Cough with phlegm
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Medical experts apply to such a concept as a cough with phlegm, the term "productive." This means that during the coughing episode, the production of bronchial tubes is allocated - mucus secretions, which are excreted with coughing movements outward.
It is believed that such discharge is a sign of purging the pulmonary system, and therefore one of the symptoms of an early recovery. Nevertheless, one should not forget that the presence of mucous secretions can also indicate the development of serious diseases, for example, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, oncology of respiratory organs, ischemic heart disease.
Causes of cough with phlegm
Excretions during expectoration may appear exclusively in respiratory tract diseases, resulting from increased production and secretion of bronchus (during bronchitis or asthma), effusion of blood plasma from the vasculature into the pulmonary cavity (during pulmonary edema), the release of pus from the cavities (with abscess , tuberculous caverns, bronchiectasis).
The most common reasons are:
- upper respiratory tract infections (respiratory viral infections and pathologies);
- obstructive form of bronchial inflammation;
- pneumonia;
- allergic conditions, including bronchial asthma;
- rhinitis;
- abscess of the lungs;
- tuberculosis.
The exact reason for triggering a cough reflex can only be determined by a diagnostic method, while the characteristic of bronchial secretions, as well as the presence of other accompanying symptoms, is of great importance.
Is sputum cough phlegm?
Is it contagious if it coughs productively? This question is often of interest to many patients, especially mothers of small children who doubt whether it is possible to lead a child into the kindergarten, if the seizures become productive and the mucus began to clear out.
It is worth noting that cough syndrome is contagious regardless of whether it is wet or dry if it is caused by a viral infection. On average, the period of "infectiousness" (in medicine - contagiousness) of a viral disease varies from 5 to 10 days from the time of the onset of the first symptoms. However, some diseases can be dangerous for others for a longer period:
- diphtheria - up to 2 weeks;
- whooping cough - up to 18 days from the onset of the illness. As a rule, after 28 days, the patient who has recovered whooping cough will not be exactly dangerous, even if the coughing trouble continues to bother the patient.
Therefore, it is not entirely correct to believe that if a child has a temperature stabilized and a mucous secret has appeared, then the risk of infecting other children is canceled. The virus often continues to exist in the body and is released by the patient when exhaled and sneezed.
Symptoms of coughing with phlegm
As the symptoms of the disease progress with the accumulation of excretions of the bronchial tree, it becomes necessary to purify the respiratory tract from the accumulated secretion. In this case, a cough reflex works-a call for a sharp exhalation of the air, due to irritation of the bronchial walls with a mucous secretion.
When there is an abundance of mucus, it is important to distinguish the cleansing process from the transition of the inflammatory pathology to the chronic form.
Usually coughing movement originates from a sharp and deep breath, which lasts no more than 2 seconds. After that, the guttural musculature, covering the vocal chink, is also sharply reduced. Bronchial muscles immediately come to tone, the abdominal muscles contract - this action of the muscle fibers is aimed at overcoming the resistance of the closed glottis. At this time, the pressure within the chest cavity is about 100 mm Hg. Art. Next, there is a sudden opening of the glottis and an exhaled exhalation. Basically, if the bronchi have accumulated secretions, the cough reflex is triggered involuntarily, but the patient himself is able to trigger it independently.
As a rule, the cough and cramping of the bronchi by itself are not a disease - they are just symptoms of another disease, which is important to detect and cure. Do not ignore other signs that indicate the presence of the disease:
- difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
- temperature increase;
- loss of appetite;
- pain inside the chest;
- wheezing when breathing;
- change in color and other properties of sputum.
Cough with expectoration during pregnancy
In pregnancy, any disease is perceived extremely negatively: still, it is not known how the disease will affect the fetus, as well as the pregnancy itself, and drugs throughout this period should be taken very selectively. However, there is an indisputable fact that in pregnant women immunity is clearly weakened, so ARD with ARVI during gestation, unfortunately, is not uncommon.
Cough syndrome during pregnancy is also often found: it is not only possible to treat it, but it is also necessary. Illiterate or untimely treatment can pose a serious threat to pregnancy. First of all, coughing jerks can provoke an increased tone of the uterus, which can lead to painful spasms and even detachment. At the same time, arterial and intra-abdominal pressure increases, which can provoke miscarriage at early stages or premature birth at later stages of gestation.
