Why does it make me sick after eating and what should I do?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Agree, not a very pleasant feeling, when, having enjoyed the delicious food, you subsequently get an unpleasant sensation - when you feel sick after eating.
The condition is uncomfortable, the mood is spoiled, and you begin to worry about your health. To dispel doubts and get rid of the uncomfortable feeling it is necessary to find out the cause of such a symptomatology. Help in this consultation is a qualified specialist.
Causes of the nausea after eating
To get rid of the consequences - it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of the pathological manifestation. So what is the cause of nausea after eating and can it be eliminated on their own at home? Such a question is of interest to everyone who has at least once encountered this problem.
- The main and prevailing cause of nausea after eating are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, such as gastritis or ulcer diseases. Often, nausea is accompanied by other pathological symptoms. It can be heartburn, manifestations of flatulence. Expressed like a symptomatology can and pancreatitis. Adverse symptoms are usually accompanied by diarrheal manifestations and pain symptoms in the right hypochondrium.
- The cause of nausea after eating can be an intestinal infection, which shows the first signs of symptoms after a few minutes after infection with food in the human body. On rapidly developing intoxication caused by pathogenic flora, the body, in addition to nausea, responds with diarrhea and severe attacks of vomiting.
- Provoke a similar pathology can and many medications prescribed by the doctor to treat the patient. For many drugs, nausea is a side effect. In this situation, if the symptomatology is negligible, then you just have to wait a little. But if you feel sick enough intensively, you need to inform your doctor about it. Most quickly, he reassigns another drug of the same spectrum of action or gives recommendations and signs a drug that can mute or completely remove uncomfortable symptoms.
- Almost anyone knows that nausea is the first sign of a concussion. This symptom in this case does not directly depend on food intake, but its intensity is greatly enhanced after its intake. In parallel, usually, the victim feels dizzy, headaches.
- Constant nausea, worse after eating, also accompanies such a dangerous pathology as meningitis. This disease is recognized even for very severe pain in the occipital region of the brain, a light phobia appears, the body temperature of the patient shows very high values.
- If you feel sick after eating, you get heartburn and a feeling that you swallowed a balloon, there is increased gas emission and pain symptoms, giving off under the right rib. Such factors may indicate diseases that affect the gallbladder.
- Provoke a similar symptom is capable of fatty, high-calorie food. We should not allow overeating. An overloaded food tract in this way can "rebel" against an increased load.
- Changing the hormonal background of a woman during pregnancy is also capable of showing a similar symptom, especially in the morning time.
- Catalyzing nausea after eating can "harmful food": fatty and fried foods, large amounts of food intake (overeating).
- This manifestation can lead to increased motor activity and stress immediately after a meal.
- Failures in the work of the vestibular apparatus.
- Use in a feed of the poor-quality food which has already late expired term of realization.
- To provoke pathological nausea is also capable of an emotional factor: a stressful situation, a depressive state.
- Having a nausea after eating can become a consequence of the vitiligo and other parasitic infestations.
- Nausea is also observed in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Why does it cause nausea after eating?
Above we already discussed the reasons that are capable of provoking this unpleasant symptom. For each patient the reason is different, but everyone wants to know why nauseated after eating? And the main question is how to get rid of this trouble and preferably with the least losses. Nausea - a discomfort that occurs in the region of the pharynx and / or epigastric zone, which is located below the xiphoid process and projected into the anterior region of the abdominal cavity at the level of the stomach. Nausea is the direct predecessor of vomiting.
A person begins to feel discomfort after eating, if in his body there is a decline in the muscle tone of the stomach, there is a decrease in the rate of peristalsis in the intestine. In parallel with this, there is an increase in prolonged persistent excitation of nerve centers and muscle tissue of the proximal parts of the small intestine and duodenum. In this connection, a return of a part of the gastric contents and internal capacity of the duodenum is observed.
During the inspiration period, the contractile activity of the muscles of the respiratory system and the pulmonary diaphragm increases, when a person exhales, the muscular tissues of the anterior wall of the abdominal zone become activated.
