Treatment of thrombophlebitis with alternative means
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Thrombophlebitis is a type of vascular disease that develops against a background of weak blood circulation, venous inflammation, fluid retention in the body, increased blood coagulability or due to severe labor. This pathology is dangerous in that it manifests itself in the form of blood clot obstruction, resulting in inflammation of the vascular wall. The disease can occur in 2 forms: acute (develops rapidly, for several hours) and chronic (the development of the disease occurs for several years, with alternating periods of relief and exacerbation).
Treatment of thrombophlebitis with alternative agents, along with drug therapy, gives good results. It is important to consult with your doctor to avoid possible negative consequences. If the disease is left without treatment, you can get complications in the form of intoxication of the body, kidney pathologies, vascular lesions or necrosis of soft tissues. Tearing off, a thrombus can clog the vessel and lead to death.
Of the most common prescriptions used to treat thrombophlebitis, we can distinguish the following: 0.25-0.3 g mumiye take 2 p. Per day, along with milk and honey (in a ratio of 1: 20). The duration of the course is 20-25 days with a break of 10 days in the middle of the treatment. The effect of this method of treatment will not take long: the degree of puffiness and pain syndrome will decrease, hemoglobin will increase, the number of red blood cells will increase. There are also other, no less effective ways to treat thrombophlebitis at home.
Treatment of thrombophlebitis in the home
Treatment of thrombophlebitis with alternative means gives good results, if strictly adhere to the recommendations of a doctor. Self-medication may be ineffective or cause undesirable effects. There are many home prescriptions used to combat the problem of blood clots. In complex they help to cope with such symptoms as swelling of tissues and pain syndrome, skin inflammations, etc.
Treatment of thrombophlebitis at home is based, first of all, on the use of products that can dilute blood. Such products include: apple cider vinegar, sunflower seeds, olive and linseed oil, garlic and onions, tomatoes, oatmeal. In the diet, it is also recommended to include cranberries, lemons, berries, gourds, melons, beets and other products. The diet should exclude the use of fatty foods. A good means of auxiliary action is a mixture of 1-2 pcs. Garlic (in crushed form), 2 st. Spoons of vegetable oil and 1 st st. Spoons of honey.
Effective are compresses, which must be done for a long period of time - not less than 1 month. One of the options can serve as a compress of cabbage leaf, which must first be repulsed and lubricated with vegetable oil, after which - attach to a sore spot and wrap bandage. It is advisable not to tighten the bandage so as not to disturb the blood circulation in the legs.
You can prepare a miracle ointment consisting of ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment (1 bottle each) with the addition of aloe juice, baked fat, onion juice and diluted soap in water (1 tbsp.). Ingredients put in an enameled container and bring to a boil, stirring constantly the mixture with a wooden spoon. The resulting mass is cooled and used as an ointment, applying it to the affected areas of the skin and applying a non-wound bandage. The bandage should be worn for a day, then take a break and apply the ointment again until it is completely consumed.
In thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, the patient is recommended to sleep with his legs elevated. Performing simple exercises will also help reduce pain and reduce swelling. Throughout the day you can do the following exercise: to rise on your socks 3-5 r. And drop sharply with heels to the floor. Exercise should be repeated after a 10-second break.
Inflamed veins can be treated with the help of rubbing the affected areas with apple cider vinegar. In the same way, use clay and cottage cheese, applying them to the places of inflammation. Foot baths with bark of willow and aspen also help in the treatment of thrombophlebitis. To prepare the infusion take 2 tablespoons. L. Bark of trees and fill them with 2 glasses of steep boiling water, after which they boil for 15 minutes. The duration of taking baths should be up to half an hour. In the morning hours, a contrasting douche (up to the ankles) with alternating hot and cold water for 20 seconds is useful.
On the places of swelling of the veins compress of curdled milk and herb wormwood, taken in equal proportions. With the same purpose, the fern leaves are used in a grated form, mixed with sour milk or curdled milk in equal amounts.
