Treatment of laryngitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the larynx often appear as a result of influenza, ARVI. The disease can be caused by other factors - hypothermia, overstrain of the vocal apparatus, as a result of scarlet fever, measles, etc. Successful treatment of laryngitis depends on the identification of the root cause of its occurrence.
To get rid of the disease, it is important for the patient to observe the silence for about a week. In case of emergency, let's say a quiet whisper. Compliance with the rules of speech regime prevents the overstraining of the vocal cords and is the prevention of the development of chronic laryngitis.
Treatment regimen for laryngitis
Laryngitis is acute and chronic. Short-term (acute) course of the disease does not exceed one to two weeks. The symptomatology of the chronic process manifests itself two weeks or more. If the signs of laryngitis do not abate for a long time, it is best to consult a doctor, since the inflammation of the larynx can be caused by hidden pathologies of the body.
The medical specialist, first of all, will assign a diagnosis to determine the cause of the disease. The treatment regimen of laryngitis combines the following principles:
- compliance with the voice mode (complete silence or conversation in a whisper);
- psycho-emotional stability to prevent spasms;
- reception of warm milk with honey or Borjomi often, in small portions;
- air in the room with the patient should be fresh, warm and moist (use special moisturizers or put a basin of water);
- in food avoid - cold, hot, hot, salty dishes;
- steam inhalations with the addition of iodine, eucalyptus, anise or menthol oils are shown;
- apply compresses on the neck / chest or mustard plaster;
- good results are given by gargling with sage / chamomile infusion;
- hot foot baths;
- antihistamines are used;
- prohibited - smoking and drinking alcohol.
In some situations, the treatment of laryngitis requires steady-state conditions and drug therapy. Antibiotics are used according to the strict prescription of the treating doctor.
Treatment of chronic laryngitis
An integrated approach involving medicinal and physiotherapy methods, local and general effects is the most effective way to combat chronic laryngeal disease.
Local treatment of chronic laryngitis includes irrigation, lubrication of the mucous membrane with medicinal substances and softening vegetable oils. To influence the catarrhal, hyperplastic form of the disease, anti-inflammatory, astringent, enveloping agents are used. Manipulation with the larynx is carried out by an otorhinolaryngologist. At the atrophic form of the disease course, drugs with the properties of liquefaction of mucus, cortical formations, moistening of the mucosa and activating the work of the glandular system are prescribed. As a rule, iodine, vitamins and biostimulants are included in the therapy. An important place is inhalation.
Inhalation therapy is used after removal of crusts, mucus from the surface of mucous membranes, preventing the penetration of medicinal compounds. For this purpose, first use substances for liquefaction of mucus, remove plaque, as well as expectorants. As inhalable components are prescribed oils (sea buckthorn, dog rose), retinol (vitamin A) and others.
Treatment of laryngitis of chronic hypertrophic type may require aerosols with steroid components in combination with antibiotics. Patients are well helped by ultrasound therapy and ultraphoonophoresis with corticosteroid drugs. Effects on the hypertrophic form of the disease have several stages: eliminate inflammatory phenomena, only then restore the functions of the larynx. The final therapy will be classes with a phonopedist (speech and vocal preparation).
To get rid of atrophic laryngitis, inhalations with saline-alkaline (no more than 2% solution), alkaline-calcium, mineral waters, alkaline mixtures are widely used. At the same time, physiotherapy is carried out to improve blood circulation, trophic and laryngeal tissue exchange functions. In this case UHF-inductothermy and darsonvalization (treatment with impulse currents) are irreplaceable. Effective mud application on the larynx. The course with at least 10 sessions, and the temperature of mud 40 C, the duration of exposure to 10 minutes.
Diffuse form of chronic disease is classified as a precancerous condition. Patients with this kind of laryngitis are observed twice a year to detect malignant tissue at an early stage. Treatment of laryngitis is carried out in the conditions of the dispensary most often surgically, removing areas of hyperplasia using a microscope.
Treatment of acute laryngitis
In acute laryngitis (usually a consequence of acute respiratory viral infection), bed rest is required. The remaining cases are amenable to therapy without leaving the workplace, except for persons with voice-speaking professions (singers, actors, teachers, etc.).
Treatment of acute laryngitis includes restriction of speech activity, it is better to keep silent at all or to speak quietly on exhalation. Patients are advised to avoid excessively hot, cold, spicy foods, as well as drinking and smoking.
Expectorants are indicated with a thick, viscous discharge: mucaltin, tussin, stopptussin. To dilute sputum use: ACTS-long and fluimuccil (daily norm - 1 table), solvine, bromhexine.
Liquefy mucus and eliminate dry mucous will help alkaline mineral water (Borjomi) at room temperature or half diluted with warm milk.
Half-alcohol compresses on the neck zone, hot foot baths, mustard plasters for calves and legs, inhalations are all a treatment for acute laryngitis in the home.
A doctor can be prescribed an antibiotic bioparox in the form of an aerosol, which is used for ten days. The drug is inhaled by mouth 4 times at intervals of 4 hours. The drug is contraindicated in children under three years of age because of the possibility of laryngospasm.
In the physiotherapy room, medication is poured into the larynx using a special syringe. Physicians use solutions with antibiotics, hydrocortisone in the form of a suspension.
The disease can be treated within five to ten days. If symptoms do not pass during this period, antibiotics should be used.
How to treat laryngitis at home? Help rinse at least five times a day by alternating a solution of soda, sea salt and herbal decoctions (nettle, sage, chamomile, root of the aura).
Treatment of cough with laryngitis
Symptoms of laryngitis are manifested hoarseness, perspiration in the throat, "barking" type of cough without separation of phlegm. Swelling of the laryngeal mucosa in the disease activates the cough receptors.
