What should I do if I get a burn from an ointment?
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021
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A few people know what to do with ointment burn. When the skin begins to "burn" after applying the ointment, burning sensation appears, painfulness is almost all rushed to wash off with water, but do not do this when using a warming ointment, it is better to use vegetable oil or fat cream (Vaseline, baby).
Often, certain types of ointments cause a strong burning sensation on the skin after application. Usually, warming up or anesthetizing ointments for external use do not leave strong burns on the skin, after the application appears pain, redness. Severe burns can occur due to exceeding the recommended dosage.
For removal it is better to use a cotton or gauze tampon, which several times (each time changing the oil or cream), gently remove the residual ointments. After this, it is recommended to wash the affected area with a sufficient amount of warm water with soap. Then it is possible to put on the skin an antiseptic or wound-healing remedy.
When the ointment gets on the mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, esophagus, etc.), it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the damaged area and seek medical help.
What to do with a dimexid burn?
Dimexide is an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug that is used topically. Its main feature is that it is able to penetrate the skin, delivering dissolved in it drugs to the focus of inflammation. Dimexide is often prescribed as one of the constituent compresses for both children and adults, but like any other drug, Dimexide requires careful use and strict dosage compliance.
If used improperly, Dimexide may cause an allergy or burn.
In this case, the burn does not differ from other types of chemical burns: itching, burning, redness, soreness.
Severe burns can occur due to too long contact with the skin or non-compliance with the dosage when preparing a solution for compress. What to do with a dimexid burn, especially if it happened to a small child, not everyone knows.
To avoid serious complications, you should immediately seek medical help immediately after a burn, but first you should give first aid.
When signs of a burn appear, you must immediately remove the compress and thoroughly rinse the area of the lesion under cool water. As with other chemical burns, you should wash for at least 15 minutes, in addition, cool water will help reduce the soreness of the skin.
After cleansing the skin from the remnants of the drug on the damaged area, you must impose a dry clean and not too dense bandage, only after that you can go to the hospital yourself or call an ambulance.
It is worth noting that wipe the dimexide with dry napkins, gauze, cotton wool is not recommended, as this will enhance the absorption of the active substance by the skin.
What to do with a burn from a capsicum?
Capsicum is a very warming agent (ointment), which is made on the basis of chili pepper.
Excessive application of the ointment can cause redness of the skin, severe burning. The first thing to do with a capsicum burn is to rinse off the residual ointment from the affected area with cool water, then you can apply a cream (child) or an anti-inflammatory agent to the skin.
What to do with a burn from the final?
Ointment Finalgon has both an irritant and analgesic effect at the local level, is shown with muscular, joint, and other pain. When applied to a problem area of the skin, Finalgon increases blood circulation in this area, which helps to reduce pain. Use the drug in strictly recommended doses, otherwise a slight burn of the skin.
If the ointment is applied excessively, a burning sensation appears, redness, tenderness in the burn. What to do with burns Finalgon is not known to many, with the appearance of a burning sensation, almost everyone is trying to wash off the ointment with water, which is the main mistake. Water helps penetrate the ointment into the deeper layers of the skin, which only increases the unpleasant sensations.
To wash Finalgon better vegetable oil, greasy cream (apply a thick layer and wash with a cotton swab), high-fat milk, sour cream, soap foam (or cosmetic foam for washing), using a compress of finely grated carrots.
All products that contain fat in their composition, help to eliminate burning sensation on the skin caused by the action of the ointment.
You can not try to wash off the ointment with alcohol or alcohol-containing lotions, aqueous emulsions (water), as these agents promote deep penetration of components and do not bring relief from burns.