Alternatives for the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis
Treatment of thrombophlebitis with alternative means allows you to quickly get rid of the symptoms that accompany this disease. In this case, it is necessary to consult with your doctor regarding the use of the most effective methods of treatment. It must be remembered that self-medication may not give the desired result.
As for the prescriptions of alternative medicine used to treat thrombophlebitis, there are a number of them. Usually, several methods of treatment are applied at once (massage, compresses, ointments) to obtain the fastest possible result.
Alternatives for the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis:
- Tincture from the Kalanchoe for grinding the affected areas (2 tablespoons of raw material to grind into a gruel, pour a glass of vodka and insist for 10 days).
- Ointment from the mummy (in peach oil or vaseline dilute the mummy in a ratio of 1: 5).
- Tincture of acacia for compresses (2 tablespoons of raw material pour a glass of steep boiling water and insist for 2 hours).
- Aromatherapy (1-2 drops of cypress, myrtle or tea tree oil added to the venous cream and gently rubbed into the skin of the legs, then lie down with raised legs for half an hour).
- Baths with essential oil of geranium, peppermint, myrtle (15 drops of essential oil per 5 liters of water).
In non-healing ulcers, resulting from inflammation of vessels and tissue necrosis, bandages are used from:
- sea-buckthorn oil;
- grated carrot;
- ointment, prepared from the broth of cucumber with the addition of natural honey and butter (1: 4);
- crushed leaves of cabbage, mixed with egg white;
- crushed celery leaves, mixed with any butter (vegetable or creamy).
Lubricate wounds can be a product made from the roots of burdock (50 g), filled with sunflower oil (100 ml), infused during the day and cooked over low heat for 15 minutes. The resulting product must be filtered and used for its intended purpose.
Before going to bed it is recommended to take foot baths with decoction of herb. The leaves of the lilac, which need to be covered with legs, steamed in hot water, help well. To heal wounds, you can use shavings from the bark of lilac.
With venous inflammation, it is recommended to take decoction of herb pea mouse: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry raw material should be poured with boiling water (1/2 liter) and insist for half an hour. Take three times a day for 100 ml before meals. The same efficiency has decoction from the leaves of the nettle: 1 tbsp. L. Raw material pour a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour, strain and consume 2 tbsp. L. 4 r. In a day.
If thrombophlebitis developed in the postpartum period, the treatment of the disease will help infusion of horse chestnut, for the preparation of which 20 grams of seeds are filled with vodka (200 ml) and insist about a week, shaking daily. After this, the solution must be filtered and applied to 15 drops of 4 p. The day before meals.
Treatment with alternative means of deep thrombophlebitis
Treatment of thrombophlebitis with alternative means helps quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease and relieve inflammation of the vessels. Most often, grasses are used for this purpose: painkillers, blood thinners, improving blood flow and strengthening vascular walls. Such herbs include: mother-and-stepmother, madder dye, raspberry leaf, chamomile, wormwood, peony root, horse chestnut and many others. Etc. They are used in the form of broths for ingestion, rubbing and lotion.
Treatment with alternative means of deep thrombophlebitis is based on the application of the following recipes:
- Tincture of nutmeg: 1 tbsp. Nutmeg in a crushed form must be filled with vodka (1 liter) and insist for 10 days. Take this medication is recommended for 20 drops three times a day.
- Decoction of the nettle. Fresh leaves of the plant must be finely chopped, pour a glass of boiling water, and then insist for 1 hour. Take 2 tbsp. Spoons before eating three times a day.
- Oak bark (helps strengthen deep vessels). 1 tbsp. Spoons of raw material pour a glass of boiling water, boil for half an hour and insist 30-40 minutes. After that, the broth should be filtered and taken in the finished form for 1 tbsp. Spoon before meals three times a day.
- Tincture of horse chestnut and tincture of ginseng (in the complex) - take 20 cap. Every day before eating.
- Decoction of clover. 100 grams of dry raw material pour 1 liter of vodka, insist for 21 days, take 20 cap. Before meals three times a day.
You can use an alcohol tincture of mountain ash for compress. Preliminarily it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Before going to bed it is recommended to apply raw potatoes in grated form to the affected skin areas.
