Pain in the right testicle
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the right testicle can disturb males in both mature and adolescent age. Pain in this case varies from aching and pulling to unbearably strong. Even if the cause of the pain does not pose a serious danger to the man, any pain in the testicles adversely affects the neuro-emotional state, causing fear and panic, accompanied by a general feeling of weakness, increased sweating, nausea or vomiting.
Causes of pain in the right testicle
Causes of pain in the right testicle can be the following:
- Orchit. In this disease, in the testicles, an inflammatory process occurs, which is, as a rule, a complication of such pathologies as parotitis, influenza, and gonorrhea. Injuries to the testicles, physical overvoltages, a decrease in the protective functions of the body, and long-term hypothermia can also affect the development of inflammation. The acute stage of the disease lasts from two to four weeks. In chronic orchitis, symptoms persist for more than one month.
- Epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymis. The causes of the disease include the penetration of infection from the urinary canal, as well as such diseases as urethritis, prostatitis, parotitis, and tuberculosis.
- Trauma to the testicle. Get a closed injury of the testicles can be when falling, hitting, and also when riding a bicycle. The pain is accompanied by swelling of the scrotum and a change in its color to bluish-red. With light injuries, the hematoma usually disappears after two to three weeks. With significant and severe injuries, a testicle can move into the inguinal canal, under the skin of the abdomen, etc.
- Tilt the testicles. This pathology leads to disruption of the blood supply to the testicle and reduction in its size if the victim is not treated for approximately six hours. Torsion of the testicle is relatively rare and occurs if nearby tissues are poorly attached to the scrotum.
- An inguinal hernia can also cause the irradiation of pain in the right testicle.
- Varicocele - vein swelling in the spermatic cord. It should be noted that the disease rarely affects the right side, but this possibility exists.
- Hydrocele - dropsy testicle. Between the membranes of the testis accumulates serous fluid mass, which leads to its increase. Dropsy on touch feels like a compacted elastic formation. If it has a large diameter, it can cause discomfort during intercourse and emptying the bladder.
- Spermatocele - cystic formation in the scrotum. The seminal cyst has a connection with the testicle and its appendage. Large sized cystic formations can cause discomfort during walking and when moving, as well as during sexual contact due to their overcrowding with seminal fluid. If the cyst grows quickly, a feeling of squeezing in the scrotum may appear, as well as discomfort when sitting.
Symptoms of pain in the right testicle
Related symptoms for pain in the right testicle:
- Discomfort when touching one or both testicles.
- Enlarged testicle.
- Changes in the structure and shape of the testicle.
- Pain in the scrotum.
- Nausea or vomiting, temperature reaction of the body.
- The formation of a bulge on the testicle.
Drawing pain in right testicle
Pulling pain in the right testicle is a pretty serious sign that requires a mandatory visit to the doctor. Particularly alarming in the event of a pulling pain in the testicle are symptoms such as fever, nausea, and increased pain on palpation of the testicles. A pulling pain in the right testicle can disturb with hernia of the inguinal region, with testicular torsion, as well as with such diseases as prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis, ureaplasmosis. To differentiate the symptoms, a comprehensive examination is necessary. Often, pain in the right testicle provokes minor injuries received repeatedly, for example, when playing sports or riding a bicycle. A pulling pain in the right testicle can also occur with prolonged sexual abstinence.
Aching pain in right testicle
The aching pain in the right testicle feels quite similar to the pulling pains and in most cases provokes them the same factors. Quite often, discomfort and pain are caused by injury to the scrotum, which in turn can lead to the formation of dropsy. The cause of aching pain may be epididymitis, accompanied by the development of the inflammatory process in the epididymis. Most often such a disorder occurs under the influence of bacterial infections. Torsion of testicles can cause nagging pain. The exact causes of this phenomenon are not fully investigated. Painful sensations of a whining character can also occur with testicular inflammation. The development of chronic prostatitis, as well as prolonged abstinence from sexual intercourse, can provoke nagging pain in the testicles.
Severe pain in the right testicle
Severe pain in the right testicle can occur with a disorder such as testicular twisting. In this case, the emergency care of a physician is required, because dysfunction of the testicle may occur due to circulatory disorders due to twisting. Severe pain in the right testicle is characteristic of a disease like epididymitis. Concomitant symptoms may be urinary problems and a rise in body temperature. It should be noted that severe pain that occurs during the development of the inflammatory process in the testicles, can give to the groin, lumbar region, buttocks, spread to the inner surface of the thighs.
Sharp pain in the right testicle
A sharp pain in the right testicle can occur with injury to the scrotum, with testicular torsion, infectious and inflammatory diseases affecting the organs of the genitourinary system. When injuring the groin, a sharp pain in the right testicle can be so intense that it can lead to shock and loss of consciousness. The patient in this case requires emergency medical care. Inflammatory diseases that cause severe pain in the right testicle require prompt and immediate treatment from an experienced specialist.
Who to contact?
How to recognize pain in the right testicle?
Diagnosis of pain in the right testicle is palpation of the scrotum, rectal examination, blood tests and urine. If necessary, a secretory study of the prostate gland is carried out, a microscopic analysis of poppy from the urethra, a polydimensional chain reaction is studied, and a buckling is prescribed. When diagnosing pain in the right testicle, semen analysis and feces analysis can be prescribed. A necessary procedure for diagnosing pain in the right testicle is an ultrasound. In most cases, using ultrasound it is possible to establish the causes of chronic pain in the right testicle. If a cyst is suspected, a diaphanoscopy is performed - a ray of light is seen through the tissues.
What if the right testicle hurts?
Treatment of pain in the right testicle in acute orchitis is usually conservative. The patient is prescribed rest, bed rest, the position of the testicle should be raised, this can be done using a special bag for the scrotum, within two to three days local treatment with cold is possible. If bacteria and leukocytes are present in the urine, antiseptics (Furagin, Biseptol) and antibacterial agents are prescribed to the patient. If the pathogen is not identified, use a wide spectrum antibiotics of the group of cephalosporins, aminoglycosides. Four to five days after the temperature subsides and the acute symptoms diminish, it is possible to apply warming compresses, do electrophoresis, and perform UHF procedures that can improve microcirculation at the site of the magnetic field. As a result, healing is faster, the inflammatory process is reduced, and the intensity of the pain syndrome is reduced. In severe cases, the patient may be prescribed surgery. If the disease occurs in a chronic form, for the treatment is used mainly methods of physiotherapy, carry out UV irradiation, make applications with paraffin. With frequent exacerbations, surgical intervention is indicated. With timely and proper treatment of acute orchitis, the outcome of the disease is usually favorable. With chronic inflammation, especially with the defeat of both sides, there is a negative effect of non-reproductive function.
How to prevent pain in the right testicle?
Prevention of pain in the right testicle is the timely treatment of chronic inflammation of the urogenital system, primarily such as urethritis and prostatitis. If an inflammation of the epididymis is suspected, as well as injuries to the inguinal area, an urologist should be consulted without delay.