Numbness of the right arm
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Causes of Numbness in the Right Hand
The most frequent leakage occurs in old age, since at this life stage the person is most susceptible to cardiovascular diseases.
Causes of loss of sensitivity of the upper limb can be quite a lot. Numbness can occur throughout the day, at night during sleep, while staying in a stationary position for a long time. Wicking can pass independently and quickly, but can also be delayed for several hours and even days.
The most common causes of numbness of the right arm:
- violation of blood flow in the limb, nerve clenching (usually this occurs at night, especially if a person rests on an uncomfortable bed in the wrong position of the body, or sleeps on a too high or firm pillow);
- long stay in an uncomfortable position, usually associated with professional activities;
- frequent use of weights, inconvenient bags or suitcases;
- activities associated with the predominant vertical position of the upper limbs (rock climbing, the work of a painter or wallpaper hanger, etc.);
- long-term presence in a cold room or in the cold without the necessary protection of hands;
- long-term strain of the muscles of the hand or upper limb.
Usually with a little everyday wilting can be handled. For this, it is only necessary to periodically change the position of the hands, do light exercises, restoring the damaged blood flow.
Causes of numbness in the fingers of the right hand
If the right hand, and especially her fingers, grow numb very often and for a long time, it may be a sign of a disease. Causes of regular loss of sensitivity of the fingers and upper limb can be:
- osteochondrosis of cervical vertebrae, hernia of vertebral discs, cartilaginous pathologies in the spine. In the cases listed, the nerve fibers coming from the spine to the right upper limb are squashed or infringed;
- violation of the blood supply to the brain. This reason can be suspected if the flow of the hand is observed against a background of high blood pressure or hypercholesterolemia;
- trauma to the shoulder or elbow joint, especially accompanied by swelling of the tissues;
- numbness of the fingers at night can indicate a disorder of the function of some internal organs, for example, the lungs;
- a state of perpetual stress, a prolonged neuropsychiatric stress.
Another cause of flowing of the little finger of the right hand can be compression-ischemic neuropathy, or carpal tunnel syndrome. The essence of the disease is the squeezing of the median nerve fiber with bone and tendon wrist elements. Usually, such a pathology occurs in people older than middle age, whose work involves the monotonous assembly of small details of something. In addition, musicians, experienced writers and artists, specialists in sign language interpretation can suffer from neuropathy.
Numbness of the fingers of the right hand
The greatest number of cases of numbness of the fingers of the right hand can be accompanied by the following clinical symptoms:
- a feeling of coldness of the fingers;
- burning sensation;
- feeling of tautness and tingling of the skin;
- when touching, the sensitivity is completely or partially broken.
The swelling of the fingertips of the right hand is often considered a sign of neurovascular disorders, as a consequence of osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae or prolonged hypertension.
Numbness of the right hand is a frequent sign of osteochondrosis changes, indicate the presence of intervertebral hernia, blood flow disorder, compression of nerve fibers in specific places of their exit, or damage to nerves with deforming arthrosis. Such signs are relevant for metabolic disturbances, migraine headaches, and sclerotic changes in the vessels. Sometimes swelling can indicate a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.
Numbness of the ring finger of the right hand can be caused by the infringement of the nerve root, as a result of the uncomfortable position of the hands during a complex scrupulous work, wearing heavy objects, uncomfortable posture in a dream. Such leakage is quickly eliminated with a change in the type of activity or the awkward position of the upper limb. The function of the numb finger is restored, which is accompanied by a feeling of heat and blood flow.
If the swelling is repeated often and lasts several minutes in a row, you should consult a doctor, especially if the numbness is accompanied by a pain syndrome.
Numbness of the little finger on the right arm, especially combined with a violation of the flex function, most likely indicates neuropathology of the ulnar nerve. It should be noted that this disease is more common in right-handers, who are more actively using the right hand. However, often the swelling of the little finger is one of the first signs of a prediscount state. Therefore, ignore this symptom is strongly discouraged.
Numbness of the right thumb is often combined with loss of sensitivity of the index and middle fingers. This happens when, with prolonged exertion, tendon swelling occurs. Such a swelling, in turn, presses on the nearby nerve, which is responsible for the innervation of the palmar surface, as well as the large, index and middle finger. The signs of wilt are most pronounced at night, or closer to dawn.
If the flow of the thumb is observed on the right and left hands simultaneously, this may indicate a violation or displacement of the cervical vertebrae. This condition is often supplemented by the weakness of the affected fingers, rarely by the painful sensations of the outer shoulder region and forearm.