When respiratory illnesses, it is necessary to see a doctor, and not only: it will be better if the woman remembers the doctor for any anxious or suspicious symptoms. It should be borne in mind that coughing attacks and mucus secretion from the bronchi can accompany not only a cold, but also diseases of the stomach, thyroid, heart. Do not start treatment yourself, let the medical specialist do it.
Types of phlegm on coughing
Bronchial mucous accumulations are pathological excretions that go out in the process of coughing tremors from the respiratory tract. In healthy people, too, mucus is produced inside the bronchi: this mucus performs a protective function, not allowing dust, chemicals and bacteria to penetrate to the lungs. If the amount of this mucus increases, pus with other impurities is added to it, then it is usually said about the appearance of moist discharge. Allocation is divided into several types, which depends on their number, color, odor, density, multilayeredness.
Let's talk about the types of mucous secretions for respiratory diseases.
- Green sputum when coughing is usually a companion of many inflammatory pathologies involving the bronchi and lungs. Such diseases can be provoked by a bacterial and viral infection, or have an allergic nature. The listed diseases include lingering bronchitis, croupous pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, oncology, etc. As a rule, green dense mucus is a sign of a stagnant purulent process in the lungs.
- Cough with hard-to-recover sputum appears most often as a consequence of ARVI or ARI, and can also be the result of stagnant phenomena in the lungs. If the slimy secret has too dense consistency and viscosity, then it is difficult for it to get out of the airways, it accumulates inside the bronchi, provoking permanent coughing jolts that do not bring relief.
- Blood in sputum when coughing can appear as a result of a small and harmless bleeding from the capillary vessels of the bronchial tree, which could burst during a coughing attack, and because of a serious illness. Therefore, the presence of blood should alert, especially if such a sign is present for several days, or if the discharge contains a large amount of blood. Do not forget that the admixture of blood can get to a secret from patients with tonsils, nasopharynx, bleeding gums.
- Yellow sputum when coughing - this is the result of the appearance of pus in the secretions. Most often this is a sign of an incomplete bronchitis, or its transition to a chronic form. If you continue to neglect treatment, then over time, such a secret can change the color from straw-yellow to rusty or green (an obvious sign of a purulent process).
- Cough with purulent sputum often indicates the development of stagnation inside the lungs, especially if the discharge becomes much thicker. Broncham becomes difficult to remove the purulent secret, which accumulates and can acquire an unpleasant smell and taste. As a rule, without therapy with antibiotics in this situation can not do.
- White sputum when coughing is potentially able to appear with inflammation of the lungs. If the white secret is secreted by lumps, or resembles cottage cheese, then this unambiguously means that the causative agent of pneumonia is a fungal infection. In this situation, antibiotics will not help: special antifungal therapy will be needed.
- Black sputum when coughing is in most cases a professional sign - such excretions are typical for miners, masons, excavators. To learn more about the presence or absence of the disease, you will have to pass the secret to the analysis.
- Gray sputum when coughing, as well as black, often accompanies respiratory diseases in representatives of some professions, whose work is associated with the presence in the air and inhaling a large amount of dust with suspended particles. To the same category carry heavy smokers, inside the respiratory organs which are deposited nicotine gums, giving the secreted secretions a gray tint.
- Pink sputum when coughing is a sign of the presence of a small amount of blood inside the mucus. Most often this is the result of the bleeding of bursting capillaries, which can occur with too aggressive coughing attacks. However, for such pink discharge it is necessary to observe: if they last more than 3 days, or change color to intense red, then you should immediately contact a specialist.
- Red sputum when coughing indicates the appearance of blood in the discharge. This can be considered as hemoptysis in tuberculosis, actinomycosis, oncology of the respiratory system, with abscess, pulmonary infarction, heart failure or pulmonary edema. This condition is considered very dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. In rare cases, redness of the secretion may be caused by taking certain medications.
- Transparent sputum when coughing is the most innocuous kind of mucous secretions. Usually such a sign accompanies the onset of respiratory illnesses, when complications are still absent, and the disease can be cured without any negative consequences. Nevertheless, if the mucus is viscous, "vitreous," this may be a sign of bronchial asthma.
