Pain in the hypochondrium
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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If you have pain in the hypochondrium, do not delay the visit to the doctor. It is difficult even for a specialist to find out the cause of uncomfortable sensations. In the zone of the hypochondrium, the thoracic and abdominal cavities are separated by a powerful muscle - the diaphragm. On top of the diaphragm are the heart and lungs, and from below - the liver, kidneys, spleen, stomach, pancreas and gallbladder. The dome-shaped diaphragm on the sides is protected by ribs. Esophagus, blood vessels, nerve trunks communicate with the lower parts of the body, passing through the holes in the diaphragm.
Any change, trauma, spasms in the internal organs of the sternum or abdominal region causes painful sensations on the left or right.
What causes pain in the hypochondrium?
Dysfunctions, injuries of organs located above or below the diaphragm are frequent causes of pain in the hypochondrium. Contusion, spasm, infringement of the intercostal muscle, peritoneal inflammatory processes or adhesions in the peritoneum are also the culprits of pains of different etiology.
The most common causes of pain on the left are:
- pancreatitis;
- heart disease;
- diseases of the lungs and pleura (tuberculosis, pleurisy, pneumonia, oncology, etc.);
- disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
- spleen injury (overgrowth of the capsule, an increase in size);
- intercostal neuralgia;
- inflammatory processes in muscles (myositis);
- injuries of soft tissues or ribs.
Frequent causes of painful sensations under the ribs on the right:
- diseases of the lungs and pleura;
- myositis, trauma, neuralgia;
- problems with the liver, biliary tract;
- hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis;
- helminthic invasions.
Regardless of which side of the pain is found, the cause of its appearance is often hidden in the pathology of the nearby organ. The factors that cause pain include emotional disorders, banal overeating and previous diseases, which have complicated internal organs (for example, the flu).
Symptoms of pain in the hypochondrium
Pain arises from the impact of damaging factors as a protective reaction. The goal of the painful sensations is the warning function about disruptions in the work of the organism, about developing diseases. Nascent in the pain receptors, the pain is transmitted through the nerves to the spinal cord and brain. Pain is inherently multifaceted and diverse, therefore their manifestations have a different degree of soreness, duration and localization.
By the nature of manifestation, the symptoms of pain in the hypochondrium can be acute, aching, blunt, shooting, stitching, burning, etc. The appearance of acute pain syndrome on the right most often indicates an inflammatory process or a trauma of the liver, gall bladder. Paroxysmal, severe pain on the right is a common symptom of cholelithiasis, lung diseases, renal colic or urolithiasis.
Severe pain on the left is associated with inflammatory processes in the pancreas (pancreatitis), stomach or spleen.
Aching symptoms indicate hepatitis and cholecystitis of the chronic stage, while it is important to exclude - cirrhosis, liver tumor, kidney dysfunction.
Post-traumatic pain symptoms from either side are observed with bruises, injuries of internal organs, fractures of the ribs.
Pain in the hypochondrium behind
Appeared pain in the hypochondrium from behind can talk about violations of the kidneys. The diagnosis is confirmed on the basis of tests.
Local soreness in the hypochondrium on the right indicates acute cholecystitis. Pain can be given to the zone of the right scapula, shoulder, thorax, in the heart area. The disease occurs with characteristic symptoms - nausea, yellowish color of the skin, vomiting, febrile condition.
An attack of pancreatitis can be accompanied by pain surrounding the chest, the heart zone, the left shoulder blade and the foreleg.
On the part of the respiratory system, pain comes from behind when:
- Pleural - cutting pain on the left or on the right side of the thorax;
- pneumothorax - the pain in the sternum accompanies the soreness of the scapula;
- pneumonia - different pains of various manifestations (from moderate to strong);
- lung cancer, bronchi - pain syndrome can cover the chest and shoulder.
With dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, pain in the neck, back, and shoulder is noted. Angina, for example, causes pain between the shoulder blades. Aneurysm of the aorta is associated with burning, shooting unpleasant sensations in the back and left shoulder.
Pain in hypochondrium during inspiration
The intensification of pain during breathing, coughing is associated primarily with the pleura, the heart region. Localization of dull or acute pain is detected on the right or on the left.
Exacerbation of cholecystitis is accompanied by inflammatory symptoms - chills, intoxication, neutrophilic leukocytosis. Acute pain on the right side increases with inhalation.
The state of renal colic is characterized by severe pain in the hypochondrium when inhaled on the right side, giving to the right shoulder and shoulder blade.
Disorders of the respiratory organs cause severe pain during breathing, movement of the trunk, coughing.
Intercostal neuralgia is described by acute, sweeping pain, which increases when an inspiration is performed.
Stiffness of movement in the chest, soreness, superficial breathing are possible due to functional disorders of the rib cage, pleural tumors, pericarditis.
Reduction of the inter pleural ligament as a result of the inflammatory process is accompanied by a constant cough, stitching pain during inspiration, running and other physical activity.
Sharp pain in the hypochondrium
Acute pancreatic disease (pancreatitis) begins with shingles. The attack is characterized by a sharp pain in the hypochondrium to the left. Provocators of painful symptoms can serve - alcohol, fatty foods, excessive consumption of food.