Numbness of the middle finger of the right hand is usually associated with the pathology of the elbow joint: diseases of traumatic, infectious-inflammatory and trophic nature. Most often these are neuritis, myositis, contractures, bursitis, arthritis or osteoarthritis. These diseases are mostly associated with traumatism of the elbow area, both due to the sharp and gradual impact of external force on the joint.
The swelling of the index finger of the right hand is often associated with the defeat of the nervous brachial plexus. Simultaneously with the loss of sensitivity, there may be weakness in the grip of the hand, as well as unexpressed pain when trying to bend the wrist in the joint.
If the index finger grows numb "in the company" with the thumb or middle finger, then this can be considered a symptom of lesions of the spine discs, especially the cervical spine and neck muscles.
It is necessary to realize that the exact diagnosis and the causes of numbness in the fingers of the right hand can only be determined by a specialist. In addition to diagnosis, the doctor will be able to appoint a qualified treatment in your case.
Numbness of the right leg and arm
Simultaneous flowing of the entire right side of the body, and in particular of the right arm and leg, accompanied by impaired motor coordination and muscle weakness, can be observed in the following pathologies:
- the initial stage of multiple sclerosis - a severe CNS disease, in which there is a degeneration of certain areas of brain neural tissues into connective tissue sites. The disease manifests itself by numbness of parts of the body, disorder of visual functions, loss of motor activity. Signs of pathology often manifest themselves after 35-45 years;
- disorder of cerebral circulation - a sharp decrease in blood circulation in the brain. The condition is accompanied by flowing half of the body, a disorder of consciousness, a headache. In most cases, a circulatory disorder can occur in elderly patients, especially in overweight patients, atherosclerotic changes in the vascular system, elevated blood pressure, and heart failure. Disorder of cerebral circulation can go to stroke - a hemorrhage in the brain tissue. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of a violation of the blood circulation of the brain, it is necessary to consult the doctor promptly;
- the presence of neoplasm in the brain - can exert mechanical pressure on nearby tissues and nerve endings, which causes numbness of the extremities from the side of the tumor, pain in the head, difficulties with motor coordination. Additional symptoms of the pathology are increased intracranial pressure, apathy, loss of appetite, cachexia, etc.
Numbness of the right arm and leg at the same time - this is a serious signal to the fact that the body is not all right. Address to the good expert: in such situation it is not necessary to lose precious time.
Numbness of the right arm in a dream
The loss of the sensitivity of the right hand in a dream can be associated with an improperly selected pillow or uncomfortable position of the body in a dream. Often, the right hand grows numb due to the fact that a person likes to sleep, putting a hand under his head, or hugging a pillow. In order to get rid of swelling, it is enough to choose a more physiological pillow or change the habit of putting your hands under your head.
However, sometimes numbness of the fingers of the right hand at night can indicate a hidden pathology, and even very serious.
The first possible reason for the loss of sensitivity is the squeezing of nerve fibers by nearby swollen muscles, or spasmodic muscles or areas of tendons. This condition can occur with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, with a scalenus syndrome and tunnel neuropathy.
Osteochondrosis of cervical vertebrae is characterized by squeezing the nerve endings, their edema, which is accompanied by painful muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle and upper limbs.
Scalenius syndrome can be associated with professional activities, or with a long operation on the keyboard. Additional factors for the development of this syndrome may be:
- disease of the endocrine system;
- expressed hormonal fluctuations (gestation period, menopause);
- overweight;
- trauma to the upper limb;
- inflammatory processes in the joint bag.
If the loss of sensitivity of the right hand or fingers does not disappear for 20-30 minutes, you should definitely visit a doctor, or even call an ambulance. Long-term swelling can be caused by diseases of the vascular system:
- nonspecific aortoarteriitis;
- obliterating endarteritis;
- atherosclerosis or occlusion of brachycephalic arteries.
If numbness at night bothers you too often, you need to be examined. Therefore, the best solution in this situation is the consultation of a neurologist.
Numbness of the right hand during pregnancy
Pregnant women, especially in the second and third trimester, often complain of the transient loss of sensitivity of certain parts of the body, and in particular, the right arm.
Numbness of the right hand during pregnancy is most often due to pressure on the nerve endings of excess fluid accumulating in the tissues. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that pregnancy often causes swelling of the extremities. Numbness in swelling is characterized by an increase in nighttime and almost complete disappearance throughout the day.
In most cases, to solve the problem of swelling of the limb, special physical exercises should be carried out to increase blood circulation in the hands.
In principle, there are no special reasons for concern: the numbness of the hand does not affect the development of the future baby, nor during pregnancy. As a rule, after the birth of a child, all signs of a violation of sensitivity disappear without a trace.