For relief of coughing attacks, substances with codeine, paxeladine, oxeladine, dextromethorphan, tusuprexom are used. To reduce the reaction of the mucosa to stimuli, libexine helps. The use of mucolytic drugs that provide sputum liquefaction during the period of therapy is prohibited. Treatment of cough with laryngitis is carried out by inhalation with budesonide. A strong cough is the cause of irritation and an increase in the frequency of seizures. This kind of discomfort is saved by rinsing the throat with saline solution (1/2 tsp per glass of water).
Dry cough is treatable with opioid drugs:
- dextromethorphan - directly affects the cough center, suppressing even the most severe cough. Medicines based on it are sold without a prescription. Does not have sleeping pills, narcotic and analgesic effects. It is made up of: glycodine (1 teaspoon three times a day), alex plus (3 plates up to 4 times a day);
- codeine - is included in the complexes of antitussive drugs terpinkod and kodelak (taking 1 tablet three times a day). Most often note the side effect of taking the drug.
Pharmacological substances of the drug group cope better with cough, but are often addictive.
Libexin with the active substance prenoksdiazinom appointed inside not chewing, so that there was no numbness, three times a day for 100-200 mg. The panatus and sinecode on the basis of butamirate are released in syrup or in tablets, they consume up to 1 tablet before meals. With an interval of 8-12 hours. Dimedrol, diazolin, tavegil cause drowsiness, so they are recommended to take to get rid of a night cough.
Remedies that remove the cough reflex are used strictly according to the medical prescription. Incorrect use, overdose can cause significant harm to health. It should be remembered that the best way to liquefy sputum is a plentiful drink. Treatment of laryngitis with dry cough is also provided by maintaining the humidity in the room.
Remedies for laryngitis
Observance of silence, the use of mustard plasters on the chest, hot foot baths with mustard, compresses on the neck area, warm drink, gargling and inhalation are all means of laryngitis.
Alternative medicine offers its own recipes for getting rid of ailment:
- potato juice for rinses;
- tincture / decoction of yellow poppy for inhalation - 1 tbsp. Flowers on a mug of boiling water. You can drink the composition inside 2 tablespoons. Three times a day;
- anise seeds perfectly restore the voice - 1/2 cup of seeds boil for a quarter of an hour in 200 ml of water. In the filtered solution, 1 tbsp. Cognac and 2 tablespoons. Honey, boil for about five minutes. Use a dessert spoon with a half-hour interval;
- juice of plantain and honey mixed in equal proportions, boil for a quarter of an hour, drink 1 tbsp. Decoction three times a day;
- 200 ml of beet juice mixed with 1 tbsp. Vinegar apple, used for rinsing.
If the appearance of the disease is caused by infection, then the treatment of laryngitis can be carried out with antibiotics. Self-medication often leads to severe consequences, so any effects on the larynx should be agreed with the medical specialist.
Pulcicort for laryngitis
The advantage of inhalation procedures is the provision of a rapid effect on the affected mucous, anti-inflammatory and softening effect.
Long-term therapeutic effect provides pulmicort with laryngitis. This medicine is used only in a nebulizer, ultrasonic inhalers are not used. The best results are achieved through a mask or mouthpiece, with even and quiet breathing. The diluted suspension is used for half an hour.
The medicinal substance is actively absorbed from the laryngeal mucosa. The dosage of pulmicort is prescribed by the doctor individually. The drug makes it possible to treat laryngitis in children older than six months.
After therapy, wash with water to avoid irritation of the skin, and rinse your mouth. Pulmicort is a hormone-containing substance, which is fraught with side effects in the form of coughing, irritation of the mucosa, dryness in the oral cavity, nasopharyngeal involvement with candidiasis. The medicine can lead to increased nervous excitability, depression. Hypersensitivity is manifested by allergic reactions (rash, dermatitis, etc.). For children, a consultation with a pediatrician is recommended before using the medication, as it may help slow the child's growth.
Treatment of laryngitis with pulmicort lasts one to two weeks, and the therapeutic effect of the drug after use is maintained for 12 hours.
Berodual with laryngitis
Active substances of a colorless solution for inhalation of berodual: 1 ml fenoterol hydrobromide, 250 μg ipratropium bromide. The drug has a relaxing effect on the musculature of the bronchi / vessels, preventing bronchospasm, and also has expectorant and improving respiratory function.
Berodual with laryngitis is indicated in the chronic stage of the disease. To prepare the formulation in a nebulizer, the prescribed dosage of the drug is diluted with physiological saline to 3-4 millimeters. The amount of substance may vary depending on the model of the nebulizer and the inhalation technique. It is forbidden to use distilled water and store the finished solution.
Treatment of laryngitis berodualom has a number of side effects: dry mouth, bouts of nervousness, taste changes, headaches, dizziness, acceleration of the heartbeat. In case of shortness of breath, consult a doctor.
Bioparox with laryngitis
In the treatment of laryngitis in acute form, an antibiotic of local action in the form of an aerosol is used - bioparox. The drug has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity, affecting streptococci, staphylococci, fungi of the candida species.
Therapeutic sessions for adults include four inhalations through the mouth and / or each nostril with repetition in 4 hours. For children, the procedure is sufficient after 6 hours. The duration of therapy lasts up to ten days. Bioparox with laryngitis allows irrigation of the larynx through deep inspiration, when the tip of the balloon is placed in the mouth and is clamped with the lips.
The medicine can cause individual intolerance, bronchospasm, inflammation of the nasopharynx. The drug is contraindicated in children under three years of age, the use of pregnant women is possible on the instructions of a doctor.
