Pain in left groin
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The pain in the groin on the left very often signals about all sorts of infections of the genitourinary system. As accompanying symptoms, painful urination may occur, pain spreads to the waist region. If there are no uncomfortable and painful sensations in the area of the lymph nodes, but there is a swelling, this most likely indicates the presence of a latent infection.
Diseases that cause pain in the groin on the left
Inguinal hernia is an important reason that provokes pain in the groin. This pathology has a connection with defects in the abdominal wall and groin area - the internal organs bulge outward due to increased intra-abdominal pressure. In males is more common than in females, due to less strength of the muscles of the groin. Inguinal hernia is a very serious and dangerous disease requiring surgical care.
If there is an infringement, protrusion of the hernia becomes excessively painful, vomiting, bloody discharge in the feces may occur - emergency surgery is required.
Pain in the groin to the left is a frequent companion of gynecological diseases, for example, inflammation of the appendages, perianth inflammation, and the like. In males - a sign of pathologies in the field of urology.
Injury of the groin, arising from the stretching, rupture of muscles, provoke pain in the groin area. In such cases, categorically prohibited sharp movements, it is recommended to completely abandon the overload. A cold compress can be applied to the injured area. If the treatment of the resulting injury is not given due attention, later in the muscles may occur seizures.
Pain sensations in the left part of the groin can provoke kidney disease.
As you know, osteochondrosis is a rather insidious disease that can irradiate into many parts of the body. Pain in the groin on the left may be due to osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine.
If the pain gives in the foot, there may be inflammation of the lymph nodes, worsening of the cardiovascular system.
Pain giving to the surface of the thigh can signal the presence of a disease such as coxarthrosis. Pain syndrome can often cover the buttocks, knees. If you take a motionless posture, most often the pain subsides.
Often, pain in the groin to the left occurs in women in the premenstrual period, as well as during menstruation. Algodismenorea is a symptom complex, often accompanied by excessive nervous excitability, nausea, intense pain in the lower abdomen, a significant deterioration in well-being. This pathological process is most often observed among nulliparous women of young age. For pain relief, analgesics are used, treatment is prescribed after the gynecologist clarifies the reasons that caused the disorder.
The pain in the left part of the inguinal area can occur as a result of irritable bowel syndrome. To the development of signs of this disease can lead to various stressful situations, frequent disturbances, psycho-emotional overstrain. As a complex therapy, general restorative treatment can be prescribed.
Pain in the groin on the left may be a symptom of a defect in the aponeurosis. The reason for this is frequent, excessive physical activity. Defect aponeurosis is removed surgically, after which the pain disappears.
Who should I contact if you have pain in the groin on the left?
Pain in the groin on the left may indicate the presence of a variety of pathologies. Timely and qualified diagnosis - urologist, gynecologist, surgeon - is the key to successful neutralization of pain syndrome and the causes of the disease.