Causes of belching
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The causes of eructation, that is, the involuntary escape of gas from the esophagus or stomach through the mouth, are very different. And this output is not always a symptom of the disease ..
In gastroenterology, all kinds of burping have been studied and clear cause-effect relationships of this symptom with these or other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with other diseases or anatomical abnormalities, have been established.
Causes of belching with air
Causes of belching air - ingestion of air. During meals (and not only), people swallow the air (within 2 cm³ with one swallowing). But if the amount of swallowed air exceeds the norm, then this process in medicine is called pneumatosis of the stomach or aerophagia. And the more the amount of swallowed air, the more often it regurgitates, that is, the movement in the opposite direction. Therefore, the development factors of frequent eructations in humans, as well as constant aerophagia by air, are in most cases connected with aerophagia, which is divided into physiological and pathological.
As experts note, the physiological pneumatosis of the stomach is facilitated by the use of carbonated water and other drinks with gas, hasty food intake and conversations during meals, insufficient chewing food and even frequent use of chewing gum.
Often, the physiological eructation of air occurs after overeating, or when right after eating a person starts to work hard.
But there is also a purely abnormal aerophagy, absolutely not associated with eating. And then the immediate causes of belching air lie in:
- breathing with a mouth with difficulty breathing through the nose;
- hypersalivation (abundant saliva and frequent swallowing);
- neurotic state, hysterical psychosis (nervous aerophagia);
- disturbance of peristalsis of the stomach (paresis) and a decrease in its tone;
- hernia of esophagus;
- Achalasia of the esophagus (cardiospasm), in which the peristalsis of the esophagus is absent, and the lower sphincter of the esophagus does not relax when swallowed;
- cardiovascular insufficiency;
- aneurysm (protrusion of the wall) of the lower part of the aorta.
The causes of constant eructations include frequent overeating, an abundance of fatty and acute in the diet, as well as pathologies such as congenital narrowing of the esophagus, crease of the stomach, dysfunction separating the esophagus and stomach valve (sphincter).
Causes of belching after eating
The causes of eructations after eating are often associated with malfunctioning of important organs such as the pancreas and duodenum. Inflammatory processes in these organs - pancreatitis and duodenitis - lead to disruption of the process of digestion of food, and regurgitation after eating tops the list of initial signs of these pathologies.
For some, the causes of burping food are caused by an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, which results in a disruption in the absorption of nutrients. In many cases of aeration with food, it is guilty to reverse the movement of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus (through the lower esophageal sphincter). This is the so-called gastroesophageal (gastroesophageal) reflux.
Throwing the contents of the stomach back into the connecting throat with the stomach, the digestive tract section is not considered a pathology, if it occurs exclusively after eating, it happens infrequently and does not cause heartburn. However, reflux, which often happens and lasts for a fairly long time, especially at night, gives a serious reason to consult a doctor, since such a symptom may indicate a malignant neoplasm in the digestive tract.
Causes of rotten belching
Causes of rotten belching - inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis) with a decreased acidity of gastric juice, or narrowing of the initial portion of the duodenum, or stenosis of the pyloric stomach. With these diseases, normal digestion of food is also difficult, and the food partially decomposes with the release of hydrogen sulfide, which is known to have the smell of rotten eggs.
In some cases, they are hidden in the presence of a human stomach ulcer or peptic ulcer of the duodenum. Then, apart from aeration, there are heartburn and swelling in the abdominal cavity.
Also, the etiologic factor of the corpulent eructation may be gluten enteropathy or celiac disease - a chronic autoimmune disease that manifests itself in the inability of the body to digest gluten of cereal crops.
Causes of acid burp
Causes of acidic eructation can be explained simply: a patient with such complaints has inflammation of the gastric mucosa, that is, gastritis, but against a background of too high content of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. Giperatsidny gastritis is the cause of heartburn, aerofagii and nausea.
Causes of eructation by foam - all the same gastritis (acute, chronic or erosive). In this case, aerofagia can be with an acidic or bitter taste.