- Frozen sputum when coughing occurs with anthrax or pulmonary edema. Both that, and other disease are considered very serious, that demands the immediate reference to the doctor.
- Dense sputum when coughing usually appears in the initial stages of the transition of the dry process to wet, or with stagnant phenomena. To the mucous secret was not thick, use thinning medications, chest massage. It is also recommended to use a large amount of alkaline warm liquid.
As you can see, the characteristic of the secretions has the most important diagnostic value. No less important role is played by the description of coughing attacks, so we will dwell further on this symptom.
Types of cough syndrome
Wet cough syndrome is considered a natural physiological phenomenon, through which the accumulation of accumulated mucus from the tracheobronchial tree occurs. However, many are concerned that such a symptom is not always the same. Can this prove anything? In some cases, it really can, because manifestations of cough reflex are a valuable informative moment in setting the right diagnosis.
- A painful cough with phlegm is able to indicate that the mucus is too viscous to go out without hindrance. Therefore, in order to push out a thick discharge, the respiratory tract needs to exert much more effort, which causes soreness or even heaviness in the course of the bronchi. To facilitate the release of mucus, use medications that dilute it.
- Cough with viscous sputum is often characteristic of croupous pneumonia, an inflammatory reaction in the respiratory system. With properly prescribed treatment, after a short time, such mucus becomes liquid, begins to expectorate well.
- Coughing spells with phlegm can be observed with a large accumulation of mucus in the bronchi. If there are many discharges, they gradually begin to irritate the bronchial walls, which provokes a coughing attack. Such an attack continues until all the discharges leave the airway. Then the accumulation occurs anew, and the process repeats. To ensure that mucus does not accumulate in large quantities, it is recommended to periodically move, walk around the room, do light gymnastics. Massage of the chest is useful.
- Cough after eating with phlegm is often not a sign of respiratory diseases. He has other causes associated with the pathology of the digestive system. This symptom is characteristic for peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux, as well as other gastrointestinal diseases. To clarify the diagnosis, it is better to consult a gastroenterologist.
- Cough with phlegm without temperature is a characteristic symptom of ARI or viral infection in patients with weakened immunity. The absence of fever at this stage is not an excuse for ignoring the disease. Treatment is prescribed accordingly with other available symptoms.
- Cough with phlegm and a temperature of 37 ° C is considered one of the typical signs of ARI. This temperature is not dangerous, it does not require the appointment of antipyretic drugs. Moreover, the use of tablets and potions that "knock down" the temperature is highly discouraged in this situation. Temperature values of about 37-37.8 ° C mean that immunity works, and the body struggles with the disease on its own. In this case, you do not need to interfere.
- An allergic cough with sputum is less common than without it. Usually it is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, there may be a runny nose. If the bronchial secretion is excreted, then, as a rule, it does not contain an admixture of pus or blood - the clearing is transparent. Attacks happen more often at night or after contact with an allergen: animal hair, dust, pollen, etc. 8.
- Cough with phlegm and runny nose - a common occurrence in ARVI or with allergies. It is necessary to distinguish these two diseases: in ARVI often there is a fever, and with allergies it should not be.
- Dyspnoea and cough with phlegm in many cases mean the initial stage of bronchial asthma. This disease consists in worsening patency of the bronchi due to bronchospasm, inflammatory puffiness of mucous membranes, ingestion of bronchial mucus. All these factors have the complex name "obstruction of the bronchi". Shortness of breath with worsening of the condition occurs paroxysmally: in the intervals between attacks the patient usually feels quite satisfactory.
- Cough of the smoker with phlegm - heavy, with wheezing, occurs more in the morning. Slime from the bronchi can be light, sometimes with a gray tint, with an unpleasant smell of nicotine gums. The cough reflex works in response to irritation of the bronchial walls with cigarette smoke, the obstruction of bronchioles with tobacco resins, and the accumulation of a protective secret in the respiratory system. It is observed regularly, almost constantly, can be accompanied by inflammatory processes (chronic) of the trachea, bronchi, larynx.
- Cough with phlegm in the morning is observed with bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and smokers with experience. To determine the cause of morning bouts, it is often necessary to check not only the respiratory system, but also the digestive organs, since often the mucus inside the lungs is a secretion of the stomach, abandoned by night sleep inside the airways. This happens during diseases of the esophagus - reflux-esophagitis.