Quite often it can be observed that against the background of general podtashnivaniya there is increased salivation, the glands responsible for sweat production are more active, the skin of the patient gives off whiteness. In some cases, heart palpitations are noted.
It has already been said above about the causes that can cause nausea after eating. But it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the indicative factor, when nauseated after eating, as symptoms of the disease. Mostly, this symptomatology accompanies almost all diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. But, at times, this problem can be solved not by the gastroenterologist. The cause of pathological changes can become disruptions in the work of the endocrine system (in this situation, consultation of the endocrinologist is necessary), neurological disorders (examination and recommendations of a neurologist), less often, but this pathology may be a consequence of cardiac failures.
So what are the most common diseases accompanied by nausea after eating:
- With ulcerative lesions of the mucosa of the digestive system, as well as gastritis, this unpleasant sensation after eating is only intensified. It is accompanied by a burning sensation in the upper abdominal cavity. Consultation with a gastroenterologist and a full examination of the digestive organs are necessary.
- Diseases affecting the gallbladder. In the process of food intake and after its end, there is an increase in internal discomfort, caused by nausea, a feeling of raspryaniya, heartburn. There is an unpleasant metallic, bitter taste in the mouth. There is an increased release of gases from the body.
- Provocateur of nausea after eating can become pancreatitis, whose base is the inflammatory process that occurs in the pancreas. Simultaneously, a dull, pressing pain symptomatology appears, giving off under the right rib. The patient feels a bitter taste in his mouth, suffers from diarrhea. On the background of the disease, weight loss can occur. The disease is under the control of the gastroenterologist. He conducts an examination, appoints a survey and paints adequate treatment.
- The cause of nausea can be appendicitis. Directly the appearance of the symptomatology is not related to eating, but can be intensified after eating and provoke vomiting. In this case, the patient may rise temperature. Pain symptomatology is changeable: first the patient senses it in the upper part of the abdomen, then the pain begins to descend lower and localizes in the right side. An urgent examination of the surgeon and his surgical intervention are necessary. In this situation, you can not delay, delay is fraught with peritonitis, which can lead to death.
- Poisoning of the body, which was caused by a seemingly banal intestinal infection. In this situation, the first symptomatology may appear in half an hour after taking "dangerous" food or it can happen after a few hours, it all depends on the condition of the patient's body and its level of immunity. Usually, after taking food, the intensity of nausea increases and quickly passes into vomiting, profuse diarrhea is observed. The victim is suffering headaches and sharp pain in the navel. Sometimes poisoning is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature. Its indicators can reach 39 o C.
Nausea may be a consequence of other pathological changes, but they do not have a direct connection with food intake. This category includes:
- Violations occurring in the vestibular apparatus. It is enough to change the position of the body: abruptly get out of bed or turn around its axis - this is enough to cause a strong attack of nausea, reaching for vomiting. Usually this is accompanied by a constant noise veil in the ears, dizziness. Nystagmus can also be observed - when a person is unable to fix a glance on a particular subject, the eye seems to slip.
- A severe headache ( migraine ) can also cause deterioration in the general condition. In addition to nausea, there is light-phobia.
- If the nausea does not leave throughout the day, especially intensifying in the morning and after eating, there is swelling and redness of the skin on the face, a breakdown, dizziness and pain in the head, the catalyst for all the symptoms may be hypertensive disease.
- Meningitis becomes a provocateur of nausea . With his defeat, a very strong vomiting is differentiated, the temperature indicators reach dangerous for human life indicators at 40 o C and above. This is accompanied by severe pain in the occipital part of the head, it is hard for a patient to look at the light. In this situation, emergency medical care should be called for immediately. Delay can cost a patient a life.
- Nausea appears after a stroke that caused a concussion.
- Similar concomitant symptomatology is manifested in the case of heart failure, as well as it is capable of provoking a heart attack. In this case, nausea can lead to vomitive reflexes. There is a pallor of the skin, not passing pain symptoms "under the spoon," may appear hiccough. The patient becomes stuffy, I want to breathe deeply, but this is problematic. Urgent medical care is needed.