It is important to combine different methods of alternative treatment: applications, wiping affected areas of the skin and compresses are recommended to combine with foot baths and taking infusions, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the veins from the inside and relieving inflammation. When acute form of thrombophlebitis treatment is recommended to begin with compresses. For example, you can apply a towel or gauze pad moistened in a solution of sea salt (1 part of salt dissolved in 1 liter of warm water) to the affected areas of the skin. Hold the compress for half an hour, then make a 30-minute break and repeat the procedure 4 times.
When the stage of thrombophlebitis starts, when trophic ulcers appear on the legs, the following method is used. The wound is carefully sprinkled with the powder of the medicinal horsetail, and the top is covered with a fresh cabbage leaf. After the ulcer is cleaned and treated, the affected area is smeared with sea buckthorn oil. The yarrow juice has good healing properties, which can also be treated with a wound.
Cumin from thrombophlebitis
Treatment of thrombophlebitis with alternative agents is used against the background of general medication for maximum effect. Many recipes of alternative medicine refer to the use of medicinal herbs in the form of decoctions and infusions. One of these plants is black cumin, which has anti-inflammatory and strengthening properties.
The most commonly used oil is black cumin, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the vascular walls, increasing their elasticity, reducing the risk of developing blood clots. With regular use, this drug helps prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and also prevents the occurrence of vascular inflammation. Cumin oil is prescribed as an auxiliary for the treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, cardiovascular diseases.
Cumin from thrombophlebitis can be used for external use - in the form of compresses and rubbing. It is also recommended to take 1 tsp daily. Seeds or oil, mixing it with orange juice to improve the taste. You can use the following recipe: 1 o'clock a spoonful of black cumin pour ½ cup of water and add 1 tbsp. L. Honey, then mix well and take 20 minutes before eating.
Many people use this remedy: they mix 1 teaspoon of cumin oil with 1 tbsp. L. Honey and drink in the form of tea. You can add 5 cap. Oil in a glass with mint tea (taken on an empty stomach). For grinding, use a mixture of cumin (1 tsp) with 1 tbsp. L. Honey and a small slice of crushed garlic.
Also, flour from the seeds of cumin is used as the following: 1 tsp. Flour dissolve in 100 ml of boiled water (in a warm form), add 1 tbsp. L. Honey and mix. The resulting mixture is recommended to be taken twice a day for half an hour before meals.
Compress from thrombophlebitis
Treatment of thrombophlebitis with alternative agents in combination with drug therapy promotes the fastest disposal of symptoms and a reduction in vascular inflammation. In the recipes of alternative medicine most often used medicinal herbs, which have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, strengthening effect.
Compress from thrombophlebitis is the method of treatment No. 1, with which you can remove unpleasant symptoms in the form of swelling, skin inflammation, pain. The following are the recipes for the most effective compresses for treating thrombophlebitis at different stages of the disease:
- Shredded herb wormwood bitter (half a glass) mixed with fresh yogurt (1 glass), the resulting mixture as a compress to attach to a sore spot and top cover with cellophane. It is best to put such a compress at night (3-5 hours). The course of treatment is 1 week, after which you need to make a 3-day break and continue to perform the procedures.
- Honey put a thin layer on a linen rag, gently apply the compress to a sore spot, top cover with a cloth. It is recommended to put the compress in the beginning for 3-4 hours, then it can be longer.
- A fresh sheet of cabbage should be carefully discarded, then greased with vegetable oil, applied to a sore spot and bandaged. It is recommended to perform the procedure every day, the course of treatment is 1 month.
- 2 tbsp. Wormwood (dry shredded leaves) pour 1 liter of curdled milk, mix, then apply the mixture to the affected area, wrap it with linen cloth and secure with a bandage. Such a compress is recommended to be done three times a day, maintaining a time of 30-40 minutes.
- Leave the leaves of Kalanchoe carefully, put the gruel in a 0.5 liter bottle, add warm water and put it in a cool place for 1 week, shaking the bottle from time to time. Then the solution is filtered and used as a compress twice a day.