Suddenly, a sharp, cramping pain accompanies intestinal colic. May occur along with chills and weakness. Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) often manifests itself as a dull and aching pain under the right rib. The aggravation of the condition is observed after eating fatty foods, shaking in transport. Often there is a sharp, contracting pain. Concomitant symptoms - bitterness in the mouth, vomiting of bile, increased temperature.
The appearance of sharp pain on the right may be associated with hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver. A cutting, burning sensation under the right rib happens with gallbladder disease, when the stone moves along the bile ducts.
Pain in the hypochondrium during movement
Urolithiasis is accompanied by constant or recurring pains under the rib on the right, increasing during movement, traveling in transport and using a large volume of fluid. The process of moving the stone through the urinary tract occurs with extreme pain, in which a person can not find a place in any position.
Aching, dull, prolonged pain in the hypochondrium when moving to the right, radiating to the shoulder and scapula to the right, are symptoms of liver disease. The pain syndrome increases even with a change in the position of the body, which is associated with a rapid increase in the liver.
Disturbance of motility of the bile excretory system and, as a consequence, spastic contraction of the gallbladder can be caused by physical or psycho-emotional overstrain. Increased pain is observed with palpation, body movement.
Pain in the hypochondrium with coughing
Pain in the hypochondrium during coughing, possible causes:
- inflammatory process in the membrane, which is lined with the sternum from the inside, as a result of pneumonia - a decrease in respiratory mobility is observed; •
- violation of the functions of the framework of the ribs, pleural tumor - is accompanied by stiffness of movements;
- dry pericarditis - minimal or acute soreness;
- restriction of caudal displacement, a decrease in the inter pleural ligament - a stabbing pain sensation;
- development of intercostal neuralgia - shooting pain;
- renal colic - manifested by pain on the right, under the spoon, spreads over the entire abdomen;
- fracture of the rib - characterized by sharp soreness;
- inflammation of the trachea (tracheitis), as a consequence of the flu, ARVI - "scratching" sensation behind the sternum;
- Lung cancer is characterized by a variety of pains (acute, moderate, shingles, stitching, etc.);
- pneumothorax (air in the pleural cavity) - often occurs with an intolerable pain syndrome, it happens without pain.
Pain in the hypochondrium from the back
Acute pancreatitis occurs with nausea, vomiting, severe sweating. The attack of pancreatitis characterizes the pain in the hypochondrium from the back, increasing in the prone position. The long-awaited relief brings a sitting position with the body tilted forward.
The cause of pain syndrome in the zone of the right shoulder and shoulder blade can become diseases of the liver, bile ducts. The painful focus is on the right under the rib and is characterized by a different intensity.
A patient with urolithiasis describes a dull pain under the right rib from the back.
Painful sensations on the right are inherent in intercostal neuralgia; they can be weakly or acutely characterized.
Complaints of pain from the back arise also in the pathology of the kidneys, peptic ulcer 12p intestine. As a rule, the ulcer will show itself pain on the right, kidney diseases can have local soreness and tenderness.
Drawing pain in the hypochondrium
Abnormal diet, excessive physical activity can cause pulling pain in the hypochondrium on the right. If in the process of fast walking, running you have such feelings, this may indicate the presence of stagnant phenomena of the biliary tract. An attack of aching pain with a spasm response, a burning sensation from the intestine will be a confirmation of this diagnosis. Relief occurs after defecation with a loose stool.
Ulcer disease 12p intestine is often accompanied by a drawing pain and bitterness in the mouth. Chronic liver problems are distinguished by a pulling or dull aching pain on the right. Drawing pains also occur as a result of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver tumor.
The dull, pulling pain on the left may be indicative of an increase in the spleen with infectious lesions. The process is accompanied by fever, sore throat, enlarged lymph nodes. This is an acute infectious mononucleosis, which poses a threat of rupture of the spleen with little load, bruise or slight trauma.
Pain in the hypochondrium right
Violation of work, injury to the liver, gall bladder, parts of the diaphragm and intestines cause pain in the hypochondrium right and upper abdomen. Soreness is different in character and intensity of manifestation.
Causes of pain under the ribs on the right:
- liver disease - viral (types - A, B, C), alcoholic or toxic hepatitis;
- problems of the gallbladder (infection, liver dysfunction);
- inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis);
- pathology of the kidneys - abscess, abscess, stones;
- inflammatory process in the appendix (located under the liver);
- right-sided pneumonia;
- an ulcer of the 12th gut;
- defeat of organs with cancer;
- an attack of cholecystitis;
- hepatic colic.
Pain in the hypochondrium to the left
Soreness on the left is observed with problems with the stomach, spleen, pancreas, part of the intestine and diaphragm.
Stomach ulcer and 12p intestine are characterized by cyclic pain in the hypochondrium on the left. Exacerbations appear in the spring or autumn, the pain occurs more often at night. Diseases find themselves with symptoms such as: heartburn, constipation, flatulence.