- Night cough with phlegm occurs in bronchial asthma, cardiac insufficiency, sinusitis, pertussis. When diagnosing this type of coughing, attention should also be paid to other symptoms: soreness inside the chest or heart, color of discharge, temperature, runny nose.
- Bark cough with sputum may be a sign of obstructive bronchitis, pertussis, false croup, which is often found in children of childhood. In adults, it can be a sign of pharyngitis, laryngitis, and inflammatory process in the bronchi and (or) in the trachea.
- Coughing up to vomiting with sputum in children is common, as the cough and vomiting center is almost there. Therefore, even a mild attack can provoke the appearance of vomiting, especially if the baby has recently eaten. In adult patients, such a reaction may be a sign of disturbances in the digestive system, namely, peptic ulcer.
- A persistent cough with sputum is a clear sign of chronic damage to the respiratory system. This condition can be observed in heavy smokers, in persons working inside dusty unventilated rooms or in chemical plants, as well as in patients who did not adequately treat acute bronchitis. Chronic diseases of the respiratory system are more difficult to treat. If the disease is associated with a professional activity, a change of place of work may be mandatory.
- Paroxysmal cough with phlegm is a frequent allergy partner, for example, bronchial asthma. During seizures, the patient experiences shortness of breath may secrete a mucous transparent secret from the bronchi. In breaks between attacks of the patient, as a rule, nothing disturbs - he feels almost healthy.
As can be seen, a cough reflex with secretion can be observed with various lesions of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, larynx, heart or digestive system. Therefore, it is very, very difficult to determine the cause of the indisposition independently. Trust a good doctor: a comprehensive diagnosis will help determine the disease in time to begin treatment of respiratory problems.
Who to contact?
Diagnosis of cough with phlegm
The collection of data on the history of the disease is of great importance for the diagnosis of respiratory pathologies. The doctor will start by receiving the following information:
- When did the disease begin?
- Did other diseases, such as viral infections, precede him?
- Is the seasonality of the pathology traced, are there any seizures of shortness of breath or shortness of breath?
- Are there additional symptoms, such as a runny nose, stuffy nose, heartburn, stomach pain, etc.?
- Is there a temperature increase?
- What is special about bronchial secretions? What color are they? Is there a smell?
- Are there chronic diseases, bad habits?
- What are the features of professional work?
- Is there a tendency to allergies?
- Did the patient take ACE inhibitor drugs (captopril, enalapril, prestarium, etc.)?
After finding out the anamnesis, the doctor proceeds to a number of additional studies.
- Physical examination (general examination). Includes the detection of signs of heart disease, examination of the mouth, throat. The doctor pays attention to the increase in lymph nodes, the presence of free nasal breathing, the purity of the surface of the tongue and tonsils. Conducts audition of the lungs for the presence of wheezing, whistles, crepitations, as well as the nature of the listed symptoms.
- Chest x-ray. It is performed to detect neoplasms and tuberculosis changes inside the lungs, and bronchiectasis and sarcoidosis can also be detected.
- Evaluation of the functionality of external respiration - allows to detect bronchial obstruction, interstitial lung diseases, bronchial asthma.
- Analysis of bronchial secretions with microscopy of the material. Smears are stained by Gram and Tsil-Nielsen, mucus sowing and cytological examination are carried out.
- Instrumental methods of research. Bronchoscopy methods are used with cytology and histology (mainly for suspected oncological disease), biopsy of suspicious tissues, transbronchial lung biopsy, computed tomography.
The diagnosis is based on a set of studies, based on the results of a general examination, analyzes of the coughing material and instrumental assessment of the state of the respiratory system.
Treatment of cough with phlegm
Some believe that if bronchial mucus is released, the disease does not need treatment. This is a great misconception. Treatment at this stage is mandatory. It should be aimed at facilitating the diversion of excreta and the elimination of the underlying disease.
If the discharge is poorly expectorated and remains in the bronchial cavity for a long time, it can lead to bacterial complications. Therefore, the most used medicines in this situation are expectorant medications, mucolytics and combined agents. Some of them make slime more liquid, while others control its production in order to produce exactly the amount of secretions that the organism can take out most easily.