However, in order to ease your condition, remember a few simple rules:
- nightwear should be free and not contain dense elastic bands, pulling hands;
- during the day, try to load less hands (especially if you are knitting on knits or like to sit for a long time at the computer);
- if you feel that the bristles are numb, raise your hands up, work with your fingers, move your shoulders energetically. You can just stretch your muscles well and fill them with energy;
- in the evening, ask someone from home to give you a massage of the hands and shoulder girdle: this will restore normal blood flow in the limbs and will serve as a good prevention of leakage.
If the numbness does not pass for several minutes, during the next visit to the doctor, tell him about the problem. Perhaps additional diagnosis of the disease will be required.
Treatment of numbness in the right arm
Before proceeding to treat the numbness of the right hand, the doctor must identify the cause of this condition. After all, treatment should not leak, but the pathology, which provoked a loss of sensitivity.
The doctor will conduct the examination and prescribe the treatment. You may need the help of a vertebrologist, an orthopedist and a massage therapist.
If numbness is associated with endocrine diseases, for example, with diabetes, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist regarding the correction of the amount of glucose in the blood, and also take a course of prevention with vitamin preparations (in particular, vitamins of group B). In addition, it may be necessary to take medications that improve blood circulation in the limbs.
If leakage is associated with anemia and hypovitaminosis, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with anti-anemic drugs and vitamin complexes. It is recommended to practice therapeutic gymnastics and physiotherapy.
Treatment of numbness of the fingers of the right hand can not bring the expected result, if you do not follow the generally accepted rules concerning a healthy lifestyle. Food should be healthy, balanced, with a minimum amount of chemical and coloring substances. It is necessary to refuse from the use of alcoholic beverages, from cigarettes, to limit the use of coffee. It is necessary to forget about strict diets, to switch to a full-fledged diet. The organism needs meat products, vegetables and fruits of red color, sea fish, greens, vegetable oil.
It is necessary to watch, that in a cold time of a hand did not freeze. Dressing follows the weather.
If the flow of the right hand is associated with the displacement of the vertebrae in the cervical region, the doctor can prescribe means that improve metabolic processes in bone tissue, as well as massage, reflexology, exercise therapy.
Treatment of numbness can consist of sessions of physiotherapy: UHF, phonophoresis, diadynamic currents.
If loss of sensitivity is associated with joint disease, it is possible to administer nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets or ointments. These drugs include Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen.
You can treat the flowing of the right hand with alternative methods.
- Boil wheat porridge, put in a polyethylene bag and apply in a hot kind to the affected area, wrapped on top with a woolen shawl. The procedure should be carried out once a day for a week.
- Dilute 0.5 liters of warm water 1 teaspoon (with a slide) of sea or rock salt, 20-30 ml of 10% ammonia, 5 ml of camphor alcohol. The solution must be rubbed into the affected area of the limb - fingers, brushes.
- The easiest way to eliminate the symptoms of pain and numbness in the limbs: tie your wrists with a red woolen thread.
- Chopped dry raw rosemary (1 part) mixed with three parts of apple cider vinegar. Insist for about a week, drain. Rub the numb part of the hand three times a day.
- You can just soar your hands in hot water. It is useful to add a little soda or salt to the water.
- Eat lemon mixture with garlic: it will strengthen blood circulation and will disperse blood in the extremities. Contraindication to the use of this method: peptic ulcer and a tendency to gastritis.
- Drink enough water: it will clean the blood vessels, make the blood more fluid and facilitate its movement through the vessels.
Treatment by alternative means is better spent under the control of the doctor.
Prevention of numbness in the right arm
In order to prevent diseases of the cervical spine and to enhance blood circulation in the right limb, you can use specially designed physical exercises. Such exercises will eliminate leakage, headaches, restore the motor ability of the limb.
- We sit down on a chair. With your hands, we take hold of the shoulders and move the shoulder joints in a circle forward and backward. Repeat 10-15 times.
- We cross the fingers of the right and left hands, we bring them to the back of the head. The elbows are held directly on one level. Alternately reduce and dilute elbow joints, up to 15 times.
- We assume an upright position, we place our feet on the width of the shoulders, hands on the hips. Turn the body to the right and left side 10 times.
- We raise our hands up on inhalation, slowly lowering - on exhalation. We rest.
- Hands - on the hips, legs - at the width of the shoulders. Turn the head to the right and left side, then tilt to the shoulders, 10 times.
- Rotate the head clockwise, then against. Exercise is best done sitting, watching for well-being.
- We walk on the spot, raising our hips and hands high.
- We raise our hands up, we spread them to the sides, again up and down. Repeat 10 times.
The duration of the gym is about 15 minutes. If possible, repeat the exercises up to 3 times a day.
Such simple exercises will not only eliminate the numbness of the right hand, but also serve as a good prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, and also have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.