Laryngitis treatment with alternative remedies
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of laryngitis with alternative agents is most often performed at home. The first aid for discomfort in the throat and coughing will be the foot baths with mustard, which is best done for the dream to come. Effective also alcohol compresses on the throat.
The following recipes will help restore the voice:
- Drinking warm milk with the addition of 1 tsp. Honey in small sips three times a day (before eating);
- 2 tbsp. Dry raspberry fruit, pinch of ginger, 2 tsp. Any vegetable oil is poured into two glasses of boiling water and aged for at least ten hours. The composition is taken in small portions 2-3 r / day before meals;
- Half a glass of anise seeds is boiled in a glass of water for a quarter of an hour. In a cooled broth add 1/4 cups of honey and 1 tbsp. Cognac. The mixture is taken at 7 tablespoons. In thirty minutes.
Treatment of laryngitis with alternative means involves the following methods:
- compress on the neck area - wet the woolen cloth with boiling water, squeeze, soap with laundry soap (do overnight, warmed with scarf on top);
- raw carrots (about 300 grams) and honey (2-3 tablespoons) should be eaten 1 tablespoon. At least four times a day;
- Preheated potato juice (up to 150 grams) is drunk three times a day;
- inhalation over steam with potatoes, soda, Borjomi water;
- resorption of 1 tbsp. Vegetable oil in the mouth about 20 minutes, without swallowing, brings rapid relief with sore throat;
- for a month use 1 tablespoon. Honey with 10 drops of aloe juice three times a day;
- as a rinse use infusion of 20 grams of mint leaves, boiled with a glass of boiling water.
Treatment of laryngitis with alternative methods in some cases does not lead to long-awaited relief. If the improvement is not noticed after a couple of days, it is better to contact a competent specialist.
Honey with laryngitis
An indispensable remedy is honey with laryngitis. Divorced 2-3 spoons of honey in warm water rinse the throat. In some, this method causes a feeling of excessive dryness of the mucous membrane of the larynx.
Honey shows excellent results in combination with juice of cranberries or lemon (a glass of honey on ½ cup of juice), while the composition is subjected to boiling and take 1 h. Every five minutes. Equal proportions of juice beets / carrots and honey eat 1-2 tablespoons. Three times a day. Some of the black radish juice and some honey drink 2 tbsp. For a dream to come. Honey (30% per volume of water) is used for steam inhalations. The restoration of the voice will help this method: egg yolk, 1 tbsp. Honey, cognac 30g.
Treatment of laryngitis with honey relieves discomfort in the throat, reduces cough, favors liquefaction and sputum discharge. And the therapeutic effect of honey is observed both with internal reception, and external application (warming compresses, honey massage).
Sea-buckthorn oil with laryngitis
The use of sea buckthorn oil in the treatment of laryngitis is due to anti-inflammatory, analgesic, generally firming, emollient action.
Diseases of the upper respiratory tract are eliminated with fifteen minutes of inhalation with several drops of sea buckthorn oil. The course reaches ten procedures.
Rapid relief from discomfort in the mucosa brings lubrication of the larynx with a cotton swab dipped in oil from the sea-buckthorn. To get rid of dry, exhausting cough and perspiration in the throat, you can drink 1 tsp. Oil.
Sea-buckthorn oil with laryngitis is used in rinses for the night. To achieve rapid anesthesia, to remove irritation from the surface of the larynx mucosa, it is enough to instill a couple of drops of oil into each nostril.
Massage with laryngitis
Point massage is a method of treating chronic type of laryngitis. When doing self-massage, the following methods are common: light touch, stroking, weak and strong indentations. It is necessary to remember the basic rule of acupuncture action - pressure is made strictly vertically, without displacement. Fingers can make a rotational or vibrating, but necessarily continuous movement. When the force of pressing is increased, the duration of the action on the point decreases.
Treatment of laryngitis with massage is prohibited in the presence of tumoral processes, fever, stomach ulcer and 12p intestine, diseases of the circulatory system, pregnancy, tuberculosis.
The duration of the session should not exceed ten minutes, and the patient should be comfortable (without pain).
Massage with laryngitis is carried out on the following points:
- "Hegu" - is located between the forefinger and the thumb on the back of the hand;
- "Tsuychi" - to find the point, you should bend your arm at the elbow. It is located on the outer margin on top of the skin fold of the elbow;
- "Tiandin" - the location of the point corresponds to the lower edge of the thyroid cartilage of the posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle;
- "Shuyta" - at the level of the lower edge of the thyroid cartilage of the anterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle;
- "Dazhui" - in the hollow of the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra;
- "Tantu" - the location in the center of the depression of the jugular breaststroke.
- With the purpose of therapeutic effect, you can rub your palms before the appearance of heat and impose them on the neck for about five minutes.
Bath with laryngitis
A sauna or bath with laryngitis is an excellent therapeutic method, except in cases with acute respiratory illness or respiratory failure. When visiting the steam room, one should be attentive to sudden changes in temperature.
The use of birch birch helps to facilitate sputum discharge. A broom from the branches of a linden possesses a febrifugal property. The maximum therapeutic effect with laryngitis is provided by fir and juniper broom. All brooms should be pre-brewed in steep boiling water for 15-20 minutes to ensure their softness.
Treatment of laryngitis in a bath is done using additives from infusions of peppermint, eucalyptus leaves, thyme, sage. Positive effect on the mucous membrane of the larynx has a composition of birch leaves, juniper, wormwood and linden.
Bath is a proven way to remove any kind of sickness from the body. The effect is achieved by warming up the body and simultaneous inhalation.
Homeopathy with laryngitis
Treatment of laryngitis in pregnancy, breast-feeding and in young children requires a gentle, but effective approach. In these cases, doctors prefer homeopathic remedies made from natural plant components.
Pharmacological market offers a wide range of medicinal products of domestic and foreign production. To find the most effective homeopathic medicine, you should consult a doctor. Homeopathy has practically no contraindications to the use and side effects. The only drawback of these tools can be trial and error, that is, one drug will have a rapid therapeutic effect on the disease, and the other will be absolutely ineffective.
Homeopathy with laryngitis is selected based on the stage of the disease, the severity of its course and individual characteristics. The intake of homeopathic remedies is carried out 1/2 hour before meals, as a rule, dissolving in the oral cavity or dissolving in water.
Treatment of laryngitis of various etiologies is produced by homeopathy, shown with loss of voice, hoarseness, fatigue of the vocal cords. Two dragees are taken every hour, after a weakening of symptoms, the indicated dosage is absorbed five times a day. Children under six years of age are dissolved in water. Among the special instructions are the contents of 179 mg of sucrose in a single dragee, which diabetics should know.
To facilitate the condition of laryngitis will help homeopathic remedies - rus toxicodendron, phosphorus, bronchialis-heel, influenza-heel and others.