Treating food poisoning
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of food poisoning should be timely, that is, the earlier the procedures begin, the less toxins will have time to enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.
The first symptoms of intoxication appear 2-4 hours after the intake of poor-quality food or 5-12 hours after the consumption of poisonous mushrooms, berries, plants. Nausea, the urge to vomit, colic and diarrhea are typical signs of a toxic infection. Headache, fever, rapid pulse, general weakness and cyanosis (cyanosis) of the skin indicate acute intoxication, which requires immediate medical attention. Poisoning by poisonous plant substances - mushrooms, berries can develop slowly, but sometimes it grows rapidly, so the road literally every minute. Timely medical intervention, professional treatment of food poisoning not only neutralizes intoxication, but sometimes saves a person's life.
Treatment of food poisoning at home is possible only with mild intoxication. More severe situations, accompanied by menacing symptoms, require treatment in a hospital setting, and even in intensive care. Such cases include intoxication with alcoholic beverages, mushrooms, canned products (botulism), medicines.
If the slightest signs of intoxication appear, you must act immediately.
- With nausea or vomiting, when the body tries to cleanse itself of toxins on its own, an abundant drink that helps to remove harmful substances is shown. Actually, activation of the emetic reflex can neutralize intoxication with its timely application. Drink as much as the stomach allows, that is, until the vomiting stops, which must at the end contain a relatively clean, free of food and mucus, liquid.
- With a mild degree of poisoning, a sparing diet is shown: in the first day only the drinking regime is possible, then you only need to use boiled, fried, light food. The diet should include dietary products - porridges on water, vegetable broths, crackers, alkaline mineral water without gas, biscuit biscuits.
- Conscious compensation of lost with vomiting and diarrhea fluid will help restore the water balance in the body. As beverages, alkaline mineral water without gas, pharmacy products (Regidron, Toast), chamomile broth, weak tea are best suited. Manganese solutions have long been a thing of the past, since their use can only do harm, and not benefit.
How to treat food poisoning in more severe situations, when the symptoms become threatening, the doctor can decide only.
Medicines for food poisoning
This is a standard set of "traveler", which should be in the luggage of all those who like to relax in the summer in warm regions or hot countries. In principle, such a kit will help to cope with the first symptoms of intoxication in both hiking and dacha. It should be remembered that the set of "home first-aid kit" is not an alternative to professional medical treatment. Medicines for food poisoning, which should be in every home as a "quick" home aid:
- Packing of activated carbon. Why packaging? Because the calculation of taking the drug - 1 tablet for every 10 kilograms of body weight, and take it 3-4 times a day. This is an old, reliable way to adsorb toxins and remove them from the body.
- Entoban or Intetriks, which help with intestinal intoxication, caused by E. Coli. These are bactericidal preparations that work well for amoebae, candida and other microorganisms, but they are contraindicated for pregnant women and children.
- Polysorb or Enterosgel are excellent medicines for food poisoning. These drugs correct microbiocenosis (dysbacteriosis), absorb and remove toxins, restore the structure of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Smecta is also effective - on a bag of dissolved contents three times a day and a mild form of intoxication will be defeated.
- Linex is a drug that fights against dysbiosis, as its composition includes three types of natural components of microflora - lactobacillus, bifidobacteria and enterococcus.
- Regidron - a drug that restores normal water-salt metabolism in the body and neutralizes dehydration. Regidron helps to stop acidosis (increased acidity).
- But-shpa as a safe antispasmodic will help relieve pain in colic.
Antibiotics for food poisoning
This is the prerogative of the doctor, since only a professional, that is, a doctor can determine the root cause of poisoning and prescribe an appropriate drug. In addition, many antibiotics generally do not act on bacterial toxins and can even exacerbate stool disorder (diarrhea). This is because antibacterial therapy can destroy along with harmful microbes and useful, necessary. Antibiotics for food poisoning are shown only in extreme cases, when the exact cause of the disease is identified, indicating the purposeful action of the drug, and the benefit of its use exceeds the risk of complications.
Levomycetin for food poisoning is indicated only when intoxicated by pathogens identified in the laboratory. Just like therapy with other antibiotics, treatment with levomycetin should be prescribed only by a doctor. In addition, statistics say that only 10% of intoxications require the use of serious antibacterial agents. Therefore, Levomycetin in food poisoning, as well as taking Furadonin, Furazolidon and other so-called "folk" drugs not only does not help, but often hurts. Such amateur performance can aggravate the severity of the course of intoxication and lead to irreversible consequences. It should also be noted that the uncontrolled use of pharmacy prescription drugs greatly distorts the clinical picture and makes it difficult to diagnose intoxication.
