Pinworm treatment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of pinworm should be comprehensive and conducted by all family members at the same time. This is done because of preventive considerations. But before proceeding to the process of dehylmensation, it is necessary to understand what pinworms are. These are parasitic roundworms (Enterobius vermicularis), which can cause a disease called enterobiosis.
People mostly complain about itching in the anus. In particular, this happens at night. If we talk about the baby, then in general he sleeps quietly, but in the morning there may be scratching in the area of the folds of the anus. Therefore, the baby should be watched. Excessive weight loss can also be a signal that the body formed worms. In any case, rapid and high-quality dehylmening is necessary.
How to remove pinworm?
Many people are interested in the question of how to remove pinworm? To get rid of discomfort and completely remove the worms, you will have to resort to complex treatment.
Lubricate the anus with zinc ointment. In this case, the female will get stuck in this ointment, and the eggs will stick together and do not crumble around. One individual allocates about 15 thousand eggs. Thus, their development is interrupted immediately. The main thing is to constantly take preventive measures, so that Enterobius vermicularis again did not return.
Excellent alternative methods, as well as special drugs, will help. But you do not need to start such treatment yourself. It is advisable to consult a doctor. After all, there are different situations, and many people respond in a peculiar way to those or other methods of de-galvanization.
Ways to bring out roundworms quite a lot. Starting from ordinary enemas and ending with professional means. All these methods will be discussed below.
Treatment of pinworm in children
Proper treatment of pinworm in children will get rid of the problem in a short time. If the baby has been found worms, dehylmentization should be done in cycles. Because round worms have the property of reappearing, after recovery.
A positive result in any case should be confirmed by several analyzes. If the attending physician has detected instability of the stool, disorders of the nervous system, and other symptoms, then antihistamine, enzyme and immuno-fortifying drugs are used as therapy.
Sometimes the treatment of pinworms is successfully carried out by alternative methods. After all, children should not use serious drugs. Often, enterobiosis acts as a collective disease, affecting entire groups in kindergartens, classes in schools.
When mass enterobiosis in children's institutions, careful processing of premises and bed linen is carried out.
Treatment of pinworms in infants
What is the treatment of pinworms in infants? In small children, this phenomenon is not so common. As soon as Enterobius vermicularis is detected, it will be necessary to start therapy immediately. It is important that repeated infection does not occur. That is why dehylten- mentation must be carried out in cycles.
The main thing that a positive result was necessarily confirmed by several analyzes. Usually, alternative methods are used. Because little children do not want to use serious drugs.
A good result is the reception of garlic. For small children, there is a recipe for cooking. So, you need to take 3 cloves of garlic and pour them with 200 grams of milk. Then the product is boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes. The resulting broth should be properly infused for 10 days. You can take the resulting broth on a teaspoon once a day. If it is a child of 5 years, then it is desirable to eat a couple cloves of garlic daily.
Especially popular is hemp oil. Take it twice a day. A great help and chemist's daisy. Dilute it with water to a translucent appearance and use a day about a liter of tincture.
Treatment of pinworm in adults
The fact is that the treatment of pinworm in adults practically does not differ from that which is made for children. Standard methods of therapy include the use of such drugs as kombantrin, vermox and piperazine. True dehylmening can be dangerous even for adults.
Usually the doctor appoints the same pills and medications as the children. For the effectiveness of medications taken, one day before the use of anthelmintics, give up the products that strengthen the stool. Supper should be easy.
In the morning it is advisable to take medicine, and in the evening use some laxative. Thus, withdrawing Enterobius vermicularis from the body will be easier. An obligatory condition for successful de-ergism is repeated taking drugs in a couple of weeks.
With pronounced itching, it is necessary to use antihistamines such as Cetrin, Zodak and Loratodine. To reduce the itching, a soda enema is also suitable. It is enough only 2 teaspoons of soda and a liter of water.
Treatment of pinworms with certain medications will be small. It is necessary to carry out a number of preventive procedures. Thorough hand washing after toilet, after eating and after street. In addition, the underwear should be changed in the morning and evening. Compulsory is the disinfection of the toilet and the wet cleaning of the apartment every day.
Treatment of pinworm in pregnant women
It is necessary to conduct treatment of pinworm in pregnant women in a timely manner. The fact is that such a phenomenon is not so common. Therefore, the appearance of Enterobius vermicularis in a pregnant girl can lead to a number of problems and inconveniences. Do not worry, round worms do not affect the development of the fetus. But they can contribute to the emergence of vaginal infection. This is very undesirable during pregnancy.
Do not use any anthelmintics to excrete Enterobius vermicularis during pregnancy. Because all this can adversely affect the fetus. Only a strong helminthic invasion is allowed. It is necessary to understand that this procedure is carried out only after the permission of the attending physician.