In cases of prolonged use of the substance, patients are addicted to bioparox. Treatment of laryngitis with bioparox requires strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist on the period of therapeutic treatment and use of the tips according to the instructions. You can not interrupt the sessions, if the long-awaited improvement has come. It can threaten a relapse.
Erespal with laryngitis
In the chronic stage of laryngitis, an erespal with a pronounced bronchodilator, anti-edema and anti-inflammatory effect is prescribed.
The medicine is produced in tablets and syrup. For the treatment of children under 14 years of age, a syrup is used. And the daily dosage is 4 mg / kg (2-4 tsp daily), if the weight of the baby is up to 10 kg. The norm of treating a child from two to sixteen years is 2-4 tablespoons. The medicine in the form of syrup is used in adults and adolescents - 3-6 tablespoons each. Per day. Adults can drink one tablet of Erespal three times a day.
The drug is not recommended for sensitivity to any component (fenspiride, hydrochloride, etc.), which is part of its composition. Erespal with laryngitis is used with caution in patients with intolerance to fructose, diabetes mellitus, in cases of isomaltosis deficiency and glucose-galactose malabsorption.
The drug can not be used simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid, as well as other anti-inflammatory drugs of the non-steroid group because of the possibility of allergic reactions or bronchospasm. Reception erespala with sedative substances and alcohol is characterized by the raised weakness and drowsiness.
Prednisolone with laryngitis
Prednisolone is a synthetic analogue of the hormones cortisone, hydrocortisone, produced in the adrenal cortex. The drug has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-shock, antiexudative, antitoxic effects. The range of application of the tool is quite wide. Prednisolonum with laryngitis is used to inhibit the inflammatory process, prevent or relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, reduce the viscosity of mucus.
The drug is released in a tablet form and solution for injection. The dosage for intramuscular / intravenous administration is prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease and individual indications. In acute conditions, adults are shown - from 4 to 6 tablets per day (20-30 mg). Then the dosage is reduced to 1-2 tablets (5-10 mg). The amount of the drug for injection is 30-65 mg. The daily dose in childhood varies from 1 to 3 mg / kg.
Treatment of laryngitis with prednisolone during short-term exposure has a unique contraindication - hypersensitivity to one of the components. Caution in the use of prednisolone should be observed in patients with a reaction to lactose, heart and GI, renal failure, endocrine diseases, during pregnancy and lactation.
Dexamethasone with laryngitis
Hormonal remedy dexamethasone with laryngitis is used as a solution for the nebulizer. For this purpose, 0.4% solution for injection is used. For the preparation of inhalation, take 0.5 ml (2 mg) of the substance and 3 ml of saline. The procedures are carried out up to four times a day. Duration of therapy up to seven days. You can use the ampoule with dexamethasone, after diluting its contents in a proportion of 1: 6 with saline. This mixture is enough 3-4 ml per inhalation.
The instant action of the medicine helps in emergency cases - the development of edema, the condition of false croup in children. Dexamethasone is contraindicated in case of chicken pox and a sharp decrease in immunity. The norm for taking the drug is prescribed by a doctor. Typically, the main dose is given in the morning, and re-use of a lesser amount of substance occurs after five hours.
Long-term treatment of laryngitis with dexamethasone requires an increased protein content in the food, since the drug destroys it, and potassium. The drug delays the liquid and sodium in the body, so the dishes should not be salted.
Hydrocortisone with laryngitis
Nebulizer with hydrocortisone is an effective remedy for laryngitis. Hydrocortisone with laryngitis is used in the form of infusions performed by a doctor with a special syringe.
Catarrhal and hypertrophic forms of the disease are amenable to inhalation therapy with a 1% solution of hydrocortisone. Excellent results are achieved by patients using a combination of aerosol hydrocortisone suspension (1 ml), calanchoe juice (1 ml), 2% ethanol solution (1 ml), quinazole 1% solution (1 ml).
Aerosol with steroid substances (hydrocortisone 25 mg) is used in chronic hypertrophic laryngitis in conjunction with broad-spectrum antibiotics. If you need to reduce the laryngeal edema and inflammation include heparin, which has a vasodilating effect. For example, such a composition: heparin 1 ml, hydrocortisone suspension 1-2 ml, ephedrine hydrochloride 3% in the amount of 0.5 ml
Side effect of hydrocortisone is directed to sodium and liquid retention in the body, the output of potassium. The drug is not recommended for individual sensitivity to components, in cases of severe hypertension, psychosis, gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes and pregnancy.
Lazolvan with laryngitis
Expressed expectorant effect has a lazolvan with laryngitis, which is considered a powerful mucolytic, antitussive synthetic drug. Slurry, tablets and solutions in ampoules are produced. The drug is indispensable for reducing the viscosity of phlegm and its early withdrawal.
A solution of lazolvan for inhalations is obtained by mixing with saline in equal amounts. During the session, you need to breathe freely to avoid a cough reflex with a deep breath.
Taking the medicine inside is prescribed by the doctor depending on the age, the complexity of the disease. Therapeutic effect can be achieved in one to two weeks.
Treatment of laryngitis with lasolvan is due to a complex therapeutic effect: cough relief without suppression of respiratory function, prevention of spasms, decrease in secretion, dilution and excretion of sputum. Lazolvan is well tolerated by patients and is combined with other medicines, including antibiotics. Side effects include intestinal disorders and allergic reactions. The substance is not recommended for use at the beginning of pregnancy.
Sumamed with laryngitis
Macrolide antibiotic of wide application of sumamed with laryngitis has a bactericidal effect on the inflammation focus. Effective in the fight against the majority of Gram-positive / Gram-negative aerobic microorganisms, as well as anaerobes and intracellular "hidden" pathogens (chlamydia, mycoplasma).