Enterosgel for food poisoning
This is the safest way to quickly remove intoxication and protect the body from the spread of intestinal infection. The drug is suitable for all age categories and has no contraindications. Enterosgel is produced in a very convenient form for application - pasta, which can be slightly sweetened, which makes it suitable for small children.
Enterosgel thanks to its composition helps to remove toxins and allergens from the body, and taking the drug in the first hours after intoxication significantly increases its effectiveness. If Enterosgel is taken in a timely manner for food poisoning, it is possible to avoid the appointment and use of more serious medicines, including antibiotics. The drug adsorbs and removes virtually all external and internal toxins, including bacteria, allergens, heavy metal salts, poisons, radionuclides.
Sorbent application scheme:
- Three times a day on a tablespoon - adults.
- Three times a day on a teaspoon - children under the age of five.
- Three times a day on a dessert spoon - children aged 5 to 14-15 years.
- If the condition is defined as severe, Enterosgel is taken in a double dose for food poisoning.
Activated charcoal for food poisoning
This is a long time tested by many patients drug. Activated charcoal in food poisoning is often the first remedy that the injured person begins to take. Coal reduces the level of intoxication, as it absorbs toxins, in addition, the drug is able to reduce or normalize the level of creatinine, urea. Activated charcoal in victims of poisoning reduces the feeling of nausea, helps to cope with temporary diarrhea. Calculation prima fairly simple - 1 tablet for every ten kilograms of a person's weight. Take coal should be 2-3 times, perhaps more often, it all depends on the severity of poisoning. Do not forget to drink the drug, you need to drink as much as possible: and dehydration is eliminated, and coal will begin to act quickly.
There are also contraindications - this is a pronounced puffiness, suspicions of gastrointestinal bleeding, pregnancy.
Gastric lavage in food poisoning
Such treatment of food poisoning is indicated in case of absence of vomiting or activating it. If poisoning is defined as severe, then you should call an ambulance. Before her arrival, you can try to reduce the severity of intoxication by washing. Immediately make a reservation, the solution of potassium permanganate is not suitable, since imperceptible to the eye crystals, which are not dissolved, can seriously damage the already irritated mucous membranes of the esophagus. The main rule, which involves washing the stomach with intoxication, is to drink and induce vomiting until the emetic masses become relatively clean, without the admixtures of any food residues. As a liquid, mineral water without gas, simple purified water, water with the addition of salt (per liter of water - 1 tablespoon of salt) will do.
Also it is necessary to remember who is advised to wash:
- If the victim is unconscious. Drinking fluids, and even more so pull out in a similar state a person can not, moreover there is a risk of asphyxia.
- Children under the age of two. Washing in small patients is hardly possible at home, rather it shows stationary procedures.
- To all those who have previously diagnosed cardiac diseases, or those who suffered a heart attack or stroke. Vomiting can overload the heart activity and worsen the patient's condition.
- Pregnant women.
Washing the stomach with food poisoning also involves taking laxatives, if the victim has obvious symptoms of poisoning, and there is no diarrhea.
Enema for food poisoning
A very controversial method of treating food poisoning from the point of view of modern medicine, since the absorption of toxins occurs most often in the upper zone of the intestinal tract, and purification in the sense of induction is considered only a siphon procedure, which at home is practically not used. Siphonic method of purification is contraindicated, as well as other enemas, with such diseases and conditions:
- Suspicion of the turn of the intestines.
- Symptoms that are characterized as a picture of an "acute abdomen".
- Injury of the hernia.
- Bleeding hemorrhoidal or intestinal.
- Acute inflammation of the appendix.
Danger of enema in food poisoning and because the symptoms of intoxication are often similar to the above conditions, which are possible and diarrhea, and colic, and fever, and vomiting. Also, when gasping, gases must escape, if this does not happen, intestinal obstruction is possible, which is eliminated only under stationary conditions.
What to do with food poisoning?
Diarrhea, which lasts an hour and a half, should not be stopped. An exception is stool disorder in children under two years of age, because their body weight is low, and intense diarrhea can cause severe dehydration. Stool disorder in adults is a natural way that the body uses to remove toxins.
You can activate the gag reflex with a lot of drinking and pressing the root of the tongue. But this method is only possible for adults: those who are unconscious, small children, those with chronic internal diseases, pregnant women are the group of people for whom artificially induced vomiting is contraindicated.