When the appearance of roundworms during pregnancy, one should try to deduce them by observing the measures of personal hygiene. It is better not to resort to other methods of struggle. Because this way it is possible to harm the fetus. In general, without consulting a doctor, it is better not to do anything.
Treatment of pinworms in nursing mothers
The point is that the treatment of pinworms in nursing mothers should be under the supervision of the attending physician. Usually, medicines are not used for dehylmenization, because it can harm both the nursing mother and the baby.
But, despite this, therapy is necessary. After all, the worms can provoke the excretion of nutrients from the body. This can be accompanied by vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and other minor troubles.
How can I get rid of worms in this case? So, ordinary garlic comes to the rescue. You should eat a piece of garlic before and after eating. Thus, it is possible to withdraw the worms very quickly. Carrots also help get rid of Enterobius vermicularis. It is recommended to drink a glass of carrot juice daily. Seeds also fight worms effectively. Within two weeks, you need to eat two tablespoons of pumpkin a day.
The daily diet should include fiber and yogurt with prophylactics.
In addition, you need to wash your hands thoroughly, especially after the toilet and during meals. Do not bite your nails.
Treatment of pinworm at home
What is good for treating pinworm at home and how to carry it out is not known to many people. So, first of all you need to follow some tips and methods.
Infusion and the application of chelene naked, peppermint and aniseed semen have an incredible effect. It is necessary to take everything in combination one to one and pour 500 ml of water. The daily norm is the use of the drug three to four times a day in equal portions. This anthelmintic is taken for two weeks, then all this is repeated.
The infusion of wormwood wormwood excellently removes Enterobius vermicularis. One tablespoon of herbs is poured into two glasses of boiling water, after which it cools and filters. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals. From the broth of wormwood citric can make enemas.
For breakfast it is recommended to eat one tablespoon of grated carrots. Also suitable and ground pumpkin seeds. Raw onions, apples and dishes using thyme are perfect for fighting worms.
Alternative treatment of pinworms
An effective alternative treatment for pinworms allows in a short time. Pumpkin seeds are the most effective way to get rid of roundworms, both in children and adults. They must be consumed with a film. Because exactly it contains a large number of substances that adversely affect Enterobius vermicularis. So you should buy uncooked raw seeds. But in order for the effect to really exist, they should be consumed together with olive oil. This combination is drunk on an empty stomach. For 3 hours before and after using this anthelmintic you can not eat.
Garlic also has a positive effect in the fight against roundworms. To do this, chop a pair of cloves of garlic and stir them with water. After that, the prepared mixture is drunk and washed down with a large amount of water. Repeat manipulation should be three consecutive nights, then a week later, again.
Beet and carrot juice are biologically active and strong. They perfectly clean the blood, and also reduce intoxication. The main thing that the juice was fresh. Before going to bed in the morning you need to drink 100 ml of juice. The process of dehylmensation takes 2 weeks.
In fact, there are quite a few options for treating pinworms. The main thing to choose the most effective of them.
Pumpkin seeds from pinworm
The pumpkin seeds are also effective, which in a short time relieve this unpleasant "disease". In alternative medicine, they are used quite often. There are several ways to consume pumpkin seeds.
Often the seeds are peeled and ground in water. It is important that during cleaning, the seeds remain thin skin, because it contains all the most effective elements. The number of pumpkin seeds depends on the person's age. So, adults should take about 300 grams a day. If the child is more than seven years old, the number of seeds does not exceed 150 grams. Very crumbs should be consumed about 100 grams.
It has always been believed that the most effective grains are in raw form. To prepare this product, you will have to take the peeled grains and fill them in the dishes. Here they are thoroughly rubbed. During this process, you need to constantly add a few drops of water. That the received mass has found a pleasant taste, it is recommended to sweeten everything with a spoonful of honey. A remedy is taken for an empty stomach in the morning, one teaspoonful. After 3 hours you need to drink a laxative and then a cleansing enema.
Garlic from pinworm
Such dehyltenment is possible only with a completely healthy stomach. If a person has gastritis, then this anthelmintic can not be used in any case. So, take 2 cloves of garlic and mix with water, the proportion is one to one. Take the drug before bedtime, drinking a lot of water. The procedure is repeated three consecutive evenings. Then the body needs to rest for a week and repeat the course.
To date, alternative medicine is effective in a lot of issues. It allows you to get rid of various kinds of parasites. To remove Enterobius vermicularis you have to squeeze out the juice from the garlic and dilute it with boiled milk. The received anthelmintic is received on an empty stomach 2-3 times, throughout the day.
Effectively rescues from round worms of the Oxyuridae family and an enema with garlic. For this, a tooth is taken and ground into a gruel. Then about five or ten grams of the drug is poured into a glass of cooled boiled water. The product should be infused for about 3-4 hours. Next, an enema is made, literally 180 minutes before bedtime.
