Laryngitis treatment at home
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Patients with different forms of laryngitis prefer home treatment of the disease with improvised drugs. This is due not only to the high efficiency, the validity of methods, but also to the use of only natural components.
The most common treatment for laryngitis at home includes:
Effective infusions for gargles are:
- a few teaspoons of the root of aira to a glass of boiling water;
- composition of equal parts - rhizomes of aira, chamomile, lapchatka. 1 part hour. The mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water;
- juice from beets and potatoes, diluted with water;
- warmed milk in which boiled carrots were boiled (half a liter is taken with a small carrot).
An important condition: gargle should be often - at least five times a day.
To conduct a steam inhalation, take a kettle or dishes with a narrow throat. Go to the procedure in about ten minutes after the water boiled. Apply: soda (1/2 tsp to a glass of water), Borjomi, decoctions of chamomile, sage, root arava, cottonwood. Several droplets of eucalyptus, menthol oil are added to the inhalation solution.
Treatment of laryngitis with honey means taking it inside, resorption in the oral cavity. Well-proven composition of two parts of honey for one part of lemon juice. Such a simple home remedy is eaten every thirty minutes by a teaspoonful. Aloe juice with honey - perfectly eliminates the symptoms of laryngitis. On ½ liter of juice of aloe leaves, about 200 grams of liquid honey is needed. The composition is taken three times a day for 1 hour.
Quickly helps to restore the voice of warm beer and favorite gogol-mogol. Romantic baths or with sea salt have a double effect - inhalation and heating. Warming compresses with badger fat, warm vegetable oil on the sternum are indicated for cough relief.
What to do with laryngitis?
Treatment of laryngitis requires the patient to follow simple rules - keep your feet warm, avoid hypothermia and stay in a draft. To preserve the voice it is necessary not to talk in the cold air, do not overstrain the vocal cords.
What to do with laryngitis? It is important to monitor the cleanliness of the room where the patient is. The room must be free of dust. Undoubtedly, the state of moderate temperature and humidity of air will facilitate. You should stop smoking, drinking and refrain from sharp, hard food.
Remove irritation of the mucous larynx will allow abundant drinking of warm solutions - tea or milk with honey, herbal decoctions. An effective agent for laryngitis are inhalations over steam or a special nebulizer device.
Getting rid of dry cough comes after applying mustard on the neck, chest and heels. It is also effective to make foot baths with mustard before going to bed. A proven method is rinsing and warming compresses on the throat.
Most often the treatment of laryngitis is complex, combining physiotherapy and medicines. For a speedy recovery it is better to visit a doctor who will give the necessary recommendations for treatment.
Inhalation with laryngitis
A good therapeutic effect is provided by inhalation with laryngitis, which softens the mucous, reduces cough and facilitates the separation of sputum. Widely used ultrasonic devices, nebulizers, as well as any container with steam. The medicinal substance for the procedure is selected by the doctor in each specific case, it can be:
- broths of herbs - fir leaves, eucalyptus, color of oregano, chamomile, sage, mother-and-stepmother;
- aromamasla - fir, mint, menthol, eucalyptus;
- chlorophyllipt;
- a soda solution;
- onion / garlic volatile.
In conditions of home, cover the patient with a towel or use a cone of thick paper and breathe through its narrow part in order to avoid burns. Homemade inhalations are recommended to be repeated three to eight times a day, which is very difficult in case of illness of young children. Treatment of laryngitis in children is convenient to conduct a nebulizer, which turns the liquid into small droplets, which easily penetrate the respiratory system.
Therapy for inhalation has its contraindications:
- heat;
- predisposition to nasal bleeding;
- presence of cardiovascular diseases;
- lack of air, respiratory function disorders.
Do not rely on inhalation to treat laryngitis. The disease often develops against the background of infections in the body, so the symptomatology passes only after the elimination of the underlying cause.
Inhaler for laryngitis
The most simple and affordable option is a steam inhaler with laryngitis, its main drawback - it is difficult to control the temperature of the released steam. Doctors recommend to stop their choice on an ultrasonic inhaler or nebulizer, especially when it comes to treating children.
Oil inhalation with laryngitis
The use of oils in the treatment of laryngitis provides the creation of a thin protective film in the respiratory system, which protects the mucosa from the absorption of harmful substances. Bactericidal, soothing, wound-healing effect has oils - lemon, fir, juniper, as well as herbal compounds with zveroboynym or propolisnym oils.