- The lack of hormones in the thyroid gland provokes the development of hypothyroidism, which becomes a catalyst for minor nausea, general apathy, drowsiness. The patient is able to freeze in the summer heat. To eat it would not be desirable, but, nevertheless, the weight starts to be lost. It is necessary to have an examination and consultation with an endocrinologist.
- If no clear nausea due to food intake, and the temperature reaches 38 to C, or even 40 to C, dull or spazmiruyutsya localized pain in the lumbar region, the patient "has a fever" can cause problems with urination. Catalyzing such manifestations may be an inflammatory process that affects the patient's kidneys.
Nauseated after eating during pregnancy
The perfect time is the carrying of the baby, but it is often obscured by uncomfortable symptoms. One of these "troubles", when nauseated after eating with pregnancy, is most inherent in this first trimester. An unpleasant symptom can reach a woman all day long, and can disturb only in the morning, and also be a reaction to a certain smell or product. The root cause of such changes is the restructuring of the woman's body under the new conditions of functioning necessary to create the ideal conditions in which a new life begins to grow and flutter.
Mostly in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the woman does not care for toxicosis and she can enjoy her position with pleasure. Toxicosis is individual, every woman has it's own, but some of their causes may be related, and their elimination will reduce the risk of its occurrence.
- The cause of nausea after eating, often, is the wrong diet, and the amount of food consumed.
- Inflammatory processes that occur in the organs of the small pelvis, including in the genitals.
- Disorders in the endocrine system caused by any disease or hormonal changes during pregnancy.
- Strong emotional stress, depression, nervous overexcitation.
- Diseases of ENT organs.
- Lack of sleep and physical and emotional exhaustion of the body.
- Abnormal exacerbation of smell and touch during the bearing of the baby.
Toxicosis is not considered a disease, and in minor manifestations, it fits into the rate of ongoing pregnancy. But to ignore this pathology is not worth it. Perhaps it will be sufficient to just correct your daily diet and diet so that the unpleasant symptom disappears. After all, however that may be, the poor health of the future mother (both physically and emotionally) can damage the normal development of the fetus. If the irritating cause is an external factor, it is necessary, if possible, to eliminate it.
Very often, the future mother of nausea is covered with an empty stomach, and it is enough to eat a little as the problem goes away. But if this symptom is accompanied by heartburn, intoxication causes vomiting, dizziness is felt, blood pressure jumps, the pregnant woman feels badly, down to loss of consciousness - it is necessary to urgently call a doctor. Only a specialist is able to correctly establish the cause and prescribe the necessary and acceptable treatment in this situation.
The reasons that caused nausea, can not be treated during the period of the baby by classical methods with the use of medications. After all, this approach can harm a child. Only after obtaining a complete picture of the pathology, convening a consultation, if necessary, the doctor will be able to give recommendations, to write out a therapeutic treatment or maintenance therapy (if more radical methods are needed, they can be used only after obstetric care). Rarely, but there are cases when the council decides to forcibly terminate the pregnancy.
After eating, nauseated and burp
An eructation is an uncontrolled release of gases and elements of undigested food and gastric secretion from the esophagus into the oral cavity. Most often this process takes place along with unaesthetic sound and unpleasant ambre. Gastric juice is hydrochloric acid, which irritates the mucosa of the esophagus, which subsequently provokes heartburn. If a person after a nauseated stomach and eructation, then the reasons for this discomfort can be several.
- This may be due to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, such as:
- Akhalasia cardia - neuromuscular dysfunction of the esophagus, due to the absence of a reflex opening of the cardia during swallowing and accompanied by a violation of peristalsis and a decrease in the tone of the thoracic esophagus, that is, a violation in the permeability of the gut.
- Gastritis.
- Acute form of pancreatitis.
- The pathology of the gallbladder.
- Problems in the work of the liver.
- Inflammatory process, taking place in appendicitis.