In tablets, the drug is available in 125 mg (6 pcs.) Or 500 mg (3 pcs.), In the form of capsules - 250 mg (6 pcs.), In powder - for the manufacture of a suspension, as well as a solution for infusions.
The active substance azithromycin is stored in the body for a week after the end of the course of therapy. The withdrawal of the drug is carried out mainly by the liver, so the drug is not prescribed for patients with liver and kidney dysfunctions. Sumamed is not recommended for intolerance to macrolides-antibiotics. The drug is not compatible with ergotamine / dihydroergotamine.
Treatment of laryngitis with sumamed has a wide range of side effects, including: nausea, skin reactions, gastrointestinal disturbances, palpitation, headache / stomach pain, dizziness, conditions of unreasonable anxiety, etc. The dosage of the medicine depends on the features of the course of the disease, the age of the patient. Duration of admission varies from a single application to a course of several days.
The tablet drug in the amount of 125 mg is not prescribed until 3 years, and 500 mg - up to 12. Sumamed suspension is used in the treatment of children weighing more than 10 kg with a three-day course.
Suprastinum with a laryngitis
Children of suprastin with laryngitis are prescribed as prevention of lining the acute process (false croup), and also with the aim of reducing the laryngeal edema. Plus the drug is the ability to apply as early as the first month of the baby's life.
An attack of stenosis in a child can be removed by injecting 1 ml of suprastin intramuscularly. If you do not have ampoules at hand, use pills diluted with water. Children under the age of fourteen are recommended to take 1/2 tablet three times a day. Adults and teenagers by 1 table. Three times a day (not more than 100 mg).
Among the side effects of the drug are weakness, drowsiness, dizziness. Because of the sedative effect, it is not recommended to use patients, which require increased attention and concentration in the workplace (drivers, etc.). Children may experience insomnia, irritability, anxiety. Treatment of laryngitis with suprastin is fraught with dry mouth and the possibility of increasing the viscosity of phlegm.
The drug is excreted from the body by the means of the kidneys, so it is not used by patients with renal insufficiency. Contraindication to ingestion of the substance is gastric ulcer, the presence of prostate adenoma, glaucoma, aggravated state of bronchial asthma, as well as individual sensitivity to the drug composition. In pregnancy and lactation, suprastin is prohibited.
Eufillin with laryngitis
To get rid of dry cough, bronchodilator drug euphyllin is often used. The drug is contraindicated for children up to three months. Treatment of laryngitis with a drug in infants younger than three years requires medical authorization. Tablets and capsules of euphyllinus are shown to children from the age of twelve.
The initial dosage of the drug for children is 5-6 mg / kg. Further reception is calculated according to the scheme:
- the child is less than six months old: the number of weeks of life is 0.07 + 1.7; the figure obtained will correspond to the required value of the drug substance, which is administered to the baby once per eight hours;
- six months-year: age 0.05 + 1.25 (dosage on reception with an interval of six hours);
- year-nine years: 5 mg / kg of weight (1 p / 6 h);
- nine to twelve years: 4 mg / kg (1 p / 6 h);
- over the age of twelve: 3 mg / kg (1 p / 6 h).
The recommended dosage dose for adults is 10 mg / kg of weight per day, divided into three doses. It is necessary to adhere to the appointment of a doctor in the treatment of euphyllin.
Eufillin with laryngitis - a strong anti-edema, not recommended for use in cases of low blood pressure and a tendency to epilepsy. In the process of taking the drug it is important to monitor the content of the drug in the blood. A small amount of the substance can lead to an attack of asthma, and an overdose causes convulsions and increased heart rate.
ACS with laryngitis
ATSTS refers to a group of mucolytic drugs that reduce the viscosity of mucus. The drug is active even in the presence of purulent sputum. The preparation is released in granules for dissolution, effervescent tablets and solution for infusion.
The use of ATSs with laryngitis is due to its ability to dilute and excrete phlegm, thereby reducing attacks of dry cough. Adults and children of adolescence (more than 14 years) are shown a daily norm of the substance: 200 mg three times a day, 600 mg ACS long with a one-time intake.
Babies who have not reached the age, the drug is prescribed in vital cases, under the obligatory supervision of the attending physician. Effervescent tablets are used in children over five years of age for 100 mg / 2-3 r day. From six to fourteen years, the dosage is increased to 200 mg / 2 r day. The medicine is consumed after a meal for up to seven days. And granules can be dissolved in water, juice, and cool tea. To make a hot drink, use a glass of water. Effervescent tablets are dissolved in half a glass of water.
Injections ACTS: adults are prescribed one ampoule 1-2 r / day, children 6-14 years - 1/2 ampoules / 1-2 r. Day. Children under six years of age the drug is prescribed in special cases. The duration of therapy is selected individually.
ATSTS not used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women. Contraindications apply to patients with gastric ulcers or 12 pts during the period of exacerbation.
Lugol with laryngitis
Most often, laryngitis appears as a result of infection with an infection that covers the nasopharynx, the back of the goal. Lugol with laryngitis helps to reduce swelling and relieve inflammation.
Lugol is iodine dissolved in potassium iodide. The substance is used for lubrication or irrigation (with the help of special sprays) of the larynx and pharynx. Quite an effective means of drying the mucous membrane, so half an hour after its use, it is recommended to drink 1 tea. Sea buckthorn oil.
Lubricate the neck with a cotton swab, or you can ask for help from a medical staff. This manipulation is unpleasant with discomfort in the throat and possible urges for vomiting. Treatment of laryngitis with lyugol spray is more convenient, and also allows to correctly dose the drug.