Milk with garlic
Do not forget that milk with garlic is one of the best anthelmintics. This method will perfectly help to get rid of the problem. To prepare the infusion, you have to take a slice of garlic and crush it. After that, milk comes to the rescue, in the amount of one glass. All ingredients are mixed together and put on fire.
It is necessary to boil the tincture for 15-20 minutes and let it cool down a little. Then take a teaspoon 4-5 times a day. It is worth noting that this procedure is performed exclusively on an empty stomach. Only in this way it will be possible to achieve a colossal effect. The duration of treatment of pinworms is short, it will be enough for one week. In general, you need to look at the state of a person. There are no other ways to get rid of worms with the help of these ingredients. Therefore, it is necessary to use only this method or use other means.
Herbs from pinworms
For the treatment of this unpleasant disease will help and grass. So, in this case, tansy can be used. It is advisable to make a decoction from this plant. So, a tablespoon of dried flowers is infused in boiling water for two hours. After that, the ready-made broth is ready for use. It is necessary to take it three times a day on an empty stomach. At the end of treatment, resort to a laxative, in order to completely remove everything from the body.
Adults can take tansy and as an enema. It is done only in the evening. Children are not recommended to put such an enema. Well proven and wormwood. The way of "cooking" is similar. It can also be used as an infusion or enema.
In general, it is recommended to carry out dehylmening with the help of natural products. It can be raw grains of pumpkin, garlic, carrot and beet juice. In fact, there are not so few ways to get rid of worms. But self-medication is not recommended.
Wormwood from pinworm
Tincture, which includes wormwood, from pinworms is an excellent anthelmintic. The use of this herb will allow for a short time to get rid of parasites in the body.
One of the most popular methods is a tincture of bitter wormwood. To prepare a remedy you will have to take the leaves of this herb together with crushed pumpkin seeds. Then all this is poured with vodka, but in a certain proportion, part of the mixture to two parts of alcohol. All this is placed in a container and is kept in a warm place for about a week. Then you can start the fight with Enterobius vermicularis. To do this, the drug is used daily for 50 ml in the morning and in the evening. The main thing to do it on an empty stomach. Exactly 30 minutes after eating it is recommended to eat.
This tincture should not be used by children, due to the fact that it contains alcohol. Therefore, for children, you can prepare a slightly different tincture. To do this, take a teaspoon of the plant and poured 500 ml of warm water and boiled. After that, some time is left for complete cooling. Then the drug must be filtered and you can start using it. Tincture should be consumed three times a day before meals, 2 tablespoons.
Clement from pinworm
What is the enema of the round worms of the Oxyuridae family and what is its effectiveness? Alternative medicine recommends doing everything with garlic. To date, this is one of the most effective ways to get rid of the problem.
To make a wonderful anthelmintic, you have to take a head of garlic and boil it in 200 ml of milk. After that, garlic is removed, and the milk product is filtered and cooled. Naturally, then you can do and the enema itself. It is very effective in its kind.
The main broth for the enema may well be and wormwood citric. The plant is crushed, then poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for six hours. In both cases it is recommended to put an enema before bed. For adults, the volume should be at least one glass, for the children exactly half of it. To really see a good result, you have to repeat the procedure daily for a week.
Preparations for the treatment of pinworms
The main drugs for treating pinworms may not be suitable for everyone. This procedure is purely individual and requires the diagnosis of helminth disease.
The most popular drugs are piperazine, medamin, vermox, decaris, vormil and others. All of them are aimed at saving the body from parasites. Naturally, each drug has its own dosage and has a special effect.
There are contraindications. As a rule, such medicines can not be used for people with hypersensitivity to the components of drugs. Naturally, during pregnancy and lactation they can not be taken in any case.
In general, if one person is infected, then all members of the family must pass the course of dehylmensation. Otherwise, the process of recovery may be delayed. All the drugs mentioned above are effective in their own way.
Suppositories from pinworms
To use a suppository for children and adults is a great way to get rid of the current situation. This method has a beneficial effect on the intestine. It eliminates dryness and cracks. The department into which the candle is introduced is rich in blood capillaries, which contributes to the rapid absorption of the active substance.
That is why the effect of the drug is carried out, much faster than when taking medications, suspensions and other things. Most suppositories do not include chemicals. The medicine can consist entirely of natural anthelmintics. Some suppositories include mineral salts, vitamins and oils of various seeds. All this has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.
The main problem can be the choice of candles. But there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to consult a doctor. After all, only he, based on the volume of the problem, is able to tell what is best to apply.
