What should I do if I burn with oil?
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021
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During the work in the kitchen often burns burnt oil, in most cases, the damage is not strong, there is only a slight reddening of the skin. The burn with oil is dangerous due to the duration: the longer the hot oil contacts the skin, the stronger and deeper will be the burn.
If the skin gets burned oil, you need to know what to do with a burn and clearly follow the sequence of actions. First of all, it is worth noting that if you get hot oil on your clothes, you need to remove it as soon as possible and wash off the leftover oil from the skin well. If a large amount of hot oil gets on the skin, it is necessary to rinse the affected area quickly under running cool water, and try not to cause more damage to the skin. To wash off oil from the skin better under running water, wipe (especially hard rubbing movements), the affected area can not be, it is possible to get a little damp with a napkin, the best paper.
Then, if the burn is small, you can apply a special anti-burn agent, if there are blisters - you need to cover the affected area with a clean bandage.
For severe burns (third and fourth degree), an anesthetic must be given to the victim and urgently delivered to the hospital.
What should I do if I burn with essential oil?
Aromatherapy has recently become more popular. However, not everyone knows that essential oils can cause happy severe burns, especially if you do not follow the recommended rules for using aromatic oils.
It should be noted that essential oils can not be used in pure form. Before using them it is recommended to dissolve in cream, cream, honey, alcohol, etc. It is not recommended to use water for dilution, since during the interaction a film forms which, upon contact with the skin, can cause burns, although not strong.
To use essential oil in its pure form is possible only for spot application to furuncles, acne, warts, etc., but in this case it is better to use diluted in half with base oil (sunflower, olive).
What to do if you burn with essential oil:
- wipe the oil thoroughly with a dry cloth
- rinse well under the running water
- if the burn is deep, extensive, as well as when burns mucous, you need to seek medical help
- treatment at home is allowed only with minor injuries. For the treatment of burns, panthenol and other anti-burn agents are well suited, and alternative methods (compresses made from strong tea, raw potatoes, aloe or calanchoe) will help to reduce pain and speed up the healing process.
What should I do if I get a hot oil burn?
The first thing to do with hot oil burns is to provide first aid. When getting burned with red-hot oil, it is necessary to cool the damaged area. If the arm or leg is injured, it is possible to substitute a burn for flowing cool water for at least 15 minutes. With burns of other parts of the body, you can apply cool compresses, lotions. Cooling is an important point, as it not only reduces pain, but also helps prevent deeper layers of the skin from being damaged.
Around the burn can be rubbed with alcohol, while it is important to try not to touch the burned area of the skin, directly on the burn, you can apply a special remedy with a regenerating effect, for example, panthenol. After treating the burn, cover the affected area with a dry and not tight bandage.
When treating burns from burning oil, many make a mistake that aggravates the situation. With oil burns, the main effort should be to prevent infection and tissue death, but many cause a damaged area of vegetable oil or egg protein, which can become a source of infection.
When burns (especially when large areas of skin are affected) it is recommended to drink more liquid (milk, juice, tea).