Sinecode with laryngitis
The escape from the obsessive, "barking" nature of coughing with laryngitis is a non-narcotic means of sinecodes. The attack of a dry cough can be removed by affecting the cough center, which is found in the medulla oblongata.
Sinekod with laryngitis with an active substance butamate citrate eliminates the cause of coughing. The medicine is made in the form of syrup and drops for children. Of the obvious advantages of the funds are allocated: the effectiveness with the strongest cough, fast and long-lasting effect, safety and good tolerability.
Dosage for adults: 1 tbsp. L. Syrup 3-4 p / d; children are shown drops - 5-10 mg to 5 / day. The composition of the drug does not include codeine (morphine derivative), so the drug:
- not addictive;
- does not depress respiratory function;
- does not have a sedative effect;
- does not affect the motor activity of the intestine;
- without sugar and glucose.
Treatment of laryngitis with a sinecode is carried out in children starting from the age of 2 months. The drug is not allowed to be taken at the beginning of pregnancy, it is not recommended for lactation, and if there is sputum and sensitivity to one of the components.
Miramistin with laryngitis
A broad-spectrum antiseptic was developed for use in space conditions. The medicinal substance is produced by ointment and external solution. Miramistin has an increased bactericidal effect from most pathogenic bacteria (gonococcus, strepto-, staphylococcus, diphtheria bacillus, etc.). The drug against gram-positive microorganisms, parasitizing fungi, is especially active.
Miramistin with laryngitis is used in the complex therapy of acute and chronic course of the disease. For this purpose rinses with a medicinal solution are shown up to five-six times a day. The substance is not absorbed by the skin and mucous membrane, so the drug is indicated for pregnant women as well as during lactation.
Miramistin aerosol is an indispensable tool in treating children for irrigation of mucous membranes. The medicine selectively dries out the dead cells, forming a dry crust. The substance does not cause allergies and skin irritations.
Inhalipt with laryngitis
Inhalipt - a combined means of local exposure. Sulfanilamides have an antimicrobial effect (against gram-positive and gram-negative viruses). Oils of eucalyptus and mint, as well as thymol are effective in combating fungi and microbes. Inhalipt laryngitis has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.
The drug is produced in an aerosol with a dispenser. Spraying in the oral cavity is carried out for a few seconds up to four times a day. Before therapy, it is desirable to rinse the throat with warm boiled water.
Side effects include allergy symptoms, burning sensation. Ingalipt contains ethanol, so it is not recommended to drive the vehicle after using the medication.
Noshpa with laryngitis
The puffiness of the larynx, which occurs in children 6-8 years old, is manifested with a dangerous form of laryngitis - a false croup. Such cases require urgent medical attention. To facilitate the condition of the child before the arrival of a doctor, it is necessary to give a warmed alkaline drink, make foot baths. If the ambulance is delayed, it is necessary to inject intramuscularly the infant with an antispasmodic substance. For this purpose, a nospa with laryngitis, diphenhydramine, analgin is suitable. The drug dose of each substance is 0.1 mg per year of life.
The use of a nochp is not recommended for renal, hepatic, cardiac insufficiency, lactase deficiency.
Hexoral for laryngitis
Antiseptic drug hexoral is indicated with the incipient cough. To negative consequences of the use of the drug is the inhibition of the local immune function, i.e. The mucous membrane acquires sterility and becomes absolutely defenseless before viruses.
Hexoral for laryngitis in cases of chronic manifestations gives a quick therapeutic effect. Components of the drug - benzocaine, chlorhexidine can trigger allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock. Overdoses of the drug with benzocaine can lead to brain poisoning, which will be expressed by trembling limbs, muscle contractions, vomiting. An uncontrolled intake of a medicinal substance threatens with a coma, cardiac arrest. In this regard, the amount of hexoral and duration of application is prescribed by the doctor. In case of accidental overdose, it is necessary to induce vomiting, rinse the stomach and immediately go to the hospital.
Treatment of laryngitis with hexoral is associated with the ability of the drug to suppress the activity of microbes, to anesthetize, to envelop the mucous protective film.
Hexoral solution contains vegetable oils (anise, eucalyptus, mint, cloves). Applied for lubricating the mucous membrane of the throat or rinses (10-15 ml). Do not swallow.
Geksoral-spray is evenly distributed over the mucous, practically not getting into the blood. Patients of adult age and children from three years irrigate the affected area several seconds twice a day (after breakfast / before bedtime).
The tablet form of the drug is also effective and has a quick action. An analgesic effect is due to a decrease in the sensitivity of peripheral nerve endings. The presence of ulcerative processes in the mouth and age of up to four years - is a contraindication to the use of the drug.
The use of hexoral by pregnant and lactating women should be discussed with the attending physician individually.
Ascoril with laryngitis
The combined agent ascoril refers to the mucolytic group of drugs, expectorant and bronchodilator. Ascoril with laryngitis is prescribed in cases of the formation of viscous, difficult to sputum and as a remedy for dry cough.
Guaifenesin in the composition of the drug contributes to liquefaction and excretion of sputum. Menthol has a favorable effect on the mucous membrane of the larynx, preventing its irritation, and is an antiseptic.
The medicine should be used for medical purposes in the indicated dosages. Treatment of laryngitis with ascoril is contraindicated for cardiovascular problems, diabetes, ulcers, glaucoma, renal / hepatic diseases.
Recommended rates of ascoril: up to 6 years - 5 ml / 3 r day, 6-12 years - 5-10 ml / 3 r day, over 12 years and adults - 10 ml of the drug. Syrup is not compatible with alkaline drink.
Ambrobe with laryngitis
Often the prescription drug for coughs - ambriene - has expectorant and mucolytic properties. The real salvation from a painful dry cough is the ambrogen with laryngitis, which liquefies phlegm and removes it from the respiratory tract.