To prevent dehydration (dehydration) and help the body cope with intoxication, you need to drink a lot. Drinking should be done in small portions, but often. Sweet compotes, teas are inadmissible. Water can be poured, sweetened, but it is best to use special pharmacy products designed to restore the water-salt balance.
In the first day after poisoning, it is better not to eat at all, so as not to provoke a new stomach upset.
The question - what to do with food poisoning becomes very actual in case of severe symptoms of intoxication. In such cases, immediate medical attention is needed, especially when it comes to intoxication with fungi, canned food, poisonous berries or plants.
First aid for food poisoning
First aid helps to reduce the rate of absorption of toxins into the intestinal tract and slows their spread with the blood flow throughout the body. Therefore, immediate actions often save not only health, but life to the victims.
The first aid for food poisoning is in ways that depend on what the person has poisoned - mushrooms, food or poisonous plants: 1.
- Poisoning by fungi, which are often sources of intoxication.
Symptoms - abdominal pain, nausea, upset of the chair, dizziness and a growing headache, pale complexion, cyanosis near the lips. Signs of poisoning with fungi do not always appear in the first day, they can "start" only on the second day after eating poisonous mushrooms.
The treatment of food poisoning is only inpatient, you can try to rinse the stomach and cause reflex vomiting before the doctor comes. The injured person should be put in bed, warm his feet (warm water bottle). Neither milk nor laxatives should be taken alone, since the origin and type of poison is unknown.
- Intoxication caused by substandard products manifests itself in the first two hours. Nausea, cramping pains and colic in the abdomen, fever, chills, vomiting and diarrhea are symptoms of toxic infection.
The first aid for food poisoning of this kind is frequent drinking and vomiting. After the induced reflex vomiting, you can try to take activated charcoal or Enterosgel. Sorbents should be used in the first 2 hours after intoxication. If the symptoms do not subside within 5-6 hours, vomiting and diarrhea becomes indomitable (with an admixture of blood and yellow-green mucus), blood pressure drops, and an ambulance should be called for.
- Poisoning by poisonous plants is characterized by such signs:
- Indomitable vomiting.
- Violation of coordination, dizziness.
- Abdominal pain.
- Weakness and drop in blood pressure.
- Foam when vomiting.
- Copious salivation.
- Dilation of pupils.
Symptoms grow very quickly, so help with plant intoxication should be immediate. It is necessary to urgently call for emergency care, before giving her to drink 300-400 milliliters of purified salted water and induce vomiting. You can take sorbents, but their effectiveness is unlikely, as the poison of plants is absorbed swiftly. It is best to use pharmaceutical products, which should be in every home medicine cabinet - Enterosgel, Smekta, Regidron, Tour. In parallel, it is necessary to put mustard plasters on the area of shoulder blades and shoulder area, and put a cold compress on the forehead. If there is a convulsive syndrome, you need to ensure that the language does not stagnate.
Alternative means for food poisoning
This is the application of methods that are not approved by neighbors or relatives, but by doctors. Unfortunately, sometimes it is the intake of all kinds of infusions, warm milk or other allegedly effective remedies that, upon the recommendation of all-knowing acquaintances or a recipe recounted in a dubious newspaper, lead to unfortunate consequences. Of really safe methods approved by medicine, you can recommend such alternative means for food poisoning:
- In drinking, which should be taken with intoxication, you need to add a soluble form of vitamin C. In addition to ascorbic acid helps to remove toxins, it activates the immune system. Especially effective is vitamin C in the first 3-4 hours after intoxication.
- Infusion of cinnamon, which is prepared in this way: 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon is poured a glass of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes, filtered. Infusion should be drunk in a warm form in small sips, volume - up to 1, 5 liters per day. Cinnamon is a good natural antispasmodic, it is capable of utilizing certain types of toxins, that is, it helps with light toxic infections.
- You can prepare a decoction of dill and honey. Dill well removes toxins and reduces the severity of vomiting, without stopping it. Honey will help cardiac activity and reduce the level of excretion of potassium during dehydration. The broth is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of dill seeds (or a crushed fresh plant) is poured with 300 ml of boiling water, insist 3-5 minutes, then boil for another 2-3 minutes. Filter, add a teaspoon of honey. It is convenient to do immediately 1 liter of infusion, since it should be taken during the first day after intoxication.
Treatment of food poisoning with alternative means does not imply the reception of decoction of the oak bark, pomegranate rind, that is, fixing agents, since diarrhea during intoxication in some sense helps the body to remove toxins faster. If diarrhea and other symptoms develop rapidly, alternative methods can not help, professional medical care is needed.