Dilution of sputum during coughing can occur with the use of expectorants:
- plant (based on plants) - are represented by pectusin, solutane, tussin, piles, syrup "Doctor Mom";
- synthetic - are represented by bromhexine, lazolvanom, ambroksolom, ATSTS.
Herbal preparations may have fewer side effects, but they are more likely to cause allergies, especially in pediatric patients. All this must be taken into account when choosing the means of treatment.
Treatment for a cough with hard-to-recover sputum should be done only with expectorants and mucolytic medications. In no case can you use antitussive drugs - they block the cough reflex, and hard to remove mucus in general ceases to be excreted. As a result, we get the accumulation of mucus inside the bronchi and lungs, the attachment of bacterial infection and complications, sometimes in the form of pneumonia. Choose medication carefully, after consulting with a doctor. We remind you that such medications should dilute and facilitate the excretion of bronchial mucus, cleaning the respiratory tract from the inside. Simultaneously, the main disease is treated, symptomatic treatment, immunostimulating therapy is carried out.
Means for coughing sputum
If the mucus from the bronchi is difficult to separate and removed, doctors recommend drinking plenty of warm liquid, including herbal teas and compotes. Apply medications that eliminate inflammation, having an enveloping, expectorant and bronchodilator effect, reducing the sensitivity of bronchial walls, increasing the cough threshold. If not contraindicated, you can use steam inhalation with the addition of various drugs and herbs. Inhalations help moisturize the mucous membrane, calm pain, improve the composition of mucus, relax smooth bronchial muscles.
At the same time, medicines based on thermopsis or ipecacuan should not be used in early childhood, since they can stimulate increased irritation of the respiratory system and the appearance of vomiting.
Let's consider the most effective means in more detail.
Inhalations with a spit with sputum often involve the use of herbal remedies: leaves of eucalyptus, sage, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, as well as preparations of Salvin and Romazulona. With inhalations of steam, it is recommended to use phytoncides - all known onions or garlic, the proportion is 1:50. In the pharmacy you can buy onion tincture on alcohol - it is used for the amount of 25 cap / 100 ml of pure water. A good effect is expected from such simple means, which are used on 0.5 liters of water:
- sea salt or baking soda (1 tsp);
- essential oil 10 cap. (eucalyptus, mint, needles, anise, peach);
- balm "Asterisk" - on the tip of the spoon.
You can use oils for inhalation - from sea buckthorn, olives, rose hips, rosemary.
Cough medicines with sputum are divided into several categories:
- products based on bromhexine (Bromhexin, Ascoril, Solvin);
- funds based on ambroxol (Ambrobe, Ambrosal, Flavamed, etc.);
- drugs based on carbocisteine (Bronhobos, Fluviert);
- means based on acetylcysteine (ACTS, Fluimutsil);
- herbal preparations based on althea, anise, elecampane, plantain, etc. (Mukaltin, Pectussin, Bronchikum, etc.). •
Tablets from cough with phlegm:
- Carbocysteine - stabilizes the consistency of mucus, contributes to its exit from the broncho-pulmonary system. Assign 2 capsules three times a day, with the improvement go to 1 capsule three times a day;
- Likorin - normalizes the secretion of the bronchial glands, relaxes the spasmodic smooth muscle structures of the bronchi. Take ½ or a whole tablet 3 to 4 times a day after eating;
- Likvitorit - a drug of licorice, eliminates inflammation, spasm, improves expectoration. Assign 1-2 tablets up to 4 times a day for half an hour before meals;
- Mukaltin - a preparation of an althaea, a soft expectorant. Apply orally 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day before meals. •
Antibiotics for coughing with sputum are prescribed only in advanced cases of the disease, as well as with suspected complications. In most cases, the following antibiotics are considered effective:
- the penicillin series is represented by amoxicillin (Flemoxin), augmentin, amoxiclav, ampicillin, etc. The listed medicines have a disastrous effect on the majority of bacteria that cause an inflammatory response in the respiratory system. If one of these drugs does not show the expected effect, it is replaced by another belonging to another group of antibiotics;
- fluoroquinolone series is represented by levofloxacin, moxifloxacin (Avelox). Such drugs are usually prescribed if antibiotics from a number of penicillins are ineffective;