Effective agent has in the composition Ambroghexal, the effect of which begins a couple of minutes after taking. The drug dosage form is selected individually, according to medical recommendations. These may be solutions for inhalation, for administration in a vein or tablets (including effervescent), capsules and syrup.
Tablets are prescribed for children from the age of five to 1 to 3 times a day. Dosage for adults - 1 tablet in the first three days of admission is not more often than three times a day. Then the tablet 2 p / day or 1/2 three times a day. Drink the medicine after meals or in the process of eating.
Successfully treated with laryngitis syrup with a taste of raspberries in children, as well as coughing in adults. The drug is consumed during or after a meal. The amount of the drug for babies depends on age:
- up to two years of age, not including newborns and prematurity - 2.5 ml / 2 r. Day;
- from two to five - 2.5 ml / 3 r. Day;
- from five to twelve - 5 ml / 3 r. Day;
- over twelve years - the first three days 10 ml / 3 r. Day, then the dosage remains the same, and the number of receptions is reduced to two.
Adult patients take the syrup in the same sequence as children over the age of twelve.
Capsules of gelatin, containing ambroben, are abundantly washed down with water and consumed only after eating, without sniffing. The medicine in capsules is not intended for ingestion by children up to the age of twelve. The dosage is selected by the attending physician, it is not advisable to drink medicinal substance for more than five days.
Ambrobene as a solution for inhalation promotes rapid penetration into the mucous membrane of the larynx. Treatment of laryngitis in this way requires the presence of an inhaler, since the drug is not suitable for exposure to steam.
The composition is prepared as follows: part of the ambroben is mixed with part of sodium chloride (0.9%) and heated to body temperature. Breathe in the process of inhalation you need to calmly, so as not to provoke a fit of coughing. Carrying out inhalations for children younger than two years should be controlled by a doctor, the dosage shown is 1 ml not more than twice a day. At the age of two to six years - 2 ml / 2 p. Day, and children over six and adults - 2-3 ml / 2 p. Day.
The drug solution is prescribed for oral administration after a meal:
- children under the age of 2 - 1 ml / 2 p. Day;
- two to six years - 1 ml / 3 r. Day;
- six to twelve years - 2 ml / 3p. Day;
- children over the age of twelve and adults - for three to four days they drink medicine in the amount of 4 ml / 3 r. Day, the subsequent reception is - 4 ml / 2
It is often prescribed treatment of laryngitis by administering the drug intravenously, subcutaneously and intramuscularly. It is important to adhere to the prescribed dosages. Children are given 1.2-1.6 mg / kg of weight, adults - 2 ml not more than twice a day (especially severe cases require an increase in the norm to 4 ml).
An ambulance is prescribed for pregnant and lactating mothers by a doctor. Contraindications for taking the drug are: gastric ulcer and 12p intestines, intolerance to one of the components of the drug, epilepsy, kidney and liver dysfunction.
Tantum Verde with laryngitis
Solution for local application, tablets for resorption, spray of local effect - forms of release of the drug tantum verde. The drug is classified as a group of indazoles, which are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory substances. In addition to relieving inflammation, tartum verde with laryngitis has anti-edematous, analgesic effect.
The tablet form of the drug is prescribed for adult patients and children who reached the age of ten, 1 tablet / 3-4p. Day. The solution is shown for rinsing the throat. For the purpose of relieving the painful syndrome, it is recommended to use 15 ml of medication with an interval between doses of up to three hours. Treatment of laryngitis with a spray is carried out at intervals of up to one and a half to three hours, the amount of medication for adults - 4-8 doses, children 6-12 years old - 4 rates, under 6 years - 1 dose / 4 kg of weight.
The drug is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating mothers. Of the side effects of the medicine, a feeling of burning and dryness in the oral cavity, allergic manifestations, drowsiness is noted.
Tonzylgon with laryngitis
Homeopathic preparation tonzigon consists of medicinal plants, therefore it practically does not cause side effects and has no contraindications. The instruction-insert contains the age limit for taking the drug to babies up to six years. However, the use of tonsillon is possible on the instructions of a pediatrician in the treatment of infants and preschoolers. The drug is not recommended for sensitivity to one of the plants included in its composition, as well as in cases of liver disorders.
Tonzylgon with laryngitis in drops or dragees help in the stage of exacerbation of the disease and contribute to the full recovery of children. One dragee is prescribed up to six times a day for preschool children / school children, drops are irreplaceable in the treatment of laryngitis in infants (5 drops / 5-6 r. Day).
Adults and adolescents are shown: 2 dragees or 25 drops 5-6 times during the day, without being tied to food intake. It is possible to treat laryngitis with toncelone solution using a nebulizer. In this case, the drug is diluted with saline (0.9% sodium chloride).
Dimexide with laryngitis
Dimexide is a concentrated extract of garlic, so the drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. The drug increases immunity, has an anesthetic property.
Deimexide with laryngitis, especially with purulent processes, is used in the form of inhalations, compresses. Typically, apply 10-30% aqueous solution of the drug for local exposure, but the dosage should appoint a doctor.
Side effects associated with individual intolerance of the drug, allergic reactions. Dimexide is not used in cases of heart failure, kidney and liver problems, during gestation and breastfeeding, with glaucoma and cataract, in old age, in the treatment of children under 12 years of age.
Thoringsome with laryngitis
Tablets for resorption pharyngocept - an effective local agent in the fight against laryngitis, pharyngitis, angina. The basis of the drug is ambazona monohydrate, which destroys staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci in the oral cavity.