But if the human digestive tract is in a normal state, then other external factors may cause unpleasant symptoms:
- If a person is emotional enough and at mealtime talks or eats very quickly, swallowing poorly chewed food, then together with portions of food in his esophagus and stomach gets some air. He does not "want to be inside" and tries to get out. Coming along the path of least resistance, the air carries with it food particles. Against this background, the individual receives an eructation and a feeling of nausea.
- The second reason for the unpleasant tandem in question can be the active load that was given to the body immediately after ingestion. The mechanism of action is similar to the previous point, only provokes the release of the contents of the stomach pressure that the muscular system exerts on the stomach.
- To provoke a similar symptomatology is capable and excessive predilection for food, overeating.
- If, after eating, nauseated and belching, it is quite possible on the table were dishes of "heavy" products, causing increased gas separation. It can be radish, peas, beans, carbonated drinks.
- Similar symptoms are caused by fatty foods, fried and spicy food.
- The cause of pathological changes may be products with an expired implementation period.
- Quite a part of such symptoms can be observed during pregnancy - a period of toxicosis, which mainly captures the first trimester. The uterus in conjunction with the fetus increases in size and begins to act from below on the dome of the diaphragm - this is more characteristic of the second and, especially, the third trimester of pregnancy.
Child after eating nauseated
Probably the most terrible thing for a mother is when her child suffers. The difficulty is that the little man is not always able to clearly explain what is bothering him. What are the reasons for the nauseatedness of the child after eating? The reasons are many and they are different.
- This can be one of the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or organ involved in the digestive process (liver, pancreas, and so on).
- Nausea with concomitant symptoms can be caused by food poisoning.
- The baby's organism is still so vulnerable, so after it has eaten fatty or fried foods it is quite possible it can vomit.
- The baby's digestive system can react to inadequate food.
- The cause of nausea may be a drop or bruise. Trauma provokes a concussion - that's what causes nausea, which can intensify after eating.
- It is possible to react with the baby's organism so that some medications can be taken. In the instruction, applied to many medicines, this symptom occurs as an incidental phenomenon.
- In case the whole family ate the same dishes, and nausea, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, suffered only one. It is necessary to take this symptomatology seriously enough - its cause can be appendicitis. It is better to be safe and consult a specialist than not do it and reap "dangerous" fruits in the form of complications, and even death of the patient. In fact, an untimely appendectomy provokes the development of peritonitis.
- Another cause of pathology in a small man can be a negative stressful situation: resentment of someone, a sense of guilt in front of his mother, a strong fright. Nausea and vomiting, the baby subconsciously tries to remove from himself these unpleasant sensations. Here, the support of parents and loved ones, in conjunction with respiratory gymnastics, is suitable.
- A healthy baby is very mobile and curious. He is constantly on the move. Active games lead to the fact that the child has sweating, and he starts losing enough moisture. The child's organism is very quickly dehydrated, the baby starts to get nauseated. To eliminate such a problem, it is necessary for the little man to drink a little pure still water.
- In connection with the deplorable situation with the environment, especially for the population of megacities, the percentage of children born allergic-dependent grows with each passing year. Therefore, nausea can be a reaction of the baby's body to one of the external stimuli. In this case it is necessary to identify the source of the allergy and eliminate it.
- Many moms are touched, seeing how the baby crochets for both cheeks. As a result, we see a fairly large percentage of children who have an early stage of obesity, which entails multiple pathological changes in the child's body. It is overeating - large amounts of consumed food - which causes unpleasant symptoms. If the baby does not want to eat - do not shove all the food into it.
- Toshnish the baby can and in transport, especially if he before it ate. The reason for this manifestation is the imperfection of the baby's vestibular apparatus. If a child suffers from these manifestations, it is not worthwhile to give him food before the planned trip and, preferably, to choose a place in the transport where the kid can look ahead, in the course of traffic.
Who to contact?
Diagnostics of the nausea after eating
To get rid of the problem - it must first be differentiated. Diagnosis of nausea after eating begins with an analysis of the situation, previous actions and food, which shortly before the attack the victim was eating. Do not be superfluous and get advice from a specialist. After all, if the source of pathological manifestations is a disease, then it must be established and administered a course of treatment, otherwise it is not possible to get rid of nausea.
With problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the first thing to do is to adjust the diet. An adequate diet can recommend a gastroenterologist. The patient will have to undergo some tests:
- Collecting patient complaints.
- To get the full picture, the doctor finds out the patient's anamnesis.
- The palpation of the abdomen is performed.
- Analysis of urine and feces.
- Blood test.
- Ultrasonic examination of the digestive system.
- Gastroscopy will also be prescribed.
- If necessary, an antibody test is performed on the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is a provoker of a peptic ulcer.
Treatment of the nausea after eating
A universal medicine, irretrievably stopping nausea, does not exist, especially if the cause of discomfort is one of numerous diseases. Therefore, treatment of nausea after eating can be started only after a diagnosis is made that provokes a similar symptomatology. Only after that the specialist can make an effective treatment protocol, suitable for the relief of a particular disease.
The modern pharmacological market, for relief of uncomfortable pathology, produces a number of drugs that can solve the problem. For example, dimedrol or motilium. In one case, one drug will be more effective, in the other, another.
Diphenhydramine is administered orally with a small amount of liquid. Dosage for adult patients and adolescents older than 14 years is 50 g one to three times throughout the day. The duration of the treatment period varies from 10 to 15 days. The maximum dosage should not exceed: during the day - 250 mg, once - 100 mg.
It is not recommended to prescribe a drug when the patient's hypersensitivity to the components of diphenhydramine, as well as if there is a closed-angle glaucoma in the patient's anamnesis, stenosing the ulcer pathology of the digestive organs, heart rhythm disorder if the patient suffers from epilepsy and bronchial asthma.
Motilium is taken half an hour before meals, if necessary, and before bedtime. The adult dosage assumes the introduction of one tablet, which corresponds to 20 mg of active ingredient, three times - four times throughout the day. If the therapeutic efficacy is negligible, the amount of medication administered can be doubled (except for infants under the age of one year). The maximum allowable amount that can be taken during the day is 2.4 mg, taken per kilogram of the patient's weight, but the dosage should not exceed 80 mg. The medication is prescribed to patients whose weight exceeds 35 kg.
Contraindicated motilium in such cases:
- Prolactinoma is a prolactin-secreting neoplasm in the pituitary gland.
- Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
- Bleeding affecting the organs of the digestive tract.
- Joint reception with strong inhibitors of the isoenzyme CYP3A4.
- Perforation of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Mechanical obstruction of the intestine.
- The patient's body weight is up to 35 kg.
With certain diseases, one can not do without surgical intervention. For example, appendicitis, some forms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. After surgery, the patient is usually prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Antibiotic group macrolides (semisynthetic erythromycin derivative) - to larithromycin - is prescribed for patients over 12 years in a dosage of 0.25 g twice daily. With medical necessity, the amount of medication taken can be increased to 0.5 g twice a day. The duration of the course varies from five days to two weeks. For patients with severe kidney pathology, the dosage of the drug is reduced and assigned exclusively individually.
Contraindications for the drug include increased intolerance of the constituents of the drug. The drug is not recommended for children under the age of 12 years, the doctor ascribes clarithromycin to another form of release.
It should be noted that one should not engage in self-medication, because the causes that cause nausea after eating are different, hence, and methods of cleaning them can not be the same. In order not to harm your body, it is better to turn to a highly qualified specialist who will determine the provoking cause and prescribe adequate treatment.
What should I do if I feel sick after eating?
Nausea is an unpleasant sensation. When it starts to reach, the first question popping up in the brain is what to do if it gets nauseous after eating? If the unpleasant symptomatology is not associated with pathological changes leading to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine, nervous or cardiac system, then the first thing to do is to determine the provoking source.
- If the vibular apparatus is the fault of discomfort, you should not eat before you go on a "swing" or in a city park on a swing.
- It is necessary to carefully read the recommendations for medicines - a side effect of many may be nausea.
- During pregnancy, it is necessary to minimize irritating factors: stress, fatigue. Adjust your diet.
