions, also has immunomodulating ability. It is known that the herpes zoster virus occurs as a result of malfunctions in the immune system, so it is very important to pay attention to the increase in the body's defenses in treatment.
For external use, antiseptic medications prescribed with chickenpox (chicken pox) - brilliant green (green), castellan - are suitable. These drugs have a drying, antimicrobial effect.
Treatment with acyclovir shingles
The use of an encyclover during the treatment of herpes zoster reduces the eruptions on the skin, promotes the early formation of crusts, has an analgesic and immunomodulatory effect, and also reduces the risk of complications. Treatment of herpes zoster with acyclovir is carried out by intravenous administration, oral medications (tablets) and topically (ointment).
Acyclovir in the form of tablets is used for children over 2 years and adults, usually prescribed 4 tablets 5 times a day. The average course of treatment is 7 days, and in each case is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.
Intravenous administration of the drug is prescribed for adults and children over 12 years of age. Diluted sodium chloride drug should be administered very slowly or use a dropper. If the patient has a disturbed kidney function (mainly in the elderly), the dose should be reduced.
When taking the tablets, some side effects are possible in the form of diarrhea, headaches, nausea, fatigue, allergies. The drug is not used in case of intolerance of any components. The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is not fully understood, therefore during this period the drug is used only as prescribed by the doctor.
Treatment of shingles on face
Shingles have various forms of manifestation, can occur in almost any nervous process, but the severity of the frequency of manifestation is the development of infection on the face. This is due to the peculiarities of the trigeminal nerve. The first signs of herpes zoster are severe pain in the area of the eye, ear, and jaw (along the nerve endings). The condition worsens with nausea, fatigue, and fever. Most often, before the appearance of a characteristic rash, incorrect diagnoses are made. Sometimes rashes do not appear much longer, which can lead to a prolonged process, with damage to the cornea of the eye. Eruptions are characteristic along the trigeminal nerve: on the mucous eyes, eyelids, nose, etc. Antiviral ointments (eg, idoxurudine) are used to relieve the symptoms of the disease. When the rash of the eyeball is affected, the ointment is placed inside the eyelid. To reduce combat syndrome and inflammation, a doctor may prescribe corticosteroids (cortisone, corticotropin). The eye shape of the herpes zoster is the most severe of all, improper or untimely treatment can lead to loss of vision. When severe pains in the auricles, rashes in the external auditory canal, around the ears accompanied by general deterioration of well-being and fever are diagnosed, the ear form of the shingles is diagnosed, which can lead to hearing defects. Treatment of herpes zoster on the face is almost the same as in other forms: the use of antiviral, immunomodulating and analgesic agents, topical treatment in the form of ointments, lotions. Treatment should be started in the first days after the appearance of the rash.
Alternative treatment of herpes zoster
Treatment of shingles with alternative means can give an effective result, especially when combined with traditional medicine. First of all, you need to destroy the virus in the body to stop further spread. In this case, the medicinal tea from the burdock will work well. To make it, you need to pour a teaspoon of common burdock with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes, after which the drink is ready for use. To improve the taste, you can add honey.
For outdoor use, you can prepare an immortelle tincture: a teaspoon of dried herbs are brewed with a glass of boiling water, wrapped and allowed to stand for an hour. This tincture should be wiped affected areas twice a day, preferably in the morning and in the evening, while it is best to use a sterile bandage or gauze. A similar tincture for wiping can be prepared from dry mint leaves: a glass of boiling water 1 p.s. Herbs, hold for 20 minutes on a steam bath and lubricate the skin.
It heals the skin well and promotes the speedy recovery of aloe compress: a wide sheet to wash, cut in half, fasten overnight to the wound. It is necessary to conduct such a procedure every day.
For drying effect, it is recommended to use roasted onions: peel the onion and hold it over the fire until it turns brown, lightly apply a warm onion to the blisters, then cut off the plate after full cooling and repeat.
To increase the body's defenses it is recommended to take a tincture of echinacea or willow bark. Tincture of Echinacea can be freely bought at the pharmacy, and from the bark of the willow can be prepared independently: 1 tbsp. Spoon dry bark on a glass of boiling water, infuse for 1 hour. Take the tincture according to this scheme: ¾ cup, before meals 3 times a day.
Treatment of shingles with apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a natural product, the medicinal properties of which have been known since ancient times and were successfully used for the recovery of the body. But for successful treatment it is necessary to comply with certain conditions for using this product: with accuracy to comply with the prescription that you have chosen for treatment, and also know if you have any contraindications to use (intolerance to the product, allergic reactions, etc.)