- the cephalosporin series is represented by cefuroxime (also Zinnat, Aksetin), cefixime (Suprax), etc. These antibiotics are often used to treat inflammation in the bronchi, lungs, pleura, etc .;
- macrolide series is represented by azithromycin (Sumamed), which is often taken with atypical pneumonia, where the pathogens are mycoplasma or chlamydia. •
Cough syrup with phlegm is a very popular remedy, especially in children's practice. Many syrups are analogous to tablets, with a similar composition and action. Children are more willing to take syrups: it is easier for them to swallow a sweet aromatic liquid than to swallow a bitter pill. To choose a syrup it is desirable, being guided by recommendations of the doctor:
- Linkas is a herbal medicine, it eliminates the fever, spasms of the respiratory system, improves the production of mucus by the bronchi. It is prescribed for pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis;
- vegetable syrup Suprima-Broncho - can be prescribed with laryngitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, tracheobronchitis. May cause an allergic reaction;
- Syrup Lazolvan - a remedy from the group ambroksola. A very common and effective drug. Used for inflammation of the bronchi, lungs, bronchial asthma, congestion, bronchiectasias;
- Herbion - syrup from plantain. Treats inflammation of the respiratory system, helps even with a cough syndrome smoker;
- Bromheksin-syrup - mucolytic, promotes expectoration, thinning viscous mucus. Improves and facilitates the secretion of secretions;
- Erespal when coughing with phlegm - a syrup based on Fenspiride, an anti-bronchoconstrictor. Relieves spasms, eliminates inflammation, reduces the secretion of mucus by the bronchi. Actively used for bronchial asthma, bronchospasm, chronic bronchitis, pertussis, pharyngitis. Can be used in children from the moment of birth, from 2 tsp. Up to 6 tbsp. L. A day before meals. At reception there can be a drowsiness, frustration GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. • \
Herbs from coughing with phlegm are the most acceptable treatment without medication. Pine kidneys, onions, garlic, marshmallows, mint, chamomile, plantain, mother-and-stepmother, St. John's wort, elephant, sage are used as components for the collections or medicinal mixtures. Herbs can be used in the form of broths, infusions for inhalation, herbal teas for oral administration. A good effect is given by special breastfeeding, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. There are 4 types of such fees:
- No. 1 - althea rhizome, oregano, mother-stepmother leaf;
- №2 - mother-and-stepmother, plantain, rhizome of licorice;
- №3 - rhizome altea, anise, rhizome of licorice, pine buds, sage;
- №4 - chamomile color, Labrador tea, calendula, violet, rhizome of licorice, mint.
Vegetative components in these collections have complex mucolytic, expectorant, bronchodilating and anti-inflammatory effect. The secret begins to retire on time, the cough reflex is gradually docked.
Alternative means for coughing sputum
What other alternative means are used in the treatment of respiratory diseases with expectoration of a secret:
- We put a whole lemon in water, boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, cool. Cut the lemon into 2 equal parts, squeeze the juice into which we add 2 tbsp. L. Glycerin, top up to 200 ml with honey, mix. Accepted for 1 tbsp. L. Received mass three times a day before meals and at bedtime.
- Mix the equal parts of freshly squeezed carrot juice, black radish and milk. We consume 6 times a day for 1 tbsp. L.
- Mix two chicken yolks, 2 tbsp. L. Fresh butter, 2 tsp. Natural honey, 1 tsp. Flour. We use the resulting mass of 1 tsp. Throughout the day, can be repeated.
- Take black radish (7 pcs.), Slice it, sprinkle each piece of sugar, leave for 6 hours. The resulting juice is drained, then we take 1 tbsp. L. Every 60 minutes.
- We prepare a kissel from a viburnum on honey, we drink during the day.
- We prepare the infusion of sage (1 tablespoon per 250 ml of hot water), insist, filter, add equal amounts of boiled milk. We drink 100 ml several times a day, with honey or sugar.
- Finely cut 0.5 kg of onions, add 400 g of sugar and 40-60 g of honey, boil with 1 liter of water for 3 hours on low heat. Then cool it, drain the liquid. We consume 1 tbsp. L. About 5 times a day, it is possible during coughing seizures.
The use of alternative agents can be more effective if combined with inhalation by steam, using baking soda, medicinal herbs. A positive effect is observed when adding fir, cedar, eucalyptus oil to the fluid for inhalation. Such procedures are best done at night, before going to bed.