Gastritis of reduced acidity responds with pain under the rib on the left immediately or after some time after a meal. Relief occurs when vomiting. Disease is typical of a decrease in appetite, diarrhea, sour or bitter eructation (less often with taste of consumed food).
The enlargement of the spleen is fraught with pain under the rib on the left side.
The stomach cancer shows itself pains under the left rib only in the started stage, as a rule, the beginning of the disease does not reveal itself in any way. To suspect oncology secondary signs help:
- decreased body weight;
- changes in food addiction (aversion to meat, readability);
- jaundiced complexion indicates signs of anemia, early intoxication;
- decreased ability to work, chronic weakness;
- changes in the psycho-emotional background (depression, loss of interest in life).
Pain in both hypochondria
Most acute or chronic diseases of the peritoneal organs, trauma, postoperative conditions cause pain in both hypochondria. Pain in front, local or shingles occurs when the following problems occur:
- stomach ulcer, 12p intestine - pain is like a dagger blow;
- exacerbation of pancreatitis - a sudden girdling pain syndrome;
- subdiaphragmatic abscess - sharp soreness in front;
- Gastralgic form of myocardial infarction - manifests itself with rather severe pain;
- Kidney colic - paroxysmal pain behind the ribs;
- retroperitoneal hematoma - manifested by pain from the back, intensity depends on the amount of accumulated blood;
- gastritis of increased or normal acidity - pains occur on an empty stomach;
- chronic pancreatitis - girdle pain that spreads on both scapulas, is detected after eating (more often oily, sweet);
- pancreatic cancer - the symptomatology is similar to chronic pancreatitis, but without binding to food intake;
- pulmonary pathologies - intensive with strengthening during coughing, breathing;
- kidney diseases;
- vegetative-vascular dystonia - acute or dull, shrouding pain.
Acute pain in the hypochondrium
By the nature of the manifestation of pain, one can understand which body requires a special examination. For example, acute pain in the hypochondrium on the right accompanied by bloody diarrhea, tachycardia, hyperthermia, manifests itself as a result of portal vein thrombosis.
Acute soreness, localized to the left with hyperthermia, tachycardia and enlarged spleen, is a sign of thrombosis of the splenic vein.
Sharp and severe pain accompanies perforation (through hole) of the hollow organ of the peritoneum. Sharp, cutting pain is observed with perforation of the stomach, gallbladder and 12p intestine.
Acute pain syndrome is accompanied by a stomach turn, peptic ulcer, many chronic diseases. They occur in the presence of other symptoms: nausea, vomiting, chills, increased sweating, stools, bloating, etc.
In case of acute soreness, immediately consult a specialist if the following symptoms are observed: •
- rectal bleeding;
- vomiting with blood or contents similar to coffee mash;
- dizziness, increased heart rate;
- skin to the touch becomes sticky and cold.
Diagnosis of pain in the hypochondrium
To identify the causes is the diagnosis of pain in the hypochondrium, which is carried out in stages:
- collection of information about the disease on the basis of complaints, described patient conditions, characteristics of pain;
- palpation of the abdomen, rib area;
- electrocardiography (ECG) for the exclusion of ischemic disease;
- application of ultrasound (ultrasound) of the kidneys, abdominal organs;
- analyzes of urine, blood for a more accurate diagnosis.
The above mentioned methods in most situations are sufficient for an accurate medical conclusion. In some cases, additional tests are needed:
- X-ray diagnostics of the peritoneum, lungs;
- endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract;
- radiocontrast diagnosis.
The expediency of applying this or that kind of examination falls on the shoulders of an experienced doctor. Only on the basis of carefully studied history, physical, instrumental, laboratory research can you put the correct diagnosis and apply adequate treatment.
Treatment of pain in the hypochondrium
To get rid of pain under the ribs, one should not take painkillers and apply a heating pad, which can aggravate the pathological process. You can use ice to place the pain.
On the basis of the analysis of the symptoms of pain syndrome, studies, the treatment of pain in the hypochondrium is prescribed by a doctor. In case of pain, it is best to consult a specialist. Self-lowering the temperature, reducing pain with medications leads to difficulties in establishing the correct diagnosis.
Acute, paroxysmal pain is especially dangerous. For example, an increase in the spleen can lead to its rupture, so to avoid a fatal outcome, immediately seek emergency medical help.
How to prevent pain in the hypochondrium?
Prevention of pain in the hypochondrium:
- moderate physical activity;
- correct nutrition, rich in essential vitamins, micro- and macro elements;
- full rest, observance of the regime of the day;
- walking in the fresh air, going to nature;
- balance of mental and emotional state;
- coping with stress;
- good mood;
- it is useful to spend one or two days off a week (for example, on juices, herbal decoctions, fermented milk products);
- timely access to a specialist of a narrow profile;
- restriction or total refusal of alcohol consumption;
- do not engage in self-medication in any disease with the use of medications that can have a negative effect on the liver and other internal organs;
- compliance with all medical prescriptions.
Pain in the hypochondrium is the first signal of internal disturbances. It is very important to note all the nuances of its appearance, nature, intensity, which will help diagnose the disease specialist.