Pain in groin on the right
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Pain in the groin on the right often arises from the hernia. In most cases, this pathology requires surgical intervention. It is more common in males, which is explained by a lesser strength of the groin muscles than in women. The main risk group consists of people suffering from chronic constipation and obesity, as well as heavy smokers - a provoking factor in this case is a fairly strong cough that arises from a bad habit.
The main symptoms: on the right side of the groin, swelling, protrusion, pain syndrome (pain intensity can range from moderate to very severe). If there is an infringement of inguinal hernia, urgent surgery is necessary. The patient may experience severe nausea, vomiting, spotting in the feces also occurs.
In order to prevent the occurrence of inguinal hernia it is recommended to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall, to fully eat, to get rid of nicotine addiction. Muscle relaxation can be triggered by lifting weights, as well as the onset of pregnancy. Pregnant women are recommended to wear a special bandage that supports the abdominal muscles.
What else can cause pain in the groin on the right?
Pain in the groin on the right may appear as a result of various infectious diseases in the pelvic region, such as, for example, inflammation of the uterine appendages, inflammation of the rectum,
Renal colic - acute and sharp pain, irradiating in the lower back, hips, genitals. Pain in the groin to the right can be caused by attacks of renal colic. To this disease, in turn, can lead to metabolic disorders, kidney disease, urinary tract. In severe cases, renal colic is accompanied by rapid heart rate, temperature, vomiting. And the very nature of the pain is very sharp and unbearable. If renal colic occurs for the immediate removal of pain, spasmolytics are used, the patient needs urgent medical attention.
Inflammation of the lymph nodes on the right side of the inguinal region is often accompanied by pain in the groin. Such inflammation can occur as a result of urogenital infections.
Injury of the inguinal region is accompanied by such consequences as muscle weakening, puffiness, pain syndrome. Most often, such injuries occur among athletes. During the injury you often hear a crunch. In case of groin injuries, a complete refusal of physical exertion is necessary. If you ignore the emerging symptoms, the ailment can take a chronic form - the pain will become permanent.
Osteochondrosis of the spine (in particular, the lumbar spine) is a fairly common disease that affects both men and women equally. In the event that the spinal disc puts pressure on the nerve leading to the inguinal region, it is quite possible that pain occurs in the groin on the right.
Gynecological or urological diseases quite often provoke pain in the groin on the right side.
Women during menstruation often have complaints of pain in the groin on the right side. Here, most likely, it is a question of such a violation as algodismenorea. Severe pain can be accompanied by irritability, nausea, vomiting, a significant deterioration in overall well-being. Factors such as stress, lack of sleep, excessive consumption of caffeine and nicotine have a negative impact on the nature of the disease. To improve the condition, balanced nutrition is recommended, a healthy sleep, the use of vitamins, moderate therapeutic exercises to increase the elasticity of muscles. Complex treatment depending on the characteristics of the body for each woman is appointed individually by the treating doctor.
Pain in the groin on the right may be associated with a disease such as osteoarthritis, in which the joint cartilage is afflicted. Coxarthrosis, for example, is associated with deformation of the hip joints. Depending on the stage of coxarthrosis, pain can be accompanied by the following symptoms: irradiation to the thigh, to the groin, at a later stage - limited movement. The treatment of this disease is aimed at neutralizing the pain syndrome, improving the functions of the musculoskeletal system.
Pain in the groin on the right can be a sign of appendicitis, it increases with walking, lying down on the left side, can be given into the rectum, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever. With such symptoms, you must urgently call an ambulance
An aneurysm of the femoral artery can also cause pain in the groin on the right. The development of an aneurysm may be preceded by high blood pressure, obesity, abuse of nicotine, and genetic predisposition. The risk of developing the disease increases with age.
Pain in the groin on the right, depending on the nature of the accompanying symptoms, can be due to a variety of reasons. Differentiate the emerging symptoms and put the correct diagnosis can only a qualified doctor - gynecologist, urologist or surgeon.