Tharyngept with laryngitis is prescribed to children from the age of three, as well as to pregnant and lactating women. Take the drug half an hour after a meal. Drug therapy in adulthood and children older than seven years is to resorb one tablet at a frequency of up to five times a day. Small patients are prescribed on tablets up to three times a day. The advantage of pharyngocept is that the drug activates the salivary glands, helping to reduce discomfort in the form of dryness, perspiration, and pain from the mucosa.
The composition of the drug includes sugar, cocoa and lactose. Patients with sensitivity to these components of the drug will be contraindicated, as well as diabetics.
Biseptol for laryngitis
Get rid of a wide range of infections of the larynx will help the antibiotic biseptol with the active component of co-trimoxazole. The drug is released in tablets, spray, suspension, solution for injection.
Biseptol is not prescribed for pathological conditions of the liver, kidneys, anemia, individual intolerance, bronchial asthma, thyroid dysfunction, pregnancy / lactation, and babies up to three months. Biseptol injections are prohibited for babies up to six months. The drug has a large list of side effects from headaches to jaundice, so treatment of laryngitis with biseptol should be done strictly on medical instructions.
To children, pharmacological companies offer a suspension and tablets, which include 120 milligrams of the active ingredient. Biseptol with laryngitis in suspension is prescribed for children from three to six months of 120 mg, over seven months - 120-240 mg twice a day. And from four to six years, the dosage of the drug is 240-480 mg in the morning and in the evening. In the period of seven to twelve years the amount of the drug is increased to 480 mg, and over twelve - 960 mg / twice a day. The treatment of a child with syrup is possible with a one-year-old age.
Adults prescribe 960 mg of medication for morning and evening. The duration of the therapeutic effect ranges from five to fourteen days. Recommended use of the drug after a meal, as well as changing the daily diet. During the reception of biseptol, there is a complication in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, which requires reducing the consumption of cabbage, legumes, fatty cheeses, meat, leafy vegetables. These products, as well as sweets, dried fruits, milk and beets reduce the effectiveness of the drug itself. It should also be limited stay in the sun and monitor the composition of blood with long-term drug intake.
Naphthyzine with laryngitis
The vasoconstrictor drug naphthyzine is widely used in the treatment of ENT diseases. Drops or spray help get rid of the swelling of the nasal mucosa and reduce the secretion of mucus, which often accompanies inflammation of the larynx.
Naphthyzine with laryngitis is used in case of acute or chronic course of the disease. With a hoarse voice, difficulty breathing, inhalations with a composition of 1ml of naphthyzin and 1ml of saline solution will do. The number of procedures per day should be agreed with the attending physician.
Drops in the nose, as an additional tool in the complex treatment of laryngitis, are used as follows:
- older children and adults - 2-3 drops / 3-4 in each nostril 0.05% or 0.1% solution of the medication;
- children from one year - 1-2 drops / in both nasal passages 0.05% solution.
For babies up to a year, taking naftizine is contraindicated. The states of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, chronic rhinitis, hyperthyroidism, intolerance to one of the components of the drug are the reason for not prescribing naftizine.
Duration of intake more than a week can cause addiction to the drug and thereby reduce the effect of its use. Sharp refusal of the drug, in turn, can provoke a runny nose, since the vessels often lose the ability to taper themselves.
Treatment of laryngitis with naphthyzine during pregnancy, breastfeeding is not recommended, in rare cases, under the supervision of a doctor.
Among the adverse conditions, dryness, burning in the mucosa, nausea, dizziness, allergic manifestations (hives, Quincke's edema), pressure increase, etc. Are noted.
Ventolin with laryngitis
Ventolin with laryngitis is a bronchodilator for inhalation, produced in an aerosol with a dispenser, powder or solution. Inhale the drug through the mouth with a nebulizer under medical supervision. The use of the drug is due to the rapidity of action (within five minutes) against coughing attacks, as well as during an exacerbation of bronchial asthma. The substance can not be taken internally.
The dosage shown to the adult is 0.1-0.2 mg for one or two inhalations up to four times a day. Inhalation of children is carried out in the same amount, with a daily norm of not more than 0.1-0.2 mg. Ventolin is more often used undiluted, and the dosage may be increased to 5 mg as prescribed by the doctor.
Contraindication to the use of the drug will be the age of children under 4, pregnancy, breast-feeding, hypersensitivity to components. The medicine has an impressive list of side effects, including: dryness of the mucous throat, allergic manifestations, convulsions, intoxication syndrome, nervous excitement.
Treatment of laryngitis with ventolin should be medically justified, since the drug is often prescribed to suppress an attack of bronchial asthma, with chronic bronchitis.
Lysobact with laryngitis
The most popular antiseptic and antibacterial substance is lysobact. Included in its composition lysozyme, pyridoxine, contributing to the development of innate immunity, there are in the human body.
To reduce the bacterial effect on the laryngeal mucosa helps lysobact with laryngitis, which is used even during pregnancy.
The main advantages of choosing a drug include:
- strengthening of protective forces by stimulating immunity and maintaining a healthy microflora in the oral cavity;
- lysozyme, as the basis of the drug, has a destructive effect on bacteria;
- pyridoxine (vitamin B6) increases antioxidant defense by suppressing viruses.
The drug is released in tablets for resorption. Complex treatment of laryngitis includes the use of the lysobacterum up to eight tablets daily (3-4 times in two tablets). Duration of treatment reaches eight days, sometimes a second course is prescribed.
The only contraindication to the use of the drug is individual intolerance.
Chlorophyllitis with laryngitis
Chlorophyllitis with laryngitis is indicated for throat rinses. He perfectly copes with staphylococcal infection, relieving pain and removing inflammation of the mucosa.