Apple cider vinegar is an acid obtained naturally (when fermenting apples with oxygen and vinegar bacteria).
Treatment of shingles with apple cider vinegar is not only fairly simple and effective, but also the most common. It is recommended undiluted apple cider vinegar to treat affected skin 3-4 times a day, if at night itching and discomfort are uncomfortable, you can also carry out the procedure. After lubrication, after about 10 minutes, the itching passes, and after a few days the disease must completely pass. Despite the high efficiency of apple cider vinegar in the treatment of skin diseases, it is not necessary to treat shingles only with its help. As mentioned, the treatment of herpes zoster is to suppress the virus within the body, therefore it is advisable to combine the external application of apple cider vinegar with antiviral drugs.
Treatment of shingles in children
Disease shingles in childhood can occur as a result of reduced immunity and infection with the Varicela-zoster virus. Infection can occur from an infected person with whom the child has been in contact. The appearance of the disease in the age of up to 10 years is extremely rare. Transmission routes are airborne or contact-household. An increase in the incidence is observed in the cold season, but most often the disease has a random character. Shingles are transmitted when in contact with a sick person. Primary infection with the Varicela-zoster virus can be in a latent form, when the virus settles in the nerve cells and stays idle until a certain point. Contain the virus T-lymphocytes, the weakening of which provoke serious diseases, malignant formation, HIV infection, etc. A small period between primary infection and the awakening of the virus in children is due to the chronic infection of herpes zoster in children, which primarily affects the nervous tissue severely.
In children, the manifestation of the disease begins in the first hours. Often there is a high fever, weakness, headache, nausea (sometimes vomiting occurs). Simultaneously there are pains, itching in the affected area. A few days later, swelling and blisters appear (after about a week blisters dry up and crusts form - from this moment the patient does not pose a danger to others, sometimes the blister can burst, then erosive conditions on the skin are formed). For the most part, skin lesions are limited to one or two foci.
Treatment of herpes zoster in children should begin in the first three days of the disease, the duration of treatment is approximately 7 days. An intravenous drug, acyclovir, is an effective treatment for herpes zoster. The earlier treatment with acyclovir, the lower the risk of complications. Also, the drug has a good analgesic effect, promotes the formation of crusts, prevents the risk of complications. Children with low immunity, if the disease is mild, is prescribed acyclovir in the form of tablets. Antiviral therapy for the treatment of shingles in children using immunoglobulin. In combination with antiviral drugs use antibacterial ointments, which contain acyclovir or interferon. To reduce pain, painkillers, tranquilizers, novocain blockades, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
Treatment of shingles during pregnancy
Women who have a shingles virus in their blood (ie, had chickenpox earlier) are at greatest risk of developing infection during pregnancy. Moreover, the development of the virus in the body of a pregnant woman can occur without any characteristic symptoms. With the latent symptomatology for a woman, the fading of fetal development or miscarriage remains a mystery. The development of the herpes zoster virus during pregnancy for a surviving child may threaten an increased risk of inappropriate development of hearing, vision, nervous system, and brain. The development of the disease is provoked by pregnancy, because it is known that during this period the woman's body's defenses significantly decrease and the virus manifests itself first in the mother's body, then gets into the amniotic fluid that the future baby absorbs.
The manifestation of the virus at the initial stage is characterized by general weakness, temperature, headache, itching, burning, pain in the area of the lesion. A couple of days, pink spots appear, which eventually fill with fluid. During pregnancy, the virus can provoke an increase in lymph nodes, which are located next to the affected nerve cells. Treatment of herpes zoster during pregnancy usually follows the usual pattern in this case. Antiviral, analgesic preparations of general and local action are prescribed. All drugs during pregnancy should be used only as prescribed by the doctor and in each case determined depending on the severity of the disease. For treatment, it is customary to use acyclovir (in the form of injections, tablets, ointments).
The treatment of a pregnant woman should be handled by a specialist who observes the course of pregnancy, the selection and dosage of drugs is a rather complex process in which it is important not to be mistaken so that there will be no consequences for either the mother or her future baby. In addition to antiviral and analgesic drugs, the doctor can prescribe drugs aimed at increasing the body's defenses. In the case of a mother's disease, ultrasound of the fetus is appointed, with the purpose of early detection of possible complications and developmental defects.
Treatment of herpes zoster is currently carried out quite successfully. The complications caused by infection are practically reduced to a minimum, thanks to modern drugs that quickly stop the reproduction of the virus in the body, which also have a good analgesic effect. From the disease no one is immune, it can occur at almost any age, regardless of sex. The risk group includes pregnant women, elderly people, people with weakened immune system (HIV-infected, oncological, etc.).