What if my cough does not go away with phlegm?
The appearance or intensification of the presence of pus in the mucous secretions, a significant increase in the amount of secretion, an increase in temperature indicators (preliminary signs of exacerbation) may be the reason for the earliest possible and soonest administration of antibiotic therapy. Begin such treatment with the use of ampicillin (1 g from 4 to 6 times a day), levomycetin (0.5 grams four times per day), tetracycline, cefazolin, lincomycin.
To activate a protective immune mechanism, it is recommended to take vitamin drinks and multivitamin preparations. In order to stimulate the nonspecific resistance of the body, biogenic stimulants are used:
- an extract of aloe liquid injecting in / m or s / c of 1 ml per day for a month;
- biosedema IM injection 1 ml (2 ml) every day. For 20-30 days.
From herbal remedies it is recommended to add preparations from elderberry, nettle leaves, parsley root, willow bark.
If the condition steadily worsens, then there can be no question of independent treatment. Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor - therapist, pulmonologist, otolaryngologist, phthisiatrist.
Help with cough with phlegm
During an attack, the main type of help can be the acceleration of the removal of mucous secretions from the respiratory tract. In the laryngeal or bronchial cavity pathogenic microorganisms can accumulate, and they can be removed only with good expectoration. How quickly it will be possible to clear the respiratory tract from the secretions, so quickly the body will feel relief and begin to recover.
Simultaneously with the use of medicines prescribed by the doctor, the patient should drink a large amount of warm liquid to facilitate mucus evacuation. This will greatly improve the excretion of excreta and purification of the respiratory system. As drinking it is useful to use herbal teas based on lime flowers, dog rose, raspberry, currant, other medicinal plants.
If there is a mucous secret in the bronchi, then drugs that block the cough reflex should not be used. Such preparations include, for example, codeine, as well as all agents based on it.
You can give some advice to those who can not cope with the disease:
- monitor the humidity in the room (normal humidity should vary from 40 to 60%);
- if you smoke, drop it. Moreover, avoid smoky places;
- Avoid overcooling and sudden overheating, do not leave the hot room in frosty air;
- Avoid inhaling vapors of various chemical sprays, detergent-cleaners;
- Do not suppress the desire to clear your throat - so you clear the bronchi, making your condition easier.
Preventing cough with phlegm
The operation of the cough reflex is in most cases a symptom of the disease of the respiratory system, so it can be prevented if you think about the prevention of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, SARS, ARI, laryngitis, etc., in time.
For prevention, factors that can provoke such diseases should be avoided: hypothermia, drafts, weakening of immunity, physical overload, stress, beriberi.
Avoid situations that can lead to irritation of the lungs: walk away from smoky, smoky, dusty and chemically treated rooms. Working with chemicals, lacquer-coloring substances can provoke the development of chronic respiratory damage. If being in such premises is inevitable, use appropriate protective measures - gauze dressings, respirators, etc.
If you are addicted to allergies or asthma, try to avoid provoking factors (contact with potential allergens).
Needless to say, smoking is one of the main factors in the appearance of chronic cough syndrome - very harmful for health in general. If you smoke, give up this habit. The rest can be advised to avoid places where people smoke. Passive smoking irritates the respiratory tract no less than smoking active.
A good preventive effect is provided by tempering the body. It is best to begin the procedure in the summer, when the body can easily tolerate temperature changes, and immunity in summer is considered more robust. Suitable for dousing with cool water, contrast showers, swimming in open water, air and sunbathing, outdoor sports. Winter hardening is better to do under the supervision of a specialist, because illiterate excessive cooling of the body can produce the opposite effect.
Prognosis of cough with phlegm
The prognosis directly depends only on the underlying disease, which triggered the cough reflex. If this symptom accompanies an acute viral or microbial infection of the respiratory system, then it is safely eliminated after the underlying disease has been cured.
If the cause of an attack is an allergy or the use of certain medications, then eliminating the allergen with substitution of drugs for others will help eliminate an unpleasant symptom.
A healthy lifestyle, adequate nutrition, lack of bad habits, active pastime can be the key to a favorable prognosis of respiratory diseases.
If the cough with phlegm is chronic, then getting rid of it will be more difficult - it can require complex complex treatment, often with the use of potent drugs and antibiotic therapy.