- It is worth to be neat in the movements, minimizing the falls and bruises, which can lead to a concussion.
- If the cause of nausea after eating is food poisoning, you need to call an ambulance without delay. Before her arrival, the patient needs to do a lavage of the stomach: an enema, induce vomiting reflex, give a lot of liquids to drink (a simple pure non-carbonated water, drinks should not be sweet). Only after cleaning the stricken should give a drink of any adsorbent. It can be activated carbon, sorbex and other means of a similar action.
Depending on the severity of the poisoning, sorbets take one to three capsules. The most effective drug will be at its input for an hour - one and a half before or after a meal. If necessary, the dosage of the drug can be increased to two to four capsules administered three times a day for adult patients and, with the same frequency, but in one to two capsules for children from 7 to 14 years. One can take no more than eight units of the drug. To children of a smaller age, the drug is prescribed only by the treating doctor and in case of emergency. Duration of treatment from three days to two weeks.
Sorbex is contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity to the component composition of the drug, as well as in case of bleeding and ulcerative lesions of the mucosa of the digestive tract.
A panacea for nausea after eating does not exist, but there are recipes for alternative medicine that can, under certain conditions, bring relief.
- If nausea comes up to your throat, you can smell ammonia.
- Mix a quarter tablespoon of soda and a half of lemon juice. This mixture should be drunk at the first sign of nausea.
- You can prepare tincture from the peel of three - four mandarins and a quarter liter of vodka (250 g). Cut the peel, pour liquid and insist for a week. When uncomfortable symptoms appear, take 20 drops four times throughout the day.
- At the first signs of nausea, you can put a tablet of Validol under your tongue , and a candy with a menthol or mint flavor will do.
- You can quickly prepare a decoction based on one teaspoon of nettle leaves. Pour it with a glass of hot milk and boil for five minutes. Third of the resulting liquid to drink immediately, and the rest of the broth to drink at intervals of two to three hours for one tablespoon until the moment until the symptomatology disappears completely.
- You can use a mint tincture, which is easy to prepare at home or buy at a pharmacy. 15 droplets are diluted with a small amount of water and drunk.
- The ginger tincture or tea with ginger (without addition of sugar) will approach also.
But much depends on the person himself. By his way of life, he can significantly reduce the likelihood of an unpleasant symptom. Prevention of nausea after eating includes several simple rules:
- The human diet should be balanced.
- Eliminate or minimize the use of harmful foods:
- Oily and fried foods.
- Sharp dishes.
- Carbonated beverages and energy.
- Fast food.
- Products containing preservatives, dyes and stabilizers.
- Alcoholic beverages.
- Keeping a healthy lifestyle that excludes bad habits.
- Very carefully take prescribed medications and not engage in self-medication.
- Do not overeat and watch your weight.
- Do not ignore the outdoors.
- Regularly ventilate the living and working area.
- Eat small meals at intervals of two to three hours.
- In the process of eating, do not talk, do not turn around and thoroughly chew food.
- The last meal should be no later than two to three hours before the proposed bedtime.
- Do not ignore the rules of personal hygiene.
- Once a year, pass a preventive examination of specialized specialists.
- If there is an allergy to certain products or external stimuli, they should, if possible, be removed or minimized.
- If a person has a malfunction in the vestibular apparatus, then he should not eat before going on a motor vehicle. Movements should be smooth, not allowing a sharp change of position.
Remember, timely diagnosing the problem gives you more opportunities to come to an effective elimination of the root cause and complete recovery.
Our body has its own "language", which it tries to convey to its owner what is undergoing pathological changes. One of these signals is a symptom when nauseated after eating. Provoking reasons are many, but it is necessary to determine exactly which one is the catalyst in a particular case. This is the only way to get rid of the problem. Only a qualified doctor can understand this. Do not put yourself a diagnosis yourself and prescribe therapy. This approach can be fraught with unpleasant side effects or serious complications. Therefore, be attentive to your health and the health of close relatives and friends, do not let the disease run out if pathological symptoms begin to appear.