For rinses, an alcohol (1%) solution is suitable, which is used several times a day. An oily solution of the drug can be treated with a mucous slab with a cotton swab. The most convenient treatment for laryngitis was thanks to a novelty - a spray containing 0.2% chlorophylliptine solution. Double pressing the can to four times a day brings rapid relief from the main symptoms of laryngitis, and four days later recovery occurs.
Chlorophyllipt can provoke an allergic reaction, so before using the drug, you should assess the degree of your sensitivity by splashing a small amount of the drug into your mouth or rinse your throat with a weak solution.
Dosage and duration of drug therapy is prescribed by a doctor.
Antibiotics for laryngitis
Treatment of laryngitis with antibiotics is carried out for medical purposes in cases of protracted process, the development of a chronic form of the disease, when the local effect is not effective. Very often, patients are assigned a bioparox, an antibiotic of local action, up to ten days.
In the hospital environment, instillations are frequently used with the injection of hydrocortisone solution into the larynx. Imudon in tablets, shown for use in parallel with other antibiotics, accelerates recovery. For local anesthesia, hexorol is prescribed as a rinse.
Common antibiotics for laryngitis:
- antimicrobial action of a group of fluoroquinolones - moxifloxacin or levofloxacin;
- antibacterial groups of penicillins - amoxiclav, amoxicillin;
- macrolide (most safe and well tolerated) - sumamed, azithromycin;
- group cephalosporins - cefotaxime, zinaceph.
Amoxiclav for laryngitis
The powerful therapeutic effect of amoxiclav is due to the combination of the antibiotic amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Due to this composition, the drug destroys the bacteria, activates the immune processes in the body.
Amoxiclav in laryngitis is prescribed in the minimum amount (125 mg) in the form of tablets, powder or suspension. The latter contains, as a rule, 20 dosages of 100 ml. The drug in the form of suspension is prescribed for adults and adolescents from the age of 14 (dosage - 1 measuring spoon after 6-8 hours). Babies up to a year are treated with drops, and at the age of up to three months the drug is not used.
The advantage of the drug is its ability to accumulate in the internal liquid media of the human body, providing a powerful antimicrobial effect.
Treatment of laryngitis with amoxiclav provokes a number of side effects - allergies, dysbacteriosis, colic in the digestive system, convulsions, and a change in the blood formula. The agent is not prescribed during the period of gestation and breastfeeding.
Infusion introduction of amoxiclav is possible in cases of infectious damage, chronic conditions. Intravenous use is characterized by the most pronounced side effects.
The tablets of the preparation, like the powder, are dissolved in water before use. According to the doctor's instructions, two 375 amoxiclav tablets can be taken initially. The antibiotic therapy reaches two weeks, during which the patient drinks one tablet at intervals of 6-8 hours.
Amoxicillin with laryngitis
Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic for the penicillin group. The drug is released in capsules (250 mg / 500 mg), granules for the manufacture of suspension.
Any form of release is taken internally without binding to food intake. Treatment of laryngitis with amoxicillin of adults and children from the age of twelve (weighing not less than 40 kg) is carried out three times per day with a dosage of 500 mg. Particularly severe manifestations of the disease may require an increase in the amount of the drug to 1000 mg, which is agreed with the attending physician. The therapeutic effect of an antibiotic does not exceed twelve days.
Amoxicillin with laryngitis in children is used from five years in the form of a suspension. Possible antibiotic treatment of newborns and premature babies. A measuring bottle and a spoon are used to prepare the medicinal solution. Addition of the room temperature of water in the vial with granules allows to obtain a yellow liquid with the aroma of raspberry or strawberry. The solution is stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
The dose of the medicine for children, especially infants, is determined by the doctor. The therapeutic effect is achieved by a three-time administration of the drug:
- children under two years of age - 20 mg / kg body weight;
- two to five years - 125 mg;
- five to ten years - 250 mg.
In pregnancy, the antibiotic is used in emergency cases, with lactation, the drug is prohibited. Contraindicated amoxicillin in allergic manifestations, dysbiosis, liver failure, lymphocytic leukemia.
Azithromycin with laryngitis
Respiratory tract infections are inhibited by the use of the antibiotic azithromycin. Currently, pharmacological companies are issued different medications containing this azalide (zimaks, zitrolid, sumamed, etc.). There are solid forms of the drug with the same name.
Azithromycin with laryngitis provides a high antibacterial effect, killing the most known microorganisms. Take the drug once a day (one hour before the meal or two hours after it). The first day of adults appoint 0.5 g / day, the next two to five days - 0.25 g / day. Babies up to twelve months are shown the norm of 10 mg / kg of weight on the first day of administration, then 5-10 mg / kg for four to three days.
Patients suffering from impaired renal or hepatic function, with arrhythmia, sensitivity to the components of the drug should be extremely cautious in the treatment of azithromycin. Pregnancy and lactation are a contraindication to taking the drug.
How to cure laryngitis?
There are a lot of ways to cure laryngitis. To get rid of the symptoms of the disease as soon as possible, doctors recommend the following rules:
- adhere to the voice mode - a few days to observe complete silence or talk in a whisper;
- abundant, warm drink in small sips;
- access to a warm air room with the use of humidifiers (a container with water or special appliances);
- a change in the diet - the exclusion of sharp, hot, salty, too cold dishes;
- foot baths;
- inhalation over steam with iodine, menthol, anise oil, eucalyptus;
- gargling (chamomile, sage) and warming compresses;
- use of antihistamines;
- give up smoking and alcohol.
Treatment of laryngitis with antibiotics is prescribed in cases of bacterial infection. Some conditions may require hospitalization.
The treatment of laryngitis is based on the elimination of the causes of its causes. If home treatment does not give results in a few days, you need to seek help from a specialist.