Effective oil inhalation with laryngitis with peach, rose, eucalypt, menthol. Hot inhalation is carried out over a saucepan with boiling water for five to eight minutes. Patients with insomnia, vascular disorders, as well as increased excitability are prescribed cold inhalations. For the procedure, a few drops of oil are added to the vial of water, and the patient makes several breaths, lifting the vessel to the nose.
Basic rules for inhalations:
- a few drops of oil are enough;
- in the process of therapy, one should not be distracted by extraneous matters;
- for an hour after the procedure is not recommended to eat, smoke, talk;
- after inhalation you need to rest.
Inhalation with laryngitis nebulizer
A convenient and effective means are inhalations with laryngitis nebulizer, the principle of operation of which is based on ultra-small dispersive spraying of the therapeutic substance.
Treatment of laryngitis with nebulizer
Modern treatment of laryngitis with nebulizer makes the therapy comfortable and easily doable, since the device does everything itself. The patient only needs to download the prescribed medication.
Inhalation with soda with laryngitis
Alleviation of laryngitis is facilitated by alkaline inhalations, which take no more than eight minutes. For inhalation with soda with laryngitis, take ½ tsp. Baking soda for a glass of warm water. You can use mineral water - Borjomi, Narzan, Essentuki. The procedure in house conditions is carried out using a pot / kettle with steam or using a special inhaler.
This therapy is well tolerated by patients and gives a quick effect. Separation of sputum is observed even immediately after the session. Clinical trials confirm that the treatment of laryngitis with alkaline solutions is effective, if other means with expectorant action do not help.
Alkaline compounds reduce the swelling of the mucosa by increasing the osmotic pressure in the respiratory organs. Procedures activate the cough reflex if it has been suppressed for some reason.
Soda inhalations, conducted twice a day, increase the sputum separation 5-7 times. Patients with a dry cough already from the first sessions note the relief of respiratory function, the disappearance of shortness of breath.
Compress with laryngitis
Local warming action is provided by a compress with laryngitis, which causes vasodilation and activates blood circulation. Such a simple manipulation quickly relieves the painful symptoms of laryngitis and returns the voice.
The compress is applied to the throat / thorax area. To prepare the dressing, you will need a bandage or gauze, moistened with alcohol, vodka, solutions of oils or other medicinal products. The damp cloth is applied to the skin, wrapped with an oilcloth and insulated with a scarf, a handkerchief and the like. The size of the oilcloth should be selected a couple of centimeters wider than the gauze layer, and the outer warmth in the form of a scarf is even wider.
Treatment of laryngitis with a warming compress is carried out from four to eight hours with a two-hour interval. After removing the bandage, do not rush out into the street and do not forget to put on clothes under your throat. If irritation occurs at the compress site, treat the skin area with cream or petroleum jelly for the night.
In the compress applied to the chest, use warmed vegetable oil or animal fats (badger, interior). Such bandages are left overnight.
Contraindication to the treatment of the compress will be the presence of temperature.
Mustard with laryngitis
Mustards have a local reflex action, warming the skin, irritating the nerve endings through the release of essential oil. In the area of application of the mustard, blood circulation and metabolic processes increase. The same processes occur in organs that communicate with the skin through the nerves.
The first help is mustard with laryngitis, reducing soreness in the larynx, dissolving the inflammation, relieving the attack of dry cough. To put mustard plaster on the front surface of the neck for 10-20 minutes. You can also put them on the heels, sternum, so as quickly as possible to stop the "barking" cough.
After therapy, wipe the skin with a dry cloth, brush it with cream, vegetable oil and lay down under the blanket. It is strictly forbidden to go into a draft.
The only contraindication to treatment with mustard plasters is the temperature. When installing mustard plasters, avoid the heart area, mammary glands and affected areas of the skin (moles, scratches, etc.). Treatment of laryngitis with mustard plasters in children is acceptable from three years for a short period, after consultation with the pediatrician.
Syringe with laryngitis
Dry, "barking" nature cough - the main agonizing condition with laryngitis. To eliminate the unpleasant syndrome, use medicines for cough as a syrup.
Glycodine - syrup with laryngitis, which will be to taste, both adults and children. The drug acts gently on the cough center, protecting the mucous membrane, regulating the secretory function of the epithelium. Therapy with glycogen is prescribed for acute or chronic laryngitis, accompanied by a dry cough.