Ointments from pinworms
Whether the ointment works against roundworms and whether it is worth using as a main therapy. To exclude the possibility of re-infection, complex dehylmening is required. In this case, it is often recommended to use a suppository or ointment.
Often, zinc ointment comes to the rescue. It is able to affect the very female Enterobius vermicularis and thus completely render harmless. Ointment needs to lubricate the skin around the anus. The fact that the females that creep out, actively stick to the ointment and thus perish. As for the eggs, they do not fall at all on clothes and objects.
Therefore, the use of an ointment is very effective. But to strengthen the effect of the means will have to resort to other methods of therapy. So, the broths, infusions and curative enemas are perfect. It should be noted that worms can go out not immediately, but only after a few days. To throw the treatment of pinworm in this case it is impossible, it is necessary to wait for their complete destruction. During this, it is recommended to abandon the harmful food.
Zinc ointment from pinworm
Repeated infection can overtake at any time, so zinc ointment should be used in its entirety with other methods. So, it is recommended to give preference to enemas, infusions and broths. Some people do not immediately notice the effect of treating pinworms and this is normal. Because not in all cases, the worms immediately go outside. It may take several days.
Now with regard to the zinc ointment. Anthelminthics should be applied to the skin near the anus. During the exit of the female, she will get stuck in this ointment and thus will not be able to reproduce. Eggs that were hers are shelved, will not fall on clothes and objects. Soon there will be no trace left of them.
This ointment is effective and in itself, but it is clearly not worth using it as an independent tool. It is better to resort to complex de-galvanization. In this case, the chance to quickly get rid of worms increases several times.
Syrup from pinworm
Many drugs, including syrup, have their positive effect in complex de-galvanization. So, good medicines are Naftamon and Centel. Two of these drugs may well be called effective in controlling worms.
Naphthenamine should be taken on an empty stomach for a couple of hours before meals. Naturally, it is desirable to do this in the morning. Single dose should not exceed 2.5 grams. But here it is worth noting that for a better effect the product is mixed with 50 ml of sugar syrup. All this is taken in one step. Therapy is carried out for 2 days. If there was no positive result, the procedure is repeated in a week.
It is desirable to use Zentel together with food. Clinical improvement occurs only after 3 weeks. If this does not happen, a second course is assigned. Before use, the suspension is shaken and applied once a day. Everything depends on the patient himself. Typically, the treatment of pinworms lasts about 3 days. This is not all syrups, which can remove the unpleasant consequences of worms. Only specialists have additional information.
Homeopathy with pinworms
General homeopathy implies the use of a specialized drug. In this case we are talking about Tsin. This drug is completely directed to the expulsion of round worms. If there are painful symptoms, then in this case the doctor will appoint santonin.
The drug Cinna is used as an effective anthelmintic in the fight against helminth diseases. After all, he is able to cover all reflex disorders, which are caused by Enterobius vermicularis. Many homeopaths recommend this remedy. Because it really helps.
As for santonin, it can lead to death in large doses. Therefore, it should be used with extreme caution. The child who is the bearer of this kind of roundworm constantly screams in a dream, he jumps up, trembles, coughs and suffocates. Understand that the baby's worms are very simple. The face is constantly red, this condition can alternate with pallor. Paying attention to these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.
What if nothing helps with pinworms?
There are cases when nothing at all helps with Enterobius vermicularis. What to do? To lower hands definitely is not necessary. It is necessary to resort to the help of alternative medicine. Because medication does not always have a positive effect.
So, there is one good recipe. To prepare the remedy you need to take 3 teaspoons of gentian root and one spoonful of three-leafed watch. To complete this recipe, you need to find and three tablespoons of gold-thousand. All this is mixed together and poured 600 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to boil a little on low heat for 3 minutes. Then add a couple spoonfuls of tansy. The plate is turned off and the saucepan in which the broth is located is covered with a lid. Next, you need to give the drug 12 hours, so that it is infused. Apply the infusion to the hungry stomach one glass at a time. For a day you should drink 3 glasses of anthelmintics and then take a laxative. Degelmentation is repeated after 2 weeks. The effect is really amazing.
Another good recipe. You need to take a teaspoon of wormwood and brew it in a liter of boiling water. Then let the medium cool down and stand for 4 hours. It takes an anthelminthic for 30 minutes before eating two tablespoons. The course of therapy is three days, then a couple of weeks later everything repeats.
A teaspoon of wormwood, tansy, chamomile and gentian are covered in a thermos bottle. All this is filled with a liter of boiling water. The obtained tincture is used 200 ml twice a day before meals. The remedy helps perfectly, it is worth to drink it for three days.
It is necessary to understand that no matter how good the means, it is not worth using them without the knowledge of the doctor. These recipes really help, even in those situations where improvements are not observed at all. It is important that the treatment of pinworms be effective, this is the most important thing.