Before using alternative therapies for thrombophlebitis, consult your doctor to avoid any negative consequences. Self-medication with herbs and ointments is not recommended, since there are a number of contraindications depending on the severity of the disease. You should trust only proven "grandmother" recipes that have proven effective, and they use only natural ingredients.
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Herbs from varicose veins and thrombophlebitis
Treatment of thrombophlebitis with alternative means is an effective way to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and prevent dangerous consequences of the disease. Undoubtedly, the most effective result can be obtained only with the help of complex therapy (use of medication, massages, physiotherapy, compresses, etc.).
Alternative medicine offers herbs from varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, as well as a variety of medicinal plants that have a healing, anti-inflammatory, resorptive effect. Below are the recipes, with which you can successfully cure the above diseases.
- Horse chestnut (bark, fruits, flowers) is considered one of the best alternative medicine that has proven effective in strengthening blood vessels and resorbing blood clots. It is no accident that the extract of this tree is a part of many pharmacy creams for the treatment of varicosities, thromboses and other diseases. To prepare the ointment, you need to use 50 g of chestnut kernels, peeled, filling them with vegetable oil. Rub the product into the affected area with light massaging movements.
- Hazelnut in the form of a decoction (1 tablespoon chopped leaves and bark soak in a glass of boiling water and leave overnight). The received quantity of broth is a daily dose of a medicine, which must be drunk in several receptions.
- Freshly squeezed onion juice should be mixed with honey in equal quantities and kept in a warm place for 3 days, after which it should be put in the refrigerator for 10 days. Take the drug should be 1 tbsp. L. Three times a day until it is exhausted, then take a 3-day break and repeat the course of treatment.
- Kalanchoe (leaves) cut into a jar and pour vodka, insist for 10 days, and then use for rubbing.
- Acacia white has an anticoagulant property and contains salicylic acid. 100 g of dry inflorescences need to pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist for 2 weeks in a dark place and strain. Apply for grinding and compresses.
Of medicinal herbs that have proven themselves in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, you can note celandine, mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, wormwood, calendula, plantain. To remove inflammation use fresh leaves of lilac, which must be applied to the affected area at night. Decoction of verbena medicinal (1 tablespoon herb per 1 item of boiling water) is taken within 24 hours. From the grass swaths swamp make foot baths (200 g of dry raw material pour boiling water (5 liters) and insist in a bucket, then lower your legs and keep for about half an hour, pouring boiled water).
Leeches from thrombophlebitis
Treatment of thrombophlebitis with alternative means gives positive results in cases when the form of the disease (acute or chronic) is taken into account, the degree of development and symptoms of the disease, the patient's state of health.
Leeches from thrombophlebitis are used to treat an acute form of the disease, provided that the patient has contraindications to anticoagulant drugs. This method is optional and is applied against the background of traditional treatment (medication, massage, physiotherapy). Self-medication can be dangerous, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting the procedure.
The effect of hirudotherapy is based on the active action of the hirudin enzyme, which is found exclusively in the saliva of leeches. Injection of hirudin into the affected vessel interferes with the process of blood coagulation. Most patients experience a significant reduction in pain after the first hirudotherapy session. After a full course of treatment, swelling, convulsions, and a feeling of heaviness in the legs disappear. According to the results of medical observations, there is normalization of venous circulation and even partial dissolution of blood clots.
During the procedure, leeches are placed on both sides of the damaged vessel in staggered order. Usually used from 6 to 15 leeches (depending on the course and severity of the disease, its degree, the development of inflammation in the tissues). It is forbidden to place leeches under the knee, with care it is necessary to lay them in the groin area when diagnosing thrombophlebitis of pelvic vessels. In no case can the method of hirudotherapy be used in the development of an acute purulent process.
Treatment of thrombophlebitis with alternative means is one of the effective, effective steps on the way to recovery of the patient. The use of herbal infusions, medical compresses, ointments, hirudotherapy in the complex give positive results and help the patient get rid of the unpleasant symptoms associated with the development of the disease.