Dosage for adult patients is 5ml (1ch.l) of the drug three times a day. For children, the drug is shown depending on the age:
- year-three years - 1/4 tsp / 3 rd day;
- four to six years - 1/4 tsp /;
- seven to twelve years - 1/2 tsp / 3 rd day.
Glikodin is not recommended for patients with sensitivity to its components. The drug is able to inhibit the action of the nervous system, so the administration of the drug is prescribed and controlled by the doctor.
Laryngitis is successfully treated with homemade syrups. For example, in black radish remove the top part, remove part of the core and put in it a couple of spoons of honey. Standing juice, diluted with water, are treated for cough every three to four hours (1 tablespoon is used).
Than to gargle with a laryngitis?
In the question "how to gargle with throat with laryngitis?", As it is impossible by the way, will have improvised means - salt, soda, iodine, as well as medicines - chlorophyllipt, furacilin.
Rinse with laryngitis
Remove the pain syndrome with inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa, as well as relieve swelling and destroy pathogenic microorganisms will help rinse with laryngitis. You can do this with medicines purchased at the pharmacy, or you can turn to alternative medicine.
The most effective way is a mixture of an equal amount of St. John's wort, eucalyptus, calendula and chamomile per liter of water. No less effective composition for rinsing is a decoction of the flowers of elderberry black, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, golden mustache, mixed in a glass of boiling water (each name is 1hour). Infusions last about three hours, and rinses are carried out every hour.
Treatment of laryngitis is carried out with apple cider vinegar. For this 3 tbsp. Vinegar is bred in a liter of water and added to the composition 2 tbsp. Honey. It is recommended to gargle at least four times a day.
It is good to rinse with beet juice, lemon, carrot, sea buckthorn oil, propolis tincture, althea or strong tea. The use of old, candied honey while rinsing the throat can cause the mucous membrane to dry out.
The main condition for rinsing with laryngitis is that the water should be warm, not hot!
How to restore voice after laryngitis?
The process of speech is governed by ligaments, which form sounds and vibrations by means of vibration and motion. With laryngitis, the ligaments become inflamed, the voice becomes hoarse, weak, or completely disappears. Silencing or whispering helps to cope with the problem.
How to restore voice after laryngitis? First, it is necessary to observe speech restrictions - do not scream, do not overstrain newly inflamed ligaments. Secondly, rinse will help to return speech. For this purpose, a decoction of chamomile and eucalyptus (1 tablespoon dry mixture to brew in a glass of boiling water, hold for about 40 minutes, cool and strain) or potato juice. Third, patients are shown a hot drink at night. A warm therapeutic beer or wine has a good therapeutic effect. Fourth, you can cope with the dryness of the mucous by applying the instillation with oils (sea buckthorn, fir, eucalyptus).
Is it possible to walk with laryngitis?
After carrying out medical manipulations, staging warming compresses or mustard plodders, walking with laryngitis is not recommended. It is better to use a warm blanket and a complete rest, the more you should refrain from walking in cold, damp weather.
Nutrition with laryngitis
Rapid recovery is facilitated by rational nutrition with laryngitis, which excludes the use of salty, hot, sour, excessively hot or cold dishes.
To ensure maximum rest of the inflamed mucous larynx, liquid, ground products - soups, kissels, milk porridges, honey teas are recommended as a ration. Treatment of laryngitis eliminates the consumption of carbonated drinks, alcohol, consumption of seeds and nuts (any hard, traumatic food). You should avoid taking spices - onions, garlic, pepper, horseradish.
In the fight against inflammation and irritation of the larynx will help vegetable oils, which can be instilled in a few drops in the nose or lubricate their throat. Fresh fruits, vegetables, juices will be of great benefit in treating laryngitis, but they should be in the form of mashed potatoes.
Drinking with laryngitis
Drinking with laryngitis should be warm (not hot) and abundant enough. All means should be drunk in small sips. Cope with the disease will help Borjomi, milk and sage.
Relief brings herbal tea with honey, raspberry, plantain juice with honey. To restore the voice you should drink every hour infusion: 1/2 cup anise seeds, boil in a glass of water (200 ml), add a spoon of cognac and two honey to the solution. An effective method of treatment is milk with boiled carrots (half a liter take a small carrot). Take the composition three times a day for a few teaspoons. Well proven juice carrots or beets with honey.