Review of effective treatment of genital warts
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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To date, only symptomatic treatment of genital warts (including a surgical solution to problems with genital warts) is possible, since the cause of this pathology is the infection of HPV - the human papillomavirus virus of the 6th and 11th types - the most common viral infection of the genital tract.
Most sexually active women and men at some point are infected with HPV, but almost 90% of the warts themselves disappear for about two years. Although there are a lot of cases of recurrence of genital warts.
Methods of treatment of genital warts
The appearance and growth of genital warts usually proceeds without significant symptoms, but depending on the size and localization - on the skin and mucous membranes of the anogenital and perianal areas (cervix, vagina, scrotum, penis, urethra, perineum) - they can cause unpleasant sensations, itching and even pain.
Available methods for treating genital warts can reduce or remove warts, but apparently do not eradicate HPV itself, since condylomas often recur in the first months after treatment. And it remains unclear whether the therapy can reduce the probability of transmission of infection. This factor in some cases forces doctors to resort to the alternative decision: to refuse treatment and to wait for spontaneous disappearance of condyloma.
As clinical experience shows, the most effective treatment of genital warts, located on mucous membranes or in areas of high humidity, is local treatment. Although many patients - with multiple formations and a significant area of lesions with papillomavirus - it is better to use radical methods: surgical removal of genital warts (tangential excision), removal of electrocoagulation, liquid nitrogen, laser or radio waves.
The main variants of local medicinal treatment include such ointments from genital warts as: podophyll ointment, Podophilox (Condylox) gel, Imiquimod cream (Aldara, Zinara, Cyclara), Weregen ointment. Also, 10-25% tincture of podophylline on benzoin is used, and trichloroacetic acid is used for chemical destruction (destruction) of warts.
Treatment of genital warts at home
To deduce the genital warts visible and accessible to the patient according to the doctor's prescription, one can independently treat genital warts at home - apply the recommended ointment, cream or solution on them.
So, antimitotic drug based on alkaloids rhizomes of the plant podophyllous thyroid - Podophilox (0.5% solution or gel) should be applied for three consecutive days twice a day (the total amount per day - no more than 0.5 ml). After that, a break for 4 days is done. If necessary, this cycle can be carried out 4 times, while the total area of the surface to be treated should not exceed 10 square meters. See The drug may cause local irritation and pain; at pregnancy and in a lactemia Podofiloks it is counter-indicative.
In the same way, treatment of genital warts with solutions based on the above-named plant is carried out-10-25% benzoin solution of Podophylline, Podophyllotoxin, Vartek, Kondilin.
Imiquimod cream works by activating the immune system by increasing the production of interferon-α, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor TNF-α. In addition, clinical trials have established that when the preparation is applied to the skin, Langerhans epithelial cells activate, which migrate to the local lymph nodes, increasing the synthesis of killer cells, macrophages and B-lymphocytes.
Imiquimod should be applied once a day at bedtime, three times a week - until the warts disappear or within 4 months. After 8-10 hours after each application of the cream, place its application should be washed with soap and water. The side effects of this drug include local reactions such as swelling, blisters, burning, redness and skin ulceration; dry skin and itching; the formation of crusts or scabs. Systemic reactions can be in the form of fever, flu-like symptoms, headache, increased fatigue.
Ointment Weregen (Veregen) with active catechins of green tea extract is applied three times a day by lubricating with a thin layer of kandil (the ointment can be applied with a finger). This drug can be used no longer than 16 weeks. The most common side effects of the drug: erythema, pruritus, burning, pain, ulceration, edema, densification and vesicular rash.
Treatment of genital warts in a medical setting
The ointments and creams listed above are used in medical institutions in cases of intravaginal, intra-anal and intra-urethral localization of genital warts.
The doctor also conducts the chemical removal of anogenital warts with an 80-90% solution of trichloroacetic acid or an aqueous solution of dichloroacetic acid salts. Their cauterizing effect on tissue condylomas leads to protein coagulation and cell necrosis.
Since the solutions of these acids are quite toxic, have low viscosity and penetrate the skin, they should be applied in minimal amounts, and the procedure itself requires great care - so as not to damage surrounding tissues. If necessary, this procedure can be repeated again - in a week.
You can burn condylomas with lapis (silver nitrate), as well as salicyl-resorcinol collodion. Because of the low efficiency of medics do not recommend using the drug Solkoderm.
Treatment of genital warts by alternative means
Given the viral and highly contagious nature of the disease, treatment of genital warts with alternative remedies is also aimed at cauterizing the wart and in no way guarantees getting rid of the virus. So it is unlikely to be useful if you drink decoctions of medicinal plants (there are also such alternative recipes).
Most often it is recommended not less than 1-1.5 months daily to lubricate condylomas with either celandine juice, garlic gruel, or raw egg white; do lotions with a concentrated solution of baking soda, decoction or infusion of a string, St. John's wort, plantain.
Many are advised to try treatment of genital warts with iodine - by cauterizing twice a day (morning and evening); as well as lemon juice, essential oil of fir, juniper or cypress.
However, doctors advise not to forget about the virus etiology of this disease to entrust the treatment of genital warts to professionals - dermatologists.