The causes of eructation in the morning, the so-called hungry aerofagy saliva, lie in the presence of the justified in your stomach ... Gastritis. It should be noted that, among the most revealing clinical signs of the development of this disease are heartburn after eating and bouts of nausea, as well as clearly localized pain.
Causes of eructation by bitterness
The main cause of eructation is bitterness - getting into the stomach cavity of bile, which has a bitter taste. In normal operation of the digestive system, bile in the stomach should not be: it is produced by the liver cells, accumulates in the gallbladder, and then enters the duodenum and further into the intestine. But if the duodenum is squeezed, or the pylorus of the stomach (which separates it from the duodenum of the sphincter) is weakened, then the bile (reflux) of bile is carried along with the contents of the duodenum into the stomach and esophagus. Gastroenterologists call this pathology duodenogastric and duodenogastroesophageal reflux. And this is an alarming symptom, as the examination can reveal not only inflammation of the duodenum (duodenitis), but also the presence of a tumor.
In addition, the etiological factors of burping bile (bitterness) can be related directly to the gallbladder and liver. In the gallbladder, the formation of stones (cholelithiasis) is possible, and the presence of dyskinesia of the bile ducts is also not excluded. A removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) is the cause of a constant eructation of bile.
Excessive strain on the liver in the form of fatty foods and alcohol leads to excessive secretion of hepatic bile, the taste of which is felt during aeration after eating.
Causes of belching with acetone
The most frequent causes of eructation by acetone are associated with a variety of pathologies, but at the heart of the appearance of the smell of acetone is almost always a biochemical factor, such as incomplete hydrolysis of protein, fat and carbohydrates consumed with food.
First, the smell of acetone from the mouth and belching of acetone can be an indisputable evidence of the patient's diabetes. Secondly, the main etiological factor of belching acetone is too high a protein and fat content in the diet with a shortage of carbohydrates (glucose), as well as a complete lack or a significant deficit of proteins and fats in food (with "hungry" diets).
In addition, aerophagia with the odor of acetone can arise as a consequence of the high content of acetone, acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate (ketone bodies) in the blood plasma, which is facilitated by liver pathologies (in which these ketone bodies are synthesized), thyroid diseases (thyrotoxicosis), tumors the brain, etc.
Causes of eructations in children
As the main cause of eructations in children, in particular in infants, pediatricians call the ingestion of air (aerophagia), which is manifested due to underdevelopment of the nervous system of the digestive system and the immaturity of the lower esophageal valve. Or because of the presence in children of the first year of life of a neuropathic syndrome. Both of them eventually pass by themselves.
Very often, the etiological factors of regurgitation in infants are associated with sucking dummy (which also swallows the air), intensified (greedy) breast sucking with a lack of milk production.
Aero-phagia in babies-babies has the appearance of regurgitation with curdled milk, that is, in fact, it is the same gastroesophageal reflux.
In the first six months since birth, regurgitation in children is considered normal. You need to worry if the baby belches almost after each feeding and does not gain weight.
Causes of belching during pregnancy
The causes of eructation in pregnancy in the predominant majority of cases are due to the fact that the uterus, growing as the fetus develops, begins to press on the organs of the abdominal cavity and the diaphragm. This disrupts the natural position of the stomach, and the lower sphincter of the esophagus and the cardiac sphincter of the stomach can not cope with their functions, which leads to aeration.
In addition, the factor of heartburn and eructation during pregnancy is a hormone-regulated relaxation of the muscle tissue, which leads to a decrease in the peristalsis of the esophagus and a slower food advance.
Errors in the diet of a pregnant woman - fat, spicy, fried - also make their "feasible contribution" to the appearance of acidic aerophagy. And the causes of burping during the course of pregnancy are the gastroduodenal reflux described above, which occurs as a result of squeezing the duodenum with an enlarged uterus.
As you can see, the causes of eructation are indeed very diverse. And this physiological manifestation of the digestive system must be taken seriously, because it can be